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    1、( )-This is _ mother, I think. -No. Shes _ aunt Mrs Black. A. my; your B. your; you C. your; my( )-What would you like? -_A. I like hot dogs. B.A cup of coffee, please. C. Yes, please. ( )-How many _ do you have? -One.A. milk B. boxes C.apple( )-Look _ my bedroom. -_ big! A. at; What B. to; Its C. a

    2、t; How( )- Whats the time? -Its _. Time for lunch. A. eight B. ten C. twelve( )- What about some milk? A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I like some milk. ( )- Im hungry. -_ A. What about some tea? B. This hamburger is for you. A. A cup of tea. B. I like a cup of coffee. C. Id like a tea. ( )- Would you like

    3、some coffee? A. Yes, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, Id like. ( )- How many sandwiches would you like?A.I can see three. B. I have three. C. Id like three. ( )- Anything else? A. Some juices. B. No, thanks. ( )- Im thirsty. -_. A. This glass of juice is for you. B. This cake is for you. ( )I _ a boy

    4、. A. not B. dont C. am not( )Its twelve oclock. Its time for _. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )-Would you like _ rice? -Yes, please. A. some B. any C. a ( )-How old is your sister? -_ A. Thirteen. B. Its thirteen. C. Thirteen yuan. -_ A. I like coffee. B. Some coffee, please. C. No, thank you. (

    5、) Id like a hamburger and an ice cream. _? -Sorry, I dont know. Let me ask my mum. A. How much is it? B. How much are they? C. What would you like?( )-_ are twins. This is _ bedroom. A. We, our B. They, our C. We, we( )-Here you are. - _.A. Sure. B. Thanks. C. Great. ( )-How old are you?- _.A. I hav

    6、e seven. B. Im eight. ( )- Can Jim swim?- _.A. Yes. He can swim well. B. No, I cant.( )- The bird can fly. - _. A. I can fly too. B. I cant fly either. ( )I like _. _ cute. A. lions, Its B. lion, its C. lions, Theyre( ) Look at this sticker. _ beautiful. A. They re B. Were C. Its ( )-_ is your dog?-

    7、Three. And my cat is two. A. How many B. How old C. Who( )-_ you like _ ?- Yes, I do. A. Do; cat B. Do; dogs C. Are: tigers( )I like that _. A. chair B. monkeys C. a lion( ) Do you have _ ? - No, I dont. A. grape B. some lion C. an orange( ) I dont have _ pineapples. A. any B. some C. a ( ) A: _ me!

    8、 I can fly. B: Cool! A. Look B. Have a look C. Look at I cant play basketball. B: _. A. Have a try B. Cool C. Yes, I can. ( ) I have _ orange and _ pineapple. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; / Do you have _ rubbers? No, I dont. A. some B. any C. a ( )- Come and _ my new skirt. -OK. Im coming. A. look B. lo

    9、ok at C. see( )-What do you have? -I have _ and _. A. some fish, sandwich B. some fish sandwiches( )- I m hungry. - What about an _? A. cake B. egg C. pear( )-_? -Id like some bananas. A. What do you like B. What do you have C. What would you like ( )-What _ you like? - _ a glass of milk. A. would;

    10、I like B. do; I like C. would; Id ( )-_ are you? - Im hot. A. How old B. How many C. How ( )-_ your mother in the kitchen? -Yes, she _. A. Are; are B. Do; is C. Is; is ( )I have _ toy tigers, but I dont have _ toy bears. A. some, some B. some; any C. any; some ( )你想知道刘涛会不会溜冰,你可以对刘涛说:A. Can Liu Tao s

    11、kate? B. Can you skate, Liu Tao? C. Can you swim, Liu Tao?( )你想问别人想要一些梨吗,你可以这样问他:A. Do you like pears? B. Would you like some pears? C. Would you like any pears?( )你想让别人看看你的水果蛋糕,可以说:A. Look at my fruit salad. B.Look at my fruit cake. ( )你想告诉别人你不会做馅饼,可以说:A.I cant make a pie, too. B. I can make a pie,

    12、 too. C. I cant make a pie, either. ( )想知道海伦是否会滑冰,可以问:A. Can Helen sakte? B. Can you swim, Helen?( )告诉同学你也不会游泳,可以说:A. I cant swim either. B. I cant fly either. C. I can swim, too. ( )他们有多少张图画?A. How many pictures do you have?B. Do you have any pictures?C. How many pictures do they have?( )你想知道自己的帽子是

