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    1、完整小学三年级英语测试题docx一、把下面字母用手写体按英语字母顺序写在四线格上。(10 分)HhBbKkAa MmPpIi QqTtGg二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10 分)() 1. 小的A 、 monkey B 、 smallC、panda() 2. 足球A 、 footB 、 footballC、ball() 3. 牛奶A 、riceB 、 noodlesC 、milk() 4. 老虎A 、lionB 、 tigerC、 elephant() 5. 自行车 A 、bike B 、door C、doll三、 单项选择题。 ( 共 20 分 )( )1. -Thank you!A.How

    2、 are you . B. Here you are. C.Go.( ) 2._ It s the ABC song.A. What s your favouriteletter ?B. What s yourfavourite song? C. Hi , the ABC song!() 3. I _like football .A. notB. don t C. doesn t() 4._your dad like milk?A. DoB. DoesC.What() 5.Itis _elephant .A. aB. anC.() 6.What are they ? They_monkeys.

    3、A.amB. isC. Are() 7._Li leiplay table tennis ? Yes ,he does.A. DoB. DoesC.does() 8.Does he_to school on Mondays? Yes , he does.A. goB. goesC. going() 9.The cat _fish .A. likesB. likeC. is() 10.What _they? They_pandas.A. isisB .areareC. isare四、连线。 ( 共 10分)1.Does Amy play football?A. Yes, she is.2.Do

    4、you like skipping ?B. Here you are.3.What are they ?C. Yes, she does.4.Pass me the rice, please ?.D. No. I dont.5.IsLingling at home?E. They are lions.五、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的一个。将其序号填在提前括号中。( 共 10 分)() 1. A. riceB. bikeC.fish() 2. A. tigerB. monkeyC. blue() 3. A. orangeB. footballC.table tennis() 4. A. ta

    5、llB. lionC. thin() 5. A. meatB.noodlesC. basketball六、选词 填空。(共 10分)A:goes B: likeC: swimmingD: isE: are1.This girl_ thin.2.Does the cat_ meat?3.I like_.4.How _ you?5.My mum _ shopping on Saturday.七、根据字母表判断下列每组字母的顺序( 字母可以不连续 ) 是否正确,用“”或“”表示。(共 10分)1.ADC2.LMN3.EFG4.JIK5.neg()()()()()6.fig7.guv8.mno9.zo

    6、y10.ace()()()()()八、英汉对对碰。( 10 分)() go swimmingA: 打篮球() ride a bikeB: 在星期一() at homeC:去游泳() on MondayD:在家() play basketballE :骑自行车九、连词成句( 10 分)1. colourredMyfavouriteis( .)2. likeDofishyou (?)3. toonHeworkgoesMonday (.)4. bigThislionis(.)5. goSamschooldoesnt ontoSaturday(.)ToothacheMike is a school b

    7、oy and he is only eight years old.One day his teacher asks him, “mike, why don t you come to school? ”“ I go to see the dentist because of my toothache, “mike answers.“ Oh, I m sorry to her that. Is the tooth aching now? ” the teacher says.“ I don t know. The dentist left it in the hospital. ”生词点拨to

    8、othache 牙痛 dentist 牙科医生 left 留下( leave 的过去式)ache痛 because of 因为注意下面两个词组的区别:in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里一、根据短文判断句子正误( ) 1. The tooth is aching now ( )2. The tooth is in the hospital now二、根据短文内容回答问题( ) 1. Why doesn t mike come to school?( ) 2. Why does mike go to see a dentist?( ) 3. Should we

    9、clean our teeth every day?A history question“Whois the first president of the united states? ” a history teacher asks one of her pupils.The pupil thinks for a long time, but he doesn t say anything. Then the teacher gets angryand shouts, “ George Washington. ”The pupil begins to walk towards his sea

    10、t.“Come back!” the teacher says. “I don t ask you to go. ”“Oh, I m sorry, ” says the student. “I think you call the next student. ”生词点拨: president 总统 history 历史 pupil 学生come back 回来一、根据短文判断句子正误( ) 1. The pupil answers the question.( ) 2. George Washington is the first president of the united states.

    11、( ) 3. The pupil misunderstands the teacher.二、根据短文内容回答问题( ) 1. Why is the first president of the united states?( ) 2. Does the pupil answer the question?( ) 3. What does the pupil want to do?答案: Toothache一、 1. F 2.T二、 1.Because he goes to see the dentist. 2. Because of his toothache3.Yes, we should.

