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    1、( ) 12. Whats Jennys telephone number? A. 2639541 B. 8359274 C. 2819176( ) 13. Whats his first name? A. Jim B. Smith C. Jim Smith( ) 14. Is this Sonias schoolbag? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt C. No, it is.( ) 15. Is that Annas sister? A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt. 二、单项选择。(15分)16.W

    2、here are their keys?They are . A. under the table C. table the under B. under table D. the table under17. -Is my hat on your bed, Cindy? - .And your jacket is here, too, A.No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are. D. No, it is. 18. clock and English book are on the computer desk. A. An, a B. A,

    3、a C. A, an D. A, a19. - schoolbag is green, and is black. -OK,. Here you are.A. I, hers C. My, hers,B. My, her D. I, her20. - , Grace , is this your pencil? -Yes, thank you.A.Thanks C. Hello B. How are you D. Excuse me21. How you “watch”?A. do , spell B. are , spell C. spell , do D. is , spell22.-Th

    4、is is a photo my grandparents. A.of B.to C.in D.at23.- are they? -They are my sister and my brother.A. What C. How B. Who D. Where24. -Well, have a good day! - . A. Bye! C. Thanks! You, too!B. Nice to meet you. D.Good morning!25.-Hello! My name is Mary. - . A. Fine , thank you. C. Yes, you are. B. W

    5、hats your name? D. Hi, I am Gina.26.- ? -.No, Im not. I am Mary. A. Are you Lily? C. Are your name Lily?B. Are your Lily? D.Whats your name?27.-What about this dictionary? -Its . A. Helen C. my parentssB. Helens D. my parents28.在下列字母中,含有相同元音音素的一组是 .A. K G F C. M L NB. H M N D. A B H29.英语字母表中,小写形式占三格

    6、的是 A f, l B. j, p C. f, j D. i,q30.I have a brother two sisters, I dont have a cousin. A. and, but C.and , and B. but, but D.but , and三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Do you know who this man is? Yes, it is American president Obama! This is the 31of his family. This man32Mr. Obama.33is two daughters father. The w

    7、oman next to him is Mrs. Obama.Her 34 is Michelle Obama. 35is a beautiful mother. Who36these children? 37 are Mr. Obamas daughters. This tall38is Marlia Obama, Mr. Obamas39daughter. That is Natasha Obama, Mr. Obamas second daughter. She is 40 eight-year-old girl and she is the younger sister. They a

    8、re good sisters. 31. A. map B. book C. photo D. room32. A. am B. is C. are D. be33. A. Her B. She C. His D. He34. A. famliy B. name C. first name D. last name35. A. Her B. She C. His D. He36. A. are B. is C. am D. be37. A. They B. Them C. These D.Those38. A. boy B. boys C. girl D. girls39. A. one B.

    9、 first C. second D.two40. A. the B. a C. an D. /四、阅读理解(共20分)AMy name is Jeff. Im English. But now I live(住)in China. I am a student. This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in it. They are for classmates(同班同学)and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. Its for my teacher. A

    10、clock is on the back(后面)wall of the classroom. Next to(紧挨着)the clock is a map. Its a map of China.My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much.根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B )。(每小题1分)( )41. Jeff is a Chinese student.( )42. There are(有)fifteen small desks and chairs in the classroom.( )43.The underlined(下画线

    11、的)“It” means(意思是)“the classroom”.( )44. A clock is on the back wall of the classroom.( )45. The map of the world is next to the clock.BIts my schoolbag!Its five ten in the afternoon. A policeman(警察) stands near No. 2 Middle School. He talks (谈话) with some students. “Is this your schoolbag?”asks he.

