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    1、中考英语动词专项练习九年级英语下动词填空专项练习一、单项选择:1、When I her in the hall, she was playing the piano.Asee Bsaw Cwill see Dam seeing 2、Ill go with you as soon as I my work.Awill finish Bfinished Cfinish Dwould finish3、He will do better in English if he harder.Awill work Bworks Cworking Dwork4、Since he came here last y

    2、ear, we happy.Aare Bhave been Chad been Dwere5、Peter the work in a week.A. have finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. will finish6、 open the window.AWill you please BPlease will you CYou please DPlease7、These books in the library for a long time.A. have kept B. had kept C. have been kept D. were k

    3、ept8、Many sheep eating grass.Ais Bare Cwas9、 I come here tonight? No, you neednt.AMay BCan CMust DShall10、The Green family London for nearly two years. They all miss their hometown very much.Aleft Bwill leave Chave left Dhave been away from11、Her grandparents for ten years.A. died B. have died C. we

    4、re dead D. have been dead12、Youd better to see the doctor.Ato go Bgo Cwent Dgoing13、My father enjoys to light music.Alistens Bto listen Clistening Dlistened14、When you the museum? A. would visit B. did visit C. have visit D. had visited15、He told them on with the work. Ato go Bgoing Cgo DwentA.Do B.

    5、Does C.Is D.Are16._ you get up every morning?A.When B.When do C.Do when D.When is17.If it _ tomorrow, well go to the Grate Wall.A.isnt rain B.wont rain C.doesnt rain D.will rain18.Next week the man _ Japan.A.leave B.will leaving C.are leaving D.leaves19.-Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?-Yes

    6、, we have-When _ you _ there? -Last month.A.have,gone B.did,go C.will ,go D.is,going20 What a beautiful watch! Is it new? -No, I have _ it for 2 years.A. had B. sold C. borrowed D. bought21. This silk dress _ so smooth. Its made in China.A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels22. The library assistan

    7、t says I can the magazine for two weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. buy D. keep 23. The stones are so heavy. How _ they _ to the top of the building without modern machines?A. do; lift B. did; lift C. were; lifted24. Can I help you? -I bought this watch here yesterday, but it _ work.A. wont B. didnt C. doe

    8、snt D. wouldnt 25. The Earth Buildings of Nanjing are so fantastic that they _ lots of tourists every year.A. attract B. allow C. attack D. attend26. Doing exercise every day can make you stay healthy. (词语释义)_A. live B. keep C. become 27.Do you like the song You and Me? -Of course! It _ really beaut

    9、iful.A. listens B. sounds C. thinks D. what 28. Rose _ her chocolate bar with a friend. Both of them were happy.A. started B. worked C. shared D. compared 29. The small child was not old enough to _ himself.A. have B. wear C. dress D. put310. I asked Danny to _ me my book, but he brought me his book

    10、.A. take B. fetch C. carry D. match31. The football team played well, but they didnt _ the competition.A. score B. do C. succeed D. win32. Could you please _ the floor? Its dirty. A. make B. sweep C. do D. fold33. Yao Ming is getting a lot better than expected.-But his doctor _ he shouldnt be in a h

    11、urry to return to training.A. imagines B. notices C. wonders D. warns34. Could you _ these books to the classroom? A. put B. take C. bring D. make35. Go along the street. The museum is just on your right. You cant _ it.A. make B. find C. miss D. fail36. What do you know about Walt Disney? -He _ cart

    12、oons for newspapers.A. sent B. wrote C. read D. drew37. Long time no see! -Oh, it _ like years since I last saw you.A. looks B. seems C. feels D. sounds38.What a day! Its raining again. Im afraid we cant fly a kite. -Dont worry. It wont _ long. A. live B. last C. wait D. go39. Dont forget to _ “Than

    13、k you” when someone opens the door for you.A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk40. It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well.A. cost B. take C. spend D. use41. - How long may I _ your book? -For a week. But you musnt _ it to others.A. borrow; lend B. keep; lend C. lend; borrow D. keep;

    14、borrow4 2. It wont _ them much time to fly to Beijing from Shanghai. A. spend B. use C. take D. pay4 3. Mr Wang _ be in Nanjing now, he went to Beijing only this morning.A. mustnt be B. may not C. cant D. neednt4 4. Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata? -Yes, it _ really beautiful.A. feelsB. s

