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    1、语言能力过关刷能力学年下学期七年级英语单元过关必刷题人教版刷能力关注阅读素养 深化理解力 必刷的不仅仅是题,还有渴望成功的心! 语言能力过关(刷能力)Unit 11 How was your school trip?一、完型填空A Three students went to London last weekend, and they visited many places. Did they enjoy their 1 ? Lets have a look at their diaries.“The train was so 2 .It only took us half an hour.

    2、I read many books about London. When I saw it with my eyes today, I felt so 3 ! I took many photos. And I also bought some nice gifts for my friends. I really had a great time in London.Gina”“I went to London with my friends Gina and Tony. It rained in the afternoon. The weather was cool. We visited

    3、 many places. The guide was very kind and funny. She told us many old stories about London. We 4 a lot about the history of London. All 5 all, it was a great trip.Emily”“It was sunny in the morning, but it 6 in the afternoon. so we didnt visit the Big Ben. We went to the Science Museum. It was reall

    4、y boring. Everything in the museum was about robots. I wasnt 7 in that. There were 8 people that I couldnt see or 9 the guide. I wanted to buy a model robot for my cousin in the gift shop, but it was too 10 , so I didnt buy it. I didnt have funTony”1Atrip Bfood Cguide Dride2Aslow Bslowly Cfast Dclea

    5、n3Ainteresting Bboring Cexcited Dexciting4Astudied Bwrote Ctaught Dlearned5Aat Bwith Cin Don6Arained Bsnowed Chot Dcold7Ainteresting Binterested Cexciting Dexcited8Anot any Bmuch too Ctoo large Dso many9Alisten Blisten to Cwatch Dhear10Acheap Bexpensive Cexcellent Ddelicious【答案】1-5ACCDC6-10ABDDB【解析】

    6、文章大意:文章主要描述了三个学生上周末去了伦敦,描述了他们的所见所闻。1句意:他们喜欢他们的旅行吗?trip旅行;food食物;guide导游;ride骑,根据前文的“Three students went to London last weekend”“上周末三个学生去了伦敦”可知,应该是旅行,故选A。2句意:火车是如此快。slow慢的,形容词;slowly慢地,副词;fast 快的;clean干净的,根据后文的“It only took us half an hour”“它只花费了半个小时”可知,应该是火车是如此快的,故选C。3句意:当我今天用眼睛看到它时,我感到很兴奋。interesti

    7、ng有趣的;boring无聊的;excited兴奋的,主语一般是人;exciting令人兴奋的,主语一般是物,根据前文的“When I saw it with my eyes today”“当我今天用眼睛看到它时”和后面的“I took many photos”“我拍了很多照片”可知,应该是兴奋的,主语I是人,故选C。4句意:我们对伦敦的历史了解很多。studied学习;wrote写;taught教;learned学习,根据前文的“She told us many old stories about London”“她给我们讲了许多关于伦敦的往事”以及固定搭配learn about意为“了解”

    8、,故选D。5句意:总之,它是一个很好的旅程。at在;with和;in在里;on在上,根据固定搭配all in all意为“总之”,故选C。6句意:早上阳光明媚,但下午下雨了。rained下雨;snowed下雪;hot热的;cold冷的,根据文章第三段第一行“It rained in the afternoon”“下午下雨了”,故选A。7句意:我对那个不感兴趣。interesting有趣的,主语一般是物;interested感兴趣的,主语一般是人;exciting令人兴奋的,主语一般是物;excited感到兴奋,主语一般是人,根据主语I是人,排除A和C,由固定搭配be interested in

    9、“对感兴趣”,排除D,故选B。8句意:人是如此太多以至于我看不见也听不见导游的声音。not any没有;much too太,后面接形容词;too large太大,形容人口时,表太多;so many如此多,根据所给空后面的“people that I couldnt see”“人以至于我看不见”可知,应该是人如此多,故选D。9句意:人是如此太多以至于我看不见也听不见导游的声音listen听,后面要接to;listen to听,听的过程;watch观看;hear听见,听的结果,根据前文的“There were so many people that I couldnt see”“人是如此太多以至于

    10、我看不见”可知,应该是听不见,由语境可知,应该指的是听的结果,故选D。10句意:我想在礼品店给我表弟买一个机器人模型,但太贵了。cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;excellent 出色的;delicious美味的,根据前文的“I wanted to buy a model robot for my cousin in the gift shop”“我想在礼品店给我表弟买一个机器人模型和后面的“so I didnt buy it”“所以我没有买它”可知,应该是太贵了,故选B。【点睛】做完型填空时,首先要通读课文,明白主旨大意,然后再做题。做完型时要记住“瞻前顾后想结果”这一原则,根据

