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    新理念英语阅读 第一册 Lesson 6 Helping out 中英双语阅读.docx

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    新理念英语阅读 第一册 Lesson 6 Helping out 中英双语阅读.docx

    1、新理念英语阅读 第一册 Lesson 6 Helping out 中英双语阅读新理念英语阅读 第一册Lesson 6 Helping outChapter 1 Unpaid workUnpaid work is work that people do without getting paid for it.Everybody does unpaid work. Moving the grass in ironing clothes and cleaning the kitchen are all examples of unpaid work.Even people who have a pa

    2、id job do unpaid work.Communities couldnt operate if people didnt do unpaid work a lot of needy people wouldnt get help. This is because communities cant afford to pay people to do all the job that are needed.第六课 帮助他人第一章无偿劳动无偿劳动是人们做的没有报酬的工作。每个人都做无偿的工作。熨衣服、打扫厨房都是无偿劳动的例子。即使有带薪工作的人也做无薪工作。如果人们不做无偿工作,社区就

    3、无法运转,许多有需要的人就得不到帮助。这是因为社区无法支付人们所需的所有工作。Even as household couldnt operate, these people didnt do unpaid work like the killing the carpet.Chapter 2 Home dutiesHome duties are unpaid jobs that are done at home.Looking after young children is an example of a home duty. In some homes, the person who stay

    4、s home with young children has to stop doing paid work. Home duties also involve tasks like cleaning the house, washing the car and mowing the lawn.Some households pay someone to do these tasks for them. But, in most households, people dont have enough money to pay other people to do their home duti

    5、es.即使家庭无法运作,这些人也不会做像杀死地毯这样的无偿工作。第二章 家务家务是在家里做的没有报酬的工作。照看小孩是家庭责任的一个例子。在一些家庭里,在家带小孩的人不得不停止做有报酬的工作。家务还包括打扫房子、洗车和修剪草坪。有些家庭花钱请人替他们做这些工作。但是,在大多数家庭中,人们没有足够的钱来支付其他人做家务的费用。Chapter 3 CarersCarers are people who care for other people. The people they care for need special help. It may be because they are elder

    6、ly.It may be because they have had an accident or have a medical condition. It may be because they live alone and just want some company.Many carers care for someone in their own family. They might care for their parents when their parents can no longer look after themselves. Or, they might look aft

    7、er their nieces or nephews.第三章护理人员看护者是关心他人的人。他们关心的人需要特别的帮助。这可能是因为他们老了。这可能是因为他们发生了意外或身体状况不佳。这可能是因为他们独自生活,只是想要一些陪伴。许多看护者照顾自己家里的人。当父母不能照顾自己时,他们可能会照顾父母。或者,他们可能会照顾他们的侄女或侄子。Many grandparents look after their grandchildren during the day. This is so both of the childrens parents can go to work and earn an

    8、income.Some carers choose to care for people who are not members of the family. These carers just want to help people in need.By doing this, they are also helping the family of the person being cared for. This is because the family doesnt have to find the money to hire a paid worker to help the pers

    9、on in need.许多祖父母白天照顾他们的孙辈。这是为了让孩子的父母都能去工作并获得收入。有些看护者选择照顾那些不是家庭成员的人。这些照顾者只是想帮助有需要的人。通过这样做,他们也在帮助被照顾者的家人。这是因为这个家庭不需要找到钱去雇佣一个工人来帮助有需要的人。The carer is also helping the community. This is because the community doesnt have to find the money to pay for someone to help the person in need.Chapter 4 Volunteers

    10、Volunteers are people who do a job for the satisfaction of helping others.Volunteer do many different types of jobs. Some volunteers read books onto tapes so that people with poor eyesight can listen.Some volunteers deliver meals to elderly or sick people.护理员也在帮助社区。这是因为社区不需要为帮助需要帮助的人筹集资金。第四章 志愿者志愿者是

