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    1、新概念第一册中期测试题一、 一、按要求写出下列各词。1. 1.brother(对应词) 11.child(复数) 21.am(过去式) 2. 2.busy(反义词) 12.knife(复数) 22.two(序数词) 3. 3.we(宾格) 13.valley(复数) 23.see(过去式) 4. 4.them(主格) 14.she(反身代词) 24.quiet(副词) 5. 5.me (复数) 15.they(反身代词) 25.met (原形) 6. 6.our(单数) 16.yourself(主格) 26.can not(缩写) 7. 7.set(对应词) 17.stomach(复数) 27

    2、.have (过去分词) 8. 8.Chinese (名词) 18.arrive(现在分词) 28.buy(过去分词) 9. 9.wash(单三) 19.hurry(过去式) 29.study(单三) 10. 10.early(反义词) 20.say(过去式) 30.try(现在分词) 二、 二、用适当的冠词填空。1. There are four seasons in year. Spring is first season and autumn is third season.2. earth moves around sun and moon moves around earth.3.

    3、In summer, it is often very hot with in shining in blue sky.4. In January it is very cold. Sometimes it snows in December.5. My daughter is doctor and my son is engineer.6. weather in England is interesting. It is often wet in East and warm in South.7.-There is old book on desk.-What colour is old b

    4、ook?8. women over there is English teacher.9. After lunch, I usually have a nap.10. Is there “s” in the word “horse”?三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. What did he to you yesterday? (say)2. I enjoy to the radio very much. (listen)3. I at home yesterday. (be)4. Look! The boys football there. (play)5. She often hersel

    5、f. (enjoy)6. She didnt the doctor the night before last. (call)7. They at school the day before yesterday. (not be)8. She the box yesterday. (not open)9. We our teacher tomorrow. (see)10. He in Beijing last year. (live)11. He a nice car. (have)12. He can English. (speak)13. he to school on Saturdays

    6、? (go)14. Im a bookcase now. (make)15. Do you like TV ? (watch)16. Her friend in Beijing. (not work)17. Dont late for class! (be)18. Tom from here for about two hours. (be away)19. She already lunch. (have)20. They in Shanghai since 1997. (live)21. Im sorry youve missed the last bus. It ten minutes

    7、ago. (leave)22. she her children yet ? (find)23. Women always the last word. (have)24. Lao Wang a driver ten years ago. (be)25. We students. Mr. Black our teacher. (be)26. Must I the window now ? (open)27. us your passports, please. (show)28. there any coffee in the cup ? (be)29. John drinking milk.

    8、 (not like)30. Its eight oclock. The children an English lesson. (have)31. I want you it at once . (do)32. Its cold outside . Youd better your coat . (not take off )33. They a class meeting next week . (have)34. Can I you the way to the police station ? (ask)四、用适当的介、副词填空。1. Can you get a pair shoes

    9、me ?2. He is China.3. They are going to stay his mothers the weekend.4. My father is church Sundays.5. Is she absent school today ?6. There are some leaves the tree.7. Show your homework me .8. I usually get six the morning .9. She always eats her lunch noon. .10. Whats the climate in your country ?

    10、11. In summer the sun rises and sets .12. What are you going to do it ?13.The plane is flying the bridge .14. the moment , theyre playing the garden .15. My father often goes to work car .16. The cat is running the wall .17. He is sitting his mother and his father .18. They are swimming the river .1

    11、9. I often go to school half seven .20. Its very hot July .21. This is a picture our town .22. Anna is listening (认真) .23. He drove his car a tree .24. Dont read bed .Its bad your eyes .25. There is a shop next the school ?26. The book doesnt belong me .27. He has just arrived Shanghai .28. I can sp

    12、eak English .29. Whats the matter your bike ?30. Dont play matches.31. Whats the matter your bike ?32. The children are jumping the wall .33. They are waiting a bus .34. He is coming out the building .35. There is a the middle of the room .36. Please take your coat .37. The boy is running a dog .38.

