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    theme parks课堂教学设计.docx

    1、theme parks课堂教学设计【Teaching plan】Unit 5 Theme parks Reading and Speaking New Senior English for ChinaStudents Book 4 The Middle School Attached to Henan UniversityYang Kun 杨坤April 20, 2018 Unit 5 Theme parksTheme Parks-Fun and More Than Fun(reading and speaking). Background:. Level of Students: inter

    2、mediateii. Assumed Knowledge of the Students:They have a certain level of cognition and amount of vocabulary, which enables them to read the reading material independently and understand the main idea of article correctly. In addition, students are very interested in articles on cultural topics.iii.

    3、 Teaching MaterialTheme Parks-Fun And More Than Fun is a reading material in Unit 5 Reading of the Students Book 4. The structure of the article is clear and the language is simple, but there are too many new words in it. Therefore, it is important to remove lexical barriers for students beforehand.

    4、 This reading material can be used to help the students develop their reading skills. It also contains some useful sentence patterns for students to describe a place. As a result, I design it as a reading and speaking lesson. Teaching Goals:. Linguistic Competence Goals: Enable the students to know

    5、the meaning of some proper noun about theme parks. Enable the students to master some important sentence patterns to describe other places. Cultural Awareness Goals: Enable the students to learn about the detailed information of the three theme parks in other countries to broaden their horizons. Ena

    6、ble the students to strengthen cultural self-confidence and their patriotism by introducing the domestic theme parks to others. Thinking Quality Goal: Enable the students to develop the abilities of sorting out, analyzing, inferring and integrating information in the course of reading.iv. Learning A

    7、bility Goal: Enable the students to develop basic reading skills and choose proper ways of learning. Teaching Important Points: Improve the students reading ability. Learn to describe theme parks or tourist attractions. Teaching Difficult Point: Use the sentence patterns to describe theme parks or t

    8、ourist attractions with Chinese characteristics. Teaching Methods: Task-based teaching Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids: A blackboard, wallcharts, multimedia and a detailed teaching plan. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-in (individual work, 3minutes)(Purpose: Let the students get the differences

    9、 between traditional parks and theme parks.)Task 1. Give the students some pictures about scenic spots in Kaifeng and let them guess which are traditional parks and which are theme parks. Bianjing Park The Millennium City Park 汴京公园 清明上河园 The Martial Arts City The Stele Forestof Song Dynasty of the I

    10、mperial Academy万岁山-大宋武侠城 翰园碑林Keys: Bianjing Park is a traditional park, while the other three are theme parks.Step 2. Reading (individual work, 12 minutes)Task 1. Skimming for general idea (individual work, 3 minutes)(Purpose: Let the students master the reading skillskimming to grasp the main idea

    11、of the article and each paragraph.)Fill in the blanks:The passage mainly introduces three famous _ parks - _, _ and _.Para.1 There are various kinds of theme parks.Para.2 If you want to have fun and _ fun, come to _.Para.3 Come to _ to have fun learning all about Americas _ southeastern culture.Para

    12、.4 To enter a world of fantasy about _ England, come to _.Key: theme; Disneyland; Dollywood; Camelot Park more than; Disneyland Dollywood; historical ancient; Camelot ParkTask 2. Scanning for specific information (individual work, 4minutes)(Purpose: Let the students develop the reading skillscanning

    13、, the ability of filtering useful information through fast reading.)Fill in the blanks according to the text.Para.1: Various kinds of theme parksdifferent themesfood; culture; science; cartoons; movies; historyPara.2: Disneylandlocation _theme_activitiestravel through _visit _meet fairy tale _ride g

    14、iant _go on _ free-fall dropsPara.3: Dollywoodlocationin the Smoky Mountains in _theme_activitieslisten to American _see craftsmen make objects in the _ wayvisit the _ shop to try traditional candytake a ride on an old _ trainsee beautiful _ in the worlds largest _ride on an old _, called Thunderhea

    15、dPara.4: Camelot Parklocation in _theme_ Englands history and storiesactivitieswatch _see fighting with _ or on _visit the _ area and learn about farming in _Keys: Para.2: in several parts of the world; fairy tales; space; a pirate ship; character; swinging ships; terrifyingPara.3: the southeastern

