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    1、34. Jim came to say goodbye me because he would leave Hong Kong .A. to ; for B. for ; C. to ; to D. for ; for35. The noise grew when people heard his second idea .A. more loudly B. louder C. loudly D. loud36. The young man was hit by a truck , he was not hurt .A. Lucky ; bad B. Luckily ; terribleC.

    2、Luckily ; badly D. Lucky;badly37. Will you get there by bus ? No , Ill take taxi . A. ; B. a ; the C. ; a D. the ; a38. His description reasonable . A. 1istens B. hears C. sounds D. speaks39. May I go now ?No , you . You stay here . A. neednt ; have to B. neednt ; must C. mustnt ; has to D. mustnt ;

    3、40. If I four minutes , I everything ready .A. give ; will get B. give ; getC. will be given ; will get D. am given ; will get41. Can I speak to Mr. Green ?Im afraid not . He a meeting at the moment .A. has B. had C. is having D. having42. Ill get them you . A. to agree with B. to agree to C. agreei

    4、ng with D. agreeing to43. She didnt tell me .A. which room did he lived in B. which floor he lived on C. which room he lived D. he lived in which house44. What was the party like ?Wonderful