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    大学英语III题库试题汇总 1稿.docx

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    大学英语III题库试题汇总 1稿.docx

    1、大学英语III题库试题汇总 1稿大学英语III题库试题汇总 1稿西安欧亚学院2015-2016学年第一学期 大学英语III题库 2014级 PartI Vocabularyand Structure Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding l

    2、etter on the Answer Sheet. 1. In my company, all employees are expected to have a _ attitude towards co-workers.A. cooperate B. operative C. operate C. graceful D. cooperative D. resentful 2. Please be _ of others when you smoke in public places. A. thoughtful B. wonderful _ childrens charity work.

    3、A. dedicates toB. contributes on C. contribute toD. dedicate to 4. You must _ the movements of your arms and legs when swimming. A. wave A. worried A. carriedwhole fruits. A. cut in B. cut away C. cut up D. cut back 8. May we never become so troubled by our _ problems that we forget to care about ot

    4、her people, many of whom have more serious ones. 大学英语III 第1 页 3. John made a lot of money when he was young. Today he _ himself B. support B. enthusiastic B. filled C. coordinate C. particular C. equipped D. limit D. patient D. covered 5. You dont seem very _about the party-dont want to go tonight?

    5、6. Many vehicles are _ with a GPS. 7. You should _ your childs consumption of fruit juice; instead, offer A. unique A. take B. trivial B. hand C. positive C. think D. rough D. get 9. When Mr. Jones gets old,he will _ over his business to his son. 10. The new law clearly states the changes would only

    6、 _ those born after 1990. A. apply for B. adjust for C. apply to D. adjust to 11. The party organizer got the ball _ by singing an English song. After that, many of us performed our best, which really made the gathering enjoyable.A. rolling A. resume A. sweep A. meantime B. running B. perfume B. swe

    7、pt B. capable C. renovating D. starting C. assume C. sweat C. wander D. confuse D. swelled D. danger 12. Can I _ that you agree with what I have just said? 13. The flood _ away the wooden bridge. 14. Tom may be in _ of losing his job if he continues to come late. 15. This economic crisis was caused,

    8、 _, by a loss of confidence in our financial institutions.A. in supplystrength. A. memory B. teamwork C. warehouse D. career 17. The duties of a CEO _ from those of an ordinary worker and it isvery difficult to find a good CEO nowadays. A. performinterview. A. invented B. appeared C. created D. divi

    9、ded 19. In many cities, people depend on public _ such as buses, taxis or themetroto get around. A. transportation B. application C. population D. accumulation 大学英语III 第2 页 B. in the way C. in detail D. in part 16. She has a very good _ and has excelled at many exams based on itsB. reform C. differ

    10、D. prefer 18. Tom _ unhappy because he didnt get the job he wanted after his 20. You can make Windows _ shut off your computer after its been idlefor a certain period of time. A. critically A. blamed A. strikeA. away A. partially B. excellently B. dedicated B. figure B. apart B. particularly 25. Thi

    11、s skill cannot be learned from experience, it must be something we are innately _ with. A. endowed B. checked C. put up D. come up 26. He was particularly interested in public health, and in 1881 he received a Cambridge University _ in medicine. A. introductionB. translation C. cinema D. diploma 27.

    12、 If you want to _ this exciting project, please call Ann at 124552. A. get in B. get off D. get in touch with C. get involved in 28. Many vehicles _ a GPS. on B. work on C. are filled with D. are equipped with 29. They will need a great deal more money before they can_ their own farm here. A. eat up

    13、 B. start up C. bring up up 30. The team slowly _ through the forest.A. got across B. made their way 大学英语III 第3 页 C. extremelyC. claimedC. advertiseC. above C. passively D. automatically D. observed D. update D. across D. proudly 21. Lei Fengwas a kind man who _ his whole life to helping others. 22.

