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    1、牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit1Dreamhomes教案7B Unit 1 Dream homes教案总课时6第1课时课题Welcome to the unit Teaching aimsNew words: dream, palace, capitalPhrases: live in next to the capital of Sentences: Would you like to? Id like to Which is your favourite? The capital of isLearn the names of the countries and capitalsLear

    2、n to tell the places of interest in different countries.Teaching aidsSituational approachTeaching steps教师活动学生活动个人修改Step 1.Warm-up 1.T: What do you do on Sundays? What will you do in this summer holiday? If you have a chance to travel, which city/ country do you want to go? What countries in the worl

    3、d do you know? (eg. The USA , the UK, Japan)Step 2. Presentation1.Show a map of the world and some pictures of the places of interest in the world and ask: Do you know where they are? Look at this mountain. What is its name? What country is it in?2.Present the new words:3.Encourage the Ss to say mor

    4、e places of interest and the countries they are in.(eg. Italy, Canada, Australia, Germany)4.Have the Ss look at the pictures in Part A on P7 and finish the exercise.Step 3.Presentation1.Show a picture of Tiananmeng Square and talk with a student like this: T: What country is it in, do you know? S: I

    5、ts in China. T: What city is it in?S: Its in Beijing.T: Yes, its in Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. Now, please tell me, whats the capital of China?2.Present the other capitals like this:The USA Washington DC France ParisThe UK London Japan Tokyo Italy Rome Thailand Bangkok China Beijing3.

    6、 Then do the exercises.4.Ask and answer like this: A: Whats the capital of the USA? B: Its Washington DC.5.Do the exercises in Part B on P7.Step 4.Presentation1.Ask: What city / country would you like to live in? Help the Ss answer: Id like to live in Ask: Do you think where Eddie would like to live

    7、? 2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and ask them to answer the question above. 3.Answer: Why would Eddie like to live next to a restaurant? Why does he like the biggest restaurant? Can you guess? 4.Read the dialogue and act it out.Step5.Exercises: Do some In-class exercise.Step6.Homework: 1.Recit

    8、e the dialogue . 2.Interview the Reading. Answer some questions.Anawer the question.Do the exercises.T-S ask and answer.Read and practise.Finish off the exercises.Listen to the tape,thenanswer the questions.Anwer more questions.Act it outDo the exercises carefully.教学反思:7B Unit 1 Dream homes总课时6第2课时课

    9、题ReadingTeaching aimsNew words: balcony wooden ladder while flat Phrases: make dinner on a busy street To learn about homes in different countriesLearn how to describe different homesTeaching aidsSituational approach Teaching steps教师活动学生活动个人修改Step 1.Warm up 1. Revise the names of some countries and

    10、capitals, asking some questions.eg. Where would you like to live? Would you like to live in ?Step 2.Presentation1.Present some new words, like Balcony, sitting room.etc.2. Finish Part B2.3. Present the text Say something about dream homes. Step 3. Fast reading Get the students read the textQuickly.

    11、Step 4. Careful reading1.Read Passage1 carefully, answer some questions. (In-class exercise 1)2. Read Passage 2 carefully, fill in the blanks. (In-class exercise 2)3. Read Passage3 carefully, judge” T or F.” (In-class exercise 3)4. ReadvPassage 4 carefully, Retell the text according to the key words

    12、. (In-class exercise 4)Step 6. Discussion Get the students discuss their dreamhomes in groups.Step 7. In-class exercisesAsk the students to do some exercises in class.Step 8. Homework.1. Ask the students to finish off the exercises in the paper.2. Write a passage “dream homes”.Answer some questions.

    13、Listen carefully and learn.Do the exercises.Listen and learn.Read the text quickly.Read the four passages carefully, then finish the exercises.Discuss in groups.Do the exercises carefully.教学反思:7B Unit 1 Dream homes总课时6第3课时课题Grammar Teaching aimsNew words: between, opposite, chalk, printer, tidy armc

    14、hair, bedside table, shower, bathroom, bath, toilet, cupboard, sink,Cardinal numbers and ordinal numbersTeaching aidsSituational approachTeaching steps教师活动学生活动个人修改Step1 Revision:1.Revise some important phrases and sentences.Step2 PresentationSay the numbers .Tell Ss the ordinal numbers and the cardi

    15、nal numbers.Step 4. Discussion (task)Show Ss some examples and ask them to discuss the usage of ordinal numbers and compare with cardinal numbersCardinal numbersWe use cardinal numbers almost every day. We use them for lots of different things.1.基数词的读法:“几十几”十位和个位之间用“”。e.g. 32 thirty-two101999 百位和十位间

