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    1、What s your mother?She s a doctor.Oh, good!My mum is a TV reporter.Oh, Cool!A teacher?No!A Doctor?Oh!Be careful.Thank you.That s my father.Oh, your father is a policeman.Lesson 5 看看!这是我母亲。哦,她很漂亮。你妈妈干什么工作?她是一名医生。Lesson 6 我的妈妈是一个电视台记者。哦,酷!你父亲干什么职业?猜!一个老师吗?不!一个医生吗?哦!小心!那是我的父亲。哦,你的父亲是一名警察。Unit 2 What s

    2、your number?Lesson 7Hi, kate. This is my new friend. Sue. 你好,凯特!这是我的新朋友。苏。Hi, Sue, Glad to meet you! 嗨,苏,见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。What class are you in? 你们在哪个班?I m in Class Two. Grade Three. How about you? 我在三年级二班。你呢?I m in Class One. Grade Four. 我在四年级一班。Lesson 8一,二,三,跑!你的号码是多少?我是十四号。我是十三号。Le

    3、sson 9Hi, Mimi. What s your neur?mb 你好,咪咪。I m number six! 我是六号!What s one and two? 1+2 是多少?Three!Yes! And what s seven and eight?是。七加八是多少?Er , um, fifteen.Good!呃,嗯,十五。很好!Good morning class!Good morning Mr Li.Lets count from one to eighteen.One!Two!ThreeWhat s eight and nine?It s seventeen.Very good!

    4、Lesson 10早上好!同学们!早上好,李先生。让我们从一数到十八。8+9 等于多少? 十七。One, two, three, go! What s your number? I m number fourteen. What s your number? I m number thirteen.Wake up! Wake up, Peter. What s the time, Mum? Its 7:20.Oh, no! Im late.Have some milk.No, thanks!Lesson 11起床了!起床了, 彼得现在几点了?妈妈?七点二十分。哦,不!我迟到了。喝些牛奶。不了,

    5、谢谢。What s 1 and 2?It s 3.What s 8 and 7?Um fif teen.What s 10 and 10?Twenty!Why not? 10 and 10.So, 10 and 10 is 10!Lesson 121 加 2 是什么?38 加 7 是多少?嗯十五。10 加 10 是多少?二十!为什么呢?不,看看! 10 加 10。所以, 10 加 10 是 10!Unit 3 It s a pineapple.Lesson 13 What s this in English? 嗨,彼得!这个用英语怎么说?It s pineapple. 菠萝。It s for

    6、you. 是给你的。For me? Why? 给我的?Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐。What s this in English?Its a watermelon.Its so big.Do you like watermelons?Yes, I do.Me too. Let s eat it.Good idea!Lesson 14 这个用英语怎么说? 这是一个西瓜。太大了。你喜欢西瓜吗?是的,我喜欢。我也是。让我们吃了它。这提议不错。Lesson 15Yang Ming, what s this in English?It s a tomato.What s t

    7、hat in English?It s a potato. 这是一个马铃薯。杨明,这个用英语怎么说? 这是一个番茄。 那个英文怎么说? 这是一个马铃薯。Hi, Kate. What s that in English?It s a carrot.Pardon?Carrot. C-A-R-R-O-T, carrot.Lesson 16你好,凯特!那个英文怎么讲?这是一个胡萝卜。原谅?胡萝卜。 C-A-R-R-O-T , 胡萝卜。Hi, lets play a game.Ok!What s this?Its a green pepper.Are you sure? Is it green or r

    8、ed?Its green.Lesson 17嗨!让我们来做游戏。好啊。这是什么?这是一个绿色辣椒。你确定吗?它是绿色的还是红色的?它是绿色的。是的。I m Micky. I m smart.Excuse me, whats this in English?And what s this?Its a cucumber.I know! It s a bat! Yes! Oh, no! It s bread.Lesson 18我是米奇。我很聪明。打扰您一下。这是一个黄瓜。我知道。这是一个球棒! 你确定吗?可以。 看看!它是面包。Fun Time 1Part 11、 What fruit has th

    9、e letter“ a” ? Spell it. Apple! A-p-p-l-e!. Banana! Pineapple!什么水果有字母“ a”?拼写它。苹果! a-p-p-l-e!香蕉!菠萝!2、 What is it?It s a watermelon! A kiwifruit!这是怎么什么?这是一个西瓜!猕猴桃!Part 21、 My name s Bob. 我叫鲍勃。Where are you from? 你来自哪里?I m from America. 我是美国人。2、 Hello! Where are you from?您好。你喜欢番茄汁吗? 是的。我喜欢。Do you like

    10、tomato juice?Yes. I do. Thank you.1、Mum ,what are you?I m a nurse.My mum is a nurse.My dad is a s-c-i-e-n-t-i-s-t.This is my dad.2、My dad is a postman.Act like your dad.Part 3 妈妈。你是干什么工作的?我是一个护士。我的妈妈是一个护士。我的爸爸是一个科学家。这是我的爸爸。我的爸爸是个邮递员。像你爸爸。Unit 4 How s the weather today?Lesson 19 Its fine today. Let s

    11、 play football. 嗨,彼得!今天天气很好。让我们玩足球。Great! 太好了。Hi,Kate! It s nice today. Let s play with my kite. 你好,凯特!让我们去放我的风筝。OK. Lets go! 好啊。那走吧。Lesson 20Mum, it s cool today. Shall we go to the zoo?妈妈, 今天天气很冷。 我们要去动物园吗?OK!I like pandas, bears and tigers.How about you, May?I like monkeys, elephants and birds.我喜

