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    1、成都电大英语百分之答案、英语知识运用1. name is Jane. is from the USA. (A.Her,She )2.Have you got lychees? (B.a ny)3 . Mr Green is now a holiday. (C.with)4.I m a deputy manager. I work an IT company.(A.for)5.The Bus in ess Banking Departme nt is on sec ond floor.(C.the)6.A: How ofte n take the medi cine?B: You should

    2、take it three times a day.(C.should I)7 It heavily here at this moment.(C.is raining)8.How do I the gym? (A.get to)9.My aunt for her friends at home.(C.enjoys cook ing)10.I d like to you to a party this Saturday.(B.invite)11.How many would you like to buy?(C.ora nges)12.Hurry up. We don t have time.

    3、(B.e no ugh)13.A: time do you have lunch?B: I usually have lunch at 12.(B.What)14.A: I haven t got a car.B: .(A.Neither have)15.This radio is tha n that on e.(A.more expe nsive)16.A: The chair is not comfortable eno ugh.B: Yes, I agree. It is . (B.too un comfortable)17. a coffee mach ine in the room

    4、?(B.Are there)18.A: ?B: I ve got a bad cough.(A.What s the matter with you)19.A: Could you ring them up please? I m sometimes quite n ervous on thephone.B: (C.Yer,of course .I will phone them for you)20.A: How much is the rent of the flat?B: .(B .It is n ear the cen ther of the city)1.She has a prob

    5、lem the flat advertisement. (A.with )2. people are my friends. people are my husband s friends.(A.These,Those)3.I don t need mineral water, but I d like tea, thanks.(C.a ny ,some)4.David s younger brother is engineer.(B.an)5.This is his book. Could you give it him?(A.to)6.A: Should I take some medi

    6、cine?B: No, you to take any med icine. (B.don t need)7.When for London? (A.is she flyi ng)8.I m sorry she s not in. Would you like to a message? (C.leave)9.It ofte n in win ter in the n orth of China. (C.s no ws)10.Lily and Lucy are a picture-book in their room.(C.readi ng)11.forThe house is very cl

    7、ose to the railway station, so it s very tran sport.(C.c onvenient)12.A: was the meeti ng like?B: It was very exciti ng. (B.What)13.A: I am from En gla nd.B: . (A.So an I)14.I m bad at spe lling, but Jane is me.(B.worse than)15.A: The classroom is not big eno ugh for 50 stude nts.B: Yes, I agree. It

    8、 s . (A.too small)16.Hello, Franco Rossi speak ing. Can I speak to Polly Williams?(A.thisis)17.A: Hello, Linda, how are you?B: (B.Very well,tha nk you.A nd you?)18.A: What do you do?B: .(Bam a policema n)19.A: How do I get there?B: .(A.You take the number 866 bus from thesupermarket)20.A: What does

    9、your En glish teacher look like?B: .(B.She s tall and has Iong,wavy hair)1.Chris usually go to the gym the weeke nd.(C.at)2 . I usually get up 7 o clock the morning. (B.at,in)3.This is where you work, Xiaoya n. That is your desk and this is .(B. mine)4.He hasn t got cousins.(A.any)5.I go swim ming o

    10、n Thursdays for two hours. (A./)6. A: I have got a pain in my chest.B: You see the doctor.(C.should)7.Sally s parents come and stay with her soon. (B.are going to)8.Whats the weather this win ter?(A.like)9.He is a good stude nt. He early. (B.always comes)10.You can paint the walls and posters. You c

    11、an do what youwan t.(A.put up)11.How many can you see on the table ?(A.cups of milk)12.A: will the meal take?B: It ll take two hours, I think.(A.How long)13.A: I like docume ntaries on TV.B: . (B.So do I)14.James is French tha n Polly. (A.a bit better at)15.A: The area is too no isy.B: Yes, I agree.

    12、 It s .(C .not quiet eno ugh)16.A: you like a drink? Wine? Beer?B: A beer, please.(B.Would)17.A: Hello. I m David Manning. Nice to meet you.mXiaoya n)B: . (C.Nice to meet you,too.I18.A: How about see ing a film this evening?B: Yes, . (A.that s a good idea)19.A: What time does the train leave?B: .(C.

    13、At half past five)20.A: Excuse me, where is the n earest bank, please?B: .(C.lt ext to the newsagent)1.She is mak ing a cup of coffee.(C.herself)2.I d like apples, please.(A.some)3.London is capital of Brita in, and it is great city, too.(C.the,a)4.I sometimes go to the pub Friday my colleagues.(A.

    14、on, with)5.Rose is experie need trainin g.(A.at)6.A. Oh, dear. I ve got a temperature.B. You have some aspiri ns to reduce it.(C.should)7.My uncle in the IT Departme nt. But now he on a pla n for themarketi ng departme nt. (A.works,is work ing)8.He in travell ing. (A.is in terested)9.The workers usu

    15、ally work at 8:30. (B.start)10.I m a list of things to buy.(A.mak ing)11.Mark is resp on sible the intern ati onal market.(B.for)12.A: is the nearest chemist s?B: On the corner.(B.Where)13.A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B: . (B.Me too)14.This watch is that on e.(A.as expe nsive as)

    16、15.The French restaura nts are ni ce, but they are !(C.too expe nsive)16.A: rm going to clea n the house.B: do the shoppi ng.(C .I ll)17.A: ?B: My father is a man ager. My mother is a nu rse.(B.What do your pare nts do)18.A: How long does it take from Beij ng to London by pla ne?B: .(B .It takes abo

