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    4、机会。以论文形式作为考试的课程,如发现剽窃者将开除学籍。4、研究生在撰写毕业论文时,应主动与中方指导教师联系,按时完成论文初稿,接受外方指导教师的辅导,因个人原因不能顺利完成上述过程者,后果自负。因某种原因毕业论文需要延期缓交者,个人提出书面申请,南开大学不再负责安排毕业论文的中方指导老师。5、研究生修满学分后,方可做毕业论文。毕业论文经审查合格者,由澳大利亚Flinders大学颁发该校毕业证书和学位证书。6、退学研究生有下列情形之一者取消学籍并勒令退学。1、 如有违反法规、法律,造成不良后果者。2、 旷课课时累计达总课时1/3者。3、 无论何种原因不能继续学习者。4、 违反本协议内条款开除学

    5、籍者。退学者由培养单位发给退学证明,不退当年学费。如特殊情况退还学费,必须凭我校开具的缴费发票方可办理。国际经贸关系专业硕士研究生课程设置(南开大学与澳大利亚Flinders大学联合培养) 序号课程名称学分授课方1东亚经济3澳2国际商法3澳3国际金融与贸易体制3澳4世界经济发展:全球化与区域化3澳5国际商务环境分析3澳6环境与亚洲发展3澳7国际关系理论3澳8国际投资与国际市场营销3澳9西方经济学3中10国际经济学3中11管理学3中12市场营销学3中13人力资源3中14英语3中南开大学澳大利亚Flinders大学国际经贸关系专业硕士研究生学位论文的要求 一、国际经贸关系专业硕士学位论文的性质学位

    6、论文是研究生教育的重要环节。首先,学员通过论文的撰写,加深了对所学理论知识的理解和应用,而且从论文选题、调查研究、收集资料到论文写作,这本身就是一种必要的学习过程。其次,学员可以对所学知识结合国际、国内的具体情况进行全面的总结与提高,特别是对自身工作过程中曾遇到的实际问题进行认真的思考,提出新的见解和思路。另外,对于学员的总结分析能力、逻辑思维能力以及文字表达能力都是锻炼与提高。同时,本专业学位论文要求用英文进行写作,要求遵循澳大利亚Flinders大学关于硕士学位论文写作的具体技术规范。二、国际经贸关系专业硕士学位论文的基本要求 1研究成果 学位论文不同于课程论文,它应该是学员综合运用所学知

    7、识的成果,因此在理论和方法上都应体现学术研究的特点,特别是应该具有一定的新观点或新见解,或者具有一定的应用价值。 2技术规范在文字表达、资料运用、参考文献等方面应该符合澳大利亚Flinders大学硕士论文要求。三、国际经贸关系专业硕士学位论文的技术规范详见:澳大利亚Flinders大学国际经贸关系专业硕士学位论文技术规范。 澳大利亚Flinders大学国际经贸关系专业硕士学位论文技术规范THE FLINDERS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIAFACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCESESSAY WRITING FOR THE STUDIES OFINTER

    8、NATIONAL RELATIONS IN ECONOMY AND TRADE 1. INTRODUCTIONAll topics in the Studies of International Relations in Economy and Trade require essays to be prepared and presented as part or all of assessment. Such essays vary from shorter essays in first-level topics to 12,000-15,000 word research papers

    9、in Honors topics.The nature and focus of essays may vary, for example in the type of source material required, but there is one common aspect of all essays presented in the Studies of International Relations in Economy and Trade: the need for correct presentation and documentation.2. WRITING ESSAYSC

    10、ompositiona) Your essay must be a scholarly exposition, incorporating an argument and supported by evidence. It should based on facts and reason, not emotions and prejudices. It must be internally consistent, have a structured theme, be clearly introduced, developed logically, and lead to a clearly

    11、stated conclusion.b) Express the argument in your own words, rather tha11 just as a series of quotations. (Note: “In your own words” does not mean closely paraphrasing source material.) While it may be appropriate from time to time in an essay to include brief direct quotations, clearly indicated as

    12、 such by inverted commas or indentation, the essay must be in your own words and indicate the sources of ideas and facts which support your argument.c) The argument and evidence must be releva11t to the set question. Side issues should be avoided. The awareness that there are side issues is often a

    13、sign of intelligent reading, but the ability to show awareness of them without being distracted by the111 is a sign of intellige11t writing.d) The argument should be consistent, and the language used should be clear, grammatical and precise. Your reader must always know what you are trying to say, h

