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    1、电大英语期末资料完成句子1Whos responsible for(谁负责) isnt good at(不擅长)I am afraid not (恐怕不能) Why dont you(你为什么不)Neither am I(我也不喜欢) thats a good idea(是个好主意)do you prefer(你更喜欢) shes out(她外出了). .from eight oclock am to three pm(从早上八点到下午三点)。Are you free (你有空吗)is not working (不运转了) call me before seven(在7点前给我打电话)Ive

    2、got a cold(我得了感冒) a quarter past seven(七点一刻)not as exciting as London (不如伦敦那样令人兴奋).Whats the weather like(天气怎么样) Whats the weather like today (今天天气如何?) Its not quiet enough(不够安静)What would you like to drink(你想喝点什么), Thursday is fine(星期四可以。)Would you like a cup of tea(你要喝杯茶吗?) Id like a glass of wine

    3、(我要杯葡萄酒)smoke in the garden?(在花园里吸烟)?How are you feeling today(你今天感觉怎么样?)Im not feeling well(我感觉不舒服) not comfortable enough (不够舒服)works in computer(在计算机行业工作) works in insurance (在保险行业工作) What does he look like?(他长什么样儿?)is in front of the building (在办公楼前), opposite the supermarket (在超级市场对面) Who is ca

    4、lling, please(您是哪位) Would you like to leave a message ?(您要留言吗?)Can I take a message? (我能转达吗?)go to your office by tube(乘地铁去你的办公室)? Shall I(要不要我来) 英译汉英译汉英译汉英译汉1 Are there fifty students in the class?班里有50名学生吗? Are there any commuters in the office? 办公室里有计算机吗?Can I go to have lunch before 12 oclock?十二

    5、点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗? Can I smoke in the garden?我可以在花园里吸烟吗?Can I park in front of the office?我可以在办公楼前停车吗? Can I use the toilet in your bedroom?我可以用你卧室里的卫生间吗Can I use the cookers in the kitchen?我可以用厨房里的炊具吗? Can I use the phone in the sitting room?我可以用客厅的电话吗?Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢读英文报纸吗?D

    6、o you usually finish early on Friday?你一般周五早下班吗?Do they like watching English films? 他们喜欢看英文片吗?David is sleeping now.大卫此刻在睡觉 Does he have long hair?他留长头发吗? He is not very tall and wears glasses. 他个子不高,戴副眼镜He is an engineer. 他是工程师 英译汉英译汉英译汉英译汉2 He is different from others.他和其他人不同 He is currently worki

    7、ng on TV advertisements他现在正在做广告项目 He is talking to a customer right now. 他正在和顾客谈话 Hes keen on learning languages.他热衷于学语言 He is good at doing presentations.他擅长做演示 He is visiting the New York office right now.他正在访问纽约办事处He is good at web-design, much better than her. 他擅长网页制作,比她强多了 He isnt an architect.

    8、 He is an engineer. 他不是建筑师,他是工程师He isnt a programmer. He is an engineer. 他不是程序师,他是工程师. Hes currently working on TV advertisements. 他目前在从事电视广告工作 He always eats in the canteen.他总是在食堂吃饭He is having lunch in a restaurant in thecentre of town.他正在市中心的一家餐馆吃午饭 He is as crazy about football as many other Eng

    9、lishmen.他和其他英国人一样,也为足球痴迷 Hes got shore, brown wavy hair with blue eyes and a short beard.他一头短短的棕色卷发和蓝色的眼睛,留着短胡须。He has short hair with a beard. 他一头短发,留着胡须 He has got very short hair with blue eyes. 他一头短发,蓝色的眼睛 He has very good training skills and can speak good French.他训练有数,而且能讲一口流利的法语 How long does

    10、 it take to get from the airport to the city centre?从机场到市中心需要多长时间How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi?打车去机场要多少时间How long does it take to get to your house by bus?坐公共汽车到你家要多长时间How about making a call to Mary?先给玛丽打个电话怎么样? How about playing football tomorrow afternoon?明天下午去踢足球怎样? How abou

