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    1、她一定是坐公交车去的。53. He feels that he is not yet to travel abroad.A. too strong B. enough strong C. so strong D. strong enough答案. D. 考查惯用结构。enough to do sth.是惯用结构,enough前必须有其他形容词或副词。他感到自己还没有强壮到可以去国外旅行。54. After seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personnel managers office.A. that B. it C.

    2、 what D. there答案 C. 考查宾语从句。本句中after后需要一个宾语从句,该宾语从句缺主语,因此需要一个作主语的连接代词。只有what可以在宾语从句中充当主语,故选C。在经过似乎漫长的等待后,轮到他进入人事经理的办公室了。55. Fool Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing.A. who B. as C. like D. that答案. B. 考查状语从句。as用作连此时,和though的意义相同,而从句中的实义动词或系动词后的形容词需提前。本句中fool是形容词,位于句首,符合as引导让步状语从句的使用条件,故选B。杰瑞

    3、再愚蠢也不可能做出这样的事儿。56. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. They each have two tickets.B. They cost twenty yuan each.C. Each they have bought the same book.D. They were given two magazines each.答案. C. 本题为句意表达题。不定代词each在句中可以作主语、宾语、定于和同位语,用作同位语时,each可以用在代词之后。选项A、B、D均符合语法要求,故选C。57. She seldom g

    4、oes to the theatre, ?A. doesnt she B. does she C. would she D. wouldnt she答案. B. 考查反意疑问句。本句中含有否定含义的副词seldom,故反意时用肯定形式does she。选项A的not与seldom矛盾;选项C和D中的would与句中的goes不吻合。故选B。她很少去剧院,是吗?58. Dr Johnson is head of the department, an expert in translation.A. or B. either C. but D. and答案. D. 本题为句意理解题。从句意可以判断

    5、,这里的head of the department和an expert in translation说的都是Dr. Johnson,可见两部分之间是并列关系,故选D。约翰逊博士是系主任,翻译专家。59. When one has good health, should feel fortunate.A. you B. they C. he D. we答案. C. 考查代词。本句为主从复合句,其中时间状语从句的主语为one,因此主句中对应的代词应该用he,故选C。一个人身体健康时应该感到幸运。60. It is necessary that he the assignment without

    6、delay.A. hand in B. hands inC. must hand in D. has to hand in答案. A. 考查虚拟语气。形容词为necessary,important,impossible,strange,natural,essential等时,在“It + be + 形容词或过去分词 + 主语从句”结构中,主语从句要用虚拟语气,其中的should可以省略。故选A。他必须按时交作业。61. In the sentence Its no use waiting for her, the italicized phrase isA. the object B. an

    7、adverbial C. a complement D. the subject答案. D. 本题为句子成分题。在Its no use waiting for her中,it为形式主语,句子真正的主语是动名词短语waiting for her,故选D。A意为“宾语”,B意为“状语”,C意为“补语”。62. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. All his lectures are very interesting.B. Half their savings were gone.C. Many his friends came to

    8、 the party.D. Both his sisters are nurses.答案. C. 考查限定词排序。限定词的相互搭配关系为:前位+中位+后位。四个选项中,只有C中的Many his为“后位+中位”,不符合限定词的相互搭配关系,故选C。63. Which of the following sentences has an object complement?A. The directors appointed John manager.B. I gave Mary a Christmas present.C. You have done Peter a favour.D. She

    9、is teaching children English.答案. A. 本题为句子成分题。宾语后面加上一个词或一个短语用来对宾语的特征、状态等情况进行补充说明,这个成分称之为宾语补足语。它和前面的宾语一起形成“复合宾语”,宾语和宾语补足语之间存在一种逻辑上的主谓关系。选项A中的manager和宾语John之间存在逻辑主谓关系,故为宾语补足语。而选项B、C、D中的动词后面都是双宾语。64. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete Weve seen the film ?A. before B. recently C. la

    10、tely D. yet答案. D. 本题为句意表达题,考查的是副词作状语的用法。选项D中的yet用于否定句和疑问句,而原句为陈述句,故选D。65. should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.A. To be not tall B. Not being tallC. Being not tall D. Not to be tall答案. B. 考查非谓语动词。本句中缺失主语。动名词短语作主语时,通常用于表示一件已知的事或经验。不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的事或目的。本句中“长得不高”是一件已知的事情,所以选择动名词短语

    11、作主语,表示否定意义,not要放在动名词前面,故选B。长得不高不该成为生活和工作中的一个严重不足之处。66. Due to personality , the two colleagues never got on well in work.A. contradiction B. conflict C. confrontation D. competition答案. B. 考查名词辨析。contradiction意为“矛盾”,指比较抽象的,在观点、意见上的矛盾;conflict意为“冲突”,比矛盾强烈,且可以是针锋相对的,公开的。由句中的never got on well in work可以判

    12、断,两人积怨已深,personality conflict指“性格矛盾”,故选B。由于性格冲突,这两个同事在工作上从未相处融洽过。67. During the summer vacation, kids are often seen hanging in the streets.A. about B. on C. over D. out答案. D. 考查固定搭配。hang out意为“出外玩儿、闲逛”;hang about意为“逗留,徘徊”;hang on意为“握住不放,坚持,不挂断”;hang over意为“延续,威胁”。故选D。暑假时,孩子们经常被看到在街上闲玩儿。68. There we

    13、re 150 at the international conference this summer.A. spectators B. viewers C. participants D. onlookers答案. C. 本题为名词辨析题。spectator意为“观众”;viewer意为“电视观众、检查员”;participants意为“参与者”;onlooker意为“旁观者”。句中提到的是international conference,显然应该指参会者,故选C。今年夏天,有150人出席该国际会议。69. School started on a cold day in February.A.

