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    1、山东省青岛市西海岸新区黄岛区高三模拟考试英语试题含答案青岛西海岸新区高中3月模拟试题英 语 (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOne of the

    2、best ways to experience New York City is with a bus tour,rolling between Manhattan neighborhoods,one beautiful block at a timeHere are some best bus tours that NYC offersBig Bus New YorkThis classic bus tour provides a thorough introduction to ManhattanTake a seat on the open-air top deck of a doubl

    3、e-decker bus(双层公共汽车)instead of traveling by subwayThe most popular stops include the 911 Memorial,the High Line,5th Avenue shopping and Harlems Apollo TheaterFor some fresh air,stop in the 843-acre Central Park and go for a walkThe RideClimb aboard The Ride and the bus becomes the theater while the

    4、New York City streets are the stageThis 75-min tour combines sightseeing(including landmarks like the Chrysler Building and Carnegie Hall)with live entertainment(both from onboard guides providing fun facts and screening movie clips,and on-the-street performers)Gray Line City Lights TourWitnessing N

    5、ew York City by night is an essential experience when visiting ManhattanBy night,the main roads,landmarks,and bridges are lit up in breathtaking fashionTheres no better way to see it than from the open-air top deckThis after-dark tour includes Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music HallOpen Loop Ne

    6、w YorkTake advantage of technology to know exactly when your bus is coming with the “Wheres My Bus?”web page from Open LoopThis bus tourwith an uptown route and downtown routeoffers a doubledecker experience complete with an audio(录音的) guide available in several languagesAttractions across Manhattan

    7、 include the Empire State Building,the Metropolitan Museum of Art,Times Square,and the High Line1What might be your reason for stopping in the 843- acre Central Park?ATo enjoy clean air BTo visit a theaterCTo do some shopping DTo visit the 911 Memorial2Which bus should you take to enjoy live perform

    8、ances?ABig Bus New York BThe RideCGray Line City Lights Tour DOpen Loop New York3What is special about Open Loop New York?AIt offers real-time bus schedule information onlineBIt provides a local guide who speaks several languagesCTherere only double-deckers going through the city centreDIt includes

    9、many scenic spots located in several citiesBI hope you will join us to develop the projectThe idea struck me in early 2017We were sitting in our class when our head teacher announced“There11 be a new boy starting school tomorrowHe comes from the circus so he11 be with us for a while.” Immediately I

    10、heard remarks like“Those are dirty people”;“They eat raw meat”;and“Watch out your bags”The teacher must have heard them and said in a very serious voice,“Jake is our guestMake sure you treat him well.”It was the first time I had met anyone from a circusFortunately he sat in the only spare seat next

    11、to meOf course I didnt want to mind others business,but I couldnt help looking at him sidewaysI noticed Jake was smaller than me and had dirty finger nailsHis shirt was clean but had been repaired in many places and his trousers were held up by a wide,leather beltAs he was sniffing loudly,I passed h

    12、im my handkerchiefImmediately the boys began to whisper“Leave him be!”From my left a slight movement showed that Jake must have heard the remarks tooHe seemed to be having great difficulty with his maths work and was struggling to hold his pen correctlyHe looked around as if for helpI looked around

    13、tooThe teacher was busy so I offered to explain the problems to himAs he listened he smiledHis eyes lit up and he returned to the exercises with enthusiasmHe finished them quickly and proudly presented them to the teacher“Well done,Jake”, she approvedJake smiledI thought about how Jakes life would b

    14、eI remembered seeing the campsite and thinking how poor the facilities wereSo I decided to helpAs it was my turn to suggest a project for our gradeI put forward this ideaOur head teacher accepted it and so we began to prepare our plans to improve the campsiteHope you will join us4Why did the student

    15、s dislike Jake even before they saw him?AA newcomer was not welcome at that timeBThey always judged a person by what he looks likeCThe teacher hadnt introduced Jake to them beforehand DThey must have heard terrible stories about circus people5Whats the authors attitude towards Jake?AHe copied the ot

    16、her boys behaviorBHe was distant about what Jakes life was likeCHe had sympathy for the people who were in needDHe couldnt ignore what other people said about Jake6With the help of the author,Jake became more_Afriendly and brave Bconfident and proudCeasygoing and helpful Doptimistic and warm-hearted

