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    1、高考英语冲刺综合训练22014届高考英语冲刺综合训练21witness vt.当场见到,目击;见证;是发生的地点(或时间、组织等);就是证据;看就知道;n.目击者;证人;证据归纳拓展That evening,our group spent hours talking about what we had witnessed.(2009浙江,完形填空)那天晚上,我们组花了数小时讨论我们所看到的事情。活学活用(1)根据语境翻译witnessThe witness _ who witnessed _ the incident gave witnesses _ to the police and pro

    2、mised to be a witness _.(2)The police found the _ the murder case.警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击者。(3)Recent years have _ a growing social mobility.近年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。(4)He witnessed to_the man enter the room.Ahave seen Bhaving seenCsee Dseeing2puzzle n谜;疑问;v.迷惑;使困惑_ adj.令人迷惑的_ adj.困惑的;迷惑不解的_ n迷惘;困惑归纳拓展She stared at him

    3、,puzzled at first, then angry and finally a look of helplessness came over her.她盯着他,先是不解,然后是愤怒,最后脸上是无助的表情。活学活用(1)用puzzle的适当形式填空Mary was reading a poem with a _ expression on her face.Its deeper meaning remained a _ for her.When I asked what she thought of the poem,she looked at me in _ and said it w

    4、as indeed _.(2)The sentence the little boy made_ everybody present.(2010宣城模拟)Adid puzzle Bto puzzleCpuzzling Dpuzzle3convincing adj.使人信服的;有说服力的_ vt.使信服;使确信_ adj.信服的;相信的归纳拓展There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning,the fact that girls mothers talked to them more,is the reason why girls

    5、 talk more than boys.(2009江苏,阅读理解A)没有确凿的证据表明,社会条件即妈妈与女孩交流多的事实就是女孩比男孩说话多的原因。活学活用(1)Ive been trying to _ a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。(2)He _ his sincerity.他使我确信他的真诚。(3)The couple tried every effort to_the judges,who tried their case,of their innocence,resulting in the contrary.Aprove BconvinceCcharge Dconfirm4.

    6、support vt. & n支持,拥护;支撑,托住;搀扶;供养;资助归纳拓展 We were amazed how much support there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.对这个乐队有如此多的支持,并且每个人都同意多支付5 美元,我们非常吃惊。活学活用(1)Mr.Wang spoke _ the proposal.王先生发言支持该项提议。(2)I promised to _.我答应赞助她3000元。(3)The old lady came in,_ herself with a walking s

    7、tick.(2011常德月考)Araising BsupportingClifting Drising5strength n力量;力气_ v加强归纳拓展(1)Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals genes.(2008北京,阅读理解B)动物的特征如力量部分是由基因控制的。(2)He hasnt got enough strength to lift the box.他没有足够的力量搬起那个箱子。活学活用(1)She was hired _ her computer skills.基于她的计算机能力,

    8、她被录用了。(2)用power,force,strength,energy填空Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.He has to do so owing to the _ of public opinion.Knowledge is _.You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret?6exist v生存;存在_ n生存;存在归纳拓展Other wonderful worlds exist all around us.(2010重庆,阅读理解E)其他精

    9、彩的世界存在我们身边。活学活用(1)They _ very little food.他们靠极少的食物来生存。(2)_ a force of attraction between two objects.两物体间总是存在着吸引力。(3)There,in the ancient temple,used to_ a big bell,which is now missing.Ahappen BcomeCexist Dstand7due to意为“由于”,作表语或状语,不可置于句首。归纳拓展She is due to complete her study and graduate later this

    10、 year. 她将要完成学业,并在今年年底毕业。活学活用(1)His absence _ the heavy rain.他的缺席是因为暴雨。(2)Her efforts led to her success while his failure_ his laziness and carelessness.Aleads to Bdue toCled to Dwas due to 8.show up出席,到场归纳拓展(1)Sometimes just a few people show up on time.有时,只有少数人能准时出现。(2)Peter is keen to show off hi

    11、s new car.彼得喜欢炫耀他的新车。活学活用(1)He is free from any thought of _.他毫无卖弄的想法。(2)It is unwise to_ your greater knowledge in front of the manager.(2011无锡模拟)Ashow in Bshow outCshow up Dshow off9make up编造;弥补;组成;和解;打扮归纳拓展American Indians make up about five percent of the US.population.(2008浙江,14)美洲印第安人占美国人口的5%。

    12、活学活用(1)I can scarcely _ his writing.我几乎辨认不出他的笔迹。(2)Dont believe him.He_ a story.Amakes up Bis making upCmakes up of Dis making out10take charge of负责归纳拓展活学活用(1)The nurse is _ the patients.The patients are in the nurses charge.那位护士负责照料那些病人。(2)John will _ the next meeting.约翰将主持下一次会议。(3)It looks as if t

