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    1、最完整电力英语专业词汇知识中英文AABC极密度继电器(第二报警值) Density relay For A.B.C. pole (2th alarm value)ABC极密度继电器(第一报警值) Density relay For A.B.C. pole (first alarm value)ABC极主储压器漏氮指示器 Indicator for N2 leakage from the main accumulator of A.B.C.pole安(培) ampere (A)安全边界 safety boundaries安全标志 safety mark安全标准 safety standard安全

    2、操作规程 safety operation specifications安全措施 safety measure / safety action安全电压 safety voltage安全阀 relief valve / safety valve安全阀打开 Safety valve opening安全防护技术要求 safeguarding specifications安全分析报告 safety analysis report安全工程(学) safety engineering安全工作压力 safe working pressure安全管理 safety management安全技术措施 safet

    3、y technical steps (measurement)安全技术规程 safety technical regulation安全距离 safe distance安全可靠运行 safe and reliable operation安全认证 safety certification安全色 safety color安全设措施 maintenance prevention安全生产 safety in production安全特低电压 safety extra-low voltage安全限度 safe limit安全性 safety安全要求 safety requirement安全裕度 safet

    4、y margin安全运行 safe and reliable operation / safe operation安全责任制 system of safety responsibility安全注意事项 safety precautions安匝 ampere-turns安装 erection / mounting / installation安装垫 mounting pad安装费用 installation cost安装和使用条件 condition of installation and use安装和维护 erection and maintenance安装结构 mounting struct

    5、ure安装结构或间距 mounting structure or spacing安装竣工检验 final installation inspection安装孔 fixing hole安装面 mounting face安装平面 mounting plane安装使用说明书 instructions for installation & operation安装说明 mounting instruction安装条件 mounting conditions安装图 assembly drawing安装有 be installed / be fitted with氨气检漏 ammonia sniffing鞍

    6、型端子 saddle terminal按钮 push-button按钮开关 push button actuator按生产要素分配 distribution based on production factors按照 in accordance with (to) / according to按指数衰减的直流恢复电压 exponentially decaying d.c. recovery voltage盎斯-英寸 ounce-inch凹坑 pit奥氏体 austeniteB八小时工作制 8-hour duty巴(表压) bar (gauge pressure)扒钉 anti-cheking

    7、iron扒渣 dross trap拔模斜度 draft把.拆开 take apart把M安装在N上 fit M on N把M套在N上 fit M over N把M装(插)进N fit M into N把手 handle坝址 dam site白班 dayshift白点 fish eye / flake白金 white gold白金电极 platinum electrode白口铁 white cast iron白口铸铁 white cast iron白铁皮 white iron白噪声 white noise百分比抽样检验 percent sampling inspection and test百分

    8、数 percentage百分数导电率 percent conductivity百分阻抗 percentage impedance摆动 wobble摆动焊 welding with weaving; weave bead welding摆动振动 wagging vibration摆脱电流 let-go current扳手 wrench / spanner斑点 spot搬运 handling板材 sheets板规(靠模) plate gauge (shaping plate)板坯 slab板条箱(包装用) crate板牙 screw plate / die-block半波 half-wave /

    9、half-cycle / loop半波持续时间 loop duration半成品 semi-finished product半打(六个) half a dozen半导体 semiconductor半导体层 semiconducting layer半干法 semi-dry method半个正弦波 a half sine wave半个周波 one-half cycle半极 half a pole半控 half control半年度检验 semiannual inspection and test半衰期 half-life半小时 half an hour半硬钢 half-hard steel半圆棒

    10、half round bar半自动 semi-automatic半自动的 semi-automatic半自动焊 semi-automatic welding伴随 accompany棒料 billet棒形绝缘子 rod insulator包封 encapsulating包封胶 encapsulating compound包覆导体 clad conductor包含体 inclusion body包括 include / comprise / contain包络线 envelope curve包铅金属 lead coated metal包税区 bonded area包装 package / pack

