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    1、三、听录音中的问句选出正确的答句。(念两遍)(10分)( ) 16. A. No, there isnt. B. No, there arent.C. No, there wasnt. D. No, there werent.( ) 17. A. She walk to school. B. She walks to school.C. She walked to school. D. She was walk to school.( ) 18. A. It is exciting. B. It was exciting.C. They are exciting. D. They were e

    2、xciting.( ) 19. A. Yes, there were. B. Yes, there was.C. Yes, there is. D. Yes, there are.( ) 20. A. I want to go to Australia. B. I want to go Australia.C. I wanted to go to Australia. D. I wanted to go Australia.( ) 21. A. Im Jack. B. Sorry, Im not Jack.C. Hello, Im Jack. D. Certainly. Hold on, pl

    3、ease.( ) 22. A. It is Tuesday. B. It was Tuesday.C. Today is December 2nd. D. Its on Tuesday.( ) 23. A. Its sunny. B. It was cold and rainy.C. It will snow. D. It snows.( ) 24. A. They are books. B. They are text books.C. Yes, they are my books. D. They are mine.( ) 25. A. Why? B. Good idea!C. Congr

    4、atulations! D. Why not?四、听对话,根据对话内容和问题选择正确的答案。( ) 26. A. China B. America C. England D. Canada( ) 27. A. At 7:45 B. At 7:30 C. At 8:00 D. At 8:30( ) 28. A. A bee. B. A boy. C. A bike. D. A kite.( ) 29. A. He doesnt know the way. B. He wants to know the way.C. He is new here. D. He knows the way.( )

    5、30. A. Lucy and her classmates. B. Peter and his classmates.C. Peters classmates. D. Lucys classmates.五、听两篇短文,选择正确答案。A. (31-35)( ) 31. The sports meeting was over on _.A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. Sunday( ) 32. _ was the tallest and jumped the highest in the school.A. Jim B. Jenny C. Lily D.

    6、Sue( ) 33. _ ran fastest, but she didnt run.( ) 34. _ won the boys 400m relay race.A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three D. Class Four( ) 35. _ won the girls 200m race.B. (36-40)( ) 36. How old was Mike?A. He was nine. B. He was ten.C. He was eleven. D. He was twelve.( ) 37. Did Mike like doing h

    7、is homework?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt.C. No, he did. D. It didnt say.( ) 38. Why was the teacher happy?A. Mike got all the sums right. B. Mikes father got all his sums right.C. Mikes father helped Mike. D. Mikes father wasnt at home.( ) 39. How did Mike do his homework this time?A. With his fa

    8、thers help. B. With the teachers help.C. With his mothers help. D. By himself.( ) 40. Do you think Mikes father was good at maths?A. Yes, I think so. B. No, I think so.C. No, I dont think so. D. Yes, I dont think so.六、听短文录音,根据短文意思,用A、B、C、D将下列句子重新排序,第一句和最后一句已给出。(念一遍)(4分)He helped a blind lady cross t

    9、he road on his way to school.( ) 41. He took Bill to the school clinic.( ) 42. He picked up the money and gave it to the teacher.( ) 43. He helped Bill pack his school bag.( ) 44. He found some money at the school gate.He picked up the apples on the ground and gave them to the woman with many bags.七

    10、、听短文录音,判断句子的正误,对的选“A”,错的选“B”。(念两遍)(6分)( ) 45. Health is not important. A. B. ( ) 46. Fruits and vegetables are good for health. A. B. ( ) 47. A good eating habit is good for health. A. B. ( ) 48. Too much food with lots of sugar and fat is bad for health. A. B. ( ) 49. Wed better do morning exercise

    11、 every week. A. B. ( ) 50. It can make our bodies stronger and stronger to do sports. A. B. 八、听录音,选择填空,完成下列表格。(念三遍)(10分)Name Height Weight 60m race Press-upsAnn 135cm ( 53 ) 11.3sec ( 58 )Pat ( 51 ) 30kg ( 56 ) ( 59 )Tim 140cm ( 54 ) ( 57 ) 36Koko ( 52 ) ( 55 ) 12.2sec ( 60 )( ) 51. A. 135cmB. 136cm

    12、C. 153cmD. 163cm( ) 52. A. 140cmB. 134cmC. 143cmD. 147cm( ) 53. A. 13kgB. 32kgC. 35kgD. 30kg( ) 54. A. 35kgB. 53kgC. 28kgD. 38kg( ) 55. A. 35kg( ) 56. A. 11.1secB. 11.2secC. 11.3secD. 11.4sec( ) 57. A. 12.2secB. 12secC. 11secD. 11.2sec( ) 58. A. 55B.56C. 57D. 58( ) 59. A. 55B. 56( ) 60. A. 43B. 34C.

