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    1、evaluation评估equipequipment(不可数)装备examineexamination检查expectexpectation预料,期望exhibitexhibition展览existexistence存在exchange交换excuse借口n. 原谅 v.exercise锻炼,运动experience经历(可数)经验(不可数)经历,体验II. Verb usageverbsphrasesexamplesbe equipped with(装备,配备)我们学校配备有现代化的教学设施。My school is equipped with modern teaching facilit

    2、ies.expect (sb) to do sthScientists expect to create life in ten years.escapeescape sthescape doing sthescape from你不可能逃脱惩罚。You cannot escape punishment.= You cant escape being punished.他成功地从敌人的监狱中逃了出来。He managed to escape from the enemys prison.establishestablish a school / government / countryestab

    3、lish ones belief / reputation / law / a ruleIII. Other phrases and expressions1. be equal to 等同于2. even if/though 即使E.g. I wouldnt lose courage even if I should fail ten times.3. beyond expectation = out of expectation 出乎预料4. without exception 无一例外5. set a good example 树立好榜样for example = for instanc

    4、etake sth for example / as an example 举为例E.g.: I think travelling benefits me a lot. Take my trip to the US as an example. I met many people and learnt something about the American culture.6. come into existence/being 开始存在,产生7. on exhibition = on display/show8. a narrow escape 死里逃生9. be expert in 在方

    5、面擅长10. at the expense of 以为代价 = at the cost of11. It is estimated thatIt is expected thatIt is said thatIt is reported thatTry to make sentences with the above stucture.IV. Words or phrases that are equal to “除了”1. besides 除了还有(表示附加)2. except 除了都(表示排除)3. except for(用来说明与整体情况不一致的部分) Two other student

    6、s failed the exam _ him. All the students passed the exam _ him. He did very well in the exam _ the listening part. except thatWe know nothing about him except that he is from Hong Kong.Vocabulary Page 51-52 I. Word transformation.VerbNounexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexploreexplorationexportiks

    7、p:texporteksp:exposeexposureexpressexpressionextendextensionfailfailureII. Expressions:ChineseExpressions走极端go to extremes无法描述beyond expression在某种程度上to some extentto a certain extentto some degreeto a certain degree对信任 have faith in对不再信任lose faith in(某人)对熟悉Sb is familiar with sth(某物)为(某人)熟悉Sth is fa

    8、miliar to sb因而著名be famous forbe known for作为而著名be famous asbe known as 被迷住 be fascinated by流行come into/ be in fashionbecome fashionable/ popular不流行go/ be out of fashionbecome unfashionable/ unpopular熟睡fast asleepIII. “face” expressions.做鬼脸make a face/make faces丢脸He doesnt want to risk losing face so

    9、he compromised.挽回面子Both countries saved face with the compromise.板着脸wear a long face面对面-You could have just phoned.-I wanted to explain things face to face.面对现实,承担后果You have been caught cheating; now you must face the music.朝南、北、东、西The dining room faces south/north/east/west.面临,面对McManus is faced wi

    10、th the biggest challenge of his career.=McManus is facing the biggest challenge of his career.勇于正视 Theyll never offer you another job; you might as well face up to it.IV. “fall” expressions入睡fall asleep生病fall ill相爱fall in love有困难时救助于,依靠At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails.Sh

    11、e is homeless-at least I have my parents to fall back on.摔倒;崩溃,失败Lizzie fell down and hurt her knee.The plan fell down because it proved to be expensive.上的当,对信以为真The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.落后于She hurt her ankle and had fallen behind the o

    12、thers.陷入One false step can mean falling into debt.fall into bad habits破裂;散开My dictionary is falling to pieces.=My dictionary is falling apart.落空;成为泡影Our holiday plans fell through because of transport strikes.IV. Words to explain.fancy vt. fancy doing喜欢;想象eg: Fancy working in this heat every day!vt.

    13、 fancy that 认为 I fancy I have met you before.n. 想象力 She is a girl full of fancies.adj. 花俏的,极好的 fancy cakes, fancy diving, fancy fresh fruitsWrite out the Chinese meanings of the following expressions.(page 48-52词汇拓展)19. to a certain extent 20. make a face/faces21. without exception 22. beyond expectation23. a narrow escape 24. come into existence25. at the expense of 26. face the music 27. fall behind


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