    11、ing包装标志 packing mark包装标准 packing standard包装箱 packing box / packaging case饱和 saturation饱和磁化强度 saturation magnetization饱和度 degree of saturation饱和效应 saturation effect饱和因数 saturation factor保持 hold保持继电器 keep relay保持经济适度快速增长 maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth保持在合闸位置 be held in closed position保持

    12、至少5分钟 at least maintain for 5 min保护电抗器 protective reactor保护电力间隙 protection power gap保护电路 protective circuit保护断路器 back-up circuit breaker / protection circuit breaker保护范围 protective range保护火花间隙 protective spark gap保护继电器 protective relay保护开关 back-up switch / protection switch保护水平 protection level保护用互感

    13、器 protective transformer保护装置 protective equipment (device)保护装置的保护水平 protection level of a protective device保护装置的保护因数 protection factor of a protective device保留垫板 fusible (permanent) backing保留指数 retention index保税区 bonded area保温材料 adiabator / thermal insulation material保温层 lagging / thermal insulation

    14、保温加热器 temperature-keeping heater保温冒口 insulated feeder保温温度 holding temperature保险 insurance保险阀 lock valve保险公司 insurance company保险丝 fuse / fuse wire保证 ensure / assure / guarantee保证国家的长治久安 guarantee Chinas long-term stability保证社会公共需要 guarantee social needs报废 riscard / refuse / scrap报废品 scrapped product报

    15、告 report报告编号 reference of report number报警 alarm报批 for approval爆裂 rupture爆破片 bursting disks爆破片的误爆破 unintentional rupture of bursting disk爆破压力 rupture pressure爆炸性气体 explosive gases杯状纵磁结构 cup-shaped axial magnetic structure备份 backup备件 spare parts备料场 charging area / charge make-up area备忘录 memorandum (-b

    16、ook)备用 prepared for use备用的辅助开关 spare auxiliary switch备用面板 blank panel备有 be fitted with / be equipped with 备注 Remarks背板 sheet backing背点 ant-apex背对背电容器组 back-to-back capacitor bank背景情况 background背景噪声 background noise背景噪声水平 background noise level背砂 backing sand背压力 back pressure背压式汽轮机 back-pressure turb

    17、ine倍频器 frequency doubler被覆层 coating layer / coat / coating被覆线 coated wire被审核方 auditee被试断路器 the test circuit breaker焙烧 baking本图 This drawing本图对应断路器处于下列状态 This diagram corresponds to the following conditions:本图供用户作液压柜-断路器本体(密度继电器、储压器漏氮指示器、接线盒)之间电缆联接参考用。This drawing is available for users reference of

    18、the cable connection (density relay, N2 leakage indicator of accumulator, wiring box) between the hydraulic operating cabinet and CBs body.泵 pump泵出口控制阀 pump discharge control valve泵传动装置 pump drive assembly泵路装置 pumping device比饱和磁化强度 specific saturation magnetization比差 ratio error比较基准 comparative refe

    19、rences比较意义 comparative sense比例 scale / ratio / proportion比色分析 colorimetric analysis比色指数 color index比投资 specific investment必须强调的是 . It is emphasized that .必作的绝缘试验 mandatory dielectric test闭合电路 closed circuit闭合相 pole closed闭环控制 closed-loop control闭环控制系统 loop control system闭环系统 closed loop system闭回路 lo

    20、op circuit闭锁回路 Opening circuit闭锁螺栓 locking bolt闭锁系统 lock-out system闭锁压力 lockout pressure for.闭锁元件 blocking element闭锁值 lockout value for.闭锁装置 lockout device蓖麻油 castor oil避雷器 surge arrester避雷器保护水平 arrester protective level避免 avoid避免分合闸之间的重叠 avoid overlapping between tripping and closing边侧压力 edge press

