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    1、re cute. C. Because theyre too lazy.4. A. Shes Lisa. B. Its Carlas. C. Theyre mine.5. A. Silver. B. In Thailand. C. By hand.(B)听五段短对话,根据其内容选择正确答案。6. How long does it take Dave to walk to schoo1?A. About 50 minutes. B. About 15 minutes. C. About 5 minutes.7. Where did Kevin go last Sunday evening?A.

    2、To the library. B. To the cinema. C. To the beach.8. Whats Tom doing?A. Hes watching a show. B. Hes doing homework. C. Hes walking.9. What was wrong with Jane?A. She had a stomachache. B. She had a toothache. C. She had a headache.10. What size bowl of banana ice-cream does the girl order?A. A small

    3、 bowl. B. A medium bowl. C. A large bowl.(C)听长对话,根据其内容选择正确答案。(录音播放两遍)11. What does the girl want to buy?A. Special local products. B. Some local snacks. C. Some special books.12. Where is the market?A. In front of the bookstore.B. Across from the restaurant.C. On Center Street.13. How will the girl

    4、get to the market?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.14. What is next to the market?A. A restaurant. B. A bookstore. C. A bank.15. When does the market close?A. At 5:30 p.m. B. At 6:30 p.m. C. At 7:30 p.m.(D)听短文,根据其内容选择正确答案。16. When can you do these volunteer jobs?A. On school days. B. On weekends. C

    5、. On Tuesday.17. Who needs your help in hospitals?A. Old people. B. Children. C. Animal lovers.18. Why do those children need help?A Because they are sick.B. Because they have no family.C. Because their parents are busy working.19. Wheres the office?A. At 19 King Street. B. In a hospital. C. At a sc

    6、hool.20. Whats the telephone number?A. 689-7321. B. 689-3271. C. 689-3721.II单项选择(从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。1. Linda, who did you go on vacation with? _ was free, so I went alone.A. Everybody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Somebody【答案】C2. As we all know, the Yellow River is _ longest river

    7、 in China.A. the twice B. the second C. twice D. second【答案】B3. Mothers Day _ us once every year to be thankful to mothers.A. reminds B. warns C. requires D. promises【答案】A4. I think _ is very important in life.I agree. A good friend can help to bring out the best in us.A. beauty B. fame C. wealth D.

    8、friendship【答案】D5. Whats the best movie theater in town?Sun Cinema. You can sit the most _ there.A. widely B. quietly C. cheaply D. comfortably6. Abings Erquan Yingyue _ sad and moving.A. looks B. sounds C. smells D. tastes7. In summer evenings, many people enjoy taking walks _ the river.A. on B. alo

    9、ng C. in D. over8. Look! There are so many people in the restaurant.Yes. The food there _ be delicious.A. shouldnt B. cant C. must D. need9. The teacher still spoke very loudly _ he had a sore throat.A. so that B. as soon as C. as long as D. even though10. Ill go to senior high school soon. I cant b

    10、elieve how fast the time _!A. went on B. went off C. went by D. went out11. _ your homework?Not yet. Ill finish it in ten minutes.A. Did you finish B. Have you finished C. Will you finish D. Do you finish12. I think this book is _ than that one.Youre right. I prefer that one.A. more popular B. more

    11、useful C. less interesting D. less boring13. If you _ his invitation, he will be unhappy.A. cut down B. write down C. take down D. turn down14. Im afraid I cant pass the driving test tomorrow._! Im sure youll make it.A. Glad to hear that B. Congratulations C. Sounds great D. Cheer up15. We cant avoi

    12、d traffic accidents unless everyone _ the rules.A. follows B. breaks C. will follow D. will break16. We _ to reach for our dreams in the graduation ceremony last week.A. encourage B. are encouraged C. encouraged D. were encouraged17. Thank you for the _ you gave me.Im glad theyre helpful.A. suggesti

