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    1、School Mission: Cautiously and conscientiously cultivate qualified talents for the society.“兢兢业业”,是一种谨小慎微、小心翼翼、如履薄冰的状态;是一种认认真真、仔仔细细做事的专注。要一丝不苟地做好每一项工作、每一件事,才能达到预期的目的培养合格人才。“Being cautious and conscientious” is a state of being cautious, as if being on thin ice. It is a kind of earnest and careful at

    2、tention. It is necessary to be meticulous about every work and thing so as to achieve the anticipated goalTrain qualified talents.2.指导思想:一切为了学生成长,一切为了学院发展Guiding Ideology: Everything for the growth of students, everything for the development of the college两个“一切”,体现的是以育人为本的理念,是办学宗旨在办学行为中的具体体现。学生的成长促进

    3、学院的发展,学院的发展有利于学生的成长,二者相互依存,相辅相成,是一个有机的统一体,共同构成了山西工商学院的办学指导思想。 The two “everything” embodies the idea of educating people and the purpose of running a school. The growth of the students promotes the development of the college which is conducive to the growth of the students. The two are interdependen

    4、t and complementary. They constitute an organic unity and the guiding ideology of running Shanxi Technology and Business College. 3.校训:诚信、奉献、拼搏、争先College Motto: Honesty, Dedication, Struggle and Competition校训,是学校历史和文化的积淀,是学校精神的象征,是学校教育理念的集中体现。校训对于内聚合力,外塑形象,激励师生员工奋发向上,具有重要的意义。College motto is the acc

    5、umulation of a colleges history and culture, the symbol of the college spirit, and the concentrated reflection of the colleges pedagogic concept. The college motto is of great significance to the internal cohesion, the exterior image and the encouragement of the teachers and students.4.“三牛”精神 “Sanni

    6、u” Spirit ( the Spirit of Three Oxen)锲而不舍、顽强拼搏的拓荒牛精神:拓荒牛翘尾扬蹄,披荆斩棘,敢趟没走过的路,敢拓没啃过的荒,不空谈、重行动、有远见、敢担当,具有不畏艰苦、坚韧不拔、不屈不挠、负重前行的精神。Perseverant and persistent spirit of Pioneering Ox:Pioneering Ox can overcome all obstacles. They can challenge the new road that no one has been to, and they can also open up t

    7、he new approach that no one has known. They never do empty talk but concentrate on their own behavior. Meanwhile, they also have the spirit of bearing hardships and being tenacious and being perseverant and they never give up. 友善宽容、敬业奉献的孺子牛精神: 孺子牛终日勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、不计得失,它淳朴忠厚、坚韧不拔、无私正直,具有爱岗敬业、勇挑重担、默默无闻、甘为人

    8、梯的无私奉献精神。我国历来有“一日为师,终生为父”的传统美德,老师爱学生就像爱自己的孩子,就像孺子牛一样辛勤地耕耘,为把孺子培养成才心甘情愿地做出奉献、鞠躬尽瘁、不图回报。Friendly, tolerant and dedicated spirit of Willing Ox: Willing Ox is diligent and conscientious, regardless of the gain and loss. It is simple, honest and selfless. Our country has always had a traditional virtue w

    9、hich describes teachers as “A day for the teacher, lifelong for father”. Teachers love their students as their own children, which is just like the willing ox. Teachers make an enormous exertion to cultivate talents without thinking about the repayment. 勤奋自信、争先创新的领墒牛精神:领墒牛志存高远,信念坚定,对事业忠诚,它刚毅、睿智、务实而稳

    10、健,具有脚踏实地、敢为人先、“不待扬鞭自奋蹄”的争先创新的精神。铁骨响铮铮,奋蹄自有神。在三十年的办学历程中,工商人面对时代的呼唤,像领墒牛一样抢抓机遇、争先创新、勇往直前。Diligent, confident, brave and creative spirit of Leading Ox: Leading Ox has high aspiration and conviction. It is devoted to its work. It has creative and persistent spirit. In the course of three decades of scho

