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    1、金版教程一轮人教英语必修11.阅读理解(建议用时16)点击观看解答视频2016石家庄质检I wouldnt have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DONT FORGET. I was _1_. Dont forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. 1.Snow peas. 2.Shakespeare. 3.Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someones list?Yesterday wa

    2、s my first day here. Since Mrs Allison _2_ me, nobody except the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch. I tried to _3_ on the lessons, but my mind went _4_. Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? “Sadira.” I _5_ when Mrs Allison called my name. “Its time to line up for _6

    3、_.”As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces ask, “Whats that?”, _7_ at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “Ill try some snow peas,” the boy behind me _8_. Snow peas! Number 1 on the list.After lunch, Mrs Allison _9_ that it was “rhyme time.” The boy whod asked for snow peas stood

    4、up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs Allison nodded. “To be or not to be.”Wyatt began. When he _10_, Mrs Allison added, “Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special kind of _11_.” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to _12_, wondering what would happen next.After school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a whi

    5、le before I _13_ Wyatt. He smiled in a _14_ way, saying “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.”“Forgot what?”“Youre number 3 on my list.”So now I _15_ what was going on. “My moms _16_. Im supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.That night, I made my own _17_. 1.Try the spina

    6、ch quiche. 2.Offer my _18_ to the boy with glasses.3.Say _19_ to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more _20_: Thank Wyatt.本文讲述作者遭遇到转学后的一件事,使作者学会了如何让自己每天尝试三件“新”事。1A.enthusiastic Bgrateful Ccurious Doptimistic答案:C根据下文一系列的问题,可推知作者感到很好奇。2A.introduced BencouragedCrecommended Ddismisse

    7、d答案:A根据上文“Yesterday was my first day here.”可知,Mrs Allison 是“介绍”我。3A.bring BcarryCrely Dconcentrate答案:D根据上文作者的遭遇,以及下文中的问题:Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me?可知作者想“集中”注意力。4A.weak BblankCexcited Dpale答案:B根据3题的解释可推知:大脑一片空白。5A.shouted BlaughedCjumped Dgreeted答案:C由于上文作者注意力不集中,在老师喊到他名字时的反应应该是“jump”。6A.class Bs

    8、upperCsports Dlunch答案:D根据下文中的“After lunch”可知,大家排队去吃“午饭”。7A.pointing BglaringCknocking Dcoming答案:A根据当时的情景,可推知“指着”问“Whats that?”故填“pointing”。8A.worked out Bchecked outCshouted out Dfigured out答案:C根据“Ill try some snow peas”可知后面的男孩大喊到。9A.predicted BannouncedCresponded Dreported答案:B吃完午饭后,下午上课时,Mrs Alliso

    9、n应是“宣布”上什么课。10A.finished BcopiedCprepared Dreturned答案:A根据上文“To be or not to be.”可知Wyatt 开始背诗,应是“背完”之后,故填A。11A.theatre BnovelCarticle Dpoetry答案:D根据it was “rhyme time.”以及“sonnets”十四行诗可知应选D项。12A.disappoint BpanicCcalm Dannoy答案:B到此,卡片上的Snow peas.与Shakespeare.已经出现,作者想到的是下一个应该是有事发生在他身上。故作者有些“惊慌”。13A.knew

    10、BrememberedCunderstood Dnoticed答案:D根据下文“He smiled in a _14_ way, saying.”可知在放学路上作者遇到了Wyatt。14A.strict BfriendlyCsad D.voluntary答案:B根据“smiled”可知Wyatt是用“友好”的方式与作者说话。15A.pointed out Breferred toCfound out Dappealed to答案:C根据上文介绍的语境,作者“弄明白”了发生什么事,以及下文作者的同学说的话,可知答案。16A.idea BinvitationCcommand Dpreference

    11、答案:A根据下文“Im supposed to try three new things every day.”是“妈妈的想法”。17A.meal BlistCrhyme D.cake答案:B根据本文讲述的主题可知作者也学着列单子让自己尝试新事物。18A.card Bpeas Cdessert Dhomework答案:C由上文中即3空前“.asked if he could have my cake at lunch.”可知。19A.please BsorryCgoodbye Dhello答案:D“Say hello to sb.”表示与某人打招呼。20A.number BentryCpers

    12、on Dword答案:B“entry”此处表示“词条”与第一段中的items相应合。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2016黑龙江月考David is an excellent student and he comes from New York. His family was there until he finished eighth grade. David had no choice but to sleep on park benches. Being alone on the streets was scary. One thing kept David going: his dete

    13、rmination to do well in school.Even though many things were difficult in DaviD s life, one thing was going very well. David was accepted to a special high school called MC2STEM. It is a public school in Cleveland for kids who are extremely good at science. The school turned out a peaceful place for

    14、David. He especially enjoyed having the chance to learn by doing lots of projects.High school wasnt easy. But David says that the school helped him set high standards for himself. Even when he didnt have a place to stay at night, David kept his focus on his schoolwork.While he was homeless, David wo

