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    1、A) saw B) glanced C) watched D) observed 5. This case is rather heavy, but that one is_ light.A) fairly B) barely C) merely D) scarcely 6. I failed in my job. If only I_ to my parents. A) listened B) had listened C) have listened D) would listen to 7. This morning our water supply was_ because the p

    2、ipe burst.A) cut out B) cut offC) cut down D) cut across 8. Scientist will have to_ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply in order to feed more hungry people.A) come up with B) keep up withC) put up with D) catch up with9. _ from the moon, our earth water covering seventy percent of its s

    3、urface, appears a “blue planet”. A. Seen B. seeing C. Having seen D. To see10._ everybody is here, lets work out the traveling plan.A) Now that B) In thatC) So that D) That11. It is time the kids_.A) go to bed B) have gone to bedC) went to bed D) had gone to bed12. Eleven oclock is_ for a boy of his

    4、 age to stay up.A) a so late hour B) so late an hourC) an hour too late D) too late an hour13. I cant _ you do that. A. ask B. let C. require D. allow14. The American ignorance of Australian literature was often_ by a belief that Australia is as isolated culturally as it is geographicallyA) accompan

    5、ied B) carriedC) separated D) prevented15. My idea is that the instrument_ again before it is used.A) is tested B) will be testedC) should be tested D) tests二.完形填空 (15%)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项From the beginning, water has furnished man with a source of food and a highway to trav

    6、el upon. The first _1_ arose where water was a dominant element in the environment, a challenge to mans ingenuity. The Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar _2_ the Niles annual flooding. The Babylonians, who were among the most famous law-makers in ancient times, invented laws _3_ water usage. Wa

    7、ter inspired the Chinese to build a 1,000-_4_ canal, a complex system which, after nearly 2,500 years, remains still practically _5_ and still commands the astonishment of engineer. But the _6_ never found complete solutions to their water problems. The Yellow River is also known _7_ Chinas Sorrow;

    8、it is so unpredictable and dangerous _8_ in a single flood it has caused a million _9_. Floods slowed the great civilization of the Indus River Valley, and inadequate drainage ruined _10_ of its land. Today water dominates _11_ as it always has done. Its presence continues to _12_ the location of hi

    9、s homes and cities; its violent variability can _13_ man of his herds or his crops; its routes links him _14_ his fellows; its immense value may _15_ to already dangerous political conflicts. There are many examples of his in our own time. 1. A) governments B) cultures C) civilizations D) universiti

    10、es2. A) in regard to B) in response to C) in case D) in spite of3. A) regulates B) regulate C) regulated D) regulating4. A) miles B) mile C) miles D) miles5. A) in use B) for use C) by use D) on use6. A)villagers B) ancients C) farmers D) merchants7. A) for B) by C) to D) as8. A) that B) when C) bec

    11、ause D) which9. A) injuries B) deaths C) damages D) ruins10. A) a number of B) a couple of C) many of D) much of11. A) woman B) women C) man D) men12. A) govern B) control C) lead D) change13. A) move B) violate C) kill D) disappear14. A) by B) on C) and D) to15. A) increase B) add C) expand D) exte

    12、nd四.阅读理解 (40%)AWhat is happening in our weather? Of course we have never been able to predict exactly what the weather wil1 be like, but now strange weather patterns are seriously affecting many parts of the world. Droughts in Mexico and Brazil have recently caused great crop losses in the United St

    13、ates they have even had to make their own snow for the Winter Olympics.Scientists have found that the cause of this strange weather is that air circulation pattern has changed and is now more variable than earlier in this century. This means that different regions of the world get long spells of the

    14、 same type of weather, whether hot, co1d, wet or windy.However, weather experts have different views about why this has happened. One theory is that the temperature of the sea has increased. Another is that mans activities on earth have disturbed the balance of nature.Whatever the cause, the economi

    15、es of many countries in the world depend upon the weather. And until we know exactly what effect mans activities are having on the weather, we can not make changes which might help. So for the moment, the only answer is - wait and see!1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the fir

    16、st paragraph?A) It has always been impossible for man to predict the weather accurately.B) The strange weather has recently appeared only in some North Americancountries.C) We have never predicted the weather.D) Now man is ab1e to control the weather.2.The present weather patterns on the earth can b

    17、e best described as_.A) highly unpredictable but favorable to manB) very strange and likely to cause disastersC) steady and normalD) changeable but predictable3.The word affecting (Line 2, Para. 1) means_ .A) producing good effects onB) exerting favorable condition inC) having harmful effects onD) b

    18、ringing about great changes in4. We can learn from paragraph 2 that_.A) weather patterns are likely to be predicted over a long period of timeB) weather patterns are the same in different regions of the worldC) the air circulation patterns remained unchanged in this centuryD) our weather depends on

    19、the changes in the air circulation pattern5. By saying wait and see, the author implies that_.A) no one is sure about the cause of the changing weatherB) experts have similar opinions about the changing weatherC) the weather will disturb the balance of natureD) the weather will become worse in the f

    20、utureBSpace exploration supporters are angry about the insufficient space budget. They feel the Americans have been shortsighted about the future of space exploration and have failed to appreciate the benefits from past space programs. They point out that the benefits of space research are not limit

    21、ed to knowledge about space and other planets; in fact, each of us benefits daily from the many byproducts of these programs. Improvements in radio, television, medical technology, watches, batteries, food processing, and clothing are some of the areas where the space programs have made valuable con

    22、tributions.Perhaps the greatest benefits have come in the field of satellite technology. Most people think that satellites relay long-distance phone calls and live television broadcasts, but they may not be aware that satellites are becoming very important tools in solving the worlds food energy pro

    23、blems. Satellites are now able to measure the amount of farmland and food production in the world. They can analyze the condition of soils and forests. They can also map weather patterns to give farmers information about the length of growing seasons. They can even search the earth for oil and miner

    24、als. None of these benefits were anticipated when the space programs began. They are, as space supporters are quick to point out, all byproducts from space exploration and research.Now the supporters of space exploration are asking what byproducts might be derived from future space programs.6. This

    25、passage suggests that the space exploration supporters are _.A) dissatisfied with the U. S. governments 1imited investment in space explorationB) eager for getting benefits from the past space explorationC) proud of the benefits from past space explorationD) anxious about the insufficient benefits f

    26、rom the futures space exploration7. The space exploration supporters base their arguments on_A) scientific anticipation B) personal imaginationC) sound judgment D) objective facts8.The space exploration supporters seem quite certain that_.A) man is always short-sighted about the development of scien

    27、ceB) man benefit more from the future space programs.C) man would not have enjoyed TV programs without space explorationD) man would not have solved food problems without space programs 9. All of the following are byproducts of space research EXCEPT_.A) knowledge about space and other planetsB) impr

    28、ovements in radio and televisionC) information of weather and farmlandD) discoveries of more oils and minerals10.The space research supporters are upset because_.A) they have missed many benefits from the past space explorationB) they fail to get any money for the research from the governmentC) some

    29、 Americans fail to realize the benefits from the space researchD) U. S. government is against the investment in space explorationCThese are some points which are particularly important to remember when we are doing business with Japanese. First of a1l, age is a very important factor. Japanese manage

    30、rs, for instance, are much older than American managers, so many American managers fail in doing business with the Japanese by sending men far too young to conduct business negotiations in Japan with their Japanese counterparts, who could be their fathers! It is quite an insult to the Japanese.The next point to be remembered is the use of business cards. The business card is not simple piece of paper in Japan. Every business encounter starts with the exchange of


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