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    1、能分清大小写及正确的使用句号。3.能运用所学知识向朋友咨询情况,介绍自己和家人的职业。二、教材地位作用(用知识结构图说明) 模块2以My family为话题,以完成“提供和询问别人的信息”的任 务为目标,通过这个个单元的学与练,旨在让学生通过这一学习与 体验的过程,能够就自己与别人的职业进行提问与回答,能够介绍父 母的工作单位与职业,培养学生用英语进行社交活动的最基本能力。三、学情调查分析(学生对预备知识的掌握了解情况,学生在新课的学习方法的掌握情况,如何设计预习) 自主学习:1、结合单词表,在课文中找出新单词,并注上音标。会拼读、会写。(先独自完成,然后由小组长检查) Photograph=

    2、_this_(pl.) that_(pl.) they_/_/_(s)woman_(pl.) 在左边,在左侧_在右边,在右侧_ 在旁边,紧挨着_在的前面_ 2、背诵并默写part3.合作探究:1.会用this,that,these,those介绍人物。2.用所学句型描述自己的家庭(最少五句) 四、教学目标确定(从学段课程标准中找到要求,并具体化为本节课的具体要求,明晰(学生懂)、具体、可操作、可以依据练习测试题)重点及难点(说明本课题的重难点) 1.this , that , these , those 的用法。(重点) 2.人称代词和物主代词的理解与运用。(难点) 3.名词所有格。五、教学流

    3、程设计(用流程框架图说明,有环节字母表、学法说明) Lead in(看视频并回答问题)check preview(课前检测单词和短语)Look and say(学生看Tony的家庭成员照片,能够说出家庭成员的名字)Listen and answer(学生听录音并独立完成习题)Language points(学生通过小组合作探究重要语言点并在课堂上展示,然后由老师总结并补充)exercise(课堂检测)Sum-up(由学生总结本课所学内容)Homework(作业布置) 六、教学过程 Step I:Lead in T: Hello, everyone. Lets enjoy the video.

    4、Play the song of I love my family on the screen. Let the students watch them. After enjoying the video, ask them to answer some questions. What is the song about?S1: About family. What can you remember about the song?S2: mother, father, brother. Do you enjoy it?Ss: Yes, I do. Do you love your family

    5、? Yes or No? Yes. Then let the Ss look at some pictures about families. Do you have a happy family? Please show us your photo of your family?Step II: Check preview Ask some students to write words and phrases on the blackboard and correct them. Step III:Look and say Now look at the photo of Tonys fa

    6、mily. Lets know his family members, OK?Lead the students to say the members of family Step IV : Listen and answer Listen the text and choose the correct answer. Play the tape and have them read and follow. Ask the students to read through the conversation individually. Then choose the correct answer

    7、. Check the answers Step V: Language points 1.指示代词的用法:This,these,that,those成为指示代词,用来指示或标示人或事物,其中,this和that为单数,these和those为复数。另外,this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物,that和those用来指离自己较远的人或物。例如:This is my bike, and that is her bike. These are my books, and those are his books. 当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词指人时用he , she ,the

    8、y来代替,指物时用it和they来代替,如:Is this your book?Yes, it is. Are these your uncles? No, they arent 2.on the left在左边,on the right在右边,是表示方位的介词短语,不仅可以用来描述人物之间的位置关系,还可用来描述事物之间的位置关系。My bed is on the right ,and his is on the left. “in front of”,在(范围之外的)前面,“in the front of”在(范围之内的)前面,例如:My teacher is in front of th

    9、e classroom.(说明老师在教室的外面) My teacher is in the front of the classroom.(说明老师在教室的里面) Step VI : Exercise 1. Look at the photo of Tonys family, and complete the sentences. _ is a photo of Tonys family. His mothers parents are on the _, and his fathers parents are on the _.The woman _ his mum is Liz. The

    10、boy and girl _ _ _ Paul are Mike and Helen. Check the answers:(this, left , right , next to, in front of) 2. Look! Do you know _ man under the tree? Sorry, its too far to see_ clearly. A. this, himB. that, himC. this, her -Look! Whats _ in the sky?- It looks like a kite. A. thisB. thatC. those Step

    11、VII : Sum-up 1. New words: family, father, mother, daughter, son, left , right, woman 2.Is this your? Yes,指示代词的用法 Step VIII:Homework Writing: My Family 附件2:优化教学设计1.0模板 贺玉靖 七年级 务为目标,通过这个单元的学与练,旨在让学生通过这一学习与 1.2.人称代词和物主代词的理解与运用。Lead the students to say the members of family like this:This/ that is.Thes

    12、e/ those are. 1.Play the tape and have them read and follow. 2.Ask the students to read through the conversation individually. Then choose the correct answer. 3.Check the answers. 七、教学设计思路(简述转型中的突出问题、问题解决策略以及优化的思路) 本单元主要学习My family的话题,通过这个单元的学与练,主要是培养学生用英语进行社交活动的最基本能力。这也是一节听说课,所以我以一个有关family的视频进行导课,引起学生的兴趣并尽快进入话题,看完这后让学生回答问题,进行口语的热身训练。在听力这一块,通过设置题考察学生的听力能力。语言点方面,我主要是让学生通过小组合作探究来完成的,最后再有我来补充拓展。课堂检测主要是针对本节课学习的重点来设计的,通过课堂检测了解学生的掌握情况。在整个课堂中,我主要采用的小组积分制,并不时的给予口头表扬和鼓励。附件3:教学设计2.0模板 Loo


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