    13、 46D. 36第II卷 Writing(40分)一、选择填空。(10分)( ) 61. Class One won 25 medals. They won the most medals and they were _ the first place.A. onB. atC. inD. to( ) 62. Shenzhen is becoming _.A. more and most beautifulB. more beautiful and more beautifulC. more and more beautifulD. beautiful and beautiful( ) 63.

    14、Tom can run fast but Tim can run _ faster.A. muchB. manyC. moreD. most( ) 64. Tom likes _ food. Give him some lemons.A. spicyB. sweetC. leafyD. sour( ) 65. This sign means _ smoke here.A. NoB. NotC. DoD. Dont( ) 66. Tom is _ Tim.A. so tall asB. as tall asC. much tall thanD. less taller than( ) 67. T

    15、om likes sweet food _ he will like this chocolate cake.A. butB. andC. orD. so( ) 68. Who is the _, Jim, Peter or Carl?A. tal lB. tallerC. tallestD. much taller( ) 69. - Is there any milk in the bottle?- Yes, theres still _A. a fewB. a littleC. littleD. few( ) 70. Things are _ on the earth _ on the m

    16、oon.A. much lighter; thanB. much heavier;C. as light; asD. not so heavy;( ) 71. _ it often _ here in summer?A. Does / rainsB. Does / rainC. Do / rainsD. Is / raining( ) 72. We are going to have a party on _.A. ChildrenDayB. Childrens DayC. Childrens DayD. ChildrensDay( ) 73. - Whats the date today?-

    17、 _.A. Its fineB. Its WednesdayC. Its September 12D. My birthday( ) 74. Which sentence is wrong?A. Is this your new bike?B. Is this new bike yours?C. Is your bike new?D. Is this new your bike?( ) 75. There are not any boys _ girls in the playground.A. orC. withD. together( ) 76. It is the first day o

    18、f the new term. The students are back _ school again.A. atB. forC. onD. by( ) 77. Who can _ good English in your class?A. sayB. tellC. talkD. speak( ) 78. We are going to visit the zoo _.A. the next Sunday afternoonB. in the afternoon of next SundayC. on the next Sunday afternoonD. next Sunday after

    19、noon( ) 79. Where was Jim the day before yesterday?He was _ home. He was ill _ bed.A. ininB. atinC. inonD. aton( ) 80. There _ a pair of shoes under the bed.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are二、连词成句,选择最佳的答案。(2分)( ) 81. crying , listened to, and, the baby, the music, stopped A. B. C. D. ( ) 82. Ann, London, at,

    20、 lives, in, the second floor, on, 11 Oxford Street A. B. C. D. 三、把下列句子重新排列组成对话,选择最佳的答案。( ) 83. Really? Your father looks younger. My mother is. Hi, Sue. Is that a new photo? Your mother and your aunt both look young. Whos older? I see. The man beside you is your father, I think. Yes. Look, this is m

    21、y mother and this is my aunt. Yes, he does. But my uncles taller and stronger. No, youre wrong. Hes my uncle. Hes younger than my father.A. B. C. D. ( ) 84. Did you have a good time? Oh, my god. Oh! It sounds great. What else did you do? I called you yesterday, but you werent in. Where did you go? Y

    22、ou really had a great time. Oh, by the way, I nearly forgot it. We are having a maths exam tomorrow, do you know? Yes, of course. We bought some souvenirs(纪念品) and whats more important is that I took a photo with the lovely dolphin. We also watched a dolphin show and watched a film about sharks. I w

    23、ent to the aquarium(水族馆) with my mother and sister.A. B. C. D. 四、完形填空。(5分)Plants are very important living things. Life ( 85 ) not go on without ( 86 ) . This is because plants can ( 87 ) food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man can not do ( 88 ) . Animals get their food by eating plants a

    24、nd ( 89 ) animals. Man gets ( 90 ) food by eating plants and ( 91 ) , too. So animals and man ( 92 ) plants to live. This is ( 93 ) there are so many ( 94 ) around us.( ) 85. A. can B. do C. has D. must( ) 86. A. animals B. river C. house D. plants( ) 87. A. find B. bring C. have D. make( ) 88. A. much B. so C. this D. that( ) 89. A. others B. other C. the other D. the others( ) 90. A. her B. its C. his D. theirs( ) 91. A. animals B. water C. vegetables D. soup( ) 92. A. have B. help C. need D. find( ) 93. A. how B. where C. when D. why( ) 94. A. air B. animals C. plants D. water


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