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    1、C)在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。11.A.Yellow. B.Green. C.White.12.A.Six dollars. B.Seven dollars. C.Eight dollars.13.A.On January19 th B.On January 18th. C. On February 20 th14.A.A skirt. B.Adress. C.A bag.15.A.Purple. B.Blue. C.Red.D)在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍(5分)16.A1

    2、2. B13. C14.17.A.Its boring. B.Its interesting. C.Its fun.18.A.Beijing. B.New York. C.England.19.A.Math. B.PE. C.Music.20.A.On Monday and Friday. B.On Wednesday and Friday. C. On Monday and TuesdayII.根据音标和句义,读音选词(5分)。A. meet B. eat C. let D. need22. Do they have fiveA. sock B. tennis C. soccer D.pin

    3、g-pong23. Our School Day is onA. Mav B. March C. math D. month24. GinaA. August B. welcome C. useful D. always25. Do you know your A. geography B. history C. eighteenth D. Wednesdayiii.选择填空从每题个选项中,选出一个最佳答案o (30h-)26.-Whats that? -Its _apple. A.a B.an C.the D./ 27. This is tny classmate. _ name is Ci

    4、ndy. A. His B. Her C. She D. He 28.-Im Frank. _ -Nice to meet you, too. A. How are you? B. Hello, John! C. Nice to rueet you. D. Good aftemoon! 29. In the evening I usually watch TV _ one and a half hours. A.in B.from C.for D.about 30.- _is your birthday ? - Its in February, 2001. A.Where B.What C.H

    5、ow D.When 3 1. My sister doesnt like fi:uit, but I _ A.isnt B. do C. does D.have 32. This is Susan and that is Mary _ my _ A. Shes, friend B. Hes, friend C. Theyre; friends D. Theyre, friend 33.Computer is difficult for my grandma, but its _ for me. A.cool B.useful C.fun D.easy34. -Hi. _ ? -Yes,Iam.

    6、 A.Lets go B. Excuse me C. Are you MniBrown D.Dear friend35. -Whatis your favorite subject? _ _ _ _ A.Geography B.Math . C.English D.Chinese.36.-Lets watch the.tennis game on TV. -That _good. A. looks B. spells C.likes D.sounds37. How _ _ is your grandmother? She is _ . A old ; sixty B much ; sixty

    7、C old ; sixtieth D much ; sixtieth38. - _ _ _. -Iwantawhitehat. A. How much is a hat? B.Can I help you? C. Do you have a hat? D. What do you want to buy?39.-Whats your _ , Mr. Brown? Eric. Im Eric Brown. A. first name B.last name C. middle name D. family name40.-Why does Tom like playing football? _

    8、 _ _ A.Becauseits boring. B. Soits relaxing. C. So its difficult D. Because it:s interesting 41. - Its Sunday today. Have a good day! _ You, too. A. Yes, please B. Thanks. C. OK. D. Thats right42.-When is your fathers birthday? -Its on _ _ A. December twenty -two. B. October twenty-second. C. Decemb

    9、er twenty-second. D. November twenty-two.43. That store is _ sale. They sell clothes _very good prices. A. on, at B. at, in C. of, under D.for,to44. - Oh, its my schoolbag. Thank you very much! _ _ _ _ _ A. No, thanks B. Youre welcome C. Thats all right D. Here you are.45.-I like Friday. -Me too. _

    10、we can have a good time the next day. , A. So B. But C. Because D.And46. The sports trousers are nice. Ill _ A. look at it B. take them C. like it D. sell them47. - _ he like math? 一 Because its difficult. AWhy does B Why dont C Why do D Why doesnt48.-Lets play tennis, OK? -Sorry, I must _ first. A.

    11、 play computers B. listen to music C. finish homework D. go shopping49. -Is this your pencil? -Yes, its _. Look, here is No. 5. A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his50. Our art festival is _ October 20 . Welcome to our festival. A.in B.on C.at D.with51. The notebooks arent here. Please _the teacher _ them. A.

