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    1、9A复习提纲Unit 1 Star signs一、十二星座表解SignsNameDatesGood CharacteristicBad Characteristic白羊座the RamAries21st Mar-20th AprEnergetic, activeImpatient, selfish金牛座the BullTaurus21st Apr-21st MayHard-working, patient, never give up easilyStubborn双子座the TwinsGemini22nd May-21st JunCurious and clever, out-going/巨

    2、蟹座the CrabCancer22nd Jun-22nd JulKind, love home and family and looking after others. Like saving money and cooking/狮子座the LionLeo23rd Jul-22nd AugStrong and confident, generous/处女座the VirginVirgo23rd Aug-22nd SeptModest, practical, pay attention to detailsWorry too much天秤座the ScalesLibra23rd Sept-2

    3、2nd OctPolite and fair, elegant and love beautiful things. Love peace and never argue with others/天蝎座the ScorpionScorpio23rd Oct21st NovPowerful and energetic. Like to keep secretsNot forgive others for their faults射手座the ArcherSagittarius22nd Nov20th DecEnjoy life, humorous, lucky, love traveling/山

    4、羊座the GoatCapricorn21st Dec-20th JanBusinesslike, successful, good at making and planning things, patient/水瓶座the Water CarrierAquarius21st Jan19th FebKind and wise, have many friendsStrange, hate to be like anyone else双鱼座the FishesPisces20th Feb20th MarGenerous, kind, gentle and easy-going. Creative

    5、 and imaginative二、短语总结bring sb. sth.(p.6)worry about(p.6)be familiar with(p.6)learn about(p.6)on the Internet(p.7)be divided into(p.8)at times(p.8)pay attention to(p.8)argue with(p.9)forgive sb. For sb.s mistakes(p.9)travel to (some place) (p.9)be good at(p.9)dream about(p.9)a sense of humour(p.10)c

    6、are about(p.10)be kind to sb. (p.11)share sth. with sb. (p.11)do well in(p.11)make a list of(p.12)all kinds of(p.12)show off(p.12)each of us(p.13)all of us(p.14)call sb. on/at (p.18)come up with(p.19)recommend sb. as . (p.20)be afraid of(p.21)a (large) group of(p.21)agree with(p.22)三、重点词汇与句型1. It is

    7、 adj. of sb. (not ) to do sth.2. It is adj. for sb. (not ) to do sth.3. S vt. sb. sth. = S vt. sth. to sb.4. S vt. sb. sth. = S vt. sth. for sb.S be adj. enough to do sth.=S be too adj. to do sth.= S be so adj. that S cant do sth.5. eg. The basket is too heavy for the boy to carry.=The basket isnt l

    8、ight enough for the boy to carry. =The basket is so heavy that the boy cant carry it.Unit 2 Colour一、有关颜色的相关知识1. Three basic primary colors in art: red, yellow and blue.2. The light primaries: red, green and blueThe seven colors of the sunlight: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. T

    9、he following sentences help you to remember the right orders: Read Only Your Grandmothers Books In Venice. Really Old Yoghurt Goes Bad In Villages.3. Different changes of mixed colors: Yellow Blue = Green; Yellow Red Black = Brown Yellow Red = Orange; Yellow Red Blue = Black4.颜色与情绪ColorMoodsColorMoo

    10、dsblackpower and protectionredpower and strengthbluesadness or calmwhitecalm and peacegreenenergy and natureyellowwisdom and warmthorangesuccess and joy5. 与颜色有关的英语谚语(1)一组英语习语: a white night不眠之夜a white elephant无用的累赘东西a white crow罕见的东西the White House白宫a white lie无恶意的谎言white flag投降a black sheep败家子a bla

    11、ck horse黑马black tea红茶black coffee黑咖啡a black dog沮丧black gold石油a blue collar蓝领a blue day忧郁的日子blue fear极度的恐慌green fingers园艺能手a green hand新手green tea绿茶(2)与red有关的英文习语 When I heard of cruelty to animals, it makes me see red(=very angry).I caught the thief red-handed(=caught the thief in the very act of st

    12、ealing). You are not answering my questions. You are trying to draw a red-herring across the track(=draw ones attention from the real point) .As soon as he led the conversation round to borrowing money, I saw the red light(=dangerous). On boat-race night the College students paint the town red(=have

    13、 a high-spirited time).The mention of that mans name to him is like a red rag to a bull(=make sb. Annoyed). (3)有关blue的英文: A thing like that only happens once in a blue moon. once in a blue moon 极少; 千载难逢;源于自然现象。当大气中有一定量的微尘时就会出现太阳和月亮呈现深蓝色的自然奇观。因机会罕见,故此短语意为“很难罕见” sbs blue-eyed boy某人的亲信 He was blue in t

    14、he face with cold. 他的脸冻得发紫。 I am feeling rather blue today. 我今天心情很沮丧。 He got his blue for football. 他成为校队足球队员。 He spends all his time reading blue books. 他花了很多时间阅读政府出版物。 You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe you. 你可以说的天花乱缀,我就是不能相信你。 The news was a great shock to me; it came absolutel

    15、y out of the blue. 这个消息令我震惊,太出乎意料了。 (4)有关black的英文: 1. I wont believe it unless I see it in black and white. 除非我看到白纸黑字,否则我不会相信。2. After the fight one of the boxers had a black eye. 一场激战过后,一个拳击手眼睛被打青了。3. You can never believe what he says; he will swear black is white if it suits his purpose. 你不要相信他的话

