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    1、 Bangladesh is present. Brazil.Delegate of Brazil: Brazil is present. Cyprus.Delegate of Cyprus: The total number of delegates is 17. The simplemajority will be 9; the absolute majority will be 12.动议开启发言名单的程序及发言模板) Now the chair suggests delegate motion to open the speakerslist. Are there any motion

    2、s?(Raising placards) UK.Delegate of UK: The delegate of UK motions to open the speakers listwith 2 minutes speaking time. Now we have a motion on the floor. Those who are in favor ofthis motion, please raise your placard. With* in favor, this motion passes. All those who want to beadded to the speak

    3、ers list, please raise your placard. Marshall Islands, USA, China, UK, Cyprus, Fiji, France, Australia,Russia, Tuvalu, Germany, Japan, Canada, India, Netherland,Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa. Now, delegate of Marshall Islands, you have 2 minutes toaddress the body.Delegate of Marshall Islands: Ho

    4、norable Chair and distinguisheddelegates, Marshall Islands 让渡时间给主席的程序及发言模板) Delegate of Marshall Islands, you still have seconds. Howwould like to be yielding your time? Yield the time to Chair.动议更改发言时间的程序及发言模板) Thank you, Marshall Islands. Now the floor is open, any motionsor points? China.Delegate

    5、 of China: China motions to change the speaking time from120 seconds to 150 seconds. Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise yourplacard. With* in favor, this motion fails. The speaking time is still 2minutes. OK, now delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes to address thecommittee.Delegate o

    6、f USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates,USA 让渡时间给另一代表国的程序及发言模板) Thank you, USA, you still have seconds. How would like to beyielding your time? Yield the time to Japan. OK, delegate of Japan, you have seconds.Delegate of Japan: Thank you, USA. Honorable Chair anddistinguished delegates 动议

    7、进行有组织的核心磋商的程序及发言模板) OK. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Fiji.Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions for a 3 minutes moderated caucason delegate of USAs speech, with speaking time 60 seconds. With* in favor, this motion passes. Those who want to speak,please raise your placard. Fiji, you

    8、have 60 minutes. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard.Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates Tuvalu, you have 1 minutes.Delegate of Tuvalu: OK, this motion is over. Now, China, please

    9、come to the stageto deliver your speech.China 让渡时间给评论的程序及发言模板) Thank you, China. You still have seconds. How would like tobe yielding your time? Yield time to Comments. Those who want to make comments on Chinas delegatesspeech, please raise your placard. Netherland.Delegate of Netherland:Netherland

    10、动议进行无组织的自由协商的程序及发言模板) Now the floor is open. Are there any motions or points? India.Delegate of India : India motions for a 5-minute unmoderatedcaucas on Chinas delegates speech. With* in favor, this motion passes. Delegates, make full use ofthe following 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes) Time is up. Plea

    11、se be seated. Now, we will continue with ourSpeakers List. Delegate of UK, you have 2 minutes to address the Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, UK 让渡时间给问题的程序及发言模板) Thank you, UK. You still have seconds. How would like to be Yield Time to Questions. Those who want to ask UK delegate questio

    12、ns, please raise yourplacard. Bangladesh. Thank you, honorable Chair. Bangladesh iswondering how UK government can guarantee efficient fund onslowing down sea level rise. Delegate of Bangladesh, thanks for your questions.UK government will Ok. The floor is open now. Any motions or points? 追加发言部分 Now

    13、 that each country has delivered speech to the committee,we will move on to additional speaking time. Based on the order thecountry submitted its page, the following 3 countries will have anaddition speaking time of 2 minutes: USA, Australia, and Tuvalu. Theprocedure is the same as before. There wil

    14、l be yielding time andmotions after each speech. Now, delegate of USA, you have 2minutes. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates 主席结束语部分 Ladies and gentlemen, todays session is over by now. Alldelegates need to negotiate with others to write draft resolutions andsubmit them to the Secretariat o

    15、n time. Tomorrow morning we willdiscuss these draft resolutions, make amendments and vote on thedraft resolutions. All delegates, see you tomorrow morning.第二天上午:决议草案的讨论阶段决议草案的讨论程序及发言模板) Now we will continue our conference. The committee has *draft resolutions, which are, according to the time they a

    16、re submittedto the Secretariat, Draft Resolution sponsored by *, *, *, Draft Resolution sponsored by *, *, *, DraftResolution sponsored by *, *, * First, the main sponsor of Draft Resolution comes to the stage to introduce DraftResolution.(After the introduction) Now the floor is open. Are there any

    17、 points or motions? USA. USA motions for 3 minutes moderated consultationto discuss Draft Resolution. The speaking time will be 60seconds. Thank you. Those who are in favor of this motion please raiseyour placard. This motion passes with* in favor. Those who want to speak,please raise your placard.

    18、USA, you have 60 seconds. Thank you, Chair. Dear all Thank you, USA. Those who also want to speak, please raiseyour placard. China, you now have 60 seconds. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates Thank you, China. Those who also want to speak, please raiseyour placard. Now UK, please deliver yo

    19、ur speech. Thank you Chair. Dear delegates Now the motion is over by now. And discussion on DraftResolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Then we will invite themain sponsor of Draft Resolution to introduce this draftresolution. Netherland. Netherland motions for a 5-minuteunmoderated consult

    20、ation. Thank you Netherland. All those who are in favor of this motionplease raise your placard. With* in favor, this motion passes. Now delegates, make fulluse of your 5 minutes. Delegates, time is up, please be seated. Discussion on Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Now, the ma

    21、insponsor of Draft Resolution, please come to the stage tointroduce your draft resolution40 分钟的休会阶段写修正案) Now we have fully discussed all draft resolutions. Then theconference will come into a 40-minute period for delegates to discusswith others to make amendments to draft resolutions. You can walkaw

    22、ay from your seat and negotiate with other delegates. Please bereminded that all amendments should be submitted to the secretariatin 30 minutes. Ok, delegates, make full use of the following 40修正案的讨论、表决阶段 Ladies and gentlemen, time is up. Please be seated. Now wehave 3 amendments, which are Amendmen

    23、t sponsored by *,Amendment sponsored by * and Amendment sponsored by*. First, the sponsor of Amendment , please come to the stageto introduce your amendment.友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板) The sponsors of Draft Resolution, those who agree toincorporate Amendment into Draft Resolution, please raise Since all sponso

    24、rs of Draft Resolution agree to incorporateAmendment , this amendment is a friendly amendment, so it willbe incorporated into Draft Resolution without any vote. Now thesponsor of Amendment , please come to the stage to introduce it.非友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板) Since not all sponsors agree to incorporate Amendment ,this amendment is an unfriendly amendment. Now the chair willestablish a new speakers list. The chair will call 2 delegates who arein favor of this amendment and 2 delegates who are again


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