    13、hey are going to_ us 3,000 dollars for the concert hall.Awant BcostCdemand Dcharge11run after追逐,追踪归纳拓展(1)The world economy has run into a brick wall.世界经济已然碰壁。(2)He has used up all his strength.他已耗尽了他所有的力气。活学活用(1)句型转换Our supplies soon _.Our supplies were soon run out of.我们的供给很快就用完了。(2)We _our money,s

    14、o Im afraid well have to end our trip two days earlier.What a pity! (2010益阳调研)Aused upBhave run outCare running out ofDare giving out12.However,police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 pm.译文:_ _句式提取:do/does/did动词原形归纳拓展“do/does/did动词原形”构成强调句,意为“确实,的确”,用来加强谓语动词的语气,但

    15、须符合以下条件:(1)句子是肯定句;(2)句子的时态为一般现在时或一般过去时。活学活用(1)_ quiet!务必安静!(2)She _ to say thank you.她至少还写了信道谢。(3)He _ listening to classical music.他的确喜欢听古典音乐。(4)Im sorry,I shouldnt have been so rude to you.You_ your temper,but thats OK.Ahave lost Bhad lostCdid lose Dwere losing13Yetis are said to be heavily built

    16、and hairy.译文:_句式提取:sb.be said to do sth.归纳拓展sb.be said to do sth.这一结构是由It is said that.这一句型结构转变而来的,与此类似的句型结构有:It is believed/reported/thought/expected/known that.。(1)It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.(2009全国,6)经常听人说人类天生就具有说话的能力。(2)The manager is said to go to New Yor

    17、k next month.It is said that the manager will go to New York next month.据说经理下个月要去纽约。活学活用(1)句型转换The book is known to have been translated into ten languages._ the book has been translated into ten languages.众所周知,这本书已被翻译成十种语言。The boy _ Toms money.It is believed that the boy stole Toms money.人们认为那个男孩偷了

    18、汤姆的钱。(2)_ in the newspaper that many people have been cheated by a man_Li Ming.AIt is reported;calledBWe are reported;who is calledCIt reports;callingDAs is reported;called14Standing inside were lots of whiteskinned,strangelooking creatures with large black eyes.译文:_句式提取:standing inside were.归纳拓展活学活

    19、用(1)Away _.那个犯人逃跑了。(2)Between the two buildings _.两座楼之间有一棵高大的树。(3)East of our school_ two companies_ make electric motorbikes.(2011株洲月考)Aare;that Bis;whereCis;that Dare;where【深圳市2014高考英语综合能力测试题(8)】读写任务(共1小题;满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。The actions of international development volunteers, and

    20、the relationships they build, live on long after the volunteers return home.One such volunteer is Carlie Rocco. After completing an Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) role, 27-year-old Carlie travelled to China to take up the role of Rural Development Advisor(咨询员)at Yunnan Agricultu

    21、ral University. “I had an interest in working indevelopment and learning new skills, so I decided to volunteer to be able to pursue that. We had one project where we used this knowledge to grow and collect Chinese medicinal herbs (中药), and then linked them up with Chinese medicine companies.” “Its a

    22、 great way to acquire a lot of new skills in a short space of time it would take a lot longer if you wanted to do that in Australia, to acquire some of those universal professional skills like relationship building, communication and cross-cultural skills.” Reflecting on her volunteer experience, Ca

    23、rlie felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues at Yunnan Agricultural University and, alter all, she gained valuable professional skills in the process:【写作内容】1. 以约30个词总结Carlie作为志愿者的工作和收获。2. 以约120个词就“志愿者工作”发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点:(1)你认为志愿者工作有何意义;(2)列举你或他人的事例说明你的看法;(3)你认为成为一

    24、名优秀志愿者的最重要的素质是什么。【写作要求】1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。_ 【参考范文】读写任务 (One possible version)As an Australian Youth, Carlie worked as a Rural Development Advisor at Yunnan Agricultural University. She spared no effort to help others, and gai

    25、ned some valuable skills. As shown from Carlies experience, providing a free service for others and improving oneself is what volunteer work is all about. My elder sister worked as a volunteer for the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. She was responsible for showing the audience in and out of the stadiums

    26、 and demonstrating a series of gestures to cheer up the athletes at the game. Every night when she got back late, she was too exhausted to say a word or stand up. But she has learnt to appreciate what others have done for her, which she used to take for granted.”Thus it can be seen that gratefulness is the most important quality for volunteers, because to be an excellent volunteer is to give rather than receive.Unit 1Tales of the unexplained.语境填词1The _(可能性) that he is the _(凶手) is not _(令人信服的)2The _(存在) of some strange _(动物) is _(无法解释的)3It is _(明显的) that he has a lo


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