    11、t meeting at the bar?在酒吧见面怎么样 How much does the book cost?这本书值多钱? How many days did you stay in Beijing?你在北京呆了多久? I am a nurse.我是护士 I am a manger.我是经理 Im interested in that large flat.我对那套大公寓感兴趣 I am interested in web-design.我对网页设计感兴趣. I am looking for a flat on the ground floor.我想找一个一楼的公寓. I am wai

    12、ting for an important telephone call.我在等一个重要电话 I am looking for a flat on the third or fourth floor. 我想找一套在三层或者在四层的公寓 I like reading newspapers in cafs我喜欢在小咖啡店时读报 Ill repair it this week.我这个星期要来修理 Ill clean it.我要来打扫 Ill work until 7 oclock.我今晚要干到七点钟 Ill call them.我来给他们打电话 I hate going shopping我不喜欢逛街

    13、买东西 I feel terrible. Ive got a headache, backache and a sore throat.我感觉糟透了,我觉得头痛背痛和喉咙痛. I go to a gym twice a week with my friends. We swim and work out there.我和我的朋友每周去体育馆2次,我们在那里游泳和做其它运动 I dont like the flat. It is too near the road. 我不喜欢这套公寓.它离公路太近了英译汉英译汉英译汉英译汉3 I think the area is too noisy and n

    14、ot safe enough. 我觉得这个地区太吵闹,也不够安全I think that the parks are lovely.我觉得这些公园都很美 I prefer watching TV to reading the newspapers.和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视 I usually have a sandwich at lunchtime.午饭时我常常吃个三明治It takes about half an hour to get to my house by tube.到我家坐地铁大约要半小时 It takes about 20 minutes to get from the h

    15、otel to the station ty taxi.从旅馆到车站坐出租车大约需要20分钟 Is his son clever?他的儿子聪明吗? Is he tall?他个子高吗? Is your teacher from the USA?你的老师是美国人吗? Is Sally a police officer?萨丽是个警官吗? Is your boyfriend talkative?你的男朋友健谈吗 My English teacher is very funny.我的英文老师非常风趣. My maths teacher is very interesting我的数学老师很风趣 My co

    16、usin is quite out going.我的表兄人很外向. My parents dont like travelling.我的父母不喜欢旅游. My son is not very confident of himself .我儿子不太自信 My daughter is a bit shy.我的女儿有点腼腆 My daughter is a little shy我的女儿有点腼腆. Mary is having a holiday now.玛丽在度假 Shanhai is not as busy as London.上海不如伦敦热闹 Shanghai is as modem as Lo

    17、ndon.上海的现代化程度和伦敦一样 She is very experienced at training.她在搞培训上经验丰富 She has got long, fair, wavy hair她有一头金色的长卷发 She is average height and slim.她中等个,身材苗条 She is not a doctor.她不是医生 She is beautiful.她很漂亮. She is average height.她中等个 She is often late for class.她常常上课迟到 She is talking to a customer right no

    18、w.她正在和顾客交谈. She is currently training a Chinese colleague.她眼下在培训一个中国同事 She never goes to work by bike.她从来不骑自行车上班 She has got long, fair, wavy hair .她有一头金色的长卷发 She doesnt like borrowing things from others.她不喜欢向别人借东西 Shall I prepare some Chinese food?我准备一些中国菜吗 Shall I turn on the lights?要我打开灯吗? Shall

    19、I put the computer on the desk?要我把那计算机放在桌子上吗 Shall I wait for you outside the cinema?要我在电影院外面等你吗? Shall I talk to him?要我跟他谈谈吗? The bedroom is too small.卧室太小了 The bank is on the corner. Its opposite the newsagent.在拐角银行在拐角处,在报摊的对面 The bus stop is outside the greengrocers.蔬菜水果店外边就是车站 The table is not b

    20、ig enough for two people.餐桌不够两个人大 The living room is not comfortable enough.客厅不够舒服 The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.北京的气候与纽约的一样英译汉英译汉英译汉英译汉4The furniture is too old-fashioned.家具太老式了 The flat is too far from the tube.这套公寓离地铁太远 The flat costs 500 pounds a month. 房租一月五百磅 Th

