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    1、高考英语完形填空中的熟词生义高考英语完形填空中的熟词生义1、track熟义:足迹;痕迹生义:跑道Nyota had just arrived at the schoolstrackand put on her volunteer name tag when her best friend, Lily, approached.2、bitter熟义:味苦的;严寒的生义:不服气的;愤愤不平的She wasbitterabout not competing.3、land熟义:陆地生义:赢得;谋到非正式Shelandeda dream job as a consultant in Australia.4

    2、、count熟义:数数生义:认为Shecountsher 2016 bronze-medal as one of the best moments of her life.5、rocket熟义:火箭生义:快速增长;猛增Profitsrocketed, playerssalaries rose somewhat, and a season of 84 games became one of 132.6、trick熟义:花招;把戏生义:技巧;诀窍Your sports team will never fall short of valuable tips andtrickswith some of

    3、 the great articles on A.7、leg熟义:腿生义:赛程They have between one to four days of rest between eachlegof the race.8、screen熟义:屏幕生义:审查;调查Screeningof applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.9、feed熟义:喂养生义:提供You can buy glasses with computers in that follow your eye move

    4、ments andfeedinformation to you as you walk around.10、stand熟义:站立;忍受生义:立场Advocates of keeping handwriting skills as part of a curriculum point to a lot of evidence to support theirstand.11、torn熟义:撕裂(tear过去分词)生义:左右为难的Tornbetween wanting to help someone in need and not wanting to come home a different

    5、color, Sonia decided to be brave.12、rough熟义:粗糙的生义:粗声粗气的Mrs Craverham answered the door and asked in aroughtone.13、dare熟义:敢于;胆敢生义:激将Young people sometimesdareeach other to come to my door because they think Im going to do something to them.14、sand熟义:沙;沙子生义:打磨;磨光Every night Dad and I sharpened tools a

    6、nd knives andsandedoff rust.15、trade熟义:贸易生义:交换I wouldnt havetradedthose weekends for all the picnics or Little League games in St. Louis not in amillion years.16、beat熟义:敲打;跳动生义:消磨Wanttobeatyour spare time? Here are some books for you to choose from.17、storm熟义:暴风雨生义:冲向He and his teammatesstormedthe r

    7、ink to congratulate their goalkeeper.18、empty熟义:空的生义:空虚的Ifelt lonely, sad, andemptyinside.19、fashion熟义:时尚生义:制作Knife cuttings arefashionedby putting several layers of paper on a relatively soft foundation.20、sour熟义:酸的生义:阴郁的;闷闷不乐的Theman running the news stand responded only with asourexpression.21、clo

    8、se熟义:关闭生义:达成Icloseda $2 million contract negotiation that accounted for 50% of total company orders in2016.22、badly熟义:严重地生义:非常But after losing an expensive war withEngland and France in the 1850s, Russiabadlyneeded money.23、sweep熟义:打扫生义:横扫;袭击From16141620, diseases that arrived with earlyEuropean col

    9、onistssweptthroughthe region, and some destroyed whole villages.24、character熟义: 特征;特点生义:(书、剧本、电影中的)人物At one store we had bought a colorful balloon withKathys favoritecharacteron it.25、name熟义:名字生义:当选;选中To benameda WorldHeritage City, a city must be home to a UNESCO WorldHeritage site.26、hold熟义:握住;抓住生

    10、义:存放His pyramid, the giant tomb thatholdsKhafres body, is located directly behind the Sphinx.27、note熟义:笔记;注意生义:音符The sound quality of the musicalnoteswas not great, but the technical importance of the music was huge.28、success熟义:成功生义:成功人士At last, Thomas Adamslove for inventing had made him asuccess.

    11、29、admit熟义:承认;允许进入生义:接收入院;收治My brother andIhad gone to visit my Dad who had beenadmitteddaysearlier, weak, sick, and confused.30、make熟义:做;制作生义:理解LaterIcame to realize that this child was sent to help some of us who werent justmakewhat love was all about.31、mount熟义:山峰生义:跨上;骑上Milo helped usmountour ho

    12、rses.32、price熟义:价格生义:给定价He typed a paragraph about his project, designed a T-shirt, andpricedeach shirt at $20.33、back熟义:向后;背部生义:资助;支持He had to persuade the DutchEastIndia Company tobackhis third trip.34、cover熟义:覆盖生义:走完(一段路)In such conditions the women were making good progress if theycoveredfourtee

    13、n or fifteenkilometers aday.35、tell熟义:告诉生义:看出;知道Icouldtellhe was touched by the way he looked at her.36、word熟义:单词生义:消息Aswordspread, many people bought shirts.37、run熟义:跑步生义:延续SoEthan decided torunthe fund-raiser for another month.38、say熟义:说;讲生义:发言权Kids often feel as if they have nosayin things, andEt

    14、han shows them that they canhave a real impact.39、nail熟义: 指甲;钉子生义:(花了很多时间或精力)而得到The only way to stand out from thousands of interviewees for that particular job is by applyingpersuasiontonailthat job.40、flood熟义:洪水生义:大量Well,thefloodof cards began in early December.41、snake熟义:蛇生义:蜿蜒前行As wesnakedalong

    15、the aisles, we became aware of a mother with a small boygoing in the opposite direction.42、plot熟义:情节生义:标出;画出Scientistsplotthose changes on a timeline, starting with a chimpanzeelike ancestorand ending with modern humans.43、struggle熟义:努力;奋斗生义:难事Iwas so tired that practice and games were becoming astr

    16、uggle.44、high熟义:(海拔)高的生义: 高雅的Its also close to theGetty Center and (kind of) close to LACMA. But dont worry, its not allhighculture.45、flag熟义: 旗帜生义:(用记号)标出Facebook is also working with fact-checking organizations to identify andflagfake articles.46、easy熟义:容易的生义:安逸的Life waseasyfor my family 15 years

    17、ago.47、shoot熟义:射击;发射生义:拍摄Spielberg beganshootingshort moviesabout World Warbattles.48、pack熟义:包装;装箱生义:涌进;挤满Now, more than 50,000 peoplepackthe streets of Buol, Spain, armed with cheap tomatoes.49、course熟义: 课程生义:(高尔夫)球场That summer Ispentalmost every Sunday morning on the golfcoursewith myfather. 50、loose熟义:松动的;松开的生义:自由的;不受拘束的We couldnt let themloosein the house because of our dogs and cats.


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