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    1、秋三年级英语上册全一册教案全英文外研剑桥版Starter Unit Lets begin 第一学时: The pupils learn to understand : How are you today? Im fine/OK. Goodbye. The pupils learn to use: Whats your name? Im (Alice). How are you? Im fine. Im OK. Activities and skills: Decoding meaning from teacher input. Using phrases for interaction in

    2、class. Greeting each other. I Introduce oneself. Asking someones mane. Teaching process: Step 1: Warmup. Sing a song. Hello, whats your name? Step 2: Presentation. 1. Whats your name? Im. (1) The teacher introduces herself, saying: Hello, /Good morning, Im Miss Sun. (2) Asks a volunteers name: Whats

    3、 your name? The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, Im (Alice). (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whispering Im. 2. How are you today? Im fine. Im OK. (1) The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2) Tell the class to ask the question all toget

    4、her and introduce two answers, Im (not very) fine/Im Ok. (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply. Step3: Speak English in class. 1.Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, and listen to the tape. 2.Asks the pupils to

    5、 dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. A volunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group. 第二学时: The pupils learn to use these new words: Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar. A

    6、ctivities and skills: Singing the song and colouring picture frames. Teaching process: Step 1:Warmup: Greetings: (1) Good morning! (2) Im Miss Sun. Whats your name? Im (Alice, John). (3) How are you today? Im fine/OK. Step 2:New words. 1. Learn to say these words one by one using flash cards. 2. Gue

    7、ssing game. Is it a cowboy/snack bar? No, it isnt. Yes, it is. 3. Read them following teacher. 4. Colour the frames. (1)Open book at page4, take your colour pens. Listen and colour. (2)Colour your (hamburger, orange). (3)Lets check. The hamburger is orange. Step 3: Sing the song. 1. Listen to the ta

    8、pe. 2. Teacher sing the words. 3. Learn to say the words. 4. Lets sing it one sentence by one sentence. 5. Sing the song and do the actions together. Step 4: Say goodbye. Goodbye, children. Goodbye, Miss Sun. See you next time. 第三学时: The pupils learn to understand: Watch me. Stretch. Clap your hands

    9、. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. The pupils learn to use: Good morning./Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Activities and skills: Carrying out action story. Listening to the tape and filling numbers. Teaching process: Step 1: Warmup (1) Greetings. (2) Play

    10、guessing game with flash cards. (3) Sing the song: English is easy. Step 2: Mime the action story. 1.The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher.Repeat this stage several times. 2.The teache

    11、r gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time, following the teachers instructions. 3.The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a t

    12、ime. Step 3:Listen and fill in the numbers. (1) Listen and mime. (2) Fill in the numbers. (3) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct. Step 4: Learn to say. The teacher draw a clock on blackboard. When it is 7:30, says “Good morning” or “Morning” to the pupils. The pupils answer “Good morning”

    13、or “Morning”. “Good afternoon”, “Good evening” and “Good night” are the same above. 第四学时: The pupils learn to use : How are you? Im fine/very well/OK. Thank you. And you? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Activities and skills: Speaking and comprehension: Teaching process: Step1: Warmup. 1. G

    14、reetings. Good morning. /Morning. Good afternoon. 2. Sing a song: Join in. Step 2: Lets read and act. 1. T: Hello, Im Miss Sun. Whats your name? S: Hi, Im Alice. T: Nice to meet you. Tell the student that he or she should say “Nice to meet you, too.” Have this conversation with others, and make sure

    15、 that all the pupils can say it correctly. 2. Other sentences just to be taught and learnt like those above. 3. Actions: (1). Pair work: Two pupils to act the conversations. (2). Boys and girls competition. Step 3: The end. Goodbye, children. Goodbye, Miss Sun. Unit 1 Numbers 第一学时: The pupils learn

    16、to understand: The tiger jump. Do the numbers rock. The pupils learn to say: Numbers 112. Twelve oclock; do the numbers rock. Yippee! Lets do the tiger jump. Your turn. Activities and skills: Singing the song: The numbers rock. Saying the chant : The tiger jump. Colouring the numbers. Listening to c

    17、onversations and matching the names of children with numbers on dice. Playing two number games. Teaching process: Step 1: Warmup. 1. Count numbers from 1 to 10. 2. Sing the song. Hop. Step 2: Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock. 1. Learn to say: 11 eleven, 12 twelve. Twelve oclock. 2. Listen