    12、欢熊猫,熊和老虎。你呢,小家伙?我喜欢猴子,大象和小鸟。Lesson 21Dad, its hot today. Shall we go swimming? 爸爸,今天很热。我们去游泳好吗? Good idea! Let s go. 这提议不错。Mum, can I have some cold water, please?妈妈,我可以喝一些冷水,好吗?Here you are. 给你。Mum, how s the weather today?It s sunny. Let s go shopping.Great, Mum!Can I have a new skirt, please?Sure

    13、, let s go.Lesson 22妈妈。今天的天气怎么样?是晴天。我们去逛街吧!太好了!我可以买一条新裙子,好吗?当然。走吧。It s rainy.Oh, dear!Put on your shirt.OK, Mum.Lesson 23 妈妈。 下雨。哎呀。穿上你的衬衫。好的,妈妈。Its so hot today! Its so cold! Its rainy today!Its sunny today!It s snowy today!Lesson 24今天很热!哦。太凉了。今天是雨天!今天是大晴天!今天下雪!Ha, ha! Micky, hows the weather today

    14、? 哈,哈!米奇,今天的天气怎么样?Lesson 25Its so hot today. Mum, where s my new T-shirt?今天很热。 妈妈, 我的新 T 恤衫在哪里?Over there.Peter! Put on your cap.Thanks, Mum.在那边。彼得!戴上你的帽子。谢谢,妈妈。Lisa, this is for you. For me? Whats in it? Open in and see. Oh, a dress. It s pretty!And a hat! Happy birthday to you!Thank you, Mum and D

    15、ad.Lesson 26丽莎,这是给您的。送我的?里面是什么?打开看看。哦,连衣裙。哇! 它很漂亮!还有帽子!祝你生日快乐。谢谢你,妈妈和爸爸。Can I help you?Please show me that jacket.Here you are.Can I try it on?Sure!Lesson 27 能为你效劳吗? 请给我那件夹克。给你。我能试试吗?Lesson 28Dad, look at those jeans. Theyre really cool! 爸爸, 看那件牛仔裤。 他们真的很酷!Miss, can we have a look at those jeans? 小姐

    16、,我们能看一看那件牛仔裤吗?Thanks. 谢谢。Lesson 30我的帽子在哪里?在这儿。我的连衣裙在哪?我的牛仔裤在哪里?在这儿,我的短裤在哪里?我不能走!哈,哈!你看起来很滑稽。Lesson 31 看这只大象。哇,太大了。看,它有大耳朵。还有小眼睛。Lesson 29Mum, I like those shoes. 妈妈,我喜欢这些鞋子。Can I have a look at those shoes, please?我可以看一下这种鞋吗?Sure, Here you are. 好的,给你。Thank you. May I try them on? 谢谢你。我可以试穿吗?Certainl

    17、y. 当然了。Where s my hat?Here it is.Where s my cap?Where s my dress?Where are my jeans?Here they are.Where are my shorts?I can t walk! You look funny.Look at the elephant. It s so big. Look, it has big ears. And small eyes.Lesson 32Look, Lisa. I have a rabbit. 看,丽莎。我有一只兔子。Oh, it has long ears and a sho

    18、rt tail. 哦,它有长耳朵和短尾巴。Look at the monkey. 看这只猴子。 It has a big mouth and a long tail. 哇!它有一张大嘴和一个长长的尾巴。Hi, Peter. Come here.OK, I m coming.Look at me. How tall I am.Ha! Ha! How funny! Look! You re tall, too. Ha, ha! We re both tall!Lesson 33 嗨,彼得。过来! 好的,我就来。看着我。我有多高。哈!多么有趣!你也是高的。我们都高!Come here, Lisa.C

    19、oming! I m short and fat. I m short and fat, too.We look short and fat. We look like twins!Lesson 34 过来!丽莎。来了!我又矮又胖。我也又矮又胖。我们看起来又矮又胖。我们看起来像双胞胎!Happy New Year!Lets go and see Miss Lin.OK, Lets go!Hello, Miss Liu.Lesson 35新年快乐!让我们去看林小姐。好的,走吧。你好,林小姐。Hello, Mimi. Let s act. OK.Look at my ears!Wow, So bi

    20、g!Look at my long ears.I have a long nose.Oh, Im a rabbit. I have a short tail.I have a long tail.I m an elephant. I have a short tail. I m a cat! I m a monkey.Lesson 36你好,咪咪。让我们一起行动。看我的耳朵!哇,这么大!看我的长耳朵。我有一个长长的鼻子。哦,我是兔子。我有一个短尾巴。我有一条长长的尾巴。我是一只大象。你好。我是猫!我是一只猴子。1、 Let s play and sayShow me you new clothes.Lets sing “ Happy New Year”.I have a new cap.I have a new dress.2、 Lets actShow me that dress, please.1、Let s play Tom is swimming. Hows the weather today?2、Lets doShow me a rainy day.Fun Time 2给我看看你的新衣服。让我们唱“新年快乐。我有一顶新帽子。我有一件新连衣裙。能为你效劳吗?请给我那件连衣裙。汤姆在游泳。给我一个下雨天。


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