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    1、江苏省无锡市江阴市文林中学学年八年级上学期月考英语试题班级_ 考试_ 姓名_-初二年级英语阶段考试试题卷2015.12 出卷人:袁纪芳一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A听对话回答问题( ) 1. Where are the two speakers?A. B. C.( )2.Which pet does the boy keep?A. B. C.( )3.What is over there at the side of the road?A. B. C.( )4.What does the girl want to be?A. B. C. ( )5.What did the w

    2、oman do yesterday evening?A. B. C. ( )6. Whats Marys favourite subject?A. English. B. Chinese. C. Maths.( ) 7. When will the womans train leave? A. 9:15. B. 9:50. C. 10:50.( ) 8. What can we learn about Bill?A. Hes fine. B. He needs to have more rest. C. He has to stay with a doctor.( ) 9. What will

    3、 the woman do? A. Watch TV. B. Read a book. C.Read newspapers.( )10. Who is the man looking for?A. A man. B. A boy. C. A ball.B.听下面一段材料,回答第11-12题。( )11. When did the mother dog give birth ?A. Yesterday morning. B. Last night. C. This morning.( )12. How many little dogs did the mother dog give birth

    4、to? A. Five. B. Four. C. Two.C.听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题,完成信息记录表。The plan for tomorrowBefore 10.a.m The students will have the (13) exam.At 10:30 a.m. The students will go to (14) .At 2 p.m. The students will begin to (15) .( )13.A.Maths B. Chinese C. English( )14.A.the foot of the hill B. the playground C.

    5、the school gate( )15.A.climb down the hill B. take pictures C. e back by busD.听短文,回答第16-20小题,选择正确答案。( )16.Which birthday of the mother was ing? A. The 55th. B. The 56th. C. The 65th.( ) 17. What kind of present did the rich man want to give his mother? A. Strange B. Special C. Usual.( )18.How much d

    6、id the rich man pay for the bird? A. $50,000. B. $5,000. C. $500.( ) 19. How many languages could the bird speak? A. Twelve. B. Twenty. C. Ten.( )20. What happened to the bird in the end? A. It flew away. B. The rich mans mother ate it. C.Someone bought it from the rich mans mother at a higher price

    7、.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( )21. He saw _ one-eyed dog in _ wild. A. a, / B. an, the C. a, the D. the, the ( )22. -Someone is knocking at the door. It _ be Jim? -No, it_ be him. He is now in another city. A. can, cant B. can, mustnt C. may, cant D. may, mustnt ( )23. English is very _ and all the st

    8、udents know the _of the English study.A. important, importance B. important, importance C. importance, importance D. important, important( )24. _ did it weigh when it was born? A. How many B. How much C. How heavy D. How ( )25. Kitty told me _ walk quietly and_ wake up the sleeping baby. A. to, not

    9、to B. not to, dont C. not to, to D. to, to ( )26. The number of the giant pandas is being _because there is _ living space for them. A. fewer and fewer, less and less B. fewer and fewer, smaller and smallerC. smaller and smaller, fewer and fewer D. smaller and smaller, less and less ( )27. My mother

    10、 keeps _ our house to keep it _. A. to clean, clean B. cleaning, clean C. cleaning, cleaning D. clean, cleaning ( )28. What should we do if theres _? A. dangerous B. in dangerous C. danger D. in danger ( )29. - Which one do you want to buy, an iPhone 4, an iPhone 4S or an iPhone 5S? - _. Theyre too

    11、expensive. A. Nothing B. None C. Nobody D. No else ( )30.We have two rooms _, but I cant decide _.A. to live, to choose which one B. lived, choose which oneC. to live in, which one to choose D. living, which one to choose ( )31.Lily worked hard at all the lessons. _ , she became the top student in h

    12、er class. A. As a result B. In order to C. So that D. However ( )32.Twenty percent of the students in my class_ the club and _ activities. A. joins, takes part in B. take part in, join C. join, take part in D. join in, join ( )33.Paul made a nice cage _ the little sick bird till it could fly. A. kee

    13、p B. kept C. keeping D. to keep ( )34. perfect to play football outside!A. What B. What a C .How D. How a( )35. I hear that Mr. Zhao lost his new mobile phone. ! A. Oh, never mind B. What a pity C. Youre wele D. Glad to hear that 三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Flies (苍蝇) usually live in the dirty places.Le