    11、上下文以及语境做题,切忌主观臆断。另外,平时还要多多积累词汇。完型填空常考名词、动词、形容词和副词等辨析。做词义辨析题时,首先要确认四个选项的含义,然后分析语境和逻辑关系,确定答案。例如题目8中,首先确定四个选项含义,not any没有;much too太,后面接形容词;too large太大,形容人口时,表太多;so many如此多,根据所给空后面的“people that I couldnt see”“人以至于我看不见”可知,应该是人如此多,故选D。BDear Mary,How are you and your parents? Did you 11 a good time last we

    12、ekend?We had a day 12 from school this week. But I had a (n) 13 day. I got up early in the morning but the 14 was very bad. So I 15 to stay at home and help my mom do housework. Then I went to the Gift Shop and bought 16 gifts. After that, I read a boring book and watched the TV program(节目)The Voice

    13、 of China. After lunch, my parents wanted to go 17 a drive, so I went with them. However, that wasnt interesting, 18 . In the evening, my best friend 19 me to watch an interesting movie 20 sharks. But I found it wasnt interesting at all.Please write to me soon!Yours,Lily11Aenjoy Bspend Chave Dhad12A

    14、of Boff Caway Dfar13Aexciting Bhappy Cbad Dwonderful14Afood Bbreakfast Ccoat Dweather15Awanted Bmust Cliked Dhad16Alots of Bso much Ca lot Da little17Afor Bon Cin Dat18Atoo Balso Cneither Deither19Atold Bsaid Cmade Dlet20Awith Babout Cfor Din【答案】11-15CBCDD16-20AADAB【解析】短文是一封信件,主要介绍了作者的周末生活。11句意:你上周末

    15、玩得开心吗?enjoy喜欢,spend花费,度过;have有,动词原形;had有,过去式;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“玩的开心”,英语是固定短语have a good time,而空格前有did,所以这里动词应该用原形,故选C。12句意:这个星期我们放假一天。of的;off离开:away远离;far选的;根据句意理解及上句的last weekend可知,这里表达的是“休息”,英语用off,故选B。13句意:但我过得很糟糕。exciting激动的;happy高兴的;bad坏的;wonderful精彩的;根据句意理解及后句I got up early in the morning but th

    16、e _4_was very bad.以及后文中提到的I read a boring book和that wasnt interesting可知,这一天很糟糕,故选C。14句意:早晨我起得很早,但天气很糟糕。food食物;breakfast早餐;coat外套;weather天气;根据句意理解及句中的but及后句So I _5_to stay at home and help my mom do housework.可知,这里表达的是不好的方面,指的是“天气不好”,所以只能待在家。故选D。15句意:所以我不得不呆在家里帮妈妈做家务。wanted想要;must必须;liked喜欢;had有;根据句意

    17、理解可知,这里表达的是“不得不”,英语是have to,文章描述的是过去的事情,所以这里应该用过去时,故选D。16句意:然后我去礼品店买了很多礼物。lots of很多;so much如此多,修饰形容词;a lot很多;a little一点点,修饰不可数名词;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“很多礼物”,而gift是一个可数名词,所以这里排除B/ D选项,而a lot是一个副词,不能修饰名词,所以排除,故选A。17句意:午饭后,我父母想开车去兜风。for为了;on在上面;in在里面;at在某一时刻、地点;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“去兜风”,英语中表达“去从事一项活动”是一个固定的短语结构,英

    18、语是go for a ,所以这里要用介词for,故选A。18句意:这也不有趣。too也,用于肯定句末;also也,用于肯定句中;neither两者都不;either也,用于否定句末;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“也”,而句子是一个否定句,所以这里应该用either,故选D。19句意:晚上,我最好的朋友告诉我看一部关于鲨鱼有趣的电影。told告诉;said说;made做;let让;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“告诉某人做某事”,结构是tell sb to do sth,而其他的三个词没有这个结构,故选A。20句意:晚上,我最好的朋友告诉我看一部关于鲨鱼的有趣电影。with有;about关于;

    19、for为了;in在里面;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“关于”,英语是about,故选B。【点睛】完形填空首先应该略读全文,加以适当猜测,对全文的大意有所了解,然后再逐句击破。因为文章的关联性,很多用词前后关联,单从一句出发不易找到答案。可能选项中不只一个单词符合语法,但只有一个符合文章的意思。逐步填空,对照前后,切记填空时不要读一空填一空。要对照前后部分。尤其是一个句子中多个空时,更需要你将临近的一句或几句作为一个整体来选择。比如文中第三空But I had a (n)_3_ day.根据后句I got up early in the morning but the _4_was very