    21、e flat is large, light and modern.这套公寓大而明亮,很现代化 The newsagent is on the corner.报刊亭在拐角处 The chemist is between the newsagent andthe bank.药店在报刊亭和银行中间 The month after next, I do two gym sessions. 下个月,我我将有两次健身课程. They are engineers他们是工程师 They are looking at the photos.他们正在看照片 There are three desks in th

    22、e office.办公室有三张办公桌 There are three chairs in our room.房间里有三把椅子 There are two armchairs, a sofa and a television in the living room. 在客厅里,有两张扶手椅,一张沙发和一台电视. There is a fax machine in the office.办公室里有一部传真机 There is a chemist next to the post office.在邮局旁边有一家药店 There is a supermarket opposite the caf.在咖啡

    23、厅对面有一家超市 We have too much cheese in the fridge.我们在冰箱里放了太多的奶酪 Why dont you go to the Marketing Department?你为什么不去市场部 Why dont you go to an estate agent?你为什么不去找房地产经纪人 Why dont you go to see a doctor?你为什么不去看医生 Why dont you have a try?你为什么不去试一试 Why dont you make a plan?你为什么不搞个计划 Why dont you go and talk

    24、to them face to face你为什么不去和他们面谈 What about seeing a film?去看电影如何?What about playing football tomorrow afternoon?明天下午踢足球好吗? What about seeing the flat?去看看这个公寓怎么样 What about going to the cinema去看电影怎么样? What about going dancing this evening?今晚去跳舞怎么样? You are doctors.你们是医生 You can use the phone in the li

    25、ving room.你可以用客厅里的电话 You can smoke in the garden.你可以在花园里吸烟 You can eat and drink in the office, but you cant smoke here.你能在办公室里又吃又喝在办公室里又吃又喝,可是不能在这里抽烟. Polly is reading a newspaper.波莉在读报纸 Xiaoyan is reading a book小燕在读书 London is busy, noisy, crowded and exciting, But its too expensive.伦敦是一个繁华的,吵闹的,拥

    26、挤的,令人兴奋的城市。但消费很高。Jane is better at web-design than Mary, but Mary is more experie nced at training.简的网页制作技能比玛丽强,但玛丽在培训方面经验更丰富. 选择题1 (Is there) a coffee machine in the room? (What) would you like, tea or coffee? (Her) name is Jane. (She) is from the USA.(These)people are my friends. (Those)people are

    27、 my husbands friends. (How many)people are coming for the party? A:( Do you have any family)B: Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford. A: (Where) is David from?B: I think hes an American. But Im not sure.A: (Where) is the nearest chemists?B: On the corner. 选择题2 A:(Would you like to come to t

    28、he shop one day)?B: Yes, Id like to. Thanks. A:(Would you)like to have a coffee?B: Yes, please.A:(Would) you like a drink? Wine? Beer?B: A beer, please. A:(What do your parents do)B: My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse. A:(What does your mother do?)B: She works in the Oxford University. A:(

    29、Whats the matter with you)? B: Ive got a bad cough. A:(What is she doing right now )B: She is talking to Mary. A:(What would you like), David?B: An orange juice. A:(What would you like), Polly?B: Id like a glass of wine, thank you. A:(What) time do you have lunch?B: I usually have lunch at 12. A:(Ho

    30、w)was the meeting like?B: It was very exciting.A:(How long)will the meal take? B: Itll take two hours, I think. A:(Hello. Im Paul. Whats your name?)B: Hi. My names Rose. Are you from London? A: Are there two men in the room?B: (Yes, there is one.) A: Could you ring them up please? Im sometimes quite

    31、 nervous on the phone.B: (Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.) A: Oh, dear. Ive got a temperature.B: You (should) have some aspirins to reduce it. A: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? B:(Its next to the newsagent) A: He has got two sisters.B:( So have I) A: How do I get there? B: (You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket). A: How long does i


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