    21、ure边电压 polygonal voltage边角料 scrap边界 boundary边界润滑 boundary lubrication边相 outer phase边缘锐利 sharp edge边缘数据 marginal data编码器 encoder 编目 indexing编织电阻器 woven resistor编织物 braid便携式电动工具 portable electric tool变比 transformer ratio / ratio of transfomation变比为1:1 a 1:1 ratio变磁通调压 variable flux voltage variation变电

    22、所 substation变电站运行方式 substation running mode变化 variation变量 variable变量匹配部件 variable match unit变流变压器 converter transformer变流器 converter变频器 frequency converter变速电动机 speed-varying motor变相器 phase converter变形 distortion / deformation变压比 voltage-ratio transformating变压器 transformer变压器变比 transformer ratio变压器磁

    23、化电流 transformer magnetizing current变压器二次端头 transformer secondary terminal变压器付边 secondary side of transformer变压器油 transformer oil变压器原边 primary side of transformer变阻元件 varistor element标称电压 nominal voltage标称值 nominal value标号 label标记 mark标量 scalar quantity标签 label / tag标书 tenders标志 identification / mark

    24、ing标准编号及版次 number and edition of standard标准参考大气 standard reference atmosphere标准操作(雷电)冲击耐受电压 standard switching (lightning) impulse withstand voltage标准操作冲击波 normalstandard switching impulse标准尺寸 standard (normal) dimension标准大气条件 standard atmospheric conditions标准电流额定值 normal (standard) current rating /

    25、 rated current标准电压 normal (standard) voltage / rated voltage标准电压波形 standard voltage shapes标准短时工频耐受电压 standard short duration power-frequency withstand voltage标准化 standardized 标准化工作 standardization task标准金属试指 standard metallic test finger标准绝缘水平 standard insulation level标准试指 standard test finger标准限定值

    26、standard limit value标准值 standard value表层 surface layer表观功率 apparent power表观温度 apparent temperature表决报告 voting report表面处理 surface treatment表面粗糙度 surface finish表面电荷密度 surface charge density表面电加热 electric surface heating表面活性剂 surface acting agent表面积 surface area表面极化 surface polarization表面结构 surface tex

    27、ture表面树枝状放电 tree (surface) discharge表面涂层 dip coat / surface coat表面温度 surface temperature表面硬化 case harden / surface hardening表面张力 surface tension表面针孔 orange peel表压 pressure in gauge / pressure relative / gauge pressure冰层 ice coating冰层厚度 ice (coating) thickness冰点 freezing point冰负载 ice load冰雨 freezing

    28、rain丙酮 acetone丙烯酸 acrylic acid丙烯酸盐涂层 acrylate coating饼式绕组 disc winding并联 connect in parallel to / in parallel / parallel connection并联-串联变换器 parallel-to-serial converter并联电抗器 shunt reactor并联电抗器电流 shunt reactor current并联电抗器合、分操作 shunt reactor switching并联电抗器绕组 shunt reactor winding并联电流引入回路 parallel cur

    29、rent injection circuit并联电路 parallel circuits并联电容器 shunted condenser (capacitor)并联电容器组 parallel capacitor bank并联电阻 parallel (switching / shunt) resistor / closing resistor并联分闸脱扣装置 shunt opening release并联合闸脱扣装置 shunt closing release并联均压电容器 parallel connected grading capacitor / voltage grading capacit

    30、or in parallel并联开断电阻 parallel breaking resistor并联连接 parallel connection并联脱扣器 shunt release并联线路 parallel line并列 abreast be (keep) of (with) 与并驾齐驱波长 wavelength波动 fluctuation波动功率 fluctuating power波列 wave train波前 wave front波数 wave number波速 velocity (of wave)波纹管 bellows / expansion bellows波形 wave-shape / waveform波形试验 waveform test波阻 surge impedance玻璃钢 fiber glass reinforced plastics玻璃纤维 glass fibre玻璃纤维带 glass fabric tape玻璃纤维增强塑料 glass-fiber reinforced plastics剥落 flake off (away) / spalling / peeling-off博士 doctor doctor of sc


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