    16、USA; Americas traditional southeastern culture; country music; old-fashioned; candy; steam-engine; bald eagles; wooden roller coasterPara.4: England; ancient; magic shows; swords; horseback; farm; ancient EnglandTask 3. Careful reading for more details (individual work, 5 minutes)(Purpose: Let the s

    17、tudents develop the skill of analyzing, screening and inferring information. And this form of question is the same as the one in the College Entrance Examination.)Read the passage again and choose the right answer1. According to the text, tourists obsessed with Mickey Mouse are more likely to visit

    18、_A. Dollywood B. DisneylandC. Camelot Park D. World Waterpark2. Whats the Dollywoods main attraction?A. The American traditional southeastern cultureB. Famous country musicC. The only steam-engine trainD. The worlds largest bald eagle preserve3. According to this passage, what can we learn about Cam

    19、elot Park?A. It has the oldest roller coaster in the world.B. Visitors can learn how people in ancient England take up farming.C. It has a place for visitors to watch and maybe take part in magic shows.D. Visitors can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England.4. Which one has a similar mean

    20、ing to the bold words (黑体字) “is modelled after” in the last paragraph?A. stands for B. replaces C. changes D. imitates 5. What do the three theme parks have in common?A. They are all teenager-targeted.B. All of them are well-known for their exciting rides.C. They are all about things in ancient time

    21、s.D. They are fun to visit, but all of them are educational and provide us with useful information.Keys: B A B D DStep 3. Language learning and speaking (individual work and group work, 15 minutes)Task 1. Summarizing sentence patterns (group work, 5 minutes)(Purpose: Let the students summarize some

    22、useful sentence patterns, which can be used to describe theme parks or tourist attractions.)In group, find some sentence patterns which can be used to describe other theme parks or tourist attractions.Suggested answers:Para.2: 1. The theme park you are probably most familiar with isAnalysis about th

    23、e answer: It contains an attributive clause to describe the name. (划线处为定语从句)2. It will bring you into aworld, whether you orAnalysis about the answer: It contains a concession adverbial clause to describe activities. (划线处为让步状语从句)3. As you wander around, you may see.Analysis about the answer: It cont

    24、ains a time adverbial clause to describe activities. (划线处为时间状语从句)4. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing.Analysis about the answer: (It is) no wonder (that). This sentence can be used as a comment. (该句型it为形式主语,that引导主语从句) 5. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to.A

    25、nalysis about the answer: It contains a conditional adverbial clause, which can be used as a comment. (more than后接名词,“不仅仅”)Para.3:1. , located/situated in, is one of the most unique theme parks in the world.Analysis about the answer: It contains a postposition attribute to describe the location. (lo

    26、cated/situated作后置定语)2. Although, the parks main attraction isAnalysis about the answer: It contains a concession adverbial clause to describe activities.3. It is world-famous for havingAnalysis about the answer: it can be used to describe activities.4. Come toto have fun learningAnalysis about the a

    27、nswer: it can be used to describe themes.Para.4:1. If you want to experience/see, thenis a good place to visit.Analysis about the answer: it can be used to describe activities.2. Every area of the park is modelled after life in the days of.Analysis about the answer: it can be used to describe themes

    28、.Task 2. Speaking (individual work, 8 minutes)(Purpose: Learn some useful sentence patterns to describe a place and strengthen their speaking ability.) Let the students use the four sentence patterns to describe a scenic spot in Kaifeng. At least five aspects should be talked aboutits name, location

    29、, theme, activities and comment about it.Reference vocabulary:清明上河园 the Millennium City Park 气功喷火 spitting fire show标志建筑:虹桥 the iconic building: rainbow bridge 斗鸡 cockfight万岁山-大宋武侠城 the Martial Arts City of Song Dynasty翰园碑林 the Stele Forest of the Imperial Academy书法 calligraphy 菊花文化节 chrysanthemum c

    30、ultural festivalOne possible version: The theme park you are probably most familiar with is the Millennium City Park, which is located at the west bank of the picturesque Longting Lake in Kaifeng, Henan province. Every area of the park is modelled after life in the days of Song Dynasty. As you wande

    31、r around the park, you may see all kinds of buildings with the characteristics of Song Dynasty, such as its iconic buildingthe rainbow bridge. Although it has unique scenes, the parks main attraction is the performances, for example, the traditional Chinese marriage, spitting fire show, cockfight and so forth. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism in K


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