    12、 speak, to B. sell, to C. ask, for D. buy, from52. Ginas books are _ -on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. A. somewhere B. something C. everywhere D. everything53. Miss Readis good _ music. She can be good _ children in the music club. A.at,at B.with,with C.at,with D.with,at54. Do you like-s

    13、inging? Please come andjoin _. A.we B.our C.us D.they 55.-Miss Wangs class is very interesting. _ _ _ We all like her class very much. A. Thats for sure B. I dont think so C. Is that OK D. Ill take it.白处IYJ最佳答案o cio-)Dear Jackie, I am happy to get your letter. Do you want 56 about my schoollife this

    14、 week? This weekI 57 three English classes.Ilearn some new words. And we also58 an interesting movie in the class. Its name is Home Alone. I like_59 _very much. 1 1ike having PE 60 Mr White is my PE teacher. He is my favorite teacher. He is great 61 , and we all like to play 62 him. In 63 class, he

    15、teaches us to play basketball, soccer andping-pong. This week, our class has a basketball game with Class 5 and we win(赢). I like playing _64 best and I want to be a great basketball player. What about you? Can you65 me something interesting in your school?Write to me soon. Yours, Emma56.A.tosay B.l

    16、eam C.toknow D.know57.A.have B.has C.leam D.learns58.A.look B.look at C. see D. sees59.A.him B.its C.them D.it60. A. because B. so C. of D. but61.A.boring B.sad C.fun D.cool62.A. with B. and C. of D. for63.A.her B.he C.his D.him64.A.soccer B.basketball C.ping-pong D.tennis65.A.tell B.speak C.call D.

    17、askV补全对话阅读对话,从每题四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(A: 66B: Yes, please.I need a sweater.A: What color do you want?B:Blue.Here you are.How much is it?Twenty dollars.Ill takeit 67I also want some socks. 68 Oh,I like them .How much are they? 69 Great. Ill take them.Thanks very much. 70 66. A.Thank you. B.How are you?

    18、 C. Can l help you? D.Nice to meet you!67.A.When is it? B.Is that all? C. Goodbye. D.What about you?68. A.What color do you want? B.How about these white socks? C. How much do you need?. D.They are good socks.69. A.Lets have a look. B.They are yellow and white. C. They are only 5 dollars. D.They are

    19、 small.70. A.Thank you. B.See you. C. Here you are. D.You are welcome.阅读理解:阅读短文,从四个选项中选出最佳答案。(15分)A Lina is a Chinese tennis star. She plays tennis well. She plays tennis every day. She has some tennis rackets and tennis balls. She has lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she has eggs and milk. She

    20、usually plays t9nnis for three hours in the moming. Then she has a big lunch-carrots, rice, fish and meat. After that she plays tennis for two hours in the afternoon.For dinner, she has chicken, apples and soup. After dinner, she watches tennis on TV for half hour. She has a busy life.71. Lina is a

    21、_ star. A. ping-pong B.tennis C.basketball D.baseball 72.She plays tennis for _every day. A. two hours B. three hours C. four hours D. five hours73. She has _for lunch. A. chicken B. ice cream C. tomatoes D.fish and meat74.She watches tennis on TV _ . A. in the moming B. in the evening C. in the aft

    22、ernoon D. after lunch75.She is _ A.free B.unhealthy C.healthy . D.boringB Good morning! Welcome to our food shop. We have many things on sale. Please come in and have a look! Please look at our ads (广告). Would you like some of them? Buy them soon. Some food isnt on the ads, such as chicken and fish.

    23、 The chicken is 76. The ads are for _ A. a toy shop B. a clothes shop C. a food shop D. a book shop77. Mrs Green can buy three kilos of eggs with _ A. $5.00 B. $10.00 C. $12.00 D. $15.0078. Ifyou have only $7.00, you can buy _ . A. two kilos of oranges B. two bottles ofmilk C. three bottles of orange juice D. four kilos of bread 79.If you have S60.00 now. You can buy _ of apples or _ of rice. A. 15 kilos; 2 bags


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