    13、ons B. advice C. news D. information18. Turn the world into a big family, and well make peoples wish _ true earlier.A. comes B. will come C. come D. to come19. If you want to get good grades, _ in as much effort as possible.A. putting B. put C. to put D. puts20. Can you tell me _ you finally solved

    14、the problem? By turning to my parents.A. when B. where C. why D. howIII. 完型填空(根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共10分)Lifeart is a student-run organization which was _21_ by one of my best friends at my school in Boston, US. It sells _22_ by our friends and classma

    15、tes and raises money for cancer(癌症) research. To collect more money, we set out onto the streets of Boston to sell our paintings to the public last spring.We came to the subway station in order that we could get more _23_. Things didnt go well at first. It was _24_ that day, so our paintings kept be

    16、ing blown away. All of us were quite _25_ and were slow to ask people if they would consider buying our paintings. We were also worried about being driven away.One of our girls, Luna, tried to talk to our first customer. Although he did not buy anything, it gave some _26_ to the rest of us. With eve

    17、ry new customer Luna brought to our little stand(货摊), we had more courage. I also stepped forward and talked to a Korean woman _27_. I felt a bit embarrassed when she said that she didnt have time. But thanks to this short conversation with the stranger, my courage _28_. I kept talking to more peopl

    18、e, including some Chinese people. At the _29_ of the day, we sold about 20 pieces of paintings. It might not be as much as we had expected, _30_ the courage that we got made up for the days shortcomings(不足).21. A. set up B. put up C. taken up D. made up22. A. magazines B. newspapers C. books D. pain

    19、tings23. A. artists B. customers C. passengers D. strangers24. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy D. cloudy25. A. brave B. excited C. shy D. active26. A. knowledge B. courage C. way D. method27. A. passing on B. passing down C. passing away D. passing by28. A. grew B. dropped C. disappeared D. appeared29. A

    20、. beginning B. morning C. end D. middle30. A. and B. but C. though D. or【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B阅读理解(根据短文内容,从每个题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。Passage 1As we all know, environmental pollution is still serious nowadays. Our group wanted to know how man

    21、y students knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted(分类) rubbish. So we did a survey among the students in our school. Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).The results of the questionnaireDo you know about these problems?How often do you sort rubbish

    22、? 31. The survey is mainly about _.A. scientific research B. environmental protectionC. everyday habits D. physical education32. We can know there are _ parts in the questionnaire.A. two B. three C. four D. five33. _ is known by the fewest students.A. Air pollution B. Water pollutionC. Noise polluti

    23、on D. Global warming34. _ have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表).A. All of the students B. Most of the studentsC. Some of the students D. None of the students35. What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?A. Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.B. The st

    24、udents dont realize the situation of the environment at all.C. Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.D. Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.【答案】31. B 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. APassage2Tony and George were painting freely. Each of them had a bottle of blue

    25、 paint(油漆) and a bottle of yellow paint.Suddenly George said, “Look, Tony, I made green!”“How did you do it?” asked Tony.“I put yellow paint on top of my blue paint yellow and blue put together make green!” shouted George. Other children came around to watch and wanted to do it themselves.This is an

    26、 example of discovery learning or handson learning.People remember things better when they learn them by doing. Here is an example. How will you learn to play football?Buy a book and read about how to play football or buy a video about football? Or go to the playground and ask a person to teach you?

    27、Which way will help you learn the game best? Learning on the playground is the best way for most people because they try the game and learn the rules as they play. They learn in a handson way.Handson learning is good for children. The learner takes an active part in it instead of just sitting and li

    28、stening. This is the way that we want our children to learn. In order to learn best, children must take an active part in handson activities every day. Some good examples of handson activities are working puzzles, painting, playing simple board games together and so on.36. George was _ when he notic

    29、ed the change of colors.A. angry B. disappointed C. excited D. peaceful37. The other children came up to George in order to _.A. get another two bottles of paintB. watch and want to have a tryC. find out what happened to TonyD. ask George to paint a picture for them38. “Handson learning” is probably a kind of _.A. learning method B. learning resultC. learning plan D. learning activity39. If you want to learn to swim, youd better _ according to


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