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    1、C、4、 What festival are they talking about?C、5、 How did the boy show the love to his mother?C、第二节:(共15小题,每小题22、5分)听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的每段材料读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6小题6、 What does the woman prefer to do?A、 To watch sports on TV、 B、 To play ping-pong、 C、 To go shopping、听下面一段材料,回答第7小题7、 Where are the two

    2、persons?A、 In the restaurant、 B、 At home、 C、 In the mall、听下面一段材料,回答第8小题8、 How much will the two gifts cost?A、100 yuan、 B、15 yuan、 C、50 yuan、听下面一段材料,回答第9小题9、 Whats the weather like in Yunnan?A、 Hot、 B、 Cool、 C、 Dry、听下面一段材料,回答第10小题10、 How many math problems has Rose finished?A、 Two、B、 Eight、 C、 Ten、 听

    3、下面一段材料,回答第11-12题11、What are they talking about?A、 How to sell books、 B、 How to collect money、 C、 How to help John with study、12、 What are they going to do next?A、 Do some charity sale on the school campus (校园)、 B、 Call on the students and teachers to collect money、 C、 Collect some old books and clot

    4、hes and sell them on the Internet、听下面一段材料,回答第13-15题13、 Who is Tom looking for?A、 Kate、 B、 Jane、 C、 Mary、14、 Why does Tom come into the room?A、 He works there、 B、 He wants to talk to Kate、C、 He wants to have a letter typed、15、 What is Kate going to do next year?A、 Learn French、 B、 Change her job、 C、

    5、Visit France、听下面一段材料,回答第16-20题16、 Who may be the speaker?A、 A student、B、 A teacher、C、 A parent、17、 What grade is Tom in?A、 Grade7、B、 Grade8、C、 Grade9、18、 Who does the speaker give thanks to?A、 Toms teachers、B、 Toms family、C、 Toms classmates、19、 How many reasons of Toms success does the speaker talk

    6、about?A、 One、B、 Two、 C、 Three、20、 What is the speech mainly about?A、 Why the student is given the honor、B、 How people can get on with each other、C、 What students should do for the society、第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。21、English people have four meals day, and they

    7、 usually have breakfast at7:00、A、 an; theB、 a; C、 a;22、 Nancy spoke in such a low voice that in the room could hear her、A、 everybodyB、 somebodyC、 nobody23、 “Julie, the more you practice, the you will play the piano、” said her Dad、A、 wellB、 betterC、 best24、 How beautiful the mountain is! Id like to a

    8、 tent there、 Youd better not、 A、 put onB、 put offC、 put up25、 Dont worry、 There a lot of chances in front of us、 A、 areB、 isC、 have26、Would you mind me how to remember English words? Of course not、A、 tellB、 to tellC、 telling27、 he is only seven years old, he knows a lot about science、 A、 ButB、 Thoug

    9、hC、 So28、 Do you know us to do this afternoon? I dont know、 Lets ask her、 A、 what Doctor Wang wants B、 what does Doctor Wang want C、 what Doctor Wang wanted29、 A high-speed rail station in Xianshi Town of Zigong next year、 A、 buildsB、 will build C、 will be built30、 Could you book us two tickets for

    10、the film Beauty and the Beast? Im busy at the moment、 Can I do it later?A、 Sorry!B、 Not at all、C、 Good advice、第二节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面A、B两篇短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。AA rich woman had a valuable and beautiful vase (花瓶)and she was very proud of it、 She decided to paint her bedroo

    11、m the same31 as the vase、 Several painters tried to mix the color right, but32 of them could make the woman satisfied、Finally, a painter named Peter said he could mix the right color、 And he succeeded、 The woman was33 with the result and Peter became very famous、Many years later, Peter retired (退休)a

    12、nd turned his34 over to his son、 “Dad, theres one thing I always want to know、35 did you get those walls to match the vase so well?” “Easy, my son,” Peter answered, “I painted the vase!”31、A、 shapeB、 sizeC、 color32、 A、 noneB、 bothC、 either33、 A、 worriedB、 pleasedC、 interested34、 A、 life B、 energyC、

    13、business35、 A、 WhenB、 HowC、 Where BA robot worked first at a Chinese bank、 Many people are36 in the smart robot、 Jiaojiao is the first robot to37 at the Bank in Dalian, Liaoning Province、 It can serve people in many38 、The smiling robot is able to39 people many different kinds of services、 It can wo

    14、rk as a guide、 It can also answer peoples questions、 It communicates with people40 touching, speaking and through body language、The robot is able to offer other perfect services,41 、 “Can we take a photo together?” one customer asked、 “Come on,42 make sure to use PS (图像处理软件)please、” Jiaojiao answere

