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    高考英语 活学巧练夯实基础17Word文件下载.docx

    1、5How much did the mans wife pay for the coat?A$80. B$240. C$120.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。6Why does the man make the phone call?ATo book some tickets for the show.BTo get some information about the garden.CTo know when the box office is open.7How much will one pay for two tickets now?

    2、A26 dollars. B30 dollars. C60 dollars.8How long will the show last?AFor about two hours. BFor about three hours.CFor about four hours.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。9When should one arrive if the dinner time is 7 pm according to the woman?AAt 620 pm. BAt 650 pm. CAt 740 pm.10What should be done during the dinner?A

    3、Praising the host or hostess for the meal.BExpressing thanks to the host or hostess for the dinner.CTalking to the host or hostess as much as possible.11What can we know about the woman?AShe comes from America.BShe likes holding parties.CShe knows American custom very well.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12What do

    4、 Tasty Fish and Something Fishy have in common?AA lot of cooking instructions. BA lot of texts.CA lot of colorful pictures.13Which book is the cheapest one?ATasty Fish. BWorldwide Fish.CSomething Fishy.14Which book does the woman decide to buy?ASomething Fishy. BWorldwide Fish.CTasty Fish.听第9段对话,回答第

    5、15至17题。15Where did the woman speaker talk to Sherry Palmer?AIn her house. BIn Sherry Palmers house.CIn her office.16What did Sherry Palmer do when she saw Allen?AShe returned his mobile phone.BShe shouted at him.CShe wanted to catch him.17What can we learn from the conversation?AAllen was actually i

    6、nnocent.BAllen died of heart trouble.CThe man speaker will arrest Sherry Palmer.听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。18What clothes does the speakers sister like?AClothes in fashion. BCheap clothes.COrdinary clothes.19What does the speaker think of going to the nightclubs?AIts a waste of money and time.BIts really a p

    7、assion with her.CIt gives her a headache.20Why did the speaker fail to live with her sister?AHer sister often brings friends home and makes too much noise.BThe speaker likes to keep things neat while her sister doesnt.CThey always cant agree on the color they like best.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇

    8、知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21The two girls had been talking in_low voice all_time during the meeting,which upset the manager.Aa;/ B/;/C/;the Da;the22We should believe in ourselves._Selfconfidence is the first secret of success.AIts up to you. BThank goodness!CLets get going. DIm with you on that.23Clare h

    9、as offered a_of $100 to anyone who can find her lost cell phone.Abenefit Bcost Creward Dprice24How about having a party this weekend?That_me fine.Im coming.Asuits Bfits Cmatches Dagrees25John is honest,hardworking and responsible._is no doubt that he is the best person for the job.AWhich BThere CWha

    10、t DThat26It was not until the scientist died_we appreciated the true significance of his discoveries.Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dthat27He felt tired after a whole days work.No sooner_to bed than he fell asleep.Ahe had gone Bdoes he goChad he gone Dhe did28After he left his academic post and went into busi

    11、ness,it took him quite a while to_to the competitive environment.Aattend Bagree Cattach Dadjust29It has been proved_violence on television has a bad effect on the development of children.Awhether Bbecause 30The magazine,which_once a week,is popular among teenagers.Aleaves out Bgoes out Cputs out Dco

    12、mes out31I changed my_to learning English this term and did a good job in the final examination.Aapproach Btechnique Cway Dmethod32You cant imagine how excited I was! It was the first time I_my work in print.Asaw Bhad seen Chave seen Dsee33I didnt know you were in trouble at that time,_I would have

    13、given you a hand.Awhereas Bhowever Cotherwise Dtherefore34He looked with deep feeling at his elderly mother,her face_with wrinkles.Acovered Bhaving coveredCcovering Dto cover35Mr Green made up his mind to devote all he could_his son to university.Asend Bto send Csending Dto sending第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1