    14、 They no longer _ alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. 23. The flood struck _ the wooden bridge. 24. Lets set off fireworks and celebrate, our boss said _ to us. C. claimed for D. kept away from 31. Dogs are often used to down escaped criminals? A. chaseA. access A. widened attention. A. notice

    15、s A. feet B. neglects B. smells C. values C. arms D. supports D. balance 35. A small child has to learn to keep its _ before it can walk far. 36. Almost all of us can _ a time in our lives when we have become illbecause of too much emotional stress. A. recall B. argue C. endow D. advertise 37. Liste

    16、ning to music with earphones and the volumeon really highcan cause _ damage to your ears. A. enthusiasticothers. A. dedicate 39. Pour hot water over it. The lid will come _. A. out efficient. A. in his ownand in school. A. cooperate B. demonstrate C. conceal D. impress 大学英语III 第4 页 B. track B. measu

    17、re B. extended C. arrest C. means C. expanded D. catch D. plan D. lengthened 32. Staying honest is the best _of making friends. 33. Our foreign trade has _ during recent years. 34. He _ that poor doghe never takes him for walks or gives him any B. handy D. vocational 38. My grandma was a very kind w

    18、oman who _ her whole life to helping to B. dedicating C. dedicate D. dedicated B. looseC. along D. away 40. I dont think that he has done all that work _ ! He is not that B. at his own C. on his own D. under his own 41. Children should be encouraged to _ their artistic talents both at home 42. Farme

    19、rs in the region are _ awaiting rain after a 2-month dry period. A. eagerness B. eager C. eagerly D. to eager 43. He was particularly interested in public health, and in 1881 received aCambridge University _ in medicine. A. client B. solo C. collection D. diploma 44. The duties of a CEO _ from those

    20、 of an ordinary worker and its verydifficult to find a good CEO nowadays. A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently 45. In time, new wireless technologies will likewise reshape society in_ ways. A. unpredictableB. uniform C. electricalD. automatic 46. Normally, the _ system in Paris carrie

    21、s 950,000 passengers a day.A. transform B. transmit C. transfer D. transportation 47. The storm that struck the coastal city with _ force has made many people homeless. A. rough B. technological C. exceptional D. decent 48. You have to do things much better than others to _ from the crowd. A. stand

    22、outB. take outC. sort outD. put out 49. Despite the hurdles, he said his country would _ from its economic difficulties. A. differ B. predict C. strike D. emerge 50. The engine _ automatically when the desired speed is reached.A. backs offoffC. holds offD. beats off 51. Please _ while you pose for y

    23、our photo. A. finish up A. perception B. cling to B. collection C. sat still C. observation D. hold up D. relaxation 52. Professor Zhou has a large _ of English books. we never become so troubled by our _ problems that we forget 大学英语III 第5 页 food we choose should give us the 10 we need. A) B) C) D)

    24、E) eating affects probably growth tasty F) quite G) nutrients H) considering I) effort J) healthy Key: 1-5 I E C J A 6-10 F D H B G Passage Three Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. A strong work ethic is key in standing out among other employees. Read on for tips on 1 your work et

    25、hic. Show employer wants to see that you are 2 interested in the job. You can show your 3 to your jobandcareerbyaskingquestions, showing enthusiasm, and staying focused. Dont appear 4 , advises MoniqueSudikoff,avicepresident forthe Nielsen Company in Westport, has watched 5 workers in her market res

    26、earch firm fall asleep in meetings or 6 even noticed one new employee checking her hairinhercomputerscreenwhilean experiencedco-workerwas 7 an important concept. Offer respect. One thing you cant 8 in the workplace is s9 toshow othersthat something as simple as speaking 10 or as challenging as recog

    27、nizing the value of opinions that differ from your own. 大学英语III 第11 页 A) B) C) D) E) commitment glance vital truly distracted F) overemphasize G) explaining H) boosting I) politely J) youngerKey: 1-5H D A E J 6-10 BGFCI Passage Four Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. Work and play

    28、 do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, All work and no play 1 Jack a dull boy. A life burdened 2 work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and 3 with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper 4 will relieve the tension and discomfort of

    29、 our monotonous life because it offers you 5 ways to let out your pent-up emotions. What I usually do to 6 after school is jogging and watching 7. Usually I dont 8 time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field 9 relieves the days pressure.

    30、 On weekends, Ill catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and 10 for another weeks work-load. A) B) C) D) E) recreation certainly movies makes spare F) energetic G) relax H) with I) various J) bored Key: 1-5 D H J A I 6-10 GCEBF 大学英语III 第12 页 Passage Five Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. Nowadays, we have to meet many challenges 1 in our life or in study. Sometimes we win and sometimes we 2 . On one hand, some people tend to think that they have no 3 to do things when they fail at fir


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