    11、为了帮助他人而工作的人。志愿者做许多不同类型的工作。一些志愿者把书读到磁带上,这样视力不好的人就可以听了。一些志愿者为老人或病人送餐。Some volunteers help tourists who visit a city during a major event like the Olympic Games or the Commonwealth Games.Volunteers help whenever a community is hit by a natural disaster.Volunteers assist in putting out bush fires. They

    12、might also help to evacute people from areas that have been flooded or hit by an earthquake or tsuami.A community may not recover without the help of volunteers.Some communities require volunteers more than others. Communities that dont have much money require a great deal of help from volunteers.一些

    13、志愿者在奥运会或英联邦运动会等重大活动期间帮助游客参观城市。每当一个社区遭受自然灾害时,志愿者都会提供帮助。志愿者帮助扑灭丛林大火。它们还可能帮助从被洪水淹没或地震或海啸袭击的地区疏散人们。没有志愿者的帮助,一个社区可能无法恢复。有些社区比其他社区更需要志愿者。没有太多钱的社区需要志愿者的大量帮助。Communities with a large number of elderly people might require more help from volunteers than communities with more young people. Without volunteers,

    14、 some communities couldnt operate.与年轻人较多的社区相比,老年人较多的社区可能需要志愿者提供更多的帮助。没有志愿者,一些社区无法运作。Exercises1. Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False.( ) 1. People who have a paid job dont do unpaid work.( ) 2. Looking after your nieces or nephews is a home duty.(

    15、 ) 3. Carers may help tourists who visit a city during the Olympic Games.( ) 4. Communities with a large number of elderly people might require more help from volunteers.( ) 5. Many grandparents look after their grandchildren in order to get the satisfaction of helping others.2. Choose the right ans

    16、wer.( ) 1. Unpaid work is work that people do getting paid for it.A. by B. with C. without D. for( ) 2. the grass, clothes and the kitchen are all examples of unpaid work.A. Cuttingsellingclearing B. To cutto sellto clearC. To mowto ironto clean D. Mowingironingcleaning( ) 3. Communities couldnt if

    17、people didnt do unpaid work.A. do B. understand C. operate D. act( ) 4. “Needy people” may not refer to people who .A. Want emotional support B. show a strong need for loveC. are in poor health D. dont want to give( ) 5. In some homes, the person who stays home with young children has to paid work.A

    18、. stop to do B. stop doing C. start to do D. finish doing( ) 6. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “involve” in “Home duties also involve tasks like cleaning the house”?A. revolve B. resolve C. conclude D. include( ) 7. Carers are people who other people.A. care about B. care for C. car

    19、e nothing for D. care nothing about( ) 8. People who need a special help may not be people who .A. are elderly B. have had an accident C. live alone D. deliver meals to sick people( ) 9. Carers might take care of their parents when their parents can look after themselves.A. no longer B. no more C. n

    20、o sooner D. no better( ) 10. Communities that dont have much money require help from volunteers.A. a great deal of B. a great number of C. few D. little3. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.Volunteers are people who do a job for the satisfaction of helping others. Volunteers to do

    21、 many different types of 1 . Some volunteers read books onto tapes 2 people with poor eyesight can listen. Some volunteer deliver meals to elderly or 3 people. Some volunteers help 4 who visit a city during a major event. Volunteers help 5 a community is hit by a natural disaster . Volunteers assist

    22、 in 6 bush fires. They might also help to 7 people from areas that have been flooded or hit by an earthquake or tsunami. A community may not 8 without the help of volunteers.( ) 1. A. careers B. jobs C. studies D. researches( ) 2. A. therefore B. and C. then D. so that( ) 3. A. Healthy B. young C. s

    23、ick D. hungry( ) 4. A. leaders B. citizens C. tourists D. humans( ) 5. A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. forever( ) 6. A. putting out B. putting down C. putting up D. putting away( ) 7. A. drive B. leave C. evacuate D. empty( ) 8. A. discover B. recover C. return D. repeat4. Answer the following questions.(1)What are some examples of home duties? (2)Why do some people need cars help? (3)Which communities require volunteers more than others?


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