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    1、级班校学龙池附小2013年下学期 四 年级期末考试试卷( 科目: 英语 )命题人: 熊樱 老师 时间: 60 分钟 分值: 100 分题号一二三四五六七八总分得分Listening Part一、 听音,选出你听到的选项。10( )1. A. dog B. big C. bag( )2. A. seven B. eleven C. eight( )3. A. dentist B. doctor C. driver( )4. A. brother B. mother C. father( )5. A. head B. hair C. hand( )6. A. angry B. hungry C.

    2、afraid( )7. A. dont B. doesnt C. didnt( )8. A. mouse B. mice C. meet( )9. A. strong B. sharp C. small( )10. A. ruler B. rubber C. rope 二、 听音,选出你听到的句子。( )1. A. There are six boys. B. There are seven girls. C. There are eleven bags.( )2. A. Its a circle. Its brown. B. Its big. Its a square. C. Its a s

    3、tar. Its blue.( )3. A. How much is it? B. Here you are. C. Heres your cake.( )4. A. What have you got? B. Have you got your crayons? C. Whats Kitty got?( )5.A. Dont climb the trees! B. Dont throw stones! C. Dont pick the flowers!三、 听音,选出适当的应答句。( )1. A. Im nine. B. Im Kitty. C. Im fine.( )2. A. Yes,

    4、I do. B. No, I cant. C. No, She isnt.( )3. A. I am a fireman. B. He likes cooking. C. Shes a doctor.( )4. A. They are boys. B. There are five flowers. C. They have got six flowers.( )5. A. Its under the tree. B. They are in the aviary. C. Its Peters school.Writing Part四、 按要求写单词。toy(复数)_ knife(复数)_fl

    5、ies(单数)_ branches(单数)_have(三单)_ go(三单)_arent(完全形式)_ where is(缩写形式)_Peter(所有格)_ I(形容词性物主代词)_五、 单项选择题。20( )1. -What _ your father _? -Hes a dentist. A. do; does B. does; does C. does; do ( )2. _ leave rubbish! A. Cant B. Dont C. Doesnt( )3. Here _ some corn. A. is B. am C. are( )4. -Whose dress is it?

    6、 -Its _ dress. A. me B. she C. her( )5. How many _? A. sweet B. star C. squares( )6. The _ are green. A. leaf B. leaves C. leafs( )7. -_ is it? -Ten yuan. A. How much B. How many C. How( )8. I have a brother, _ names Ben. A. Her B. His C. Its( )9. Dont walk _ the grass. A. in B. under C. on( )10. Th

    7、e lions _ are sharp. A. teeth B. tooth C. tooths六、 选词填空。is am are have has1. My friend _ a boy, he _ ten. He _ a bicycle.2. I _ a friend. She _ a girl.3. -What _ you?-I _ a teacher.How Where Whose1. -_ is the bird? -Its under the tree.2. -_ old is Kitty? -Shes seven.3. -_book is this? -Its Alices bo

    8、ok.七、 选出不同种类的单词。6( )1. A. thin B. full C. tired D. thirty( )2. A. run B. shoe C. paint D. write( )3. A. block B. finger C. head D. foot( )4. A. biscuit B. sad C. cake D. coke( )5. A. teacher B. mouth C. waiter D. waitress( )6. A. is B. am C. are D. me八、 根据问句选择答句。( )1. How are you?( )2. How old are y

    9、ou?( )3. Whose pencil is that?( )4. Is this your rubber?( )5. What does he do?( )6. How do you feel?A. Yes, it is.B. Im hungry.C. Im fine.D. Im eight.E. Thats Peters rubber.F. He is a postman.九、 根据中文圈出正确的单词。81. 大楼(black block) 2. 圆的(circle round)3. 十四(fourteen forty) 4. 害怕的(angry afraid)5. 女服务员(wait

    10、ress waiter) 6. 滑梯(swing slide)7. 树叶(leave leaf) 8. 走路(walk work)十、 阅读理解。Kitty Li is our new classmate. We call her Kitty. Kitty is nine years old. She has short black hair, and a small mouth. She likes painting and reading. There are four people in her family. Her mother is a doctor, her father is a teacher, her brother is a student, too. His name is Peter. Her parents are very nice, Kitty and I are good friend.( )1. Kitty is my good friend, I call her Li.( )2. Kitty has short hair.( )3. Kitty can paint and read.( )4. Kittys brother is Peter.( )5. Kittys mother and father are doctors.5


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