    12、 A history question一、 1. F 2. T 3. T二、 1. George Washington. 2. No, he doesn t 3. Go back to his seat.A black coatMr. Smith has a mice black coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn t like it becauseit s old. She often says, “ Give it to a poor man. ” But Mr. Smith says, “No, I like thiscoat. ”Bu

    13、t one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole. So Mrs. Smith says, “Please dont wear it again. ” Mr. Smith takes it to a tailor s shop and says to the tailor, “please makeanother coat like this one. ” The tailor makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in thesame place again with his cig

    14、arette.生 点 cigarette 香烟 tailor 裁 make a hole 了一个洞 give sth to sb. 把 如: Give it to a poor man (把它 人)一、根据短文内容 真确的答案( ) 1. What colour is Mr. Smith s coat?A. yellow B. brown C. old D. black( ) 2. Who doesn t like the coat at all?A. Mrs. Smith B. the poor man C. Mr. Smith D. the tailor( ) 3. Does Mr. Sm

    15、ith give his coat to the poor man when there s a hole in it?A. certainly B. yes, he does C. nom he doesn t D. we don t know( ) 4. How many holes are there in the new coat?A. one B. two C. no hole D. three( ) 5. Which of the answers in true?A. the two holes are in the same placeB. the tailor can t ma

    16、ke a new coatC. the poor man gets the old coat.D. Mr. and Mrs. Smith don t like the coat at all.二、根据短文判断句子正误( ) 1. Mr. Smith has a nice black coat.( ) 2. His wife also likes his coat.( ) 3. Mr. Smith asks the tailor to make another coat like his black one.On a busThe bus stops at one stop. A mother

    17、and her child get on the bus and sit down. The conductorcomes to them for the tickets. The mother says, “One ticket to the Children s Park. ” Theconductor looks at the small child, then says to him, “how old are you, little boy? ”The mother wants to speak, but the conductor stops her. The boy says,

    18、“ Mother says I mfour years old at home and tow on the bus. ” All the other people laugh.生词点拨: conductor 售票员 stop 车站 go on 上车 go off 下车一、根据短文内容判断句子正误() 1. A mother and her child are on the train.() 2.The mother wants to buy one ticket.() 3.The small child is two years old.() 4.The conductor is cleve

    19、r.二、根据短文内容选择真确的答案() 1.The mother and her child will go to.A. the hospitalB. school C. visit a friend D. the Children s Park() 2. they go to the Childrens Park by.A. busB. trainC. shipD. bike() 3. the conductor stops the mother from speaking because.A. he wants to talk with the childB. he knows the m

    20、other will tell a lieC. he doesn t want o speak with the motherD. he is angry with this woman答案: A black coat一、 1.D 2.A3.C 4.A5.A二、 1. T2.F 3.TOn a bus一、 1. F 2. T 3. F 4.T 二、 1. D 2. A 3. BWhat a poor tigerToday is a big day for the tiger. He is going to get together with his friend bear. Heand bea

    21、r have been friends for tow years. They are going to spend time shopping for clothesto Mr. and Mrs. Panda s party.He is very happy. “ I can t wait until tomorrow! ” says tiger. He goes to his closetto find a tie to wear. But he is so excited that he bumps his toe on the door! ” “Oh, no! howcan I go

    22、shopping today and to the party tomorrow ?“ he begins to cry.生 点 together 一起 tomorrow 明天 closet 衣柜toe 脚趾 bump 撞;撞 a big day 大喜的日子so that :如此以至于 如: he is so excited that he bumps his toe on the door!(他如此 以至于脚趾撞到了 上!)一、根据短文内容回答 ( ) 1. Who is the tiger going to get together with?( ) 2. When will they h

    23、ave the party?( ) 3. Why does the tiger cry?二、根据短文判断句子正误( ) 1. The tiger and bear are good friends.( ) 2. The tiger and bear are going to spend time shopping.( ) 3. The tiger cries.Who am I?Hello! I m a word.I have three letters. My first letter is in “soon” but not in “moon”, my second is in“rose ”

    24、 and also in “rice ”, my third is not in “pencil ” but in “paper ” , my whole is aplace where there is a lot of water. I am the twin sister of the word “ see”.Who am I?生词点拨: letter 字母 second 第二 third 第三whole 全部,整个a lot of 许多的,即可修饰可数名词的复数,也可修饰不可数名词。如: a lot of water( 好多水 ) a lot of students( 好多学生 ) 。

    25、一、根据短文内容判断句子正误( ) 1. The word is a kind of animal.( ) 2. The first letter is “m”.( ) 3. The second letter is “e” .( ) 4. The third letter is “r ”.二、根据短文内容选择真确的答案( ) 1. The word is a place where there is a lot ofA. water B. tea C. milk D. coffee.( ) 2. how many letters are there in this word? A. One B. Two C. Three.D. Four( ) 3. What s this word? It A. rose B. seas “C. see” .D. glass答案: What a poor tiger一、 1.Bear. 2. Tomorrow 3.He bumps his toe on the door.4. Because he can t go shopping today and to the party tomorrow.二、 1. T 2.T 3.TWho am I?一、 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.F 二、 1. A 2. C 3. B


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