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    1、 B. Toms friend. C. Toms sisters friend. ( )10. Whats Tims favourite subject?A. Art. B. Math. C. English. B.听长对话,从所给的选项中选出最正确答案回答以下问题。听下面一段对话,回答1112题。( )11.What will Mary do tomorrow? A. Go to Beihai Park B .Study at he aunts home C Meet her friends( )12. How will she go tomorrow ? A. By bus B . By

    2、taxi C. By car听下面一段对话,回答1315题A Parrot(鹦鹉) One morning The man goes to talk with it. The parrot_13_The next morning The man goes to see the parrot again. The parrot_14_Evening The man says _15_( )13.A . says something B. says nothing C. is hungry( )14.A . flies away B. doesnt speak C. says “Fool(傻瓜)!

    3、 You are a fool!”( ) 15.A. Fool! B.You are full! C.A good parrot !听一段独白,回答1620小题。( )16. Mr. and Mrs. Green come from _.A. Canada B. America C. England( )17. _ likes running.A. Tom B. Mr. Green C. Mrs. Green ( )18. Mrs. Green doesnt like _ at all.A. Chinese food B. cooking C. doing housework ( )19 Th

    4、ey all like _ very much.A. China B. Chinese food C. playing ( )20. They think the Chinese people are _.A. happy B. great C lovely二、单项选择(每小题1分,计15分)( )21.Millie has _e-dog and _name is Hobo.A. a;its B. an; its C. a; its D. an; its( )22._ your brother Daniel in Class 1, Grade 7 ? No, hes in Class 2. A

    5、. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does( )23._Monday mornings, we always have a meeting _twenty to eight. A. In; at B.On; from C.On; at D. In; on( )24. Johns family usually_ supper at 6:00 in the evening. A. has B. have C. are having D. is having( )25. _do you go swimming?Sometimes.A.How much B.How many C.How oft

    6、en D.How long( )26.We _watch TV at home on rainy days.We like playing in the rain.A. often B. always C. usually D. seldom( )27. I want _ the classroom. Can you_ me, please?Aclean, help Bto clean, help Cclean, to help Dto clean, to help ( )28. He goes to school by bus, but he walks_ after school. A.

    7、to home B. home C. his home D. the home( )29. Do you often _with your classmates about football?-Yes, very often. A.tell B. say C. speak D.talk( )30.Where _the two brothers _ from? A. do; come B. does;come C. is; come D. are; come( )31._ the door, please. Please come in. The door _. A. Be open; open

    8、s B. Be open; is opening C. Open; opens D. Open; is open ( )32.Sam,who teaches _Chinese?Mrs White. _Chinese is very good.A. you; Her B. your; Hers C. you; His D. your; She( )33. The boy looks_. Yes. Tomorrow is his birthday. A. happily B. happy C. sadly D. sad( )34.I think _is an interesting subject

    9、 because I like travelling. A.Chinese B.English C.Geography D. Maths( )35.The jeans look so special. May I try them on?OK,_. Here is a room for you.A. thats right. B.this way, please C. Im sorry D. all right 三、完形填空(每小题1分,计10分) A woman is going shopping. She is going 36 boat. The boat is going across

    10、 the river. Her basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the 37 “Help! Help!”she says.A boy sees the basket. He says, “Dont worry! I can 38 it! Im a very good swimmer.” He takes off his shoes and shirt. “Look 39 my shirt and shoes, please!” he says and then 40 into the river. A 41 sees t

    11、he basket. “I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy is 42 in the river. “Wheres the basket?” he calls. “Its over there!” calls the woman. “Its behind you!” Its 43 that duck! The boy gets to the basket. “Go away!” he says to the duck. The duck jumps out of the basket and swim

    12、s away. The boy takes the basket to the land. “Oh, thank you!” says the woman. “Thank you very much! “Not at all!” says the boy. “Would you like to give me my 44 and shoes? “Yes, here you are. Oh, whats in the basket? Its the ducks 45 .”( )36.A.on B. in C. by D. with( )37.A.water B. boat C. ship D.

