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    1、如:There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。The boy is sleeping on the desk. 那个孩子睡在地上。 over表示“在的正上方”,两个物体表面没有接触。There is a light bulb over my head. 在我头顶上有一个灯泡。 above表示两个物体中一个在另一个的上方,如:The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机上云层上飞行。There are four lights above our head. 在我们头上有四盏灯。3. under和below都有“在的下面”的意思,但

    2、它们有区别: under表示“在的正下方”,其反义词是over。There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。They are sitting under a big tree. 他们正坐在一棵大树下面。 below表示“在”的下面,不强调是否在正下方。Their house is below mine. 他们家的房子在我家的下面。4. in表示位置“在里面”,也可以用来表示在一个很大的空间内。The children are playing in the room. 孩子们正在房间里玩。All my books are in my bag. 我所有的书都

    3、在我的书包里。5. at表示“在旁边”。The teacher is standing at the desk. 老师正在桌边。I will wait for you at the station. 我会在车站等你。6. around表示“在周围”。There are lots of flowers around the house. 房子周围有许多花。The children sat around the Christmas tree and sang happily. 孩子们围坐在圣诞树旁边高兴地唱歌。7. behind表示“在的后面”。Dont hide yourself behind

    4、a tree. 别躲在树后。8. in front of表示“在的前面”。There are some trees in front of the house. 房子前面有一些树。9. between表示“在两者之间”。My home is between the two mountains. 我家在两座大山之间。Guang Jie sits between Li Lei and Fang Ning. 冠杰坐在李磊和芳宁之间。(三) 表示动向的介词。在英语中,有一类介词,它们表示的不是静止不动的方位,而是一种动态的移动,有“朝着”和“向着”的意思。1. 小学阶段常见的动向介词有:into, o

    5、ut of, up, down, from, to, through, along等。2. into和out ofinto表示“从外向里”的意思,out of表示“从里向外”的意思。Jane jumped into the water. 简跳进了水里。Dont look out of the window when you take a bus. 当你乘公共汽车时不要向窗外看。3. up和down: up表示“向上”,down表示“向下”。He often climbs up mountains. 他经常爬山。She opened the door and went down the stai

    6、rs. 她开门下楼。(四) 表示方式的介词1. 常见的表示方式的介词有:by, with, in等。2. by表示“靠”,“用”。3. with表示“使用”,“和一起”,“有”,“具有”“带有”。4. in表示“用(语言)”。My father goes to work by car. 我父亲开车上班。I can see with eyes. 我能用眼睛看。I can speak in English. 我会用英语讲。(五) 其它常用介词。1. for表示“目的”,“原因”。He went home for his book. 他回家拿书。Thank you for your dinner.

    7、谢谢你的款待。2. in表示“穿着”,“带着”。Lily is in a red skirt today. 丽丽今天穿着一条红色的裙子。The boy in blue is my brother. 穿蓝色衣服的男孩是我弟弟。3. of表示所属关系,有“的”意思。This is a map of ChinA. 这是一幅中国地图。He is an old friend of mine. 他是我的一位老朋友。4. like表示比较,意思是“像”。He looks like his father. 他看上去像他爸爸。(六) 介词与动词的固定搭配。look at 朝看 laugh at 嘲笑be goo

    8、d at 擅长于shout at 对.叫喊look for 寻找 ask for 向要look after 照顾,照看look like 看起来像take care of 关心,照顾wait for等待leave for 动身去 start for 动身去catch up with 赶上 talk about 谈论have a talk with 和交谈agree with 同意,赞成二、 常用词及短语搭配的用法:(一) and意思是“和”,表示并列和对称。I can speak English and Chinese. 我会讲英语和中文。I like apples, bananas and

    9、grapes. 我喜欢苹果、香蕉和葡萄。(二) bothand的意思是“两者都”,表示并列。Both you and I are pupils. 你和我都是小学生。I can speak both English and French. 我既会讲英语又会讲法语。(三) not onlybut also意思是“不但而且”,表示并列。Not only you but also Jim comes late. 不光是你,吉姆也迟到了。I can play not only the guitar but also the piano. 我有仅会弹吉他,还会弹钢琴。(四) neithernor意思是“既

    10、不也不”,表示并列关系。Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不对。He can speak neither English nor French. 他既不会讲英语,也不会讲法语。注意:1. 当 not onlybut only和 neithernor连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数的变化随接近谓语动词的主语而变化。Neither you nor he is fat. 你和他都不胖。Neither he nor I am right. 他和我都不对。2. or意思是“或者”,“还是”,表示选择。Is your friend is a boy or a girl? 你的朋

    11、友是男孩还是女孩?Do you learn English or French? 你学英语还是法语?(误)I dont like coffee and teA. (正) I dont like coffee or teA. 我不喜欢喝咖啡和茶。(正)I like coffee and teA. 我喜欢喝咖啡和茶。3. but意思是“但是”,表示转折。I have a cold, but I dont take medicine. 我感冒了,但我没吃药。The skirt is nice, but its too expensive. 这条裙子很漂亮,但太贵了。4. so意思是“因此”,“所以”

