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    生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第22集.docx

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    生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第22集.docx

    1、生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第22集粉色指甲油Okay,Babydoll Pink,看看你能不能把我爸遗传的大脚遮小点lets see if you can cover up the fact that I got my dads feet.谢尔顿 就两度Its just two degrees,Sheldon.我只想把恒温器调高两度I just want to turn up the thermostat two degrees!让我像你指出 两度Let me point out that two degrees可以是水和蒸汽的差异can be the

    2、difference between water and steam.我们又不是住在茶壶里Yes,if we lived in a teakettle.你在室友协议中同意了这个温度This is the temperature you agreed to in the roommate agreement.去你的室友协议Aw,screw the roommate agreement!不许你鄙视室友协议No,you dont screw the roommate agreement.室友协议鄙视你The roommate agreement screws you.跟你的恒温器下地狱去吧You k

    3、now what,go to hell and set their thermostat.我根本不用下地狱I dont have to go to hell.调成73度 我已经在地狱了At 73 degrees,Im there already!谁啊Who is it?莱纳德Leonard.等等Hang on.我今晚能睡你沙发上吗Can I sleep on your couch tonight?可以Uh,well,you can try,不过对门的人一直很吵but the people across the hall are being very noisy.你听到了吧You heard t

    4、hat,huh?显然 一个想调恒温器Apparently,the one fella tried to adjust the thermostat,另一个又发疯了then the other fella went bat-crap crazy.你也觉得他是疯子吧So you agree,hes nuts.没他的室友那么疯Well,not as nuts as the guy who chooses to live with him.信不信由你 我刚认识他时他更疯Believe it or not,he was worse when I met him.我才不信呢Oh,I do not beli

    5、eve that.你太傻太天真了You are so naive.就像七年前的我Just like I was seven years ago.我刚开始在大学工作Id just started at the university.请问 谢尔顿库珀家在哪Excuse me,Im looking for Sheldon Coopers apartment.你是来看房的吧Oh,I bet youre here to check out the room for rent.-对 -兄弟 快跑- Yeah. - Run away,dude.什么What?!跑快点 跑远点Run fast,run far.

    6、那应该是第一条线索That should have been my first clue.谢尔顿的前室友要你赶紧逃跑So Sheldons last roommate tried to warn you off?我当时只觉得他是个疯子For all I knew,he was the crazy one.他的样子很像疯子He had this really deranged look.跟谢尔顿住能不疯吗Well,yeah,hed been living with Sheldon.现在明白也太迟啦Sure,it makes sense now.接着 我上楼敲门Anyway,I went upst

    7、airs and knocked on the door.有事吗Yeah?你是库珀博士吗Dr. Cooper?你找的是对门的疯子No,you want the crazy guy across the hall.回想起来 那是第二条线索In retrospect,that was clue number two.有事吗Yes?我是莱纳德霍夫斯塔德Im Leonard Hofstadter.我打过电话想看房 你说.I called you about the apartment. You said.我知道我说了什么I know what I said.我也知道你说了什么I know what y

    8、ou said.我还知道我妈在1992年3月5日说了什么I know what my mother said on March 5,1992.第六惰性气体是什么What is the sixth noble gas?-什么 -你说你是科学家- What? - You said youre a scientist.第六惰性气体是什么What is the sixth noble gas?氡?Uh,radon?你是问我还是回答我Are you asking me or telling me?回答你?Telling you?回答你Telling you.好 下一个问题All right,next q

    9、uestion.星际迷航中初代和下一代进取号的舰长柯克还是皮卡尔Kirk or Picard?好难抉择Oh,uh,well,thats tricky.初代比下一代好看Um,Original Series over Next Generation,但皮卡尔比柯克强but Picard over Kirk.正确Correct.你已通过室友关系第一关Youve passed the first barrier to roommate-hood.你可以进来了You may enter.挺宽敞的嘛Oh,this is pretty nice.卧室在里面吧Uh,the bedrooms are back

    10、there?这得看情况That depends.我不明白I dont understand.卧室的存在有条件的吗Their existence is conditional?不 但对你来说卧室的存在是有条件的No,but your ability to perceive their existence is conditional你要通过第二和第三关on you passing the second and third barriers.有三关啊Theres three?一个比一个更具挑战性Each more daunting than the last.请坐Have a seat.好Okay

