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    1、By mile 21,I was starving!As I approached mile 23,I could see my wife waving a sign.She is my biggest fan.She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m.or questioned my expenses on running.I was one of the final runners to finish.But I finished! And I got a medal.In fact,I got the same medal as

    2、 the one that the guy who came in first place had.Determined to be myself,move forward,free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签),I can now call myself a “marathon winner”.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者不畏艰难,挑战自我,坚持跑完马拉松,实现了一次从自我砥砺到自我认识的人生“长跑”的励志故事。文章旨在向人们传递积极的价值观:只要勇于挑战,拼搏进取,人人皆为胜者。36.A month before the marathon,

    3、the author .A.was well trainedB.felt scaredC.made up his mind to runD.lost hope答案C解析细节理解题。由第一段第二句“Yet,I was determined to go ahead.”并结合上句最后的“leaving me only two weeks to train”可知,虽然作者在马拉松比赛前一个月脚踝受伤需休息两周,但他决心在仅剩的两周训练时间里继续前行,去参加马拉松长跑。此处的关键信息determined与选项C中的made up his mind相吻合。故选C。37.Why did the author

    4、 mention the P.E.class in his 7th year?A.To acknowledge the support of his teacher.B.To amuse the readers with a funny story.C.To show he was not talented in sports.D.To share a precious memory.解析推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“I didnt do either well.He later informed me that I was not athletic.”可知,作者列举小时候第一次上体育课的例

    5、子,说明自己跑圈不行,打垒球也不行,所以老师告诉作者他不擅长体育运动。这显然表明了作者在运动方面没有天赋,与选项C的意思相匹配。38.How was the authors first marathon?A.He made it.B.He quit halfway.C.He got the first prize.D.He walked to the end.答案A根据倒数第二段中的“I was one of the final runners to finish.But I finished!”可知,作者跑完了这次马拉松。这与选项A中的“made it(做成)”意思相吻合。39.What d

    6、oes the story mainly tell us?A.A man owes his success to his family support.B.A winner is one with a great effort of will.C.Failure is the mother of success.D.One is never too old to learn.答案B解析文章大意题。根据作者对自己马拉松情况的叙述可知,对于一位脚踝有伤、不具有运动天赋的人来说去跑马拉松面临的挑战可想而知,但作者不畏艰难,凭着强大的意志力,最后成功到达终点,显然就是选项B提到的“一位具有强大意志力的

    7、获胜者”。故选B项。一、题型解读说明文、记叙文、议论文三种文体涉及的多种话题如社会文化类、人物故事类、科普说明类,都会考查文章大意类题。设问形式常有:(1)What is the main theme/topic/idea of this/the passage/the text?(2)What does the text/passage mainly focus on?(3)The passage is mainly about .(4)The general/main idea of the passage is .(5)The passage mainly focuses on .二、解


    9、在文末。在表述细节后,归纳要点以概括主题,是最常见的归纳法写作方式。(3)主题句首尾呼应。为突出主题,作者先提出主题,结束时再次点出主题。(4)主题句出现在中间。写作方式为:细节描述归纳主题进一步解释。以下是找主题句的四个小窍门:1.段落中出现表示转折的词语(如however,but,in fact,actually等)时,该句很可能是主题句。2.首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。3.作者有意识地重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。4.表示总结或结论的句子常包含therefore,thus,in short,conclude,conclusio

    10、n等词。例如:【真题感悟】中第39题,通读全文可知,作者在讲述自己跑马拉松的经历,再根据最后一段“Determined to be myself,move forward,free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签),I can now call myself a marathon winner.”可知,作者成功跑完马拉松源于自己的强大意志力。故选B。A天津十二区县二模)While learning the science lessons,I used to get a doubtwhy ears,nose,tongue and eyes should be c

    11、alled as special senses? The basic reason is that these are the channels through which we maintain contact with the surroundings.Though apparently it may feel like these are individual sensory organs,they do show some connectivity.Interestingly,our hearing is less sharp after we eat a heavy food.Isn

    12、t it good for a sound nap after a stomach-full meal?That does not mean we go deaf after a meal,but the hearing pitch(强度) does change after a heavy meal.We usually give credit of the taste to our tongue,but do you know that unless saliva(唾液) dissolves something,our tongue cannot recognize the taste o