    11、oling, the students and teachers of Shanxi Technology and Business College face the call of the times, and they seize the opportunity, try to create and go forward bravely as the leading cattle. 5.工作作风:认真、实在、严格、负责 Work Style:Being earnest, honest, strict and responsible 6.奋斗目标:百年名校Struggle Goal:a ce

    12、ntury-old prestigious college 二、校长的治学理念The Presidents Ideology of Education 1.教育之道,在于成人、成事、成习惯。The essence of education is to help people be true ones, improve themselves and develop good habits.道,为根本。教育的根本在于培养人。“成人”指品德、德行的养成。“成事”指知识、能力的提高。“成习惯”指个人文化,即个人教养、素质的提升。教育的根本任务是立德树人,这和山西工商学院成人、成事、成习惯的教育之道是吻

    13、合的,即德育为先、以人为本,通过教育来塑造人、改变人、发展人、成就人,成就幸福的人生。Tao, the foundation. The foundation of education lies in cultivating human beings. “To be true ones” means the cultivation of morality and virtue. “Cultivate people to behave” means the improvement of knowledge and ability. “Develop good habits” refers to p

    14、ersonal cultivation, which includes the improvement of personal upbringing and quality. The fundamental task of education is to build up a person and it is consistent with the essence of education of Shanxi Technology and Business College. Under such education ideology, moral education comes the fir

    15、st, and it is people-oriented. The college aims to shape people, change people, develop people, make people successful and help people live a happy life. 2.治校之策,在于严格、严教、严规则。The policy of the college lies in managing tightly, teaching rigorously and abiding by the rules strictly.严格,即严格管理,帮助学生养成良好的学习习

    16、惯。严教,即严谨教学,教师要做到循循善诱、诲人不倦。学校要完善教学质量监控体系。严规则,即严守规则,推进管理规范化和制度化。Tight management is to help students to form good learning habits. Rigorous teaching means that teachers should be good at giving systematic guidance and teaching others tirelessly. The college should perfect the teaching quality monitori

    17、ng system. Strict rules mean abiding by the rules strictly to promote the standardization and institutionalization of management.3.大学之大,在于大师、大楼、大格局。The greatness of the college lies in prestigious masters, tall buildings and broad mind.现在的大学,大师、大楼都不可少。大师,指德才兼备、学识渊博的老师。大楼,指现代化的教学手段,与行业发展的需求相匹配的教学条件等。

    18、此外,教育者还应该有一种大格局,即培养学生的全局观念、国际视野和博大胸怀。Prestigious masters and tall buildings are essential for colleges nowadays. Masters mean knowledgeable teachers with both ability and integrity. Tall buildings refer to the modern teaching methods and teaching conditions matching the needs of the industry develop

    19、ment. In addition, educators should also have a big picture, which means cultivating the students overall awareness, international vision and broad mind.4.我们就是要培养具有大局意识、乐于奉献的大气学生;培养具有社会意识、敢于担当的实干学生;培养具有国际意识、勇于创新的睿智学生。 发展目标是 “建设高质量、有特色、现代化、应用型本科高等院校”。Our college aims to cultivate generous students wi

    20、th awareness of the overall situation and spirit of dedication, pragmatic students with social consciousness and strong sense of responsibility, and intelligent students with international consciousness and spirit of innovation. The development objective is to “build a high-quality, characteristic,

    21、modern and application-oriented college”.三、名称释义(一)龙城校区 Longcheng Campus1.厚德楼(行政办公楼) Houde Building(Administration Building)出自周易:“地势坤,君子以厚德载物。”指君子要像大地那样厚重广阔而容载万物。以厚德楼命名学院行政办公楼,原因在于:工商人一贯坚持做人德为上,做事德为先。要有高远博大的胸怀,有像大地一样宽厚的德行,这是工商人崇尚与追求的境界。As is quoted in The Book Of Changes, “As Earths condition is rece

