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    1、届中考英语专题单项选择题含答案2020届中考英语专题:单项选择(一)( )1._ volleyball must belong to Jeff. He is the only person that loves _ volleyball.A/; / BThe; a CThe; / DThe; the( )2.Tom, could you search the Internet for some_ about the places of interest in Guangdong? Id like to go on a trip this vacation.OK.Amessages Bideas

    2、 Cinformation Dnews( )3.Lucy, a friend of _, often helps me with my English.Ame Bmine CI Dmy( )4.The living standards of us Chinese people have greatly improved since the policy of reform and opening up(改革开放政策) in _.A1980s Bthe 1980s Cits 1980s Dthe 1980( )5.How do you get on with your English, Liu

    3、Ming?Much _. I got the highest grade in the last exam.Abad Bworse Cgood Dbetter( )6.Our school soccer team won the match 5 to 1 _ a team from No. 2 Middle School last week.Afor Bof Cagainst Dto( )7.Be careful _ youll make fewer mistakes.Aand Bbut Cor Dso( )8.Could I use your bike for a while, Lucy?Y

    4、es, sure you _. There it is.Acould Bcan Cshould Dmust( )9.Johnson wont answer the phone if he _ the number.Ahasnt known Bdoesnt know Cwont know Ddidnt know( )10.A new school will be _ in our city next year.Aset out Bset off Cset away Dset up( )11.It rains a lot in Guangdong, _ in spring.Aespecially

    5、Bfinally Cquickly Dstraight( )12.Sam, why do you study so hard?_ myself able to enter the best senior high school in our city.AMake BMaking CMade DTo make( )13.Aamir Khan played the part of a great father in the movie The Tale of Fatherly Love._ excellent actor he is!AWhat BWhat a CWhat an DHow( )14

    6、.Pardon? Could you say that again? I _ catch you.OK.Acant Bdont Cwont Ddidnt( )15._will the new film be shown?In about three months.AHow often BHow soon CHow long DHow far( )16.Every customer is supposed to sit on the benches(板凳) waiting for their turn until their number _ in the bank service hall.A

    7、calls Bis calling Cwill be called Dis called( )17.Doing morning exercises _ good for us. Ais Bare Cbe Dam( )18.Have you decided _ we can solve this hard problem?Not yet. Probably through teamwork.Awhether Bwhen Chow Dwhere( )19.Is there anything _to you here?No, nothing.Athat belong Bwhich belong Ct

    8、hat belongs Dwhich belongs( )20.Sam failed the driving test again._.AGood luck BWith pleasure CWhat a pity DNo problem(二)( )1.I have watched _ movie Operation Red Sea. It is such _ unusual and exciting one that I want to watch it again.Athe; an Ba; the Cthe; a Dthe; the( )2.The _ is that Sam is neve

    9、r asking_ in class.Its necessary to have a talk with him.Aproblem; questions Bquestion; problemsCquestion; questions Dproblem; problems( )3.Toms pronunciation is improving so much. What about _, Jane?Im doing my best, Mrs. Green.Ayou Byourself Cyours Dyour( )4.During the _ National Day holiday, more

    10、 than 20% of the Chinese people visit places of interest around the country.Aseven day Bseven days Cseven days Dsevenday( )5.The reform and opening up policy will be carried out _.Afarther Bfurther Cfar Dfarthest( )6._ our English teachers help, we cant make such great progress.AWith BWithout CUnder

    11、 DFor( )7.It was a long bus ride _ we finally arrived.Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince( )8._ Kate set out for Thailand?Not yet, Ill ask her to be in a hurry. Thanks.AIs BDoes CDid DHas( )9.Will you go out to the cinema this evening?No, unless I _my school report.Awill finish Bhave finished Cfinished Dam

    12、finishing( )10.The sports meet has been _ because of the rainy weather.Aput out Bput off Cput away Dput up( )11.A traffic accident happened on the highway near my neighborhood._, no one lost their lives.ASuddenly BEspecially CMostly DLuckily( )12.For more than once, our head teacher asks us _ the ha

    13、bit of keeping a diary.Adevelop Bdevelops Cdeveloping Dto develop( )13.Mum, I got an A again in todays English test._ rapid progress you have made!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a( )14.Do you know Sam well?Sure. We_ friends since ten years ago.Awere Bhave made Chave become Dhave been( )15._ are the Summer

    14、Olympics held?Every four years.AHow often BHow soon CHow long DHow far( )16.A new hospital _in our city very soon.Awill build Bis building Cwill be built Dbuilds( )17.Not only my children but also I _fond of the movie Kung Fu Panda.Ais Bare Cbe Dam( )18.Do you know_ yesterday?Yes. He went for the bo