    17、7Whats the authors main purpose in writing this passage?ATo call on more people to help JakeBTo show what is in need for a circusCTo ask the readers to join in his projectDTo argue circus people should be fairly treatedCThe worlds insects are going down the path of extinction,threatening a“catastrop

    18、hic collapse of natures ecosystems”,according to the first global scientific reviewMore than 40of insect species are declining and third are endangered,the analysis foundThe rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals,birds and reptiles“It should be of huge concern to all of us,for

    19、 insects are at the heart of every food web山东省中学联盟They pollinate(授粉)the large majority of plant species,keep the soil healthy,recycle nutrients,control pests,and much moreLove them or 1oathe them,we humans cannot survive without insects,”said Prof Dave Goulson at the University of Sussex in the UKTh

    20、e analysis,published in the journal Biological Conservation,says intensive(集约型)agriculture is the main driver of the declines,particularly the heavy use of pesticidesUrbanisation and climate change are also significant factors“If insect species losses cannot be stopped,this will have catastrophic co

    21、nsequences for both the planets ecosystems and for the survival of mankindIt is very rapidIn 10 years you will have a quarter less,in 50 years only half left and in 100 years you will have none,”said review author Francisco Snchez-Bayo,at the University of Sydney,AustraliaOne of the biggest impacts

    22、of insect loss is on many birds,reptiles,amphibians and fish that eat insects“If this food source is taken away,all these animals starve to death,”he saidSuch effects have already been seen in Puerto Rico,where a recent study revealed a 98fall in ground insects over 35 yearsMatt Shardlow,at the cons

    23、ervation charity Buglife,said:“It is thoughtful to see this evidence that shows the pitiful state of the worlds insect populationsIt is increasingly obvious that the planets ecology is breaking and there is a need for a strong and global effort to prevent and change these terrible trends”8Why are pe

    24、ople worried about the insect decline?AThey are vital to ecosystems BThey provide food for pestsCThey pollinate all plants DThey enrich the soil9What is the main cause of insect losses?AMore and more trees BRestrictions on pesticidesCUpgrading agriculture DFriendly environment10Where can you find th

    25、e exact time of insect losses?AIn paragraph 1 BIn paragraph 2CIn paragraph 3 DIn paragraph 411What can be a suitable title for the text?AHumans can survive the punishment of natureBInsect declining is breaking natures ecosystemsCNatures ecosystems are influenced by humansDInsects and animals are dyi

    26、ng out in Puerto RicoDResearchers from the Water, Peace and Security partnership (WPS) have announced the creation of a global forecasting tool that can predict where conflicts arising from water insecurity are most likely to break out. The system uses artificial intelligence to create patterns from

    27、 a wide rage of geographical and socio-economic data and can identify potential conflict hotspots up to a year in advance.Susan Schme, a senior lecturer at Delft Institute for Water Education, which leads the WPS, explains predicting these types of conflicts isnt as simple as it might first appear.

    28、It isnt simply a case of conflicts increasing every time a water security incident occurs. Several regional and cultural factors also play a part, making prediction difficult. The researchers test-ran the AI tool in Mali. They found that it predicted more than three-quarters of the water-related con

    29、flicts there. To achieve this, the system is fed with a variety of data. “First theres the natural side of thingsso rainfall data, soil moisture and many other natural factors,” explains Schme. This enables it to identify areas where availability of water is likely to become a concern. “Then we also

    30、 look at vulnerability in terms of socio-economic and political developments anything from a regime type to the state of development in a region,” she adds. This additional information is weighed up to determine whether it increases or decreases the chance of conflict. Other factors might include wh

    31、ether the water insecurity is likely to affect crops. The tool is just one part of a wider WPS project that aims to increase the availability of information which could help avoid water-related conflicts. Once artificial intelligence has made its predictions the WPS researchers use other analytical tools to zoom-in on a certain region and find out exactly whats driving water insecurity. This might be decreased rainfall, increased population, or water might be being diverted away from a community. The designers are now undergoing final tests of the new AI tool to make sure its ready for a


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