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    1、高考能力测试步步高英语基础训练5高考能力测试步步高英语基础训练5 介词和连词能力训练介词和连词虽然都属虚词,但在英语学习中却非常重要,也是每年高考的必考项目,而且占的比例还不小,既出现在单项填空题中,也出现在完形填空中,甚至短文改错中也占有一席之地。在学习过程中,同学们要注意区别介词和连词的不同,同一个词用作介词或连词所接成分的不同;同时,介词和连词的一些习惯用法和固定搭配更应引起充分的注意。FK.单项填空1.(2002全国高考题)Excuse me for breaking in,_ I have some news for you.A.soB.and C.butD.yet2.(2003上海

    2、春季高考题)The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory.A.toB.overC.byD.on3.(2003北京春季高考题)I cleaned out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess(脏乱) _ anyone else.A.overB.intoC.withD.for4.(2003上海春季高考题)It was because of bad weather _ the

    3、football match had to be put off.A.untilB.so thatC.whyD.that5.(2003上海春季高考题)Dont be discouraged._ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.A.TakingB.To takeC.TakeD.Taken6.(2002全国高考题)The mother didnt know _ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.A.whoB.whenC

    4、.howD.what7.(2002北京高考题)What do you want _ those old boxes?To put things in when I move to the new flat.A.byB.forC.ofD.with8.(2002上海高考题)Luckily,the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.A.byB.atC.to D.from9.(2002上海高考题)He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.A.as

    5、B.untilC.whileD.when10.Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it? Well,that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.A.as far asB.in caseC.as far asD.as long as11.It happened to be very cold _ the morning of our sports meet.A.atB.ofC.onD.with12.The doctor will be free _.A.10 minutes laterB.after 10 minut

    6、esC.in 10 minutesD.10 minutes after13.We offered him our congratulations _ his passing the college entrance exams.A.atB.ofC.forD.on14.How long has this bookshop been in business?_ 1982.A.AfterB.InC.FromD.Since15.How are you getting along _ your students?A.overB.withC.onD.within16.The word “write” ha

    7、d the same pronunciation _ the word “right”.A.ofB.asC.toD.from17.Dont move! Hands up _ get out of your car!A.orB.andC.butD.to18.The train leaves at 6:00 p.m.So I have to be at the station _ 5:40 p.m.at the latest.A.untilB.afterC.byD.around19.Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the requi

    8、red standard,_,you failed.A.in the endB.after allC.in other wordsD.at the same time20.I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _.A.at lastB.in caseC.once again D.in time21.The home improvements have taken what little there is _ my spare time.A.fromB.inC.ofD.at22.The passengers were robbed

    9、_ all their money.A.ofB.offC.fromD.away23.Does John know any other foreign language _ English?A.exceptB.butC.besidesD.beside24.I dont like chicken _ fish.I dont like chicken,_ I like fish very much.A.and; andB.and; butC.or; butD.or; and25.What was the party like?Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed mysel

    10、f so much.A.afterB.whenC.beforeD.since26.Would you like a cup of coffee _ shall we get down to business right away?A.andB.thenC.orD.otherwise27._,Mother will wait him to have dinner together.A.However late is heB.However he is lateC.However is he lateD.However late he is28.Why do you want a new job

    11、_ youve got such a good one already?A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when29.It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty.A.untilB.thatC.thenD.so30.Would you like to come to dinner tonight?Id like to,_ Im too busy.A.andB.soC.asD.but31.The doctor will be free _.A.10 minutes l

    12、aterB.after 10 minutesC.in 10 minutesD.10 minutes after32.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ Father was away in France.A.asB.thatC.duringD.if33.She thought I was talking about her daughter,_,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.A.whomB.whereC.whichD.while34.Im going to t

    13、he post office._ youre there,can you get me some stamps?A.AsB.WhileC.BecauseD.If35.Their tent,_ light as a feather,remained firm in the storm last night.A.as ifB.soC.ifD.though36.He is a scientist,_ a singer as well.A.butB.norC.orD.and37.You are so lucky.What do you mean _ that?A.forB.inC.ofD.by38.T