    11、.不 这是我的专座No! Thats where I sit!有区别吗Whats the difference?这个位置正好This seat is ideally located能在冬天吹到暖气both in relation to the heat source in the winter夏天吹到对流风and a cross breeze in the summer.而且正对着电视机It also faces the television at a direct angle,我能专心看电视或者打机allowing me to immerse myself in entertainment

    12、or game play不受谈话干扰without being subjected to conversation.因此 我把它置于永恒状态了As a result,Ive placed it in a state of eternal dibs.可能吗Can you do that?拉丁语Cathedra mea,regulae meae.意思是我的椅子 我做主Thats Latin for My chair,my rules.你在电话里说Now,you said on the phone你的研究领域是物理that your area of study is physics.对 实验物理学U

    13、h,yeah,experimental physics.那是什么What is that?跟你无关Doesnt concern you.你每天都会去大学吗Youll be going to the university every day?对Yes.-你有交通工具吗 -有辆车- And you have a vehicle? - A car,yeah.你愿意载我吗And youll be willing to drive me?你不会开车吗Cant you drive?我会I can.我不想开I choose not to.那我可以载你Okay,I suppose I could drive

    14、you.这点可以给我加加分对吧Thats a point in my favor,right?我来写就可以了Why dont you let me do this.别这样 我问问而已嘛Come on,I just asked.最后一个问题Last question.身处一个后启示录的世界中In a post-apocalyptic world,你会最先考虑完成以下哪项工作which task would you assign the highest priority?找出可持续利用的食物来源Locating a sustainable food source,重建一个功能政府reestabli

    15、shing a functioning government,生育 还是传承人类文化procreating,or preserving the knowledge of mankind?我选 传承文化Uh,Im gonna go with. preserving the knowledge.正解Thats correct.供你参考 除了生育 其他答案我都接受FYI,I would have accepted any answer other than procreating.来 我带你参观一下其他房间Come,Ill show you the rest of the apartment.太好了

    16、Oh,good.我通过关卡了I passed the barriers.只是第二关卡 别翘尾巴呢The second barrier. Dont get cocky.这里是浴室This is the bathroom.你周期正常吗Are you fairly regular?大概吧Uh,I guess.你不能给我模棱两可的答案This isnt going to work if youre guessing.你什么时候排泄粪便When do you evacuate your bowels?我憋不住的时候When I have to.你憋不住的时候When you have to?抱歉 我不租

    17、房间给嬉皮士Im sorry,I dont rent to hippies.不好意思 是早上I-Im sorry,uh,in the morning.8点左右Around 8:00.8点不行 你可以7点半用厕所I cant give you 8:00. I can give you 7:30.好 我同意Fine. Ill take it.通过第三关卡Third barrier passed.你赢得了参观你卧室的权利You have won the right to see your room.噢耶Huzzah.是这间吗Is this it?不 这是我的卧室No,this is my room.

    18、人们不能进我的卧室People dont go in my room.那你睡哪儿啊So where do you sleep?我没明白I dont understand.你说人类不能进去 你自己也是人类If people dont go in there,and youre people,and.你 是人类吧You are people,arent you?我开个玩笑Making a joke.你经常这样吗Do you do this often?偶尔吧On occasion.你的卧室Your room.去死吧 谢尔顿你还是重新刷漆吧You may want to repaint.他那么多事儿

    19、 你居然就搬进去了And after all that,you just moved in?才不是那么简单就搬进去I didnt just move in.首先我们得谈妥一些细节问题First we had to iron out a few details.室友同意在每周五晚上观看Roommates agree that Friday nights shall be reserved乔斯威登最新导演的for watching Joss Whedons惊世力作萤火虫brilliant new series Firefly.这条也要放到协议里啊Does that really need to b

    20、e in the agreement?最好是现在定下来 那可要播好几年呢c its going to be on for years.在这里草签Initial here.好了 电视以及电影协议完成了All right,thats television and movies.第九部分 杂项Section nine: miscellany.公寓旗帜是一头The apartments flag在天蓝色背景下两腿站立的金色狮子is a gold lion rampant on a field of azure.咱还有旗子呢啊We have a flag?千万别弄反了Never fly it upsid