    14、.5分,满分30分)(2011合肥第一次质量检测)When your kids were six or seven,you sent them to school.Did you ever wonder what goes through a teachers_36_as he or she tries to teach your kids?Did you ever wonder what the teacher_37_from you,the parents?Parents can be_38_or suspicious.They can be of great help to the te

    15、acher_39_be in need of help themselves.Some teachers think parents are too_40_on their children.Here is_41_one teacher puts it.“I usually have the_42_of parents coming in and_43_me how much they care about the kidseducation and how they really_44_their kids.They tell me they stand and_45_them closel

    16、y when they do their homework.Sometimes they_46_offer help with the kidslessons as if they were teachers.They check their school work,and are too sensitive to_47_.They blame the kids on everything having to do_48_school.When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class,my answer usu

    17、ally is“Well,you know,he is_49_a good kid.He is fine in my class.Maybe you dont have to be so_50_with your kid.”Teachers want parents to know that they are professionals at_51_with children.They have_52_many children and even parents.Because of this,teachers can be_53_at educating children.Teachers

    18、are_54_that parents want their children to do well,but they know more about what children should be able to do at different ages and_55_.36A.heart Bmind Csoul Dspirit37A.reflects Bresults Cbenefits Dexpects38A.effective Battentive Csupportive Dpositive39A.but Bor Cthus Das40A.hard Bkeen Cdependent D

    19、crazy41A.where Bhow Cwhen Dwhy42A.problems Bcontracts Caccidents Dagreements43A.advising Bexamining Ctelling Dinstructing44A.help with Bdeal with Cmake up Dgive up45A.connect Bguide Cwatch Dinspire46A.even Balready Cstill Dmerely47A.marks Befforts Cpains Dwords48A.at Bbeyond Cin Dwith49A.nearly Brea

    20、lly Cseldom Dhardly50A.satisfied Bcareful Cstrict Dcautious51A.working Bplaying Cstaying Djoking52A.fed Bobserved Cattended Dgreeted53A.pleased Bworried Cdisappointed Dexperienced54A.content Bdoubtful Caware Dsuspicious55A.stages Bclasses Cschools Dprojects第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A

    21、海南五校联考)Are you happy?Do you remember a time when you were happy?Are you seeking happiness today?Many have sought a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness.Some have put their hearts and efforts into their work.Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol.Meanwhile,untold numbers have looked

    22、for it in the possession of expensive cars,exotic (异国的)vacation homes and other popular “toys”Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact:people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.Unfortunately,I believe that happiness escapes from many people because they misunderstand the journ

    23、ey of finding it.I have heard many people say that,“Ill be happy when I get my new promotion.” or “Ill be happy when I lose that extra 20 pounds.” It is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a “response” to having,being or doing something.In life,we all experience stimulus (激励) and response

    24、.Today,some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus,and happiness is a response;a great paying job is a stimulus,and happiness is a response;a loving relationship is a stimulus,and happiness is a response.This belief leaves us the thinking and feeling:“Ill be happy when.”It has been my find

    25、ing that actually the opposite is true.I believe that happiness is a stimulus and a response is what life brings to those who are truly happy.When we are happy,we tend to have more success in our work.When we are happy,people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships.When we are happy,we m

    26、ore naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health.Happiness is not a response but a stimulus.Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives.For unknown reason to me,many choose to be painful,unsuccessful and angry most of the time.Happiness is not something that happ

    27、ens to us after we get something we wantwe usually get things we want after we choose to be happy.56From the second paragraph,we know too many people_.Aare not happy when they work hardBare not happy when they drink or take drugsCare happy when they possess their own expensive carsDall desire exotic

    28、 vacation homes57Generally speaking,most people feel happy because _.Athey think happiness is rooted in their deep heartsBthey get what they want to haveCthey get a great paying jobDthey get an expensive car58Which of the following is right according to the author?AIf you want to get what you want,you first choose to be happy.BWe should try to get more and then well be happy.CMost people today are happy.DWork is a necessary


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