    14、ow you are saying it, and why you think there is evidence or logic for saying it. e) The essay should be a finished piece of work, not a mere draft. Note forms and abbreviations have no place in an essay. Your finished essay should be the product of at least one draft.f) The best essays are those wh

    15、ich are structured, well-researched, well-argued (and aware of counter-arguments), clearest in style, interesting and, if possible, original.Length and Presentationa)Essays should conform to the word length established in each specific topic.b)Essays must be presented on one side of the page only. (

    16、If writing your paper, you may leave every second line blank - this makes the paper much more readable, and allows more space for comments.)c) Essays may be word-Processed or typed. If so, they must be double-spaced on blank paper. (Many staff members encourage word-processing or typing if at all po

    17、ssible)d) There should be a 4 centimeters margin on the left-hand side and ample room at the foot of the page for references.e) Direct quotations of a few words should be included in inverted commas. Direct quotations longer than one sentence should be inset two centimeters from the main body of the

    18、 essay text, without inverted commas. (If typed, they should also be in single space).f) References in the essay must be given by means of numbered footnotes. In the text of the essay the reference number should follow immediately the word or passage to which it refers. It should be raised above the

    19、 line. For the method of citation, see section 3: Documentation.g) At the end of the essay you must provide a bibliography, in alphabetical order, listing all the sources you have used for your essay. For the method of citing references, see section 4: Bibliography.h) Essays must be submitted on or

    20、before the time stated. Penalties may be imposed for late submission unless prior permission has been given.i) On the outside of your essay you must attach the Facultys Assignment Cover Sheet.3. DOCUMENTATIONDocun1entation is an essential component of any essay written at University level. Essays in

    21、 the Studies of International Relations in Economy and Trade without adequate footnoting and a bibliography are not acceptable. Footnotes are used to provide the exact source for information, opinions and direct quotations which are taken from other authors or from documents. It is necessary to prov

    22、ide footnotes in the following circumstances:l. where you use a direct quotation;2. where you are not directly quoting but where you are using, in your own words, someone elses ideas;3. where you wish to provide the source for statistics and facts which are not common knowledge;4. where you are disc

    23、ussing the argument of another writer.(Footnotes may also be used to qualify or add to the discussion in the text of the essay. In the way, worthwhile material can be included which might otherwise disrupt and distract from the central argument in the text. Footnotes of this sort should be used spar

    24、ingly and shou1d not be used as a device to overcome the difficulty of stating the argument in a prescribed word length).It is necessary to use some discrimination and to strike a balance in the use of footnotes. You do not need to give references for well-known facts about which there is no dispute

    25、. Essays can be over-documented as well as under-documented.Use of direct quotationsIt is necessary to indicate clearly when direct quotations are being used.Quotations of one sentence or less are indicated by inverted commas (.).Quotations which are greater than one sentence in length should be ind

    26、icated, not with quotation marks, but by indenting the quoted material. In both cases, a footnote to the source should immediately follow the quotation. Any omissions from a quotation should be indicated by three dots. Square brackets should be used to indicate words which have been added to the ori

    27、ginal quotation and words which have been altered within a quotation.FootnotesThere are a number of ways in which information can be given in references. You will find in the books you read that various methods are adopted with varying degrees of success. For the sake of uniformity and convenience t

    28、he following rules will be followed in essays written for this School. A. FIRST REFERENCE TO A BOOKThe first reference to a work must give all the information necessary to identify it. The following information should be given, in the order shown. Authors name The title of the book underlined or in

    29、ita1ics The edition number if it is not the first Publisher and place and year of publication Page number or numbers of the quotation or specific reference.If there are two or three authors give their names in the order shown in the title page:ExampleR.Hetherington and R.L.Reid, The South Australian

    30、 Elections 1959,Rigby.Adelaid,1962.If there are more than three authors the following form should be used:ExampleB.L.Smith et al., Political Research Methods, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1976.It is important to be careful when giving a reference from an edited collection not to confuse the works of th

    31、e various authors with that of the editors. The correct form for giving references to chapters in edited collections is shown below.B. FIRST RFERENCE TO CHAPTERS IN EDITED COLLECTIONSWhen citing references from edited collections, it is crucial that you indicate to which author and chapter you are r

    32、eferring. The following information should be provided:Authors name Title of chapter in quotation marks Name of editor or editors Title of book underlined or in italics The edition number if it is not the first Publisher and place and date of publication Page number(s) of the reference.ExampleJ.Blewett, “Th


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