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    1、慎小嶷十天突破雅思口语总结材料1General Introduction标准:Its not what you say.Its how you say it. 流利度、语法、发音、词汇量(7分是快速思考后较为连贯地说出来的,但中间会有呼吸和短暂思考需要的自然停顿。和考官的交流比较充分而且已经有一定的层次关系,但允许出现不导致严重误解的语法、用词或发音错误)注意事项:1. 注意一些小短语:work outlet sb. downpile upliven uppolish up (=improve)crack sb. up (=make sb. laugh)hand down fromwind d

    2、own (=relax)2. 不要使用过于口语化的表达eg. wanna, aint, gal, yucky3. 如果没有听懂考官问的问题Could you please rephrase the question?Well, my best guess would be.Part 1: Chat;确保每道题平均能回答3句话左右Topics: Studies, Work, Buildings, People Entertainment, Weather & Seasons, Hometown, Reading & Writing Food, Age, Arts, Colours Nature,

    3、 Collection, Clothing, TravelingSports & Outdoor activities, Pets, Festivals & Holidays & Parties, Shopping问题类型:Yes/No类题 Wh-/How类题Part 2: Description;会有适当的思考和停顿;需要有规划和秩序;句式会有一些变化最有价值的信息来自与你在同一个半天内考试的其他考生。Topics: Objects, Events, Places, Abstracts, PeoplePart 3: Discussion;多数时候与Part 2所考卡片的话题有关,但也有可能离

    4、开卡片的话题;会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词;比Part 1和Part 2更正式,但没有工作面试正式;要论述好自己的观点Topics: Buildings Language, Weather & Season, Cities & Countryside, Reading & Writing Food & Health, Media & Celebrities, Arts Nature, Collection, Clothing, Traveling Sports & Games, Animals, Festivals & Parties, Shopping Volunteers & Chari

    5、ties, Employment问题类型:经常会有1-2个涉及比较不同讨论对象间的差异的问题 经常会有1-2个涉及利弊的问题 经常会有1-2个要求分析原因或解决方法的问题Part 1/3可以用到的解题技巧:六字诀Time, Cost, Mood, Health, Safety, Knowledge(对于能自己快速想出来答案的问题就不必依赖于六字诀,必须确保流利度)雅思口语的词Words in the speaking test (P49-P71)1. Colloquial words and phrases (P49-P52)stuff (不能加复数), folks, pretty, fun

    6、(=interesting), adore, shortly,spot,eye-opening, decent (不错的),hang out (后面不能直接接宾语),kind of/sort of, like,in a row (=one after another), entire, as well,is a piece of cake/is a snap/is a breeze (小菜一碟), during, know . inside and outside/backwards and forwards (精通),Im all for (我完全支持), is no picnic/is a

    7、 pain in the neck (很折磨人),really bothers me/is getting on my nerves,kick back and relax/let ones hair down (放松),a couple of, a bunch of (一些), dozens of,loads of/piles of/tons of/a multitude of,make sense (合理),you name it/and the list goes on and on (应有尽有), By doing that, I kill two birds with one sto

    8、ne,is the best + noun, hands down (.绝对是最.的), would be the last thing I want to do,Thats the way the ball bounces (命中注定就是这样了), get the hang of (基本了解), get . down pat (完全掌握了),What a shame, is nonexistent, end up doing, suit . well/suit .s needs2. Slang words and phrases (P53-P54)buff/freak/mania (对事物;

    9、对人用fan/admirer), nerd/geek, freak out (=be so surprised),let off steam (=release pressure), feel under the weather (=feel sick), pricey, beats, not up to par (=not satisfactory),is a drag (=is boring), the daily grind (=the boring thing you have to do everyday), is totally gross,is over my head (=is

    10、 hard to understand), drive me up the wall (=drive me crazy), have a ball/blast (=have a good time),funky, outfit, flashy (=attention-getting), snazzy (=beautiful and expensive), weird/odd, corny (=old and uninteresting),a gamer/vid-kid (=a peron who likes playing video games)3. Alternatives to some

    11、 excessively-used words (P55-P60)1)关于数量2)关于活动3)关于物品4)关于人5)关于爱好6)关于天气7)关于建筑8)关于食品9)关于时间10)关于喜欢/讨厌11)关于频率4. Magical nouns (P61-P62)leisure, mood, ambience, efficiency, smog, necessity, incentive, the pace of life, competition, encouragement,enjoyment, gallery, artworks, pastime, preference, an approac

    12、h, nutrition, cuisine, status symbol, fragrance,family bonds, potential, employment, blockbuster (大片儿), satisfaction/fulfillment, traffic congestion,rules and regulations, the hustle and bustle (喧闹拥挤), the daily grind, tourist attractions5. Phrasal verbs (P63-P65)check out, figure out (=understand),

    13、 bring about, carry out, go about (从事), come up with, face up to (承担),pay off (有回报), take up (开始), think of, work out, rip sb. off (买东西被骗了), take . into account,get rid of, sleep in (睡懒觉), get so worked up (很紧张), adapt to, participate in, cope with, get stuck,stick to, brush up on (突击复习), burn out (

    14、累垮了), wind down (=relax), let down, liven upexpand our knowledge/outlook/enlarge out vision, can never hurt/wont hurt (不会有坏处的), ease your mind, release pressure6. Super-cool adjectives and adverbs (P65-P70)1)Adjectives2)Adverbs3)Antonymys for pros100 words in Part 2 (P72-P77)1. 按感官分类1)视觉2)听觉3)嗅觉4)味觉