    13、 They are looking the sky .39. They arrived a quarter five .40. He will come back five hous time .五、选择填空。1. He cant go to the cinema with me because he a meeting .A. was have B. would have C. is having D. had 2. Betty morning exercises yesterday . A. not did B. dont do C. didnt do D. wont do 3. this

    14、 film last week ? A. Did ; show B. Has; been shown C. Was ; shown D. Was; be shown 4. Mike usually up at six in the morning . A. get B. gets C. got D. will get 5. I need to go shopping today . I havent got many potatoes cabbages . A. or B. but C. and D. /6. Mrs. Sawyer lives in London . She since 19

    15、95 . A. has come there B. has came there C. has been there D. has gone there 7. Look ! Sam in the pool . A. go swimming B. goes swimming C. going to swimming D. is swimming 8. I have just had my breakfast . I it at home . A. have had B. had had C. had D. have 9. The day after tomorrow my brothers bi

    16、rthday . A. will be B. should be C. may be D. is going to be 10. He me since last week . A. didnt telephone B. hadnt telephoned C. hasnt telephoned D. wont telephone11. The bus will come . A. after several minutes B. in several minutes C. several minutes later D. for several minutes12. Dont worry !

    17、Let us you a hand. A. give B. to give C. and give D. gave13. George says he will go to the airport by taxi. A. that B. what C. how D. where14. -Would you like to have a drink with me ? Sorry, Im I cant. A. think B. afraid C. / D. poor15. Please get everything ready classes begin. A. until B. after C

    18、. before D. while 16. Mr.Zhang us English in this school for two years. A. teach B. taught C. has taught D. had taught17. Im afraid I failed maths. I couldnt answer 20 the question. A. /, in B. in, of C. about ,for D. on, with18. I think I passed English and maths. A. in B. at C. for D. on19. Please

    19、 write your name the top of the paper. A. in B. at C. on D. for20. Is your little sister old to go to school ? A. too B. enough C. very D. quite21. Every day he gets up late ,but he can go to work in time. A. enough B. very C.too D. this 22. We cant arrive in Shanghai on time because it is late . A.

    20、 enough B. very C. too D./23. He has just arrived Hangzhou. A. at B. in C. to D. for24. She doesnt do her homework, ? A.do she B. doesnt she C. does she D. dont she25. He can speak English well, ? A. cant he B. can he C. does he D. doesnt he26. Speak ,Penny, I cant hear you. A. out B. on C. in D. up

    21、27. I often help my mother some housework . A. does B. did C. doing D. do 28. your brother hurt ? A. Have, himself B. Has ,himself C. Has him D. Have ,him29. This bike is Marys . is new . A. My B. Mine C. I D. Mys30. This suitcase doesnt belong . A. for me B. to mine C. to my D. to me31. My watch is

    22、 fifteen minutes . A. slowly B. slow C. fastly D. lately32. How old is he ? He is thirty-two . A. year old B. old year C. years old D. old years33. Have you made an appointment the doctor ? A. for B. with C. in D. after34. When will the new people move this house ? A. onto B. for C. on D. into35. -W

    23、heres Tom ? -He London with his sister . A. has been to B. has gone to C. comes from D. went36. I havent got money , . A. much, either B. many, either C. much, too D. many, too37. We have already this film. A. saw B. watched C. seen D. watch38. my way school ,I met my old friend ,John. A. On, to B.

    24、In, to C. On, / D. In, for 39. he gone home ? A. Have ,yet B. Has ,yet C. Has ,already D. Did, yet40. -Where you last Sunday ? I in New York . A. was , was B. were ,were C. was ,were D. were ,was41. This is interesting book . I like it very much . A. a B. an C. the D. /42. I have some envelopes , .

    25、A. either B. too C. yet D. neither43. Tom usually TV night. A. watch , at B. sees ,at C. watches ,at D. see , in 45. -Do you want beef lamb ? -Beef , please. A. and B. yet C. but D. or46. there milk in the bottle ? A. Is, some B. Is, any C. Are ,some D. Are ,any47. Do you have any brothers ? A. Yes

    26、, I am B. Yes , I do C. Yes , I have D. No, I do48. What he ? A. is , does B. does ,doing C. is doing D. does ,does49. There is a blackboard the classroom . A. in front of B. in the front of C. at front of D. at the front of 50. The cat is running the wall . A. along B. in C. of D. at51. I have been here 1980. A. in B. for C. since D. about52. They have lived in Beijing five years . A. since B. for C. about D. in 六、句式转换。1. My skirt is red .(对划线部分提分) 2. He is American . (对划线部分提分)


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