    16、,他为了达到目的,常常颠倒黑白。4. If Hob doesnt work harder he will get in Mr. Priestleys black books. 如果Hob不努力,就会失去Priestley先生的宠爱。5. Englands wealth was built up on diamonds-black diamonds. 英国靠煤炭聚敛财富。6. He got mangy black looks for his speech criticizing the Government. 由于他的演讲批判了政府,他遭到很多白眼。二、短语总结look out of the w

    17、indow(P.25)remind sb. of sth. (P.27)cheer up(P.27)in need of(P.27)take action(P.27)make a decision(P.27)calm down(P.29)make sure(P.34)a pair of(P.39)三、重点词汇与句型1. would rather/preferS would rather v. than v.S prefer sth. to sth.S prefer doing sth. to doing sth.S prefer to do sth. than do sth.2. 复合不定代词

    18、用法表示“人”表示“人”表示“物”用于肯定句中somebodysomeonesomething用于否定句或疑问句中anybodyanyoneanything本身是否定nobodyno onenothing用于肯定句或疑问句中;用于否定句中却表示“部分否定”everybodyeveryoneeverything注意:复合不定代词看作单数;复合不定代词的定语要后置;复合不定代词后不接of短语。have difficulty (in) doing sth.have problems with sth.Have fun (in) doing sth. 3.Unit 3 Teenage problems

    19、一、有关青少年问题的相关内容1. Some common teenage problemsgetting too many tests and exams not having enough sleep too noisy home no communication with family members having no close friends feel tired in class2. How to solve the problems solve by yourselfask somebody else for help二、短语总结from time to time(P.42)de

    20、al with(P.42)make a lot of noise(P.43)hand in(P.44)on time(P.44)offer sb. some suggestions(P.44)be of great value(P.44)hear from sb. (P.44)be crazy about(P.45)plenty of(P.45)stay out late(P.45)get into trouble(P.45)make a list of(P.47)the next day(P.47)tell the truth(P.50)quarrel with(P.50)reply to(

    21、P.55)suffer from(P.56)keep fit(P.59)三、重点词汇与句型1. reply/answerreply(n.&v.) reply to(sb. /sth. ) answer(n.&vt.) answer (sb. /sth. )2. considerconsider 名词/代词/动名词。consider 从句或“疑问词 不定式”。consider sb./sth .(as) 形容词/名词。其中,as可以省略。consider it 形容词/名词 不定式短语。consider 宾语从句。3. deal with/do with固定用法 What to do with

    22、sth /How to deal with sth4. suffer/suffer from5. offeroffer sb sth =offer sth to sb6. 和动词不定式有关的句型(1)S vt. to-v(2)S vt. it adj. to-v(3)S vt. sb./sth. to-v(4)S vt. sb./sth. to-v(5)S vt. 疑问词 to-v(6)S vt. sb./sth. 疑问词 to-v(7)S be adj. to-vS V to-v(8)S be too adj. to-vS be adj. enough to-vExercisesI.用所给动

    23、词的适当形式填空。1-Remember _ (tell) him about it before he goes away. -Sure, I will.2All of us know _ (walk) is good for our health after meals.3-Would you like _ (go) shopping with me? -Yes, I feel like _ (do) it. 4-Would you mind _ (wait) a few minutes? - No, not at all.5I am sorry to have kept you _ (wa

    24、it) so long.6-Would you please _ (show) me the way to the nearest post office? -Ill be glad to.7-Do you often hear John _ (sing) in his room? -Listen! Now he can hear him _ (sing) in his room.8-How long did it take you _ (do) the maths problem? -About half an hour.9The man was often seen _ (draw) by

    25、 the lake.10. -Can you come out _ (play) football with me? -OK. Ill coming.II.单项选择。1-What kind of music do you like? -All kinds. But now I cant decide _.A. what to listen B. what to listen to C. which music to listen D. how to listen to 2How happy everyone _ each other again!A. meets B. are meeting

    26、C. is to meet D. met3The doctor did what he could _ that child. A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving4He asked me _ early.A. whether to start B. whether startingC. whether we start D. if to start5The teacher told Tom _ be late any more.A. dont try to B. not to try C. to try not to D. to try notUnit

    27、4 TV Programmes一、电视节目的类型及喜爱理由TypesReasons(positive)Reasons(negative)scienceInterestingboringnewsExcitingdullfashionFunnysillymusicentertainingsadcomedycoolmeaninglesshistoryfascinatingNoisysportscreativetiringtravelenjoyableuninterestingfilmsinformativeunattractive二、短语总结a number of (P.64)许多vote for

    28、(P.64)投票赞成in fact(P.65)事实上in front of TV (P.68)在电视前面put away (P.72)放好,储存备用work on (P.79)从事于三、重点词汇与句型1. farther/further The old man can not walk any _. We need _ help from you.2. mind mind v-ing3. from to/ between and 4. send away/send for/send out/send upsend away开除;解雇;赶走The headmaster decided to send away the boy.send for派人去叫;派人去拿We must send for a man to repair the TV set.send out派遣;发出;长出(树叶等)The sun sends out light and heat.send up发射Man-made satellites hav


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