    20、bad.以及后文中提到的I read a boring book和that wasnt interesting可洗判断出这一天过得很糟糕。二、阅读单选AI am Dave. Some of my classmates are talking in the classroom.Jill: My grandparents live on a farm. I went there with my sister. We stayed for seven days. The weather was usually sunny, so most of the time I played outside w

    21、ith my sister. On the farm, I milked cows, fed chickens and rode horses. I had a lot of fun. I think my trip was great.Mark: I went to Shanghai with my parents. I wanted to visit some museums, but my parents wanted to go shopping. I didnt like going shopping. So I stayed in the hotel and watched TV

    22、all day. It was really a boring trip.Anna: I think the best place for a holiday is the beach (海滩). I went to Sanya with my brother last year. The sand there was white, and it looked very beautiful. We built (建造) a big house with it. We swam and enjoyed the sunshine. We ate many kinds of seafood. The

    23、y were delicious. The trip was great. I hope I can visit there again one day.21Jill stayed on her grandparents farm with her _.Abrother Bsister Cparents Dcousins22What did Jill do on the farm? rode horses took photos milked cows fed chickensA B C D23Why did Mark think his trip was boring?ABecause th

    24、e weather was very bad.BBecause he didnt buy things he liked.CBecause he couldnt visit the museums.DBecause the TV in the hotel didnt work.24What does the underlined word “sand” mean in Chinese?A沙子 B海水 C帆船 D滑板25Which of the following is TRUE?AAnna enjoyed her trip a lot.BJill, Mark and Anna are cous

    25、ins.CMark went on a trip with his brother.DJill stayed on the farm for two weeks.【答案】BBCAA【解析】本文是几个同学分别介绍了自己的旅游情况及其感受和看法。21细节理解题。根据第二段第二句知:Jill和她的妹妹一起呆在她祖父母的农场,故选答案B。22细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第三句:On the farm, I milked cows, fed chickens and rode horses.知答案是B。23根据第三段知Mark想去参观博物馆,但是他父母想购物。于是Mark整天呆在旅馆看电视,因此觉得很烦。

    26、故答案选C。24推断题。根据文中句子The sand there was white, and it looked very beautiful We built (建造) a big house with it.推测“白色的可以用来建房子的”是“沙子”,故答案是A。25根据文章最后一段倒数第二句The trip was great. 知A Anna enjoyed her trip a lot.是真确的;根据文章第一句知Jill, Mark and Anna是同学,不是堂兄妹,选项B是不正确的;根据文章第三段第一句I went to Shanghai with my parents.知. M

    27、ark是和他父母一起去旅游的,不是和他的弟弟,故选项C是错误的;根据文章第二段第三句We stayed for seven days知选项D是错误的。本题是让选正确的,故答案是A。BSunday, May 8thI got up early in the morning .I exercised in the park with my friend, Jane. I love sports and I exercise in the park every morning. After breakfast, I did my homework first. Now, I am in Grade

    28、Nine. I want to enter a good high school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I went to the bookstore and bought some storybooks and I also bought a Chinese-English dictionary because my English is poor. I like reading storybooks. I find them very interesting. My home is near the books

    29、tore. So I went there by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I went shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom wanted to buy a pair of shoes for me and pants(裤子)for my brother. I love shopping. We got home at nine oclock in the evening. Then my brother and I watched TV. We went

    30、to bed at ten oclock. This was my last Sunday and I thought it was relaxing and interesting.26Thewriterexercisedand_onSundaymorning.Adidhomework Breadbooks Cboughtbooks Dwentshopping27Theunderlineword “enter” meansinChinese.A离开 B参加 C进入 D送入28Howmanypeoplewentshoppingintheevening?ATwo. BThree. CFour.

    31、DFive.29Thewritersparentswantedtobuy_forherbrother.Aadictionary Bsomebooks Cpants Dshoes30Fromthepassage,weknow_.AthewriterwasverygoodatEnglish BthewriterdidntgotothebookstoreCthewriterdidntlikewatchingTV DthewriterhadarelaxingSunday【答案】ACCCD【解析】文章大意:文章主要讲的是作者的周末生活。26细节理解题。根据文章第二行“After breakfast, I did my homework first”“吃完早饭后,我先做作业


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