    22、ptive devotion, a gentleman should hold the outer world with broad mind”, which means that a gentleman should be as vast as the earth to tolerate all things. The reason why the colleges Administration Building is named as Houde Building is that people of Shanxi Technology and Business College always

    23、 stick to the idea that morality is the most important standard for anyone to do anything. We should have broad and tolerant mind like the earth, which is the state that Shanxi Technology and Business College advocates and pursue.2.博学楼(1号教学楼) Boxue Building (No.1 Teaching Building)礼记中庸:“博学之,审问之,慎思之,

    24、明辨之,笃行之。”这句话道出了为学的五个阶段。其中博学是第一阶段,越过这一阶段,为学就是无根之木、无源之水。以博学楼命名一号教学楼,意在勉励广大学生博闻强识,追求真知。“博”还意味着博大。唯有博大,才能兼容并包,使为学具有世界眼光,真正做到“海纳百川,有容乃大”。As is quoted in The Book of Rites, “Study extensively, inquire prudently, reflect carefully, distinguish clearly, and practice earnestly”. This sentence indicates the f

    25、ive stages of learning. The erudition is the first stage and without it, learning is just wood without roots and water without source. No.1 Teaching Building is named as Boxue Building to encourage the vast majority of students to broaden their horizon and pursue the truth. Bo also means broadness a

    26、nd only with broadness can people absorb everything uncritically and learn with a world outlook to really act like what is reflected in the saying, “The sea encompasses hundreds of rivers; willingness to accept all is virtuous”.3.志学楼(2号教学楼) Zhixue Building (No.2 Teaching Building)出自论语:“吾十有五而志于学。”说文:

    27、“志者,心之所之也。”尚书大传:“学,效也。”以志学楼命名二号教学楼,意在勉励学生向先贤学习,志存高远,志学励行。According to Analects of Confucius, “At fifteen I set my heart upon learning.” As is quoted in Shuo Wen, “Ambitious people are those who know what they want to do.” It is cited in Standard Interpretation of Shangshu, “Learning is to follow the

    28、 example of others.” No.2 Teaching Building is named as Zhixue Building to encourage the students to learn from the scholars of the past to have high aspirations and daring practice.4.好学楼(3号教学楼) Haoxue Building (No.3 Teaching Building)出自论语,子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。”“敏而好学”,指才思敏捷而又喜爱学习。以好

    29、学楼命名三号教学楼,希望广大学子聪敏勤勉,好学乐学。In The Analects of Confucius, Zi Gong asked, Why Kong Wenzi can be given the posthumous tile of Wen?”Confucius replied, “Being bright and eager to learn and not being ashamed to ask questions is what Wen means.” “Being bright and eager to learn” means being agile and fond o

    30、f learning. No.3 Teaching Building is named as Haoxue Building, with the hope that the vast majority of students can be intelligent and diligent and willing to learn eagerly.5.尚学楼(4号教学楼)Shangxue Building (No. 4 Teaching Building)说文:“尚,曾也”,引申为“尊崇、注重”之意。学,即学问、学习。尚学是主张人应尊崇学问、注重学习。以尚学楼命名四号教学楼,意指学海无涯,勉励学

    31、生崇尚学问,勤奋学习,把学习作为一种人生追求。As is quoted in the book Shuo Wen, “Shang means increasing”, which extends to the meaning of “respecting and emphasizing.” Xue means knowledge and learning. It is advocated that people should respect knowledge and emphasize learning. No.4 Teaching Building is named as Shangxue Building, which means endless learning, encouraging students to value knowledge, study diligently, and regard learning as a kind of life-long pursuit.6.勤学楼(5号教学楼)Qinxue Building(No. 5 Teaching Building)唐代著名文学家、思想家韩愈有名句:“业精于勤,荒于嬉。”意指学业的


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