    18、and say the chant. Step 3: Listen and say the chant. 1. The teacher says the chant and performances in the same order, the pupils follow. 2. Teacher says, pupils do in the same order. 3. The teacher says and pupils do in the jumbled order. 4. Listen to the tape and say the chant, do the actions. Ste

    19、p 4: Colour the numbers. 1. Show numbers cards 112 to the pupils. Count them. 2. Open book at page9, match numbers with the words. 3. Colour them and check them. Step 5: Listen and match. 1. Teacher writes numbers on the blackboard. The pupils read them. For example: 3 6, 1 5, 4 5, etc. 2. Listen an

    20、d match then check. 3. learn to say “Your turn.” 4. Play the game in class. 第二学时: The pupils learn to understand: Whats in the box? Guess the number. Super prize! Come on, (Fred). Here is your prize, Emma. Thank you, Emma. Great! The pupils learn to use: Whats in the box? Snails! Yuk! How many? Acti

    21、vities and skills, Listening to and understanding a story. Playing game: “Guess the number.” Teaching process: Step 1: Warmup. 1. Say the chant : The tiger jump. 2. Sing the song: The numbers rock. Step 2: A game. Guess the number. 1. Count numbers 112. 2. Shows the pupils numbers cards, guess the n

    22、umber. 3. Take a box, put some glass balls in it. Shows them a glass ball, asks: Whats this? Whats in the box? How many? If the pupils are right, says “Great! Here is your prize.” And give them a glass ball. Step 3: A story. The snails. 1. Teacher says, You will hear a story. The snails. Please list

    23、en carefully. 2. Listen to the tape several times. 3. Make sure that the pupils fully understand the meaning of this story. 4. Play this game in class. 第三学时: The pupils learn to understand: Guess the number. The pupils learn to use: Twelve is two plus ten, now lets start again. How many? Yes. / No.

    24、Activities and skills: Saying the rhyme. Playing two number games. Teaching process: Step 1: Warmup. Sing the song. The numbers rock. Step 2: Listen and say the rhyme. 1. Count numbers 112. 2. Read the words line by line several times. 3. listen to the tape, say the rhyme. 4. Asks a group of 6-7 pup

    25、ils stand in a circle, and say the rhyme, see who is left out. Step 3: Play a game. 1. Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the game as shown in the first two pictures. 2. Play in pairs and proceed in the same way for the second game. 3. Play this game one by one. 第

    26、四学时: The pupils learn to understand and use: Whats your phone number? Activities and skills: Listening and taking notes of phone numbers and saying what they are. Asking other pupils for their phone numbers and taking notes. Teaching process: Step1: Warmup. 1. Count numbers 112. 2. Say the rhyme. St

    27、ep 2: Listen and write the phone numbers. 1. Draw a big telephone on the board. Introduce the word Phone or telephone immediately followed by the sentence My phone number is . 2. Listen and write. Tell the pupils that they are going to hear some recorded interviews, and that they have to listen and

    28、discover the telephone numbers of a few children. Read the names of the children out loud and ask the pupils to repeat them. Listen to the tape several times and write. 3. Lets check. Step 3: Write your phone numbers. 1. The pupils write their phone number. Tell them how to read the number. 2. Read

    29、your number yourself. Step 4: Asks childrens phone number. 1. Teacher asks, Whats your phone number? A volunteer answers, other pupils write down. 2. Work in pairs. 3. The pupils ask and answer each other, and write. 4. Lets check. Teaching aims: 1. Learn to say: How many girls/boys/flagscan you see

    30、? Let me count. I can see. 2. Learn to say: What is (seven) plus (twelve)? What is (eleven) minas (nine)? 3. Write the numbers 112. Teaching process: Step 1: A game. Prepare a box which is full of glass balls. Shows them the box, and asks, whats in it? Let pupil guess, and then someone touches it. (

    31、Glass balls.) How many? How many glass balls ? How many glass balls can you see? Count, please. The pupil counts. One, two, three, four Step 2: Learn to say. 1. Teacher chooses a group of pupils, and asks, how many girls can you see? Tells them to reply, let me count. And then, count. One, two,.Tells them to say, I can see 2. Repeat this exercise several times. 3. Ask and answer


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