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    1、上海市各区初三英语一模汇编最新最全阅读理解已校对带答案终结版One【2081虹口区】 VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(共12分)Riverside High School is home to three very special young people: Alan, Mary and Natalie. These three students all give up several hours each week to help out other people.M

    2、ary loves animals and plans to be a vet. Every Saturday morning, while other teens are playing sports, studying or sleeping. Mary is helping out at an animal hospital. But volunteering brings its own reward, according to Mary. “Sure, I work hard,” she says, “but Im also learning a lot about animals.

    3、”Natalie likes reading. She taught herself to read at the age of four. She works as the volunteer at an After School Reading Center, helping young people to read. “Volunteering is great,” says Natalie, “because you can do things that you love to do and help others at the same time.”Alan wants to be

    4、a professional singer. Most weekends, he works at a charity hospital. Volunteers dont receive any money. For Alan, the reward comes in bringing happiness to others. Alan says, “Everyone should do some kind of volunteer work. It makes me learn to appreciate what I have and cherish the little things i

    5、n life. Then the world would be a better place.”Now, Mary, Alan and Natalie have a plan to join in a volunteer abroad program. They want to experience volunteer vacations while theyre traveling overseas. IVHQ. The worlds leading volunteer travel organization with over 10 years experience in providin

    6、g impactful(有效的) and affordable volunteer abroad programs, can connect thousands of travelers with meaningful volunteer opportunities abroad. Are you considering volunteering abroad in 2018? Take a quiz to help you find out the perfect volunteer abroad opportunity and make 2018 your best year!()69.

    7、Alan, Mary and Natalie are special because_.A) they are young B)they are volunteers C) they are students D)they have free time()70. Mary is helping out at_.A) a charity hospital B)a high school C) an animal hospital D)a reading centre()72. The underlined word “reward”in the passage means “_”.A) an a

    8、mount of money that is offered for finding something lostB) an idea that something special is likely to happenC) a thing that you are given for something go4od you have doneD) a hope of giving food to a person, an animal or a plant()73. With the help of IVHQ, the three students volunteer vacation wi

    9、ll _ their whole life.A) enrich B)contact C) control D) protect()74. The passage is about_.A) teens who volunteer B)important things in lifeC) home to special people D)things to do at weekendsKeys: 69-74: BCDCAATwo【20181黄浦区】VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答

    10、案)(共12分)Imagine this situation: You go out to your backyard, and you see a bear smelling your garbage can. Or you go into your garage to get your bike and find a bear in there. What should you do?People in some parts of Florida think about these situations a lot. They have been running into black be

    11、ars more and more often. This is frightening and dangerous for both bears and people.The number of cases of people and bears running into each other has gone up. In 1978, justone case was reported. In 2002, 1,340 cases were reported. These cases are called “conflicts”.Studies show that the number of

    12、 conflicts in Florida is going up.Some people think that human-bear conflicts are going up in Florida because there are moreand more bears. Actually, its just the opposite. The number of bears is going down. In the early1900s, there were about 12,000 black bears in Florida. Today, no one is really s

    13、ure how manyblack bears are left. People think the number is from 1,500 to 3,000. So why are human-bearconflicts increasing so rapidly? There arent more bears, but there are more people.There are many people who want to protect the Florida black bear. Here are some of thethings that people in Florid

    14、a are doing:l Teaching school children about the Florida black bear with a special program thatincludes a slide-show, games, and activities.l Selecting carefully where roads are built or widened so that wild animals will not beharmed by the traffic.l Holding a yearly festival for families with arts,

    15、 food, and information on the bear.69. Where do black bears live? A. In the backyard. B. In the garage. C. In thick woods. D. In the house.70. How do people feel when they run into a bear? A. Excited B. Frightened C. Lucky D. Sorry71. What does “conflicts” in the third paragraph mean? A. Bears livin

    16、g in Florida in 2002. B. Studies of black bears in Florida. C. Fights between people and black bears. D. Cases of people and bears running into each other.72. Why are human-bear conflicts going up in Florida? A. Because there are more people. B. Because the bears there are hungry. C. Because people