    12、。Its dark, so I must go now. 天黑了,所以我得走了。You got up too late, so you missed the bus. 你起床晚了,所以错过了公共汽车。5. because意思是“因为”,表示原因。She is unhappy because she lost the game. 她不高兴,因为她输了比赛。在英语里,because和so不能够同时在一个句子中出现,和汉语有一定的区别。(误)Because Mom bought me a new book, so I was very happy.(正)Mom bought me a new boo

    13、k, so I was very happy.(正)I was very happy because Mom bought me a new book.易错点:1. 你能找到这个问题的答案吗?误 Can you find the answer of this question?正 Can you find the answer to this question?析 英语中用“the answer to ”表示“的答案”。类似结构还有the key to the door, the way to the zoo等。2. 格林先生星期六上午来这里。误 Mr. Green will come her

    14、e in Sunday evening.正 Mr. Green will come here on Sunday evening.析 表示在上午、下午等时,介词要用in;而表示在具体的某天上午、下午时,介词要用on.巩固练习:一、 用适当的介词填空。1. There is something wrong _ my arm.2. The train is passing _ the tunnel.3. Would you come to tea _us _ Sunday?4. Whats the weather _ today?5. I am good _ English.6. He looks

    15、 _ his father.7. Go _ this street, then you can see the post office.8. Many people are wait _ the bus _ the bus station.9. -How do you often go to school? - _ foot.10. Lucy and Lily come _America. 二、 用and, or, but填空。1. Id like to go with you, _ Im too busy.2. I dont like apple juice _ orange juice.3

    16、. I can speak English _ French.4. Are you a teacher _ a doctor?5. There is no milk _ no fruit juice.三、 选择填空。( ) 1. The Greens were watching TV _ I came in.A. before B. after C. when ( ) 2. Jack was sad _ he failed his math exam again.A. so B. because C. but ( ) 3. The bus arrived _7:30 a. m.A. on B.

    17、 at C. in ( ) 4. Your mouth is _ your nose.A. under B. below C. near ( ) 5. We dont go to school _Saturday and Sunday.A. on B. in C. at ( ) 6. Did you go to the zoo _ foot?A. by B. on C. in ( ) 7. I write _my hand.A. in B. with C. by ( ) 8. Can you sing this song _English?A. in B. with C. on ( ) 9.

    18、He learns English _ TV.A. in B. on C. with ( ) 10. Tony comes _ Australia. A. from B. to C. in ( ) 11. Everyone is sitting _ the floor, but Mr Brown is sitting _ a chair _ the corner.A. over, in, on B. about, on, at C. on, on, in ( ) 12. During the weekdays, Jim gets up early _ the morning and goes

    19、to bed late _ night .But _ weekends he sleeps until midday.A. on, at, at B. in, at, on C. in, in, at( ) 13. The mother is coming back _ an hour.A. after B. for C. in ( ) 14. Dont worry, Tom will return_.A. before long B. long before C. long ago( ) 15. Paper is often made _ wood.A. by B. in C. of 四、

    20、下列每个句子都有一处错误,请找出来并改正.1. Both Tom and Jerry is in Class Two. _ 2. Either boys and girls are going to clean the classroom. _ 3. Its very kind for you. _ 4. Id like some bread or butter. _ 5. There is a bridge on the river. _ 6. They live at New York. _ 7. I play the tennis ater school. _ 五、 根据中文用介词填空。

    21、1. 她从楼上跳了下去。She jumps _ the building.2. 你最好不要去树林,那很危险。Youd better not go _ the woods, its dangerous.3. 一群老人在公园里唱歌。A group of old men are singing _ the park.4. 一个女孩站在窗户边。A girl is standing _ the windows.5. 老师严格要求我们。The teacher is strict _ us.附加练习:介词填空1. Tony is _ Canada. 2. What is the name _ the fac

    22、tory?3. Betty is English. What _ you?4. Whos the woman _ the black dress?5. Where do you come _?6. She looks _ her father.7. Do the students stay _ home _ Saturday?8. My mother cut the cake _ a knife.9. The meeting ended _ 6 p.m.10. Well play football _ class.11. Go _ this road, turn left _ the firs

    23、t crossing.12. Can you tell me the way _ the zoo?13. where are you from?14. I am _ Beijing.15. Lets count the numbers _ one _ fifty.16. Where shall we meet?17. Well meet _ home.18. He is good _ swimming.19. Tom gets _ at seven every morning.20. _ Sunday morning, he played football with his friends.2

    24、1. Whats wrong _ you?22. There is something wrong _ my back.23. He often helps me _ my English.24. Its time _ breakfast.25. Can you sing a song _ English?26. He looks _ his father.27. Please listen _ me carefully.28. Its too cold. Dont take _ your coat.29. I go to school _ foot every day.30. He sits _ Tom and Mary.31. I work _ Monday _ Friday.32. He is ill, so he is staying _ bed.33. Dont be late _ this meeting.10


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