    12、“No, it isnt.” says Eric. “It looks like (看起来像) Johns. ”says Mike. “No, it is not his schoolbag.” says Tom. “His schoolbag is red, but its green. ”Mary comes and says, “Peter cant find his schoolbag. Its his, I think(认为). ”“It isnt his.”says Harry. “His schoolbag is old, but its new.”“Where is your

    13、schoolbag, Jim?” asks Mike. “Oh, dear! Its my schoolbag! Thank you! ”根据上面对话内容,判断正(A)误(B)。( )46. It is ten five in the morning.( )47. A policeman asks the students whose schoolbag it is.( )48. Mikes schoolbag is red.( )49. The schoolbag is Peters because(因为)he lost it.( )50. The schoolbag is Jims.CTh

    14、is is a photo of Mr. Whites family. The man with glasses (眼镜) is Mr. White. The woman is Mr. Whites wife. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind (在后面) Mr. White. His name is Tom. Hes 13. Kate is Toms sister. She is 11. Tom and Kate are in the same school, but they are in different (不同的) g

    15、rades. Tom is in Grade Three and Kates in Grade One. They are good students. 根据短文内容,选择正确的选项.(每小题2分)( )51. Mr. and Mrs. White have. A. a son and a daughter C. Tom and Kates sisterB. three children(孩子) D. a family of five( )52. The woman ismother. A. Kates C. TomsB. Kates and Toms D. Kate and Toms( )5

    16、3. Tom and Kate are in the same. A. class B. grade C. school D. year( )54. White is thename. A. first B. full C. middle D. family( )55. Tom and Kate are. A. good children C. in different schoolsB. good students D. in the same grade第二部分:主观题(40分)五、词组互译.(10分)56飞机模型 57.a set of 58快点儿 59.thank you for 60

    17、请求:恳求 61.Youre welcome. 62中学;初中 63. last name 64名字 65. Good morning! 66电话号码 67. in English 68、晚上好! 69. pencil box 70过得愉快! 71. What about? 72劳驾 73 .ID card 74. 录音机 75. How are you? _ 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)76Are these your _ (photo)?77My name is Linda Hand. Linda is my_ (one) name.78My pen is red. What a

    18、bout _ (you)?79Where _ (be) my keys?80-Are these your pencils?-Yes, _ (it) are.81 - Is that girl Jenny? - I _ (not ) know.82 -Is this your book? - No, it isnt.Its _. (Eric)83Are those your _ (dictionary)?84She is in Class 2, and _(she) brother is in Class 2,too.85_ (thank) for your help.七、句型转换。86His

    19、 computer game is on the sofa.(对划线部分提问) _ _ his computer game?87The ring is mine.(改为同义句) This is_ _.88. My phone number is 324-5569.(对划线部分提问) _ _ phone number?89Are his keys in the bag?(作否定回答) No,_ _90. The teacher is in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句) _ the _ in the classroom?A. What color is it?B. Whats t

    20、hat?C. Whats on it?D. Where s your schoolbag?E. Are your books on it?八、从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。A: Look! 91._B: Its my desk. 92._ Its white.93. _ No, they arent. My books are in my bookcase. 94._ A telephone. 95._ Its under the desk.九、书面表达。请你以 “I”为题, 用上初中以来所学的英语单词和句型介绍你自己。例如,你的姓名、电话号码、你喜欢的颜色、你的房间及物品的摆放等。不得少于

    21、50词。英语试卷答案听力原文(每个句子念两遍)1. Thank you for your dictionary.2. My cousin has a new watch.3. Is the tape player under the table?4. Are those your grandparents?5. Our classroom is tidy.6. Whats her family name?7. Is that your pencil box?8. This is my mother.9. What color is Cindys ruler?10. Good afternoon

    22、, Alice.(每段对话念两遍)11. A: Whats this in English? B: Its a jacket. A: What color is it? Its black.Q: What color is the jacket?12. A: Hi, Jenny. Whats your telephone number? Its 2819176. Q: Whats Jennys telephone number?13. A: Whats your name? Jim Smith. Jim is my first name. And Smith is my last name.

    23、Whats his first name?14. A: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your schoolbag? No, it isnt. Its Bobs schoolbag. Is this Sonias schoolbag?15. A: Hello, Anna. Is that your sister? No, it isnt. Shes my friend. Is that Annas sister?56. model plane 57.一套;一副;一组 e on 59.为-而感谢 60.ask-for 61.别客气。62.middle school 63.姓 64.first name 65.早上好!66.telephone number 67.用英语 68.Good evening! 69.铅笔盒;文具盒 70.Have a good day! 71. -怎么样?-好吗?72.excuse me 73. 学生证 74.tape player 75 你好吗?


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