    21、e down.除非公寓面临危机Unless the apartments in distress.下一条And next.如果我们之中任何一人发明了时空穿梭机If either of us ever invents time travel,我们同意第一站就是回到今天这个会议We agree our first stop will be this meeting today时间是5秒之后in precisely five seconds.好Okay.真可惜Thats disappointing.你到底干嘛要同意那些协议啊Why on earth did you agree to all that

    22、?那是我见过最棒的公寓了It was the best apartment Id seen,房租也很合理the rent was very reasonable而且在通过前三个关卡之后and after youve passed the first three barriers你就会不自觉地想一路前进了you kind of want to take it all the way.抱歉 莱纳德Well,Im sorry,Leonard,我只能说 自作孽 不可活its very hard to feel sympathy for you.好吧 那这样吧Okay,how about this?我给

    23、你讲讲我第一次带姑娘回家的事儿Let me tell you about the first time I brought a girl over.莱纳德Leonard?嘘 假装我们不在Shh. Just pretend were not here.莱纳德Leonard?他肯定一会就走了Im sure hell go away.你不回答我 我就一直敲Im just going to keep knocking till you answer.莱纳德Leonard?莱纳德Leonard?莱纳德Leonard?你想干嘛啊What do you want?!我没说请进I didnt say come

    24、 in!是你问我想干什么的You asked what I wanted.我想进来啊I wanted to come in.我来是因为你违反了我们的室友协议Im here because you violated our roommate agreement.确切来说 是第八部分宾客里的Specifically,section eight-C小部分女性里的第四段 交媾c females,paragraph four- coitus.在进行交媾之前 室友需要Roommates shall give each other提前12小时通知对方12 hours notice of impending

    25、coitus.我俩认识还不到12小时呢I didnt even know her 12 hours ago.够了 老娘闪人了Thats it! Im out of here!乔伊斯 别走啊But,Joyce,come on.12小时12 hours?我的老天Oh,my God.现在觉得同情我了吗Do I get some sympathy now?有点儿A little bit.好 让我理下思路Ok,let me get this straight.你搬进来和他一起住You move in with this guy,他让你签了一份相当扯淡的室友协议he made you sign a red

    26、iculous roommate agreement,然后他在你和那个乔伊斯金爱爱的时候then he walks into your bedroom走进了你的卧室while youre doing this Joyce Kim可你居然还没搬走and you still stay.其实乔伊斯金这事也不能怪他Actually,I couldnt get too mad at him about Joyce Kim.为什么Why not?当时我正致力于某些政府研究Well,I was doing some government research at the time,军用火箭燃料you know

    27、,military,rocket fuel.算是国家机密吧Its kind of secret.这和乔伊斯金有毛关系What does that have to do with Joyce Kim?后来发现她是个朝鲜间谍As it turns out,she was a North Korean spy.好在我还没透露什么重要机密Luckily,Sheldon drove her out谢尔顿就把她赶了出去before I revealed anything important.我不是我说我肯定会透露Which I-Im not saying I would have.就因为这样吗So,wha

    28、t,thats it?一直以来你忍受谢尔顿Youve stayed with Sheldon all this time就为了感谢他让你免受牢狱之灾吗because he kept you from going to federal prison?这是理由之一That was part of it.理由之二和那电梯有关The other part is what happened with the elevator.我正想问呢Oh,yeah,Im wondering about that.你说你搬来时电梯还能用呢You said it was working when you moved in

    29、.之前是能用 但某天晚上 谢尔顿下班回来.It was,but one night,Sheldon came home from work.这里是怎么回事What is going on here?好啊 谢尔顿Hey,Sheldon.这是霍华德和拉杰This is Howard and Raj.他们也在大学里工作They work at the university,too.-好 -好- Hey. - Hey.我一会儿找你算账Ill get to you later.你们坐的什么呢What are you sitting on?他们不好说 我正坐在屁垫上呢I cant speak for these guys,but Im sitting on my tushie.我开个玩笑Its a joke.后悔了吧Not a good idea.屁垫就是屁股吧Tushie Is buttocks,right?-米错 -搞笑- Right. - Hilarious.这沙发是怎么回事Explain the couch.一楼的住户今天搬家Oh,well,there were some people on the first


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