    17、ut 7 hours)19.A: What does her boyfrie nd look like?B: .(C.He is quite tall with fair curly hair)20.A: , David?B: An orange juice. (B.What would you like)1.Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for .(B.them)2.I don t want milk in my coffee. (A.any)3.David is only accountant

    18、in my son s company. (A.the)4.I usually go to the office train. (B.by)5.I am not keen sports.(A. on)6.You n eed to reduce your temperature, so you take somemedici ne.(B.should)7.Rose is in the garde n. She her after noon tea with her boyfrie nd rightnow. (A.is havi ng)8.She usually goes to work foot

    19、.(B. on)9.Polly is very busy. She work at about 7.00 every day.(C.fi ni shes)10.He can good En glish.(A.speak)11. people are coming for the party?(C.How many)12.A:I don t get up late on Sun days.B: .(C.Neither do I)13.Joh n is experie need at training tha n Mary is.(A.more)14.A: The shops in this ar

    20、ea are .B: Yes, I agree. They are not moder n eno ugh. (C.too old-fashi on ed)15.A: like to have a coffee?B: Yes, please.(B.Would you)16.A: How long does it take to go there by train?B: .(Bt takes 20 hours)17.A: What does she like?B: .(C.She s very nice and kind)18.re talki ng face to face?m Paul.Wh

    21、at s yourA: Why don t you go to an estate age nt, the n, youB: Well, .(Cdon t know)19.A: ?B: Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.(A.Do you have any family)20.A: ?B: Hi. My name s Rose. Are you from London?(A.Hello,l n ame)二、阅读理解阅读1原文:Helen s。Tom.1.s grandfather) s father)s wife)s niece)W

    22、ho is Andrew?(B.Andrew is Dan s uncle)2.Who is Mark?(C.Mark is Dan3.Who is Tom?(A.Tom is Dan4.Who is Joyce?(A.Joyce is Tom5.Who is Pam?(A.Pam is An drew阅读2 原文:Mr Johnson 。 start?1.Mr Joh nson n eeds a young and beautiful secretary to help him.(B.Wr ong)2.Mr Joh nson in terviews Mrs Santana on the te

    23、leph on e.(B.Wr ong)3.Mrs Santana believes she can do the job well.(A.Right)4.Mrs Santana agrees that Mr Johnson s wife can be a goodsecretary.(C.Doesn t say)5.Mrs Santana is very likely to get the job.(A.Right)阅读3原文: Hi Joe, 。 Xiaoyan1.What does Xiaoya n stay in London for?(B.She is work in g.)2.Wh

    24、at are Xiaoyan s London colleagues like?(C.They are very nice.)3.What does Xiaoyan thi nk of London ?(C.She thi nks it is exciting.)4.What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?(B.She thinks they arefrien dly.)5.What s the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter?(A.It is warm)阅读4

    25、原文:It is Sunday 。(饭菜).1.The Brow ns have their dinner in the evening on Sun day. (B.Wr on g.)2.Mr Brown has a big family.(C.Doesn t say.)3.Mr Brown doesn t go to work on Sunday.(A.Right.)4.Mr Brow n likes work ing in the garde n on Sun day.(A.Right.)5.The family enjoy Mrs Brown s cooking (A.Right.)阅

    26、读5 原文: Dear Sir / Madam, 。Jane Sims on1.Jane Sims on is a no w.(B.secretary)2.Jane Sims on is appl ying for a job as .(C.sales represe ntative)3.Jane Sims on was a stude nt of at Dan gst onUni versity.(A.Busi ness Tech no logy)4.Jane Sims on is on holiday for the n ext two weeks and .(B.ca n gofor a

    27、n in terview at any time)5.Jane is sending her with the application letter.(A.CV)阅读6原文: America ns like 。 new frien ds.1.Travelli ng by car is expe nsive and un comfortable.(B.Wr ong)2.Only young people travel by hitch-hik in g.(B.Wro ng)3.Hitch- hikers don t have to pay the drivers for giving them

    28、a lift.(A.Right.)4.Holiday Inn is more comfortable than motels.(C.Doesn t say.)5.Youth hostels are more expe nsive tha n Holiday Inn s.(B.Wro ng.)阅读7原文: The permanent 。一 a bonus.1.How ofte n do temporary employees get their pay?(B.Every week.)2.“ Tip is closest in meaning ( 意义)to .(C.money for good

    29、service)3.What does the writer do?(A.He serves customers in a restaura nt.)4.The writer .(B.ofte n works on Saturdays and Sun days)5.The writer does n t have eno ugh money to .(A.see his pare ntsin Italy)阅读8 原文: Alice is my 。each other.1.Alice and I don t con tact each other very ofte n.(B.Wr ong)2.

    30、I work as the office man ager at the compa ny.(A.Right)3.We always make phone calls on Saturday morni ng.(B.Wr ong)4.We can use five ways to com muni cate with each other.(A.Right)5.We will live closer to each other in the future.(C.Does n阅读9原文: After yesterday s。morning.1 . Yesterday it was sunny i

    31、n _.(B.Wales)2.This morning it will be very windy in _ .(A.Scotla nd)3. This evening it will be _ in the south-west.(C.foggy)4. Tomorrow it will stop raining first in the _ .(C.south-west)5. Tomorrow evening there may be some sun in the ofEn gla nd.(A.south-east)阅读10原文:New York, 。living there.1.There are a lot of in terest ing thi ngs to do in big cities.(A. Right.)2.People move to liv


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