    13、tree( )38.A.clean B. buy C. do D. get( )39.A.after B. at C. for D. like( )40.A.climbs B. comes C. jumps D. walks( )41.A.dog B. chicken C. duck D. monkey( )42.A.fishing B. swimming C. playing D. flying( )43.A.beside B. under C. on D. behind( )44.A.cap B. blouse C. shirt D. trousers( )45.A.meat B. hai

    14、r C. hand D. egg四、 阅读理解(每小题1分,计15分)(A) This is my first day in our new school. In the morning, I help my new teacher Mr. Hu put some new English textbooks into a big box. And then I carry it to the classroom. The box is very heavy. I walk very slowly(慢) with the big heavy box in my arms. A boy runs

    15、very fast to me. He cant stop(停止). Oh, dear! My box drops on the floor and there are books everywhere on the floor.Im very sorry. The boy says again and again. He helps me to pick up(捡起) all the books. He then helps me to carry the books to our classroom. Who is he? He is my classmate. His name is J

    16、im. He comes to China with his father. He comes from England.根据短文内容,选择正确答案:46. In the morning, I help _to carry the box to our classroom.A. my parents B. my new classmate C. my new teacher D. my good friend Jim47. My box drops on the floor because_. A. I walk very slowly with it B. I walk very fast

    17、with it C. Jim walks very slowly to me D. Jim runs very fast and he cant stop48. Jim is new. He is_.A. an American boy B. an English boy C. a teacher D. a Chinese boy49. Later, _carry the box of books to our classroom.A. Jim and I B. Jim, Mr.Hu and I C. Mr. Hu and Jim D. some of my classmate and I50

    18、. Jim and I are_.A. the same age B. in the same bedroom C. in the same class D. Mr. Hus workmates(同事)(B)Hello! My name is Becky Sharp. Im 11 years old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes 14. I dont have any sisters.We live with our mum, dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in t

    19、he north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like sport? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I am good at it but my brother isnt. ww w.x kb 1. comI have lots o

    20、f pets-one tortoise (乌龟) and six goldfish (金鱼). I want a dog or cat, but my mother doesnt like them.51. There are _ people in Beckys family. A. three B. four C. fiveD. six52. Becky and her family live in_.A. a big roomB. a cinemaC. the west of England D. a small house53. Does Becky play football wel

    21、l?_ A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesnt.C. She is not very good. D. We dont know.54. Beckys mother doesnt like_.A. tortoises or goldfish B. tortoises or dogs C. dogs or cats D. goldfish or cats55. What does pet mean in Chinese? A. 朋友 B. 宠物 C. 玩具 D. 同伴(C)A bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungr

    22、y and he wants to buy some cakes. Its raining(下雨) hard.He doesnt want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. Come here, boy! he cries. Do you know how much the cakes are? The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars and asks him to buy two cakes. One is for you and one is for me. Three minute

    23、s later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says, Sorry, there is only one cake left. 56. Where is the man?A. Hes near the bus. B. He is at home. C. Hes on the bus. D. He is in the car.57. The man doesnt want to go out because_.A. he is tired B. he doesnt like ra

    24、in C. he is hungry D. its raining hard58. How many cakes does the boy get?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four59. How much are they if we buy five cakes?A. five dollars B. Four dollars C. Ten dollars D. Fifteen dollars60. Whats the result (结果)?A. The man eats the cake. B. The boy eats the cake.C. The boy

    25、doesnt eat the cake. D. The boy and the man both eat the cakes. 第卷(非选择题 40分)五、词汇运用(此题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。61. There are a lot of _(现代的)buildings in my hometown.62. I want to learn more about the _(历史) of our country.63. The parents meeting _(begin) at 4:00 in the a

    26、fternoon.64. We have no lessons at _(Saturdays and Sundays).65. Hi, Im your guide(向导). Let me _you around the museum.B. 根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。hero one they play write66. Is she in the _Club or the Reading Club?67. Mrs Ma always teaches _some good ways of studying Maths.68. The school hall

    27、is on the _floor. Its big and bright.69. Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are both my _.70. How many football _are there in a football team?C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。read practise take chat not be71. When _your uncle _newspapers? -Every evening.72. Bananas _my favourite. I like apples best.73.Amy seldom _English in the morning. She likes Maths.74. All the girls enjoy _with each other at lunch time.75. His father often _ a walk in the garden after supper.六、句型转换(此题共5小题;每


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