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    1、图画作文,期中考试复习,练一练,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication.You essay should start with a brief description of the picture.You should write about 120 words.,图画型作文图画型作文即是对某幅图画进行描写从而得出某种启示或是让看图者明白某种事理。一般是

    2、为了回答如下这个问题:What can we learn from this or these pictures?图画型作文的特点是:图画中蕴含着深层含义,一般是说明某个道理,让读者得到启示。图画一般为单幅图画,也可包括多幅图画。,图画型作文写作框架:第一段:简单描述图画中的信息和表达的含义。第二段:全文的重点。一般要求具体分析图画中暗含的社会现象以及就该现象发表评论。第三段:得出结论。,首段描述,有关图画的名词描述图画的形容词修饰动词的副词“寓意”、“字幕”如何翻译?,替换picture的词语,drawing 指用线条或色彩绘成的图画。cartoon 指幽默或讽刺性漫画。(amusing d

    3、rawing in a newspaper or magazine,esp one that comments satirically on current events(报刊上的)漫画;(尤指)时事讽刺画。)portrait 指肖像,只用于指人。,描述图画的形容词,thought-provoking发人深省的enlightening 有启迪作用/使人感悟的compelling/striking/intriguing引人注目/引起兴趣profound含义深刻=far-reaching implicationsinstructive有益的(=informative)(搭配ADV:extremel

    4、y,highly,most,particularly,very/quite)amusing 令人发笑的,ridiculous 荒谬可笑的illuminating(particularly revealing or helpful)富有启发性的;很有助益的;impressive 印象深刻的,exaggerative 夸张的,修饰动词的副词:,graphically/vividly生动地symbolically象征性地conspicuously/clearly/explicitly清晰地subtly巧妙地,精细地,寓意:,moral/implications/messagehave a profo

    5、und implicationbe pregnant with meaningentertain a thought deeply,字幕:,Caption:words printed with an illustration or a photograph in order to describe or explain it(附於插图、照片上的)说明文字1)We are informed by the caption that“_”.2)The caption reads/indicates that“_”.,第一句 概括性句子怎么写?,As is vividly depicted in th

    6、e cartoon above,描述图画.The cartoon subtly 巧妙地 and symbolically 象征性地 depicts a thought-provoking scenario 场景 in which+描述图画.What is clearly illustrated/presented/portrayed/described in the drawing above is that+描述图画.It is symbolically/explicitly明白地/vividly illustrated/demonstrated in the drawing that+描述

    7、图画,As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,the boy expresses his worries about the disposal of nuclear wastes,while his father asks him to empty the dustbin in the room first.,What is clearly illustrated in the drawing above is that a student holds the opinion that the basic math skill might be

    8、outdated by the time hes in the job market while his teacher is teaching mathematics.,The cartoon subtly and symbolically depicts a thought-provoking scenario in which a teacher asks his student to read a work of literature as if he were reading a long text-message.,练一练,It is explictly demonstrated

    9、in the drawing that the father asked his daughter about her school,and her daughter asked her father to read her blog about it.,第二句由图片描述上升到文字说明或寓意的阐释,As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,the boy expresses his worries about the disposal of nuclear wastes,however,his father asks him to empty th

    10、e dustbin in the room first.Funny and common as the conversation sounds,it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking big.,What is conspicuously illustrated in the drawing above is that a student holds the opinion that the basic math skill might be outda

    11、ted by the time hes in the job market while his teacher is teaching mathematics.The picture implicitly raises the question of the importance of the fundamental skills students learn in our classes.,The cartoon subtly and symbolically depicts a thought-provoking scenario in which a teacher asks his s

    12、tudent to read a work of literature as if he were reading a long text-message.Obviously,the symbolical meaning of this picture is to show us the importance of reading literature.,练一练,This is a vivid example of the impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication.This impact is so serious that i

    13、t is high time we paid attention to it.,主体段落如何写?,第二段:主体段,意义阐释,5句1.主题句:象征寓意,1句2.论证:3句1)因果论证2)举例论证 3)联系现实:图画作文创作原则(以小见大,把握象征寓意,个体想为群体,具体想为抽象)4)正反论证3.小结:概括论证,总结本段 1句,topic sentence,development:sub idea 1,development:sub idea2&contrary idea,brief conclusion,Linking devices,主题句(全段核心,全文关键,必写),What can be

    14、inferred in this picture is virtually a prevalent social issue and the significance of _.The purpose of the picture is to inform/remind us of the fact that we should not neglect the significance of _.The unique metaphor in this enlightening drawing endows us with the notion that _.,过渡句(“原因如下”)的表述:Se

    15、veral factors,(both individual and social),could account for the(negative/positive)phenomenon.The reasons for the phenomenon may be complicated,but we can,to a large extent,ascribe/owe/attribute(归结于)it to the following factors.,The purpose of the picture is to remind us of the fact that we should no

    16、t neglect the significance of fundamental skills.(主题句)The reasons for the phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors.(过渡句)找原因!2-3条,1.学习基础知识不但能帮助我们获得高等的技能,还能培养我们的情操。2.基本技能永远不会过时,因为它在日常生活和工作中仍然具有实用性。,mastering the basic skills can not only help us acquire the advanced skills,but also cultuv

    17、ate our characters along the way we learn it.the basic skills will never be out of date and they remain very practical in our daily life and work.,1.学习基础知识不但能帮助我们获得高等的技能,还能培养我们的情操。2.基本技能永远不会过时,因为它在日常生活和工作中仍然具有实用性。,下面具体指出几个原因,第一个原因可以用Among the most important reasons cited by people is.One of the most

    18、 popular reasons is.第二个原因可以用:Another important reason is.Also playing a part is.第三个原因可以用:The third reason,which can not be neglected,is that.In addition,(名词)is also responsible for the phenomenon.last but not least,.,on the one hand,mastering the basic skills can not only help us acquire the advance

    19、d skills,but also cultuvate our characters along the way we learn it.on the other hand,the basic skills will never be out of date and they remain very practical in our daily life and work.,for one thing,for another,The unique metaphor in this enlightening drawing endows us with the notion that it is

    20、 necessary to deal with trival things.Several factors could account for the phenomenon.找原因1+2,1.做小事能够培养我们的情操,而这正是做大事所需要的。2.,图画型作文模板,As is depicted/shown/presented in the picture/cartoon,_.The picture/cartoon aims at informing us of_.From my perspective,_.,练一练,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication.You essay should start with a brief description of the picture.You should write about 120 words.,


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