    14、 severe B. bitter C. such D. frozen答案. B. 本题为形容词辨析题。这里需要一个副词来修饰形容词cold。只有选项B中的bitter是副词,有“极其”之意,a bitter cold day表示“极其寒冷的一天”,故选B。severe意为“严重的”,frozen意为“冰冻的”,故排除。若用such的话,应为such a cold day,故排除。学校在二月份的一个酷寒天开学了。70. In the face of unexpected difficulties, he demonstrated a talent for quick, action.A. de

    15、termining B. defensive C. demanding D. decisive答案. D. 本题为形容词辨析题。decisive意为“果断的”,句中的quick和decisive构成近义关系,符合语义衔接关系,故选D。determining是determine(下决心)的现在分词,不能用作形容词;defensive意为“防御的,保卫的“;demanding意为“要求高的,吃力的”。均不符合句意,故排除。面对意想不到的困难,他显示了迅速果断采取行动的才能。71. The team has been working overtime on the research project_

    16、.A. lately B. just now C. late D. long ago答案. A. 本题为副词辨析题。Lately意为“近来”,是用于完成时的一个时间状语,与句中的现在完成进行时吻合,故选A。该小组最近一直加班进行该项目研究。72. Because of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remained_.A. motionless B. inactive C. stagnant D. immobile答案. C. 本题为形容词辨析题。motionless意为“不动的,静止的”,immobile意为“不动的

    17、,静止的,固定的”,inactive意为“不活动的,怠惰的”。stagnant意为“不景气的”,指“状况不好,没有进步”,尤其是指经济状况不好,符合本句语境,故选C。由于经济危机,该地区的工业生产停滞不前。73. The police had difficulty in the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.A. limiting B. restraining C. confining D. restricting答案. B. 本题为动词辨析题。limit,restrict和confine为近义

    18、词。limit一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限;restrict意为“限制”,指限制某物的大小、数量等。confine侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚、囚禁。restrain意为“阻止,抑制”,通常与from搭配,表示“阻止某人做某事”,符合此处语义和语法关系,故选B。警察经常很难阻止歌迷冲到舞台上和歌手照相。74. Joan is in the dorm, putting the final to her speech.A. details B. remarks C. comments D. touchesput the final touches to为固定搭配,意为“做最后的修饰

    19、,完成最后的细节”,其他几词均无此搭配关系,故选D。琼在宿舍里,对演讲稿进行最后的修改。75. His in gambling(赌博) has eventually brought about his ruin.A. indulgence B. habit C. action D. engagement答案. A. 考查固定搭配。indulgence意为“沉迷,沉溺于”,与in搭配使用。本句中的沉迷赌博和后面的ruin构成因果关系,故选A。对于赌博的沉迷让他最终沉沦。engagement订婚,婚约; 约会。76. The teacher told the students to stay in

    20、 the classroom and they did_.A. absolutely B. accidentally C. accordingly D. accurately答案. C. 本题为副词辨析题。absolutely意为“绝对地,完全地”;accidentally意为“偶然地,意外地”;accurately意为“准确地,精确地”。accordingly意为“照着,相应地”,由句中的and可以看出学生并未不听老师的话,故选C。老师告诉学生们待在教室里,学生照做了。77. You can actually see the deer at close range while driving

    21、 through that area. The italicized phrase means .A. clearly B. very near C. quickly D. very hard答案. B. 考查固定搭配。at close range意为“接近地,近距离地”,故选B。实际上在开车经过那一地区时,你能够近距离地看到鹿。78. He listened hard but still couldnt what they were talking about.A. make over B. make up C. make upon D. make outmake over意为“转让”;ma

    22、ke up意为“补足,构成;化妆”;make upon意为“在获利,在上赚钱”。make out意为“理解”,从句中的he listened hard以及but可以判断,后面的结果与listened hard应有的结果不一致,即没听懂,故选D。他仔细听了,但还是没能理解他们在谈论什么。79. For the advertised position, the company offers a(n) _salary and benefits package.A. generous B. plentiful C. abundant D. sufficient答案. A. 本题为形容词辨析题。plen

    23、tiful意为“大量的,丰富的”;abundant意为“丰富的,充裕的”,语气比plentiful强,数量比plentiful多;sufficient意为“足够的”。generous意为“丰富的”,是指larger or more than the usual size or amount”之意,从句意可知,这里是介绍该职位的优厚条件,因此a generous salary是指优厚的薪酬及高福利。对于广告上的招聘职位,公司提供丰厚的薪水和高福利。80. As there was no road, the travelers up a rocky slope on their way back.A. ran B. hurried C. scrambled D. crawled 答案. C. 本题为动词辨析题。crawl意为“爬行”,是指贴地而爬;run意为“奔跑”;hurry意为“匆忙,赶快”。scramble意为“攀爬”。由于句中提到的是slope,从而可判断此处说的是攀爬,故选C。由于没有路,旅行者在回来的路上爬了一个岩石斜坡。


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