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    人教新目标版 七年级英语下册 全一册 Unit1Unit12 课时同步练习+单元语法专题练习 合集含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    人教新目标版 七年级英语下册 全一册 Unit1Unit12 课时同步练习+单元语法专题练习 合集含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、2.Does his sister want_ (join) the music club?3.Bill likes swimming very much; he wants to join the_ (swim) club.4.Jim often_ (play) soccer with his friends after school.5.What about_ (watch) TV at home?( )1. Hi, can I help you?_.A. Yes, please B. No, I cant C. Yes, I can D. You are welcome( )2. Can

    2、 he_ it in English?A. speak B. speaks C. say D. talk( )3. Are you good at_ basketball?A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play( )4. My father _ buy a new watch _ my birthday.A. want to; for B. wants; for C. wants to; with D. wants to; for( )5. My sister_ to join the music club.A. dont want B. dont wan

    3、ts C. doesnt want D. doesnt wants答案一、1. make2. musician3. write4. draw5. weekends二、1-5 ADCAC一、1. play 2. to join 3. swimming 4. plays 5.watching 二、1-5 AAADC 一、用适当的介词填空1. Tom wants to play games_ us.2. Alan is good _ writing.3. Can you help me_ English?4. She likes playing the piano_ the weekend.5. P

    4、lease call me_ 12325.( )1. Lisa wants to _ us her new pictures.A. show B. take C. draw D. teach( )2. Miss Read is good _ music. She can be good _ children in the music club.A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at( )3. What club do you want _?The _.I like sports very much.A. join; chess club

    5、B. to join; swimming clubC. to join; music club D. join; English( )4. Please _ me _ 8896-6558.A. call; at B. tell; at C. call; in D. tell; in( )5. What can you do, Li Tao?A. I like sports B. I want to join the music clubC. I am well D. I can do Chinese kung fu1、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1.Do you like t_ stories

    6、?2. What can you do for the school music f_?I can play the guitar.3.He is very b_ every day; he doesnt have any time to stay with his children at all.4.Can you s_ your family photos to me?5.I often play c_ with my grandfather on the weekend.二、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 他哥哥小提琴拉得好。His brother _ _ _ _.2. 我们的摇滚乐队需要懂音

    7、乐的人才。We _ _ _ our rock band.3. 我可以参加艺术节吗?Can I _ _ the Art Festival?4. Bill想参加什么俱乐部?_ club does Bill _ _ join?5. 我想了解美术方面的知识。I want _ _ _ art.6. 你们跟孩子们相处的好吗?_ you _ _ kids?7. 我会敲鼓而且我敲得好。I can play the _ and I can play _ _.一、1. with 2. at 3. with 4. on 5. at二、1-5 ACBAD一、1. telling 2. festival 3. busy

    8、 4.show 5. chess 二、1. plays the violin well 2. need/want musicians for 3. be in 4. What; want to 5. to learn about 6. Are; good with 7. drums; them well Unit 1 Can you play the guitar1、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.I want_ (join) the English club.2.Mike _ (speak) Chinese very well.3.My cousin Bob cant _(dance).4.

    9、Please come and show _(we) your photos.5.The_ (story) in the book are very interesting.( )1. Are you good _ kids?We need help _ my sons English.A.at;with B.for;with C.with;with D.with;at( )2. We want some singers(歌手) _ our rock band.A.for B.of C.to D.with( )3. Tom helps his parents _ the housework.A

    10、with Bin Cat Don( )4. _ are you interested in pop music(流行音乐)?Because its relaxing.A.Who B.Why C.Where D.What( )5. Jacks sister doesnt want _ the sports club.She doesnt like sports.A.join B.joins C.joining D.to join( )6. Can you_ Chinese?No.But I can _ stories.A.speak;tell B.speak;talkC.say;tell D.t

    11、alk;say( )7. What can he do?_.A. He wants to be in our school art festivalB. He can sing and danceC. He likes football very muchD. He is an actor( )8. Susans brother can play the drums _ he cant play it _.A. and; good B. and; well C. but; good D. but; well( )9. _ can he do?He can_ Chinese kung fu.A.

    12、 How; play B. What; doC. Where; see D. What; make( )10. My sister can play _ violin, but she cant play _ soccer.A. the; the B./; the C. the;/ D. /; /三、按要求完成句子1. She can play the violin.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_she _ the violin?Yes, she_.2.His brother can play basketball.(就画线部分提问)_ _ his brother_?3. I like P.