    14、he film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that faraway village.A.untilB.thatC.whenD.where39.Im often impatient _ being delayed in expressway jam.A.forB.withC.ofD.at40.It is a good idea to start a part-time job _ it does not affect your studies.A.asB.untilC.unlessD.so long as

    15、41.How did you get to my office so quickly?I entered the building _ the side door.A.withB.intoC.byD.in42.Id like to thank you for your kind help _ our group.A.on behalf of B.instead of C.because of D.as a result of43.Ann hid the knife _ her daughter.A.out ofB.fromC.toD.off44._ her surprise,she found

    16、 herself _ a different world.A.In; inB.At; atC.To; inD.To; at45.Rose was wild with joy _ the result of the examination.A.toB.atC.byD.as46.When you want to work for our country in the future,_,we should have strong body and rich knowledge.A.at first B.for the first time C.after all D.first of all47._

    17、 youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.A.Now thatB.AfterC.AlthoughD.As soon as48.Well have to finish the job,_.A.long it takes howeverB.it take however longC.long however it takesD.however long it takes49._ production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.A.AsB.ForC

    18、.WithD.Through50.The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.A.as long asB.whileC.ifD.even though.完形填空1.I was very thirsty,_ I asked for some water to drink.2.We didnt go to bed _ twelve last night.3.Without a thorough grasp _ biology,you c

    19、ant hope to study medicine.4.The key _ success is nothing but hard work and opportunity.5._ Mary came to study,she has made much progress in Chinese.6.He will tell you about it _ you get there.7.Dont try to get off the bus _ it has stopped.8.You will not be blamed by your mother _ you keep your room

    20、 tidy.9.Things have changed a lot _ I wrote to you last time.10.I may trouble you again,_ you are very busy.11.My friend looked in all directions _ she didnt see anybody.12.I cant use your pen,_ there is no ink in it.13.Id like to go swimming _ the water is not too cold.14._ all the students,whom do

    21、 you regard most highly.15.Have you read the story _ the newspaper?16.It has been a year _ we last heard from him.17.He watched her closely _ she reached the bus-stop.18.The Greens left _ Switzerland _ holiday.19.Jane was _ her best dress.20.Where is he sitting?He is sitting _ a big rock.21.Shall we

    22、 going swimming this evening?Where _?22.We will go _ a visit to China in a few days.23.Her father was a middle-aged man _ about forty-five.24.Difficulties are nothing _ we are not afraid of them.25.The doctor will not perform the operation _ it is absolutely necessary.26.They fell in love with each

    23、other _ they saw each other in the street.27.I made the suit _ my own hand.It was made _ hand not with a machine.28.You will find friendly people _ you go in China.29.I hurried _ be late for class.30.No sooner had he finished his work _ his son rushed in and broke his glass.改错题(每句中只有一个错误)1.The bird

    24、is flying above the city.It looks very happy.2.Some are reading newspaper so others are playing chess.3.I have read a few of his novels and few of his plays.4.Either he nor you are wrong.5.The result of the experiment was not satisfactory,or we decided to make another one.6.I must be off now and my

    25、sister is expecting me.7.Except her wedding ring,Marie wore no jewelry.8.In general,metals are heavier as wood.9.They all thought that Kate looked as her father.10.The straw hat doesnt fit for me very well.11.Be careful so youll fall into the river.12.At seeing me,Mike walked up to me and offered hi

    26、s help.13.Please be quick and return in two hours.Ill be ready until then.14.Either you or I are right.15.We can either see nor touch air.16.Jones has been married with Jack for five years.17.Mrs.Brown,like a busy mother of three children,had very little time to enjoy herself in any party.18.The Smi

    27、ths left in the morning of May 1,1999.19.We have to get up early tomorrow morning,however,well miss the first train to Beijing.20.She also helps with cooking and washing except looking after the child.高考能力测试步步高英语基础训练5答案基础训练5介词和连词.单项填空15 CDDDC610 ADADD1115 CCDDB1620 BBCCB2125 CACCD2630 CDDBD3135 CADBD3640 DDCD4145 CABCB4650 DADCC 【解析】2.be impressed on/ upon “给留下了印象”。3.leave a mess for “给(某人)留下一个如一团糟(的局面)”。4.强调句型。5.Take things as they are “顺其自然”。6.不知道


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