    15、d、 Many people laughed when they43 Jiaojiaos answer、The robot has attracted (吸引)a larger number of people on its first day at work、Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, one of the worlds largest banks, introduced the new robot44 Nao、 He will be able to answer customers questions about the banks services、Nao

    16、s a bit smaller than a normal bank teller he is just23 inches tall and45 about9 pounds、 He speaks19 languages and Mitsubishi UFJ hopes hell help a lot of foreign customers for the Tokyo Olympics in2020、36、 B、 interestedC、 bored37、 A、 playB、 meetC、 work38、 A、 waysB、 housesC、 places39、 A、 collectB、 us

    17、eC、 offer40、 A、 byB、 onC、 with4A、 as well B、 alsoC、 too42、 A、 butB、 orC、 so43、 A、 thoughtB、 heardC、 realized44、 A、 namedB、 namesC、 naming45、 A、 seesB、 weighsC、 says第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)第一节:(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。AFree Apps for Learning EnglishSpeakingPalSpeaking English is imp

    18、ortant、 Speaking-Pal is one of the best Apps for English learners to practice speaking、 It allows users to chat with thousands of native English speakers、 In short, Learn English, Speak English、Spell CheckerSpeaking English is easy, but writing it is often much more difficult、 If you start to learn

    19、it, you will find you may get a lot of words misspelled、 If you dont want this to happen, We suggest you should try it and correct your English spelling easily、Learn English VideoIn Learn English Video, youll find2 thousand best videos offered on topics such as UK food and culture, everyday life and

    20、 famous stories and poems、 It can improve your English listening skills quickly、Kobo ReadingThe free top-popular Kobo Reading App gives you right to Kobos e-book store with4 million e-books and magazines、 Join millions of readers worldwide and read easily on your mobile phone or computer、46、 Who can

    21、 you speak with in SpeakingPal?A、 Native English speakers、B、 Personal computers、C、 Happy readers、47、 How many e-books and magazines can you read in Kobos e-book store?A、2 thousand、 B、2 million、 C、4 million、48、 You can improve your in Learn English Video、A、 listening skillsB、 writing skillsC、 reading

    22、 skills49、 What can you use to help you with your writing?A、 SpeakingPal、 B、 Spell Checker、C、 Learn English Video、50、 Whats the passage mainly about?A、 How to learn English、 B、 Learning English is important、C、 Apps for learning English、BWhen you begin a letter in English, you always put “Dear” befor

    23、e the name of the person you are writing to、 If it is a friend of your own age, you just put their first name after “Dear”, but for adults you do not know very well, it is more polite to put Mr, Mrs or Miss before their family name、 If you do not know whether the woman is married or not, you should

    24、use Ms instead of Mrs or Miss、 When you write an official letter to someone whose name you do not know, you begin with “Dear Sir or Madam”、There are various phrases you can use at the end of a letter before you sign your own name、 For friends and relatives you can put “With love from” or just “Love”

    25、、 For people you know less well “Best wishes” or “Kindest regards” may be more appropriate (合适的)、 At the end of an official letter you use “Yours sincerely” if you know the persons name and “Yours faithfully” if you do not、When you address the envelope, be sure to include the postcode, so that the l

    26、etter will be delivered (递送)as quickly as possible、 Finally, do not forget to stick a stamp on the front!51、Where should you put Mr, Mrs or Miss?A、 Before family name、B、 After family name、C、 After given name、52、 What should you end up with if you write to your uncle?A、 Yours faithfully、B、 With love

    27、from、 C、 Yours sincerely、53、 What does the underlined word “various” mean in Chinese?A、 各种各样的B、 相反的C、 相似的54、 What dont you need to do on the envelope?A、 Write down the postcode、B、 Put a stamp on the front、C、 Write down your own name、55、 Which of following sentences is true according to the text?A、 A

    28、t the end of the letter, you can just write your name、B、 If the woman is married, you can only use Mrs before her family name、C、 When you write an English letter, you should begin with “Dear”、CA weak old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law and a4-year-old grandson、 The family ate together

    29、 at the table、 The grandfather had difficulty eating because he couldnt see things clearly, and his hands couldnt stop shaking、 Peas (豌豆)rolled (滚动)off his spoon onto the floor、 When he drank from the glass, milk spilled (洒)on the table、The son and daughter-in-law became angry with the mess、 Then they set a small table in the corner、 There, the old man ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner together、Because the old man had broken a dish or two, he w


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