    13、E. best at school. (改为同义句)My _ _at school is P.E.4.My brother also likes swimming.(改为同义句)My brother _ swimming, _.5.Peter likes music.(改为否定句)Peter _ _ music.4、补全对话Teacher: 1._?Lily, Lucy: We want to join the music club. 2._, Lucy?Lucy: I can sing. 3._, Lily?Lily: Yes, I can also play the piano, but

    14、I cant play it well. 4._, Lucy? Yes, I can. 5._? Sorry, I cant play it very well.A.Can you play it well?B.Can you sing?C.Can you play the piano?D.What can you do?E.What can I do for you?F.What club do you want to join?G.How are you?一、1.to join 2.speaks3.dance 4. us 5.stories二、1-5 CAABD6-10 ABDBC三、1.

    15、 Can; play; can 2.What can; do 3. favorite subject4. likes; too 5. doesnt like 四、1-5 FDBCAUnit 2 What time do you go to school?一、用括号中所给词的适当形式完成句子1.Alice often_ (go) to school with her friends.2.Cindy_ (do) her homework at school.3._Mike_(take) a shower in the evening or in themorning?4.What _ your m

    16、other often _(do)after dinner?5.What time _Jack_ (eat) lunch?6.Jim _ _ (not watch) TV on school days.7.Ann _(want) to join the music club.8.Tom _(like) eating ice-cream.9.She never_ (have) breakfast.10.My father _(work) at a hospital.( )1. My brother often _ English on the radio.A. hears B. listens

    17、C. listen to D. listens to( )2. Do you play computer games?No, I _ do. A. always B. never C. usually D. often( )3. Do you want to join me for dinner?A. Yes, Id love to B. No, Id love to C. Thats for sure D. Sorry, Id love( )4. My father _ his coat and goes to work.A. put on B. puts in C. puts on D.

    18、put in( )5.I go to bed _ ten oclock in the evening.A. at B. in C. for D. on一、单项填空( )1. He wants _ a shower.A.take B.takesC.to take D.taking( )2. Its six oclock in the morning. Its time _.A. get up B. for get up C. to get up D. of getting up( )3. We do _ every day.A.our homeworks B.our homeworkC.us h

    19、omework D.us homeworks( )4. Do you know _ his job is?He is a teacher. A. who B. when C. what D. where( )5. Our teacher told us _ carefully in class. A. listen B. to listen C. listened D. listens1.你每天几点睡觉?_ _do you go to bed every day?2. 他早上起床晚。He _ _ late in the morning.3.妈妈通常六点到家。My mother usually

    20、_ _ at six.4.下次上学不要迟到了。Dont be _ _ school next time.5.饭后去散步吧。Lets _ _ _ after dinner.一、1.goes 2.does 3. Does;take 4.does;do 5.does;eat6.doesnt watch 7. Wants 8. Likes 9.has 10.works二、1-5 DBACA一、1-5 CCBCB 二、1.What time 2. gets up 3. gets home 4. late for 5. take a walk 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. Are there _(旅

    21、馆) in that little town(镇)?2. She _(刷) her teeth every morning and evening.3. His father often works all _(夜).4. The boy does his _(家庭作业) after dinner.5. I _(通常) go to the guitar club with Jim and Tom. ( )1. My father often _ home at six oclock in the evening.A. go B. gets C. goes to D. gets to( )2.

    22、My brother often goes to _ school after _ breakfast.A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /;( )3. We usually do _ homework at home. A. we B. us C. me D. our ( )4. We couldnt connect Malaysia MH370 _ Mar 8th, 2014.A. on B. to C. at D. of( )5. Every year, _ people go to visit the factory.A. a hundred of

    23、B. hundred C. hundred of D.hundreds of2、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. My brother often _ (study) with me.2. My sister _ (not like) reading books.3. How _ (many) time does it take you to go to school?4. Miss Hong _ (teach) us English.5. Lets _ (sing) an English song.3、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 汤姆每天五点半起床。Tom gets up at _ _ _ every day.2. 上午七点四十五分开始上课。Classes begin at _ _ _ _ in the morning.3. 现在几点了?Whats _ _ now?4. 吉娜每天下午通常六点钟到家。Gina usually gets home at _ _ every afternoon.5. 我们下午有三节课。We have three classes _ _ _.一、1. hotels 2. brushes 3. ni


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