    13、不是在卧室里,可以问: A. Is your cap in the bedroom? B. My cap is in the bedroom. C. Is my cap in the bedroom?( )告诉别人这不是你的玩具大象,可以说:A.This is your toy monkey. B. This is my toy elephant. C. This isnt my toy elephant. ( )想知道别人是否喜爱老虎,可以问: A. Do you like lions? B. Do you like tigers? C. Would you like a tiger?( )

    14、你想说自己喜欢这只猫,你可以说:A. I like cats. B. I like this cat.( )你想让你的朋友看那些图画,你可以说: A. Look at those pictures. B. Look at that picture.( )你可以试穿它们。 A. You can try it on. B. You can try they on. C. You can try them on.选不同类( ) A. her B. we C. they( ) A. his B. she C. you( ) A. look B. jump C. basketball ( ) A. bi

    15、g B. tail C. long( ) A. three B. tiger C. ten( ) A. black B. door C. red( ) A. desk B. bed C. lunch( ) A. horse B. chicken C. pear( ) A. desk B. chair C. lion ( ) A. close B. open C. panda ( ) A. my B. you C. your ( ) A. you B. our C. my ( ) A. am B. is C. are D. you( ) A. he B. she C. I D. my 首字母填空

    16、 -Are these y_ oranges?-Yes, they a_. -How many o_ do you have?-I h_ nine oranges. Would you like one?-Y_, please.My brother is a short boy. He is not t_. I have a f_. Lets p_.I c_ play table tennis. But I can have a try. We have m_ beautiful stickers. Do you l_ c_? Yes. Theyre lovely. I have a whit

    17、e cat. 选词填空Many _ (boy, boys) like _ (tigers, tiger).We have _ (one, three) pineapples.I can swim _ (but, and) skate. Dont _ (jump, sleep). Its time for bed. This is _ (our, your) desk. That is _ (your/ he) desk. Where are my _(doll/dolls)?Where are my toy l_? -Theyre over there.Your pencils _ (is/

    18、are)in the desk. -Where are my _ (stickers, crayon)?-_ (Theyre, Its) behind the door. They are _ (for/ to) my sister, Helen. I like _ (to/ for) ride my bike. 填单词I am twelve. My sister is t_. (十三岁)Can I h_ a look? S_. (当然)Lets m_ s_ (做一些) cakes.Dont s_ in that lake(湖泊), Liu tao. Make a _. (愿望)I _ (想要

    19、) a toy _.(老虎)_ you like that doll? No, I like that blue one. _ I have a mango? OK. Here you are. _ that in the picture? Let me have a look. Its a monkey. _ be sad. Have a try. Monkeys like _. (香蕉)I have ten _. (芒果)I have some _. (葡萄)Look at these _. (狮子)I like _. (狗)I have a big _ _. (客厅)behind the

    20、 table _many cups _some drinks _on the box _orange juice _at the snack bar _my home _a big bedroom _Come and look. _these shoes _Anything else? _anything else _her long tail _his big mouth _the clothes shop _five funny boys _ how many _ a fat lion _ like tigers _play table tennis _ a nice toy car _H

    21、ave a try. _ What about you? _想要 _ (两种)我也是。_两杯咖啡 _三杯牛奶 (玻璃杯)_还要其他东西吗?_她的扇子 _多少钱?做得不错。 _一双袜子 _这些袜子 _一把伞 _我的白帽子 _四十把扇子 _我们的香蕉 _一些橙汁 _你有什么? _你会做什么?_你喜欢什么?_你想要什么? _有多少?别伤心。 _一把红黄相间的扇子 _妈妈的鞋子 _迈克的袜子 _她的耳朵 _小眼睛 _那只胖老虎 _五位高个子男孩 _做一块蛋糕 _ 一些香蕉 _有一只狗 _ 喜欢马 _一只漂亮的钢笔 _ 七个篮球 _一些动物 _ 一些水果 _运动 _ 两件夹克衫 _ 乒乓球和篮球 _cute (近义词) _ her (对应词) _would like (同义词) _ those(单数) _-Is your _ in the _? 你的妈妈在卫生间吗?-No, _ _. 不,她不在。-_ are the _? 裙子在哪儿呢?- _ in the _, on the bed. 它们在卧室。-_ the table? 餐桌在哪里?-_ in the _ _. 它在客厅。- _ is Liu Tao? 刘涛在哪里?- Look. _ is _ the snack bar. 看, 他在小吃店。- _ _


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