    13、f the food eaten.Taste is nothing but the food chemicals dissolved in the saliva being sensed by the taste buds present on the tongue.Try to dry off your tongue and mouth with a tissue paper and then taste something.Women are much better smellers than men.They are born with this characteristic abili

    14、ty and can correctly pinpoint(准确说出) the exact fragrance of the sample.We all can store almost 50,000 different scents,which are strongly tied to the memories.Pupils(瞳孔) do not respond to light alone,but to the slightest bit of noise around too.Thus surgeons,watchmakers and those professionals who ha

    15、ve to perform a much delicate job do prefer to have a sound-free environment.Even a small noise can dilate(扩大) their pupils,change the focus and blur(使模糊) their vision.If you do not wear glasses or contact lens due to having a 6/6 vision,you are just among the one third of the human population.It is

    16、 now statistically proved that only one third of the population has perfect vision,rest all are either wearing glasses or are trying to read with a compromised vision.Each and every one of us has a particular or individualistic or characteristic smell,which is unique to us,except for the identical t

    17、wins.This smell is very subtle(微妙的) yet can be sensed even by a newborn.It may be due to this scent that the newborn recognizes the presence of his parents around.Many of us can pinpoint the smell of our significant friends and colleagues.A significant part of this phenomenon is guided by genetics b

    18、ut it is also changed by the environment,diet and personal hygiene.This all together creates the unique chemistry that is individualistic for each person.1.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .A.after a full meal our hearing is as good as beforeB.all sensory organs are connected and can be exchangedC

    19、.sensory organs functions can never be changed for their particular characterD.we feel and learn about the world around us through our eyes,ears,nose and tongue答案D根据第一段第一、二句“.I used to get a doubtwhy ear,nose,tongue and eyes should be called as special senses?The basic reason is that these are.surro

    20、undings.”可知,我们通过感官和外界保持联系。2.What may happen after you have had a rich lunch?A.Your eyes become dim.B.You may feel energetic and fresh.C.Your hearing pitch may be decreased.D.Your tongue may lose the function of taste.根据第一段倒数第一、二、三句可知,吃饱后人的听觉会降低,但不会变聋。3.What does the author mean by the underlined sen

    21、tence in Paragraph 2?A.Our tongues cant be dried while eating something.B.If your tongue is dried without any saliva on it,it will not work.C.A tissue paper is the only thing that can be used to dry our tongues.D.If your tongue is dried with a tissue paper,it may work as well as before.解析句意理解题。根据第二段

    22、内容可知,舌头必须在唾液的配合下才能分辨味道,如果用纸把舌头擦干,舌头的味觉功能就会丧失。4.What makes each person different from anyone else except identical twins?A.The number of sensory organs.B.The functions of sensory organs.C.The particular smell of a person.D.The style of ones behaviour.根据最后一段第一句“Each and every one of us has a particula

    23、r or individualistic or characteristic smell,which is unique to us,except for the identical twins.”可知,除同卵双胞胎以外,我们每个人身上都有独特的味道。5.What is the text mainly about?A.The functions of sensory organs.B.The connectivity of our tongue and ear.C.A newborns senses of the sensory organs.D.The differences of sens

    24、es between women and men.解析主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,这篇文章讲的是感觉器官的联系和功能。B天津部分区县一模)Do you listen to the songs that your parents like? Chances are that you dont.You probably think the music that they like is old and dull and that the songs on your playlist are much cooler.But here is what scientists found recently:

    25、peoples music tastes change as they age,according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.So its likely that your own musical preference will follow a similar path to your parents,whether you like it or not.We used to think that culture and personality are the only f

    26、actors that affect ones music choice.But researchers at the University of Cambridge,UK,gathered data from more than 250,000 people over the past 10 years.They noticed that as people age,their social circumstances change,and so does their music tastes.There are three musical periods that people pass

    27、through as they mature“intense”,“contemporary” and “sophisticated”.The first period comes in the teenage years,during which time people like intense music such as punk and rock because teenagers tend to be aggressive and want to establish their identity as independent individuals.But as people move

    28、into early adulthood,their lifestyle changesthey socialize more and want to build close relationships with others.As a result,they become more fond of contemporary music,such as pop and R&B,which is usually uplifting and danceable and played at parties where people hang out together and chat.When middle age comes,things have settled down for most people.


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