    17、are doing harm to bears. D. Because the number of bears is going up.73. How many black bears were living in Florida in the early 1900s?A.About 1,340. B.About 1,500.C.About 3,000. D.About 12,000.74. To protect black bears, people in Florida are _. A. watching children play games B. building new homes

    18、 for black bears C. trying to learn more about black bears D. giving black bears more food and living spaceKeys: 69-74 CBDADCThree【20181浦东新区】A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)Your sister often volunteers for the Peoples Food Bank. She shows you a poster about this charity.69. According

    19、to the poster, you should not donate _ to the Peoples Food Bank.A. cereal B. rice C. tinned food D. milk70. According to the poster, food that _ is accepted.A. cant be used after 25 December B. wont go bad until AprilC. will go bad in one month D. helps to feed the Christmas tree71. According to the

    20、 poster, people who _ are not helped by the donations.A. are too busy to cook B. have no place to live inC. are blind and poor D. have money problems72. What cannot we do for Peoples Food Bank?A. Do volunteer work. B. Save money online.C. Learn about fund-raising activities. D. Bring food to the col

    21、lection points.73. Peoples Food Bank _.A. stores food for Christmas tree B. sells food to the people in needC. reminds people not to waste food D. purchases food for the community74. The main purpose of the poster is to _.A. look for volunteers B. set up a food bankC. celebrate Christmas D. introduc

    22、e a kind of charity workKeys: 69-74 DAABCDFour【20181长宁区】VI. Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answer My favorite area in Britain is a country called Northumberland in the north-east of the country. I like it because it has mountains, the sea and history. The mountains are not very high. In Chi

    23、na you would probably call them hills rather than mountains as they are less than 1,000 meters high, but there is something wild about these mountains you get a feeling of space and freedom. You can walk for miles without meeting another person. Northumberland is full of history. There are seven cas

    24、tles, some of them were ruined and the others still there as they were centuries ago. You can find graves going back to prehistoric(史前的), times and strange carvings on rocks which nobody understands. The coast line is dramatic too, with beautiful sandy beaches. These beaches are rarely crowded becau

    25、se the weather is unpredictable and the North Sea is very cold! People dont go for seaside holidays to Northumberland because of the cold sea and weather, so even in high season there arent many tourists. There is an island called Holy Island off the coast of Northumberland, you can get to the islan

    26、d by car or on foot when the tide is out. There is also one castle I particularly like. It is a 14th century castle which stands on a cliff right by the sea. The castle is almost completely ruined, but it looks dramatic and romantic because you can still see the gate and two of its owners. On a summ

    27、ers day you can lie on the beach nearby and let your mind wander as you look at this dream-like castle. On a winters day you can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff, wondering how this castle has stood so long against the forces of nature. I once said to a friend of mine that

    28、 I thought this castle by the sea was the most beautiful place in the world. She laughed and said there must be many more dramatic places in the world. In one way, Im sure shes right, but for me, its not just about what a place looks like, its about what it says to you.69. In China people probably c

    29、all them mountains which are _ 1,000 meters high. A. less than B. nearly C. more than D. almost70. How are the seven castles in Northumberland? A. They are modern and fantastic. B. They are all complete and magnificent. C. Some hasnt changed at all for centuries. D. Some are full of strange carvings

    30、.71. Not many people visit the beautiful beach because of _. A. the soft sands B. the cold sea and weather C. the warm sea D. the island nearby72. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the reason why the author likes the 14th century castle? A. It was built in the 14th century on a cliff right by

    31、 the sea. B. It looks very dramatic and romantic with two towers but no gate. C. The author can let his mind wander as he looks at this dream-like castle. D. The author can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff.73. From the last paragraph in the passage, we know _. A. the autho

    32、rs friend agreed on his opinion about the castle. B. the author doesnt think there are many more dramatic places in the world. C. the authors friend pays no attention to the beautiful scenery. D. what the author cares is not only the scenery but also the feeling he can get from it.74. You can get the


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