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    3、息,比如模型参数。建立这种模型很麻烦。但另一方面,如果一个定义系统的参数需要修正,建立这种模型是很有效的。挖掘机上平衡阀参数的优化就是一个特殊的例子。对一个系统的初步研究需要另外一个模型,在这种情况下,泵,阀和负载的容量是具体的,需要的是关于系统工作的信息,例如活塞的速度,泵轴所需的输入动力。从而判定这个设计是否符合此任务的原则要求。因此,这种模型必须是方便的,也就是在没有详细了解特殊元件的情况下,能在短时间内建立起来。学者们打算建立一个第二类的模型,运行它,并在最少的时间内得到初步结论,为了达到此目的,使用了建摸Modelica(Modelica 2002),Modelica模拟环境Dymo

    4、la (Dymola 2003),用于三维机械系统的新Modelica联合体程序库和液压组件的Modelica程序库Hylib,模型包含挖掘机的三维机械结构,动力液压学的详细描述和通用的负载传感控制器。3.挖掘机的结构图一给出了正在考虑中的特殊挖掘机的简图。它包含履带和液压驱动装置,液压驱动装置用于操纵机械。它的上面是供操作者坐的驾驶室,驾驶室能相对于履带绕垂直轴旋转。它还拥有柴油机,液压泵和液压控制系统。另外有一个动臂、斗杆以及和斗杆相连的铲斗。专门的液压油缸使斗杆,动臂,铲斗旋转。图二表示出油缸所需的压力是根据位置确定的,当在伸展开来的情况下,动臂油缸中的压力比收缩的情况高60%。不仅位置


    6、孔的阻力是参考值。图四给出了简图,关于这个话题的更好的介绍已经给出(anon. 1992)。泵控制阀,使得泵出口的压力通常比负载传感器中的压力高15bar,如果方向阀关闭,则泵因此有15 bar的压力。如果方向阀打开,泵输出一流体速度导致通过方向阀时产生15 bar的压降。注意:方向阀不是用做泵流体,而是作为一个流体仪表(反馈的压降)和作为一个参考(阻力)。此油路对能量是有效率的,因为泵只输出所需的流速,相对其他油路,油管的损失很小。看图五,如果不只一个油缸使用这种油路,则变得复杂。如果斗杆需要300 bar的压力,铲斗需要300bar的压力,则泵输出的压力高于300 bar,这会使斗杆油缸产

    7、生一个不必要的运动。5.液压程序库Hylib商业Modelica程序库Hylib用于模拟泵调节孔,负载补偿器,液压回路缸,所有这些元件是液压回路的标准元件,能从许多制造商获得。Hylib中包括所有这些元件的模型。这些数学模型包含教科书上的标准模型,也包含对真实元件的运行进行考虑的最先进的,如果输入口压力下降到底于大气压,输出的液体就会减小,这样的普通泵模型就上例子。选择一种 模型时,还有许多因素要考虑,值得一提的一点是所有模型能被原代码水平看待,并且可以由从易得文献得来的大约100个参数来证明。打开程序库后,展示了主要窗口(图十),双击泵图象打开所有元件的选项。开始或结束油流体所需要元件。为了



    10、得多。通常在初始设计阶段的开始不适用。它能由液压程序库中的元件建立起来,但需要相当多的时间,这在工程的开始是行不通的。在表格1和2中所示的是LS控制器执行的方程式。一般,联合体模型选择使用图形模型分解或通过方程式定义模型。但不是在一样的模型标准上混合两种描述形式。 对于LS系统这是不同的。因为它有7个输入信号和5个输出信号,建立带有17个输入和5个输出的块。并把它们连接到液压回路。但是,在这种情况下,如上面液压回路,在一样的标准上直接提供方程式并直接输入输入信号和输出信号,看起来更加可以理解。例如,格中“metoril.port.A.p”是测量孔metoril的通口的度量压力。LS控制器的计算

    11、值。例如,泵流体速率“pump.inport.signal1=” 是在泵元件的蓝色矩形中的信号。图12。Modelica的重点是三维机械程序库和非标准的无缝连接。并且,因此在没程序库可用时,控制系统的模型很容易的处理。程序库元件在目标图表中能连接起来,根据模型的本文能得到所需的各种变化。8.仿真结果使用Modelica模型和仿真环境Dymola建立完全模型,并转换,编译和模拟5秒钟,仿真时间17秒,使用一个1.8Ghz笔记本上相对误差10-6级的DASSI综合器(比真实时间满3.4倍),Dymola的仿真特点使用可能在几乎真实的情况下观察运动,即使相对于非专家。这也有助于解释结果。看图9。图1

    12、3给出了三个缸和摇摆的相关信号,泵流体速率和压力从t=1.1秒到t=1.7秒和t=3.6秒到t=4.05秒。泵以最高流速工作。从t=3.1秒到t=3.6秒达到最高允许压力。图14给出了斗杆缸和铲斗缸的位置和摇动角度。能看出在另一个运动开始或结束时,活塞的运动没有重大的改变。控制系统减少油缸之间的耦合,这种耦合在单路控制中特别严重。图15给出铲斗缸的操作。上面数据显示参考轨道,也就是方向阀的开启中间数据,表示补偿器的传导系数。两钉道是例外,从t = 0秒开到t = 1 s 秒,这表示在这段间隔的时间里,泵压力由铲斗缸控制。它从t=0秒后,斗杆缸需要一个相对高的压力,铲斗补偿器因此增加阻力。下面数