    15、at race.Awhy didnt Peter go to school Bwhy doesnt Peter go to schoolCwhy peter didnt go to school Dwhy peter doesnt go to school( )19.Excuse me, but can you be kind to tell me the way to Holiday Hotel?Sorry. Im new here. You can ask the cleaner at the door _ may be a local(本地人) in this city.Awho Bwh

    16、ich Cwhom D/( )20.Sorry! Im busy today. I cant go swimming with you._.ANo problem BYoure welcome CThats all DNever mind(三)( )1.What did you have for _ supper this evening?Oh, Beijing Duck and some dumplings. What _ nice dinner!A/; / Bthe; / Cthe; a D/; a( )2.Mike, who is 1.90 meters in _, is chosen

    17、to be a basketball player in our city.Aheight Bweight Cshape Dbuild( )3.Though English is very difficult to learn, _ Li Ping _ Li Lei speaks English well. Aneither; nor Beither; or Cboth; and Dnot only; but also( )4.Our classroom is Room 405, while Class 8 is above ours, on _ floor.Athird Bthe third

    18、 Cfifth Dthe fifth( )5.China, with the_population in the world, is developing rapidly these years.Amost Bleast Cfewest Dlargest( )6.We are angry that John is always talking _ the phone in our dorm(宿舍)Ain Bwith Cabout Don( )7.Thousands of people were cheering for the coming of the new year _ the acci

    19、dent happened.Awhile Bafter Cwhen Dsince( )8.Look! There comes our manager.No, it _ be him. He has gone to Singapore on business.Amay not Bshouldnt Ccant Dmight not( )9.Sue wasnt happy because she _ the concert given by her favorite singer.Amisses Bmissed Cwill miss Dis missing( )10.If you want to k

    20、now more about space, please_the book A Brief History of Time.Alook through Blook around Clook after Dlook down upon( )11.The summer holiday is drawing near. Well have a happy time together very_.Aquickly Bfast Cquick Dsoon( )12.Sam refused_ a hand when asked for help.Agive Bgives Cgiving Dto give(

    21、)13._ educational and exciting the movie Wolf Warrior 2 is!AWhat BWhat an CHow DHow an( )14.It is said that another book by JK. Rowling _out next spring.Awill come Bcomes Cwould come Dhas come( )15._did you pay for the new dictionary?20 pounds.AHow many BHow much CHow heavy DHow far( )16.Mum, can I

    22、go skating now?Yes, only if your homework_.Awill finish Bis finished Chas finished Dfinishes( )17.How time flies! Ten years _ passed since we last met.Ahave Bhas Cis Dare( )18.I wonder _.Of course not. Students must wear their school uniforms at school.A.whether we are allowed to wear our own clothe

    23、s at schoolBwhether are we allowed to wear our own clothes at schoolCwhere we are allowed to wear our own clothesDwhere are we allowed to wear our own clothes( )19.Dying to Survive is a film _many people enjoy these days.Awho Bwhose Cwhich Dwhom( )20.Tomorrow my parents will take me to Hong Kong Dis

    24、neyland._ABest wishes to you! BIts a good idea.CHave a good day! DGood luck to you!(四)( )1.The World Tennis Championship is set to be held in Brisbane, _ Australian city.Athe Ba Can D/( )2.Im afraid there is no _ for improvement, because he is already a top student in our class.Afield Bground Cplace

    25、 Droom( )3.Listen! There is someone knocking at the door._ must be the milkman. He sends fresh milk to me every morning.AThat BThis CHe DIt( )4.Now _college students plan to start their own business after graduation in our country.Amillion of Bmillions of Cten millions Dten millions of( )5.Shanghai

    26、Disney Resort, one of_ in the world, receives millions of tourists every year.Avery large Bthe larger Cmuch larger Dthe largest( )6.Tom was so sad because all of us passed the test _ him.Aexcept Bbeside Cbesides Dwith( )7.All the customers are waiting for their turn in the hall _ their name is calle

    27、d for service.Auntil Bafter Cwhile Dwhen( )8.Is there any outdoor learning in your school?_. We learn outdoors once or twice every month.AYes, there is BNo, there isnt CYes, it is DNo, it isnt( )9.Mike, have you finished your work report?Not yet. I _on it for almost a month.Aworked Bhave worked Cwil

    28、l work Dam working( )10.Listen! Theres the bell for class.OK. _.AHurry up BTake it easy CTake your time DHang out( )11.Mr. Lin speaks English pretty _. He is the best at spoken English in our school.Agood Bwell Cbad Dbadly( )12.In order _ behind, I work harder than before.Ato fall Bnot to fall Cfalling Dnot falling( )13._ the environment around us, or well be punished in return.APollute BPolluting CDont pollute DNot polluting( )14.We will go on a school trip next weekend unless it _.Awill rain Brains Cdoesnt rain Dwont rain( )15.Sam, you have been away f


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