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    5、节,任何的定位决定了整个营销组合的直接和即时的影响”(埃文斯第168页)。相反,营销组合的所有元素促销,定价,分销,当然,还有产品是定位的关键因素(斯和达克1987)。因此它们对消费者的感性空间是具有影响的。(和马哈詹1989;艾尔逊2004;里斯和特劳特1986年)。此外,在营销团体的所有成员必须相互协调,以至于将公司定位于最接近消费心智中的地位(克劳福德1985年)。 Brand Positioning Through the Consumers LensChristoph Fuchs.(2008)Originally Published in Wien,1-8THE ROLE OF BR

    6、AND POSITIONING IN MARKETINGBrand positioning is traditionally discussed as part of the segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) model (see Dibb and Simkin 1996; Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003), which is considered to be the basis for all marketing strategy (Kotler 2003). The first step in this mod

    7、el is segmentation, which involves dividing a heterogeneous market into a number of mutually exclusive sub markets, i.e. homogeneous groups (also referred to as segments).Formally, segmentation is defined as the “process of subdividing a market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the s

    8、ame way or have similar needs” (Bennett 1995; p. 165). Segmentation is essential since “most (probably all) markets are not monolithic but instead consist of submarkets that are relatively homogeneous in terms of what they need or want from firms offering similar types of products of services (Myers

    9、 1996,p. 16). It is important to form segments because they are likely to respond differently to various marketing activities (Myers 1996) and are relevant for explaining and predicting customer behavior to a companys marketing actions (Wind and Cardozo 1974). Segments can be based upon (and are thu

    10、s homogeneous in terms of) various consumer characteristics such as demographics, lifestyles, behavioral patterns, needs, values, and other characteristics (see Wedel and Kamakura 2000; Myers 1996 for an overview).In this regard, it is essential that buyer groups (that are targeted) respond similarl

    11、y to companys marketing activities. Overall, Wind (1982, p. 79) contends that the “real values of product positioning is revealed only when the positioning is coupled with an appropriate market segmentation strategy.”The second step in the STP model is the target market selection. Targeting involves

    12、 assessing the various segments identified in the segmentation process with the aim of determining in which submarkets the company should compete (Friedman and Lessing 1987). This assessment is primarily based upon the segments overall economic attractiveness as well the companys resources and objec

    13、tives (Kotler 2003). More specifically, in evaluating the segments, particular focus is put on factors like segment size, resources required to penetrate the segment, firm strengths and weaknesses, presence of substitutes within and outside the product category (Porter 1980). In general, marketers a

    14、re recommended to focus on segments which a brand can satisfy in a superior way (Kotler 2003). In this context, it is important to recall that some consumer segments value certain differential claims made by brands more than other segments, thus, the target segment decision influences the choice of

    15、the positioning.The last step in the STP model is positioning, which logically follows after the appropriate target segment has been determined (Crawford, Urban, and Buzas 1983). Positioning involves placing a brand in a way that the target market perceives it as different and superior in relation t

    16、o competitions (Crawford 1985; Kotler 2003; Myers 1996)1.Positioning is important as it “sets the direction of marketing activities and programs-what the brand should and should not do with its marketing” (Kekker and Lehmann 2006;p.740). Thus, the development of the marketing program should be linke

    17、d to the positioning to ensure that marketing mix decisions are consistent and supportive (Aaker and Shansby 1982). For example, when a company claims high prestige, it can support this claim by charging a premium price, by limiting the number of distribution outlets, and by producing less than dema

    18、nded (e.g. Bhat and Reddy 1998). The marketing mix can hence be viewed as “the tactical details of the brands positioning strategy, any decision on positioning has direct and immediate implications for whole marketing mix” (Evans, Moutinho, and van Raaij 1996,p.168).Conversely, all elements of the m

    19、arketing mix-promotion, pricing, distribution and, of consumers (Easingwood and Mahajan 1989; Ellson 2004; Ries and Trout 1986;). Moreover, all members of the marketing team need to be coordinated in order to become the positioning as close in consumers minds as intended by the company (Crawford 1985).原文题目:从消费者镜头看待品牌定位作者:Christoph Fuchs原文出处:2008,Wien,1-8


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