    15、5)感觉6)休闲2. 按话题分类1)Cities2)Natural beauty3)Buildings4)People5)Animals6)Objects287 words in Part 3 (P343-P355)雅思口语的句子注意事项:1.尽量少用长、难、怪的句子。 2. 不要频繁地使用Firstly, . Secondly, . Furthermore, .和Moreover, .替换为First off, . /To start with, . /To begin with, .; also/as well; and等。口语中常用的连接词(P82-P86)1. 因果so/so that

    16、/therefore (在地道口语中用得并不算多)because/cause/coz(不正式,不宜过度使用)2. 让步even thougheven ifalthoughas long as3. 转折., thoughbuthowever4. 递进apart frombesides5. 修饰that/which/whowhen/where6. 对比while/whereas(表示两种人或物之间的对比)in/by contrast(表示两种人或物之间的对比)on the other hand7. 举例和泛指likesuch asand stuff/things like thator somet

    17、hing like thattake.for examplein some/most cases(属于泛指,不必具体说明例子)8. 其他as wellas well asin terms ofinstead of/rather thanin particularas far as . (is concerned/goes)9. 不是连词却胜似连词的表达tend tobasicallyactuallygetEssential words and phrases1. WordsAs I see it, ./I guess ./I suppose .As for ./When it comes to

    18、 ./Talking about .(英式)/Speaking of .(美式)tons of/loads of/piles of/a multitude ofa wealth of + 积极的事物. and the like/. and stuff like that/. and what not2. Phrasestend to/for the most part(代替most of)I think of . as ./I regard . as .(代替should)be supposed tobe more likely tonot necessarily 不一定,未必Theres n

    19、o sense in ./It doesnt make any sense./Its pointless to .没道理make sense/be reasonableused toget used to doing sth./get accustomed to doing sth.take some getting used to 指某事要有一个适应过程is the norm 是最普遍、最常见的做法Its not uncommon for sb. to do sth.is a luxury 是一种奢望wont hurtenable sb. to do sth.have a hard time

    20、 doing sth. 很难去做sth. is approaching/just around the corner特殊的句子1. 虚拟语气2. 倒装句not only/only放在句首3. 强调句It is . that .雅思口语的段落Part 1 & Part 31. “起承合”结构1)起Yes/No题Wh-/How题Yes/Yep/YeahSure.You bet.Absolutely.CertainlyDefinitely.No doubt about it.Thats for sure.No/NopeNot really.Not necessarily.No way!Clearly

    21、, .Obviously, .Apparently, .Im pretty sure.To be honest, . /Frankly, .In fact, . /As a matter of fact, .There is a variety of ./There is a wide range of ./There are many types of .2)承The first thing I should mention is . /To begin with, . /For starters/openers (非正式)/For one thing, . For another, . /

    22、. primarily because . (首先是因为)Also/beside . /. plus , (而且)/Whats more, ./Another point I could add is ./., too/. as well/. as well as ./In addition to that, ./In other words, ./That is to say, ./. i.e. ./By the way, .Most importantly, ./especially ./particularly ./in particular3)合All in all, ./In a n

    23、utshell(写作不宜使用)/In short, ./So its no exaggeration to say that ./Thats pretty much it./Thats all I can think of now.注意:结尾句不可说“In a word”,它后面只能跟一个单词,而不能跟一个句子。2.“起承转合”结构1)起Yes/No题Wh-/How题Yes and no.I cant say for sure.It depends. On the one hand, . On the other hand, .Im not sure.It seems like .Let me

    24、 see .Actually, .Its kind of complicated. may vary from person to person.There are many differences between . and .(仅限于关于differences的题目)2)承同上3)转On the other hand, .In/By contrast, .Even so, .Still, . 尽管这样Despite that, .Although thats basically true, I would say .Otherwise, .4)合Anyway, .Anyhow, .Afte

    25、r all, .On the whole, I guess .注意:By and large, ./Generally (speaking), ./In general, .直接陈述一个事实,比较少会放在一组句子的结尾去做总结。Part 2有一个大致的顺序安排,不用太机械。in terms of/regarding/concerning/when it comes toand what I need to emphasize/stress/highlight here is that .Specifically, .(经常用来进一步深入说明)By the way, .(经常用在接近描述结束的部

    26、分)In other words, ./. that is, ./By that I mean .把段落说长的其他技巧1. “更具体地说”Specifically, .In particular, .To be more exact/specific/precise, .2. 举例For example/instance .like/such as .This is best illustrated with the example of .3. 转述In other words, .By that I mean . that is to say, .Part 1 (P116-P158)Top

    27、icsIncludingStudies (P117-P118)learning EnglishWork (P119-P121)Buildings (P141-143)museums, libraries, hotels, houses, flats/apartmentsPeople (P137-P140)family, friends, meeting new peopleEntertainment (P125-P128)movies, TV, the radio, other leisure activitiesWeather & Seasons (P132-134)Hometown (P1

    28、21-P125)traffic, pollutionReading& Writing (P128-P131)Food (P150-P152)restaurants, meals, healthy eating, cookingAge (P148-P149)Arts (P134-P137)music, painting, drawing, photographyColours & Number (P153)Nature (P154-P155)gardens, parks, birds, flowersCollection (P140)Clothing (P131-P132)Traveling (

    29、P149-P150)Sports & Outdoor activities (P143-P146)biking, gamesPets (P147-P148)Festivals & Holidays & Parties (P155-P158)birthday, gifts, dancingShopping (P146-P147)Part 2 (P161-P332 & P365-P398)TopicsIncludingObjectsa toy that was important to you in your childhoodthe type of clothes that you usually like to weara gift you gave to sb.an important plant in your countrya book/film about the future you read/watcheda book you recently read and you would like to read it againa book you enjoyed readinga machine/electronic device you would like to buy


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