    13、据表明流体速率控制工作良好。即使存在一个严重的扰乱。带有小误差的要求的流体速率有铲斗缸供足。9. 结论建立一个挖掘机的动力模型以评估不同的液压回路。它包括厢体三维机构的完整模型。包括动臂,斗杆,铲斗和像泵和缸等标准液压元件。控制系统不是在组件基础上的模拟,而是通过一系列非线性方程描述。使用Modelica的联合体程序库,液压程序库Hylib和一系列具体应用方程,模拟了系统。通过工具Dymola,系统得以建成并且短时间内测试。使得能计算所需的油路来评估控制系统。Dymola仿真特性,使得有可能在几乎真实的情况下观看运动。即使对非转泵,这也有助于解释结果。Multi-Domain Simulati

    14、on:Mechanics and Hydraulics of an ExcavatorAbstractIt is demonstrated how to model and simulate an excavator with Modelica and Dymola by using Modelica libraries for multi-body and for hydraulic systems. The hydraulic system is controlled by a “load sensing” controller. Usually, models containing 3-

    15、dimensional mechanical and hydraulic components are difficult to simulate. At hand of the excavator it is shown that Modelica is well suited for such kinds of system simulations.1. IntroductionThe design of a new product requires a number of decisions in the initial phase that severely affect the su

    16、ccess of the finished machine. Today, digital simulation is therefore used in early stages to look at different concepts. The view of this paper is that a new excavator is to be designed and several candidates of hydraulic control systems have to be evaluated. Systems that consist of 3-dimensional m

    17、echanical and of hydraulic components like excavators are difficult to simulate. Usually, two different simulation environments have to be coupled. This is often inconvenient, leads to unnecessary numerical problems and has fragile interfaces. In this article it is demonstrated at hand of the model

    18、of an excavator that Modelica is well suited for these types of systems. The 3-dimensional components of the excavator are modeled with the new, free Modelica MultiBody library. This allows especially to use an analytic solution of the kinematic loop at the bucket and to take the masses of the hydra

    19、ulic cylinders, i.e., the “force elements”, directly into account. The hydraulic part is modeled in a detailed way, utilizing pump, valves and cylinders from HyLib, a hydraulics library for Modelica. For the control part a generic “load sensing” control system is used, modeled by a set of simple equ

    20、ations. This approach gives the required results and keeps the time needed for analyzing the problem on a reasonable level. 2. Modeling ChoicesThere are several approaches when simulating a system. Depending on the task it may be necessary to build a very precise model, containing every detail of th

    21、e system and needing a lot of information, e.g., model parameters. This kind of models is expensive to build up but on the other hand very useful if parameters of a well defined system have to be modified. A typical example is the optimization of parameters of a counterbalance valve in an excavator

    22、(Kraft 1996). The other kind of model is needed for a first study of a system. In this case some properties of the pump, cylinders and loads are specified. Required is information about the performance of that system, e.g., the speed of the pistons or the necessary input power at the pump shaft, to

    23、make a decision whether this design can be used in principle for the task at hand. This model has therefore to be “cheap”, i.e., it must be possible to build it in a short time without detailed knowledge of particular components. The authors intended to build up a model of the second type, run it an

    24、d have first results with a minimum amount of time spent. To achieve this goal the modeling language Modelica (Modelica 2002), the Modelica simulation environment Dymola (Dymola 2003), the new Modelica library for 3-dimensional mechanical systems “MultiBody” (Otter et al. 2003) and the Modelica libr

    25、ary of hydraulic components HyLib (Beater 2000) was used. The model consists of the 3-dimensional mechanical construction of the excavator, a detailed description of the power hydraulics and a generic “load sensing” controller. 3. Construction of ExcavatorsIn Figure 1 a schematic drawing of a typica

    26、l excavator under consideration is shown. It consists of a chain track and the hydraulic propel drive which is used to manoeuvre the machine but usually not during a work cycle. On top of that is a carriage where the operator is sitting. It can rotate around a vertical axis with respect to the chain

    27、 track. It also holds the Diesel engine, the hydraulic pumps and control system. Furthermore, there is a boom, an arm and at the end a bucket which is attached via a planar kinematic loop to the arm. Boom, arm and bucket can be rotated by the appropriate cylinders.Figure 2 shows that the required pr

    28、essures in the cylinders depend on the position. For the “stretched” situation the pressure in the boom cylinder is 60 % higher than in the retracted position. Not only the position but also the movements have to be taken into account. Figure 3 shows a situation where the arm hangs down. If the carr

    29、iage does not rotate there is a pulling force required in the cylinder. When rotating excavators can typically rotate with up to 12 revolutions per minute the force in the arm cylinder changes its sign and now a pushing force is needed. This change is very significant. Both figures demonstrate that

    30、a simulation model must take into account the couplings between the four degrees of freedom this excavator has. A simpler model that uses a constant load for each cylinder and the swivel drive leads to erroneous results 4. Load Sensing SystemExcavators have typically one Diesel engine, two hydraulic

    31、 motors and three cylinders. There exist different hydraulic circuits to provide the consumers with the required hydraulic energy. A typical design is a Load Sensing circuit that is energy efficient and user friendly. The idea is to have a flow rate control system for the pump such that it delivers

    32、exactly the needed flow rate. As a sensor the pressure drop across an orifice is used. The reference value is the resistance of the orifice. A schematic drawing is shown in figure 4, a good introduction to that topic is given in (anon. 1992). The pump control valve maintains a pressure at the pump port that is typically 15 bar higher than the pressure in the LS line (= Load Sensing line). If the directional valve is closed the pump has therefore a stand-by pressure of 15 bar. If it is open the pump delivers a flow rate that leads to


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