    14、ts look at a fly, and see where it 36. First, it flies out of the window, 37it stands on38dirty things in the street, and then it flies back to the house and walks over your 39. When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its 40have got some germs(细菌)41them. When the flywalks on your food wi

    15、th its dirty feet, it 42the germs on your food.What can you 43this?First, we learn that we mustnt leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near 44. Second, we learn that all food must be covered so that flies may not 45it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them a

    16、s soon as we see them.( ) 36. A. walks( ) 37. A. first( ) 38. A. some( ) 39. A. food( ) 40. A. body( ) 41. A. in( ) 42. A. carries( ) 43. A. study from( ) 44. A. the factory( ) 45. A. arriveB. stands B. second B. any B. drink B. feet B. to B. has B. study forB. our doorB. getC. lives C. thirdC. ever

    17、y C. cups C. eyes C. onC. leaves C. learn forC. our houseC. arrive inD. fliesD. fourth D. each D. bowls D. head D. over D. takes D. learn fromD. a windowD. get to四、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)(A)John is an artist who does not have much money, but a very kind man. One day on his way home, hegave his last c

    18、oins to a beggar (乞丐). When he saw another one, he forgot that he did not have anymoney. He asked the man to have lunch with him, and the beggar accepted, so they went into a small restaurant and had a good meal. After the dinner, John found he had no money at all. The beggar had to pay the bill. Th

    19、e artist was sosorry about this, so he said to the beggar, e home with me in a taxi, my friend , and I will give you the money for lunch. Oh, no! said the beggar answered quickly. I had to pay for your lunch, but Im not going to pay foryou again!( )46. The artist in this story was _.A. a beggar B. a

    20、 rich man C. a kind man D. a cheat( )47. After the meal, _ paid the bill .A. the artist B. the beggar C. a lady D. no one( )48. At the end of the story, what the beggar said showed that he _.A. did trust the artist B. was thankful to the artistC. regretted (后悔) having lunch with the artist.D. would

    21、make friends with the artist (B )The Sunflower Summer Camp is a wonderful, outdoor, fun summer experience for young children. It began in 1985. Each day at Sunflower, we provide the simple joys of summer, like swimming, gardening, walks, outdoor projects and other activities with lots of time. At th

    22、e same time, we provide Science lessons for children. During the summer months, we study something interesting about insects , sea animals, and nature. Besides the mon(普通的)classroom setting, we also have a science room as childrens museum for further study.We have very good teachers. They are always

    23、 friendly and helpful.For more information about our summer camp, please call at 3034942012.We are open from June 4th to August 28th.Schedules and fees (费用)Item Time Monday-Friday(weekly / monthly)Monday, Wednesday, Friday(weekly/monthly)Tuesday& Thursday(weekly / monthly)8:30-12:30$150/$590$105/$39

    24、0$95/$2908:30-2:30$190/$775$145/$580$110/$4258:30-3:30$215/$855$160/$625$120/$465( )49. How long does the Sunflower Summer Camp last from the beginning?A. For less than 25 years B. For 5 years C. For more than 25 years D. For 25 years( )50. Linda wants to go to the camp, but she is only free in the

    25、morning. How much should she pay if she goes there from Monday to Friday for two weeks?A. $300 B. $390 C. $430 D. $590( )51.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. Young children can enjoy themselves and learn a lot at the camp.B. The sunflower Summer Camp is open for nearly three months. C. C

    26、hildren can go to the Sunflower Summer Camp on Saturday if they have no time on weekdays.D. The sunflower Summer Camp has both a traditional classroom setting and a science room.( )52.Whats the main idea of this passage?A. A letter from the teachers of the sunflower Summer Camp.B. A form about a sch

    27、ools schedules and fees. C. An advertisement about a high school.D. An introduction to the sunflower Summer Camp.( C )Soon puters and other machines (机器) will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes!The programme (程序) works because everyones eyes are different. So in the future you wont have

    28、 to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.In some shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey, people have tested this kind of eye-recognition (眼睛识别)programme alrea

    29、dy. Soon, this technology(技术)will take the place of(代替)all other ways of finding out who people are.However scientists are working on other systems (系统).Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell. We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark (记) made by your fingers.Eye-r


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