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    1、本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译(此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!)标题:A review of smart home applications based on Internet of Things作者:Mussab Alaa, Mohammed Talal期刊:Journal of Network and Computer Applications ,第 97 卷 页码:48-65.年份:2017 原文A review of smart home applications based on Internet of Things Mussab Alaa, Mohammed

    2、 TalalAbstractThe new and disruptive technology of smart home applications (hereafter referred to as apps) based on Internet of Things (IoT) is largely limited and scattered. To provide valuable insights into technological environments and support researchers, we must understand the available option

    3、s and gaps in this line of research. Thus, in this study, a review is conducted to map the research landscape into a coherent taxonomy. We conduct a focused search for every article related to (1) smart homes, (2) apps, and (3) IoT in three major databases, namely, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and

    4、 IEEE Explore. These databases contain literature focusing on smart home apps using IoT. The final dataset resulting from the classification scheme includes 229 articles divided into four classes. The first class comprises review and survey articles related to smart home IoT applications. The second

    5、 class includes papers on IoT applications and their use in smart home technology. The third class contains proposals of frameworks to develop and operate applications. The final class includes studies with actual attempts to develop smart home IoT applications. We then identify the basic characteri

    6、stics of this emerging field in the following aspects: motivation of using IoT in smart home applications, open challenges hindering utilization, and recommendations to improve the acceptance and use of smart home applications in literature.Keywords: Smart home application, Remote home, Intelligent

    7、home,Home automation system, Automated home, Internet of Things (IoT) 1. IntroductionAs an important component of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart homes serve users effectively by communicating with various digital devices based on IoT. In the ideal version of a wired future, all devices in smart

    8、 homes communicate with one another seamlessly. Smart home technology based on IoT has changed human life by providing connectivity to everyone regardless of time and place (Gaikwad et al., 2015; Samuel, 2016). Home automation systems have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. These sys

    9、tems provide infrastructure and methods to exchange all types of appliance information and services (Kim et al., 2015). A smart home is a domain of IoT, which is the network of physical devices that provide electronic, sensor, software, and network connectivity inside a home. Smart homes are automat

    10、ed buildings with installed detection and control devices, such as air conditioning and heating, ventilation, lighting, hardware, and security systems. These modern systems, which include switches and sensors that communicate with a central axis, are sometimes called “gateways.” These “gateways” are

    11、 control systems with a user interface that interacts with a tablet, mobile phone, or computer; the network connectivity of these systems is managed by IoT (Galinina et al., 2015).Since 2010, researchers have analyzed IoT-based smart homeapplications using several approaches. Regardless of their cat

    12、egory, existing research articles focus on the challenges that hinder the full utilization of smart home IoT applications and provide recommendations to mitigate these problems. Research on smart home applications is dynamic and diverse. This survey aims to provide valuable insights into technologic

    13、al environments and support researchers by understanding the available options and gaps in this line of research. It aims to shed light on the efforts of researchers in response to new and disruptive technology, map the research landscape into a coherent taxonomy, and determine the features that cha

    14、racterize this emerging line of research in smart home technology. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, IoT and its applications in smart homes are introduced. In Section 2, the research methods, scope, literature sources, and steps in filtering research articles are described. The rese

    15、arch landscape based on literature is also mapped into a coherent taxonomy. In Section 3, the results and statistical information of the final set of articles in this study are reviewed. In Section 4, the benefits and challenges extracted from articles on IoT-based smart homes from 2010 to 2016 are

    16、discussed and classified. In Section 5, the conclusion of this review is presented. 2. MethodThe most important keyword in this work is “Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in smart homes.” This keyword excludes any non-IoT- based smart home applications, such as those found on smart grids

    17、 and anynon-application-based use of smart cities. We also limited our scope to English literature but considered all IoT applications in smart home automation. Three digital databases were explored to search for target articles. (1) IEEE Xplore is a scholarly research database that provides the mos

    18、t reliable and wide-ranging articles in the fields of computer science, electronic technologies, and electrical engineering. (2) Web of Science (WoS) offers indexing of cross-disciplinary research in sciences, electronic technologies, social sciences, arts, and humanities. (3) ScienceDirect is a lar

    19、ge database of scientific techniques and medical research. These three databases sufficiently cover IoT and its applications in smart home technology and provide a broad view of existing research in a wide but relevant range of disciplines. Every article that met the criteria listed in Fig. 1 was in

    20、cluded. We set an initial target for mapping the space of research on IoT applications in smart homes into a general and coarse-grained taxonomy of four categories. These categories were derived from a pre- survey of the literature with no constraint (Google Scholar was used to gain insights into th

    21、e landscape and directions in the literature). After the initial removal of duplicates, articles were excluded in two iterations of screening and filtering if they did not fulfill the eligibility criteria. The exclusion criteria included the following. (1) The article is non-English. (2) The article

    22、 is focused on a specific aspect of smart grids and smart cities. (3) The subject is limited to smart homes and excludes IoT. To simplify thesteps, we read and analyzed the final set of articles in Word and Excel formats. Moreover, the articles were classified in detail using taxonomy and a large co

    23、llection of highlights and comments. The taxonomy suggested different classes and subclasses, including four main categories: review, application, design, and development. Texts were categorized depending on authors preferred style, and the collected data and relevant information were saved in Word

    24、and Excel files. All the articles from various sources were analyzed in depth to give readers a comprehensive overview of the subject.3. Results and statistical information of articles The initial query resulted in 1798 papers: 105 from the WoS database, 268 from ScienceDirect, and 1425 from IEEE Ex

    25、plore. The filtered articles published from 2010 to 2016 were adopted in this research and grouped into three categories. In the three databases, 45 out 1753 papers were duplicates. After scanning the titles and abstracts, 1387 papers were excluded further, for a total of 366 papers. The final full-

    26、text review excluded 137 papers, for a total of 229 papers in the final set, all of which were related to smart home IoT technology through different topics. The taxonomy presented in Fig. 2 was used to review the main streams of research focusing on IoT and their general use in smart homes. This ta

    27、xonomy shows the comprehensive development of various studies and applications. The classification suggests different classes and subclasses.The first class includes review and survey articles related to smart home IoT applications (3/229 papers). The second class includes papers on IoT applications

    28、 and their use in intelligent smart home technology (79/229 papers). The third class comprises framework proposals to develop and operate applications (125/229 papers). The final class includes studies with actual attempts to develop smart home IoT applications (22/229 papers). The observed categori

    29、es are listed in the following sections for statistical analysis. The final category includes studies that attempt to develop smart home IoT applications. These works develop Cloud of Things architecture for smart homes, IoT technology-based smart home services (Kang et al., 2015), and low-cost syst

    30、ems for smart home appliances. A developed system takes information from devices and posts it to Twitter (Lloret et al., 2012). Other home systems are also developed on the basis of IoT technologies (Jie et al., 2013). Other studies develop IoT applications on the basis of smart home technology, a n

    31、etwork monitoring system for mobile devices in smart homes, and system applications in voice- controlled multifunctional smart home systems (Mittal et al., 2015). An intelligent energy management system with approaches for IoT applications in smart homes is also developed. Sensor network architectur

    32、es in smart homes based on IoT technology are established. A smart energy monitoring system in IoT-based smart homes is developed. A novel smart home application is developed on the basis of an architectureand middleware of IoT technologies. Some works develop a smart gateway architecture to improve smart home network applications based on IoT, IoT technology for wireless sensor networks and systems for monitoring temperature, and IoT technologies for enhancing health smart home systems. Security and privacy features are developed for IoT devices, and security issues and corresponding solutio


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