    16、加“and”.e.g. 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight1000以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一个数读thousand,倒数第二个数读million,依次类推。e.g. 8,542,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one2 .基数词的运用:hundred, thousand, million, billion等一般用单数,但以下情况用复数:表示不定数目:e.g. hundreds of millions of 表示“几十”的数词,其复数形式

    17、可以表示年龄或年代。3. Ordinal numbersWe can use ordinal numbers to to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.1. 序数词的运用:表示日期:e.g. 6月1日 on the first of June/ on June (the) first表示编号:e.g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson起副词作用,前无“the” e.g. Simon came first in the English exam.序数词

    18、前有限定词修饰时,不加“the”. e.g. This is my first lesson. 2 .Ill arrive in Beijing on Sunday.arrive (vi.) arrive in(大地点)/at (小地点)= get to = reachHave a discussion and find out the differences between cardinal numbers and ordinal numberFinish the exercises in the books.Homework1. Review the contents of this le

    19、sson.2. Do the Exx of the workbook.Listen and practice.Listen and answer the questions.Follow the teacher.Read and practice together.Do the exercises .Listen to the teacher and learn by heart.Practice orally together.Do the exercises carefully.教学反思:7A Unit 1 Dream homes总课时6第4课时课题Integrated skills Te

    20、aching aimsNew words and Phrases: video, be different from Be free. May I speak to Daniel, please? This is Daniel. etc.Teaching aidsPracticeTeaching steps教学过程Step 1 Revision:Step 2 Presentation. 1 T: First, Lets look at photo a. This is Neils dining room. Whats in his dining room? What is near the d

    21、ining table? Where are the chairs? 2 Next, Lets have a look at Photo b. Whats in his garden? Is there a tree in the garden?Photo d shows his kitchen. What can you see in the kitchen? Which photo is his bedroom? Whats in his bedroom?Photo f shows his bathroom. Where is the shower? What is near toilet

    22、?Step 3 Listening1. Have Ss read Part B , then complete Part A on page 18.2. Play the tape for Ss to listen. then complete Part A on page 18.(Listen to Neils introduction is the video and put the pictures in the correct order. write the number 16 in the box).3. Listen to the tape again ,then say ”T”

    23、 or ”F”4. Have Ss read A3 on page 19, then complete it.5. Ss check the answer in pairs.6.T: Where do you think of Neils home? What differences are there between Neils home and yours? Which do you like better, Neils home or your own home?Step 4 Presentation1. Neils home is cool. Everyone wants to hav

    24、e a home like his. Now Simon is very happy and he is calling Daniel. Do you know why?2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen, then ask: Why is Simon happy?3.Listen to the tape again then ask:What is Simons new home like? What is his new telephone number?Step 5 Exx Do some In-class exercises.Step 6 Home

    25、workDo some additional exercises.Listen carefullyAnd answer theQuestions.Listen to the teacher answer theQuestions.Listen to the tape first,then finish off the exercises.Listen to the tape,judge “T” or “F”.Read and practice together,then complete it.Listen to the tape,then answer some questions.Read

    26、 and practice after the tape.Do the exercises carefully.教学反思:7A Unit 1 Dream homes总课时6第5课时课题Study skills Teaching aimsStress in a wordTeaching aidsPracticeTeaching steps教师活动学生活动个人修改Step 1 Revision. 1.Ask and answer.2.Ask some pairs to make a telephone call.Step 2 Presentation1.show some pictures,let

    27、 the students fill in the blanks.Look at this picture.Theres a p_ in it .I dont know what c_ its in ,but I think its very b_ .Step 3 practice1.Look at the words on the blackboard.Listen to the tape .Of which words do we stress the first/second/last syllable?2.Open the books, check the answers.3.Repe

    28、at the words after the tape one by one.4.Let some students come to the blackboard and colour the stressed syllable of each word. Step 4 Exx.Step 5 Homework1.Review the contents of this lesson.2. Do the Exx of the workbook.Practice in pairs.Make their calls.Learn by heart.Do the exercises.Read and pr

    29、actice.Read and learn.Do the exercises carefully.教学反思: 7A Unit 1 Dream homes总课时6第6课时课题TaskTeaching aimsNew words and Phrases: other, meter, at last, on the ground floor have a shower, at the same time, etc.Sentences:There are no other rooms on the second floor. It is fifty meters long.I would like a

    30、ll my friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time.Teaching aidsSituational approachTeaching steps教师活动学生活动个人修改Step 1 Presentation(1)T:In this unit, we have learnt much about homes in different countries. Are your homes in China like the homes in other countries?(2)Ss talk about in pairs :Using questions like these:Step 2 Survey1.Ss ask and answer in pairs according to questions:(write questions on the Bb)What kind of home would you like to


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