    15、uld sometimes sleep in the park during the day because it was safer. “If you sleep in the daytime in the park, people wont bother you,” he says. “youre just taking a nap. Its acceptable.” Then David would study through the night. He showered at a frienD s house when his frienD s parents were at work

    16、.All his hard work paid off. In May 2011, David graduated second in his high school class. He was accepted by 22 colleges. He also won a scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It will pay for all his college expenses.Last fall, David began attending Harvard University, one of the to

    17、p colleges in the US.“I found the perfect school for me.” He wrote in his blog.In the future, David might look for a job at a company like Google. Even better, he would like to start his own company. David says, “I want to work for myself.”本文讲述的是一位叫David的优秀学生的求学过程,虽然家境很差,但凭着自己的决心和拼搏的精神为自己创造一个美好的未来打下

    18、了坚实的基础。1According to the passage, David_.Aliked to sleep on park benchesBstudied very hardCfelt high school was easyDhated doing a lot of projects答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段“Then David would study through the night.”以及第五段“All his hard work paid off.”可知。2We can know from the passage that David would _.Awork only

    19、 in big companiesBstart a company with partnersCwin a scholarship againDhave a bright future答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“David might look for a job at a company like Google. Even better, he would like to start his own company.”可知。3Which of the following word can best describe David?ACautious. BLazy.CDetermine

    20、d. DCreative.答案:C推理判断题。根据第一段“One thing kept David going: his determination to do well in school.”以及综合全文对David的讲述可知。4Whats the best title for the passage?AA top University BA Poor Student CHomeless to Harvard DWinning a Scholarship答案:C主旨大意题。根据全文主旨大意可知David从一个无家可归的男孩到去哈佛大学读书的经历,C项能概括全文的内容。温馨提示:阅读理解中标注

    21、的W部分为重点词汇,标注的P部分为重点短语,标注的S部分为句式仿写。旨在通过此栏目的练习,帮助学生夯实基础,做到厚积薄发。1determination n. 决心;决定 2.extremely adv. 极度地3peaceful adj. 和平的;平和的 4.bother vt. 打扰;使不安5expense n. 费用;消费1turn out 结果是;证明是;原来是;生产2pay off 得到回报;偿清(债务)原文:David had no choice but to sleep on park benches.(固定句式)译文:David除了睡在公园长凳上,别无选择。仿写:However

    22、tremendous the difficulty we are faced with is, we will have_no_choice_but_to_unite_and_overcome_it.无论我们面临多大的困难,我们只能团结起来克服它。B点击观看解答视频 2016银川一中月考Whos in control of your life? Who is pulling your string? For the majority of us, its other peoplesociety, colleagues, friends, family or our religious comm

    23、unity. We learned this way of operating when we were very young, of course. We were brainwashed. We discovered that feeling important and feeling accepted was a nice experience and so we learned to do everything we could to make other people like us. As Oscar Wilde puts it, “Most people are other pe

    24、ople. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry (模仿), their passions a quotation.”So when people tell us how wonderful we are, it makes us feel good. We long for this good feeling like a drug. Therefore, we are so eager for the approval of others that we live unhappy and limit

    25、ed lives, failing to do the things we really want to. Just as drug addicts and alcoholics live worsened lives to keep getting their fix (一剂毒品). We worsen our own existence to get our own constant fix of approval.But, just as with any drug, there is a price to pay. The price of the approval drug is f

    26、reedomthe freedom to be ourselves. The truth is that we cannot control what other people think. People have their own agenda, and they come with their own baggage and, in the end, theyre more interested in themselves than in you. Furthermore, if we try to live by the opinions of others, we will buil

    27、d our life on sinking sand. Everyone has a different way of thinking, and people change their opinions all the time. The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and probably pleasing no one in the process. So how can we take back control? I think theres only one waymak

    28、e a conscious decision to stop caring what other people think. We should guide ourselves by means of a set of valuesnot values imposed (强加) from the outside by others, but innate values which come from within. If we are driven by these values and not by the changing opinions and value systems of oth

    29、ers, we will live a more authentic, effective, purposeful and happy life.本文讲述的是一种社会现象,我们的生活被他人所控制。文章剖析了这种现象的起因,并对如何解除控制提出相应的建议。5What Oscar Wilde says implies that _.Amost peoples thoughts are controlled by othersBmost people have a variety of thoughtsCwe have thoughts similar to those of othersDothe

    30、r peoples thoughts are more important答案:A推理判断题。根据第一段开始所提的问题以及列举的一些实际现象,可知本文讲的话题,并引用Oscar Wilde的话来证实这一现象。6What does the author try to argue in the third paragraph?AWe need to pay for what we want to get.BChanging opinions may cost us our freedom. CWe may lose ourselves to please others.DThe price of

    31、taking drugs is freedom.答案:C细节理解题。根据本段最后一句“The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and.”可知。7In order to live a happy, effective and purposeful life, we should _.Acare about others opinions and change opinions all the timeBguide ourselves by means of values from the outsideCstick to our own valuesDpersuade others to accept


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