    15、ounds C. listensD. hears4 5. Lily finished _ the book yesterday.A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads4 6. Mrs Brown isnt here. She has to _ her baby at home. A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look after4 7. I have to go now. please remember to _ the lights when you leave. A. turn off B. turn d

    16、own C. turn up D. turn on 4 8. Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _ be very expensive. A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant4 9. Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door? - _. Please do it now. A. to open; OK B. opening; Certainly notC. opening; Of course D. to open; Good ide

    17、a50. I want to _ this book for a month. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. get51. How many times _ you _ to Beijing this year? -Three times. A. have; been B. had; been C. have; gone D. had; gone52. What a nice bag! But she _ only thirty dollars for it. A. cost B. took C. spend D. paid53. Cotton _ nice and

    18、 soft. A. is felt B. is feeling C. feel D. feels54. I think this is the best way to solve the problem. Do you _ me? A. play with B. hear of C. agree with D. get on well with55. Guess who is coming to supper. I dont know. _ me. A. Speak B. Say C. Tell D. Talk56. Please _ your phones here with you tom

    19、orrow. A. take B. bring C. carry D. lift57. Dont _ your lessons. Well help you. A. worry B. worried about C. be worried about D. be afraid58. The window is broken. Try to _ who broke it. A. find out B. find C. look D. look for59. He could _ neither French nor German. So I _ with him in English.A. sp

    20、eak; talked B. talk; told C. say; spoke D. tell; talked60. The ticket is on the floor. Would you please _ for me? A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them D. pick them up61. If you dont know a word, you must _ the word in a dictionary. A. look up B. look down C. look over D. look out62. Its time

    21、for class. Wed better _. A. stop to talk B. to stop to talk C. stop talking D. to stop talking63. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and _ around, but she _ nothing. A. looked; saw B. saw; saw C. watched; looked D. looked; find64. The woman _ the child quickly and took him to hospital.

    22、 A. put on B. dressed C. had on D. was wearing66. -_ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there. OK, Mum. A. Put up B. Put on C. Put down D. Put away67. Yuki loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to _ her. A. believe B. control C. notice D. visit68. We must do something to stop p

    23、eople from _.A. to throw litter about B. to throw litter into C. throwing litter about D.throwing litter into69.He _ from Beijing for three years.A.has been away B.has gone C.has left D.has come70.How many times _ he _ the Great Wall?A.has,gone to B.has,been C.has,beenin D.has,been to71. (2011临安)-I

    24、feel tired and sleepy.-Why not stop _for a while? A. rest B. to rest C. resting D. rested72.(2011杭州)Nick, would you mind those old jeans? They look terrible. A. not to wear B. not wear C. wearing not D. not wearing73.(2011烟台)When I was walking past the window, I noticed Wang Fei _my homework I reall

    25、y got_.A. copying; annoyed B. copying; annoyingC. copy; annoyed D. copied; annoyed74.(2011长沙)We must keep the classroom_.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned75.(2011济南)They decided _ at the end of this month. A. to leave B. going back C. travel D. not start out76.(2011江西省)How kind you are! Yo

    26、u always do what you can _me. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps77.(2011潍坊)The new treatments _by Norman Bethune helped a number of soldiers. A. invent B. invents C. inventing D. invented78.(2011上海市)If the launch(发射)in 2005 is successful, China will be the third country_ its astronauts into spac

    27、e after Russia and the US. A. send B. sends C. sending D. to send79.(2011重庆市)We dont know _it next. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether80. (2011泰州)One of the difficulties we have_ English is how to remember new words and expressions. A. to learn B. i

    28、n learning C. learn D. learned81. (2011成都)-I like this set of sofa so much, but I dont know _it in my small house -Youre supposed to put it in the living room. A. where to put B. why to put C. how to put82. (2011内江)Teachers often tell us _ in the river after school. A. dont swim B. not swim C. not t

    29、o swim83. (2011临沂)If prices rise too high, the government has to do something _it. A. stop B. stopped C. stopping D. to stop84. (2011盐城)Plan your time carefully and make sure you have some time _what you like every day. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done85. (2011山西省)Drivers shouldnt be allowed _after drinking, or they will break the law. A. drive B. driving C. to drive86. (2011成都)While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped _and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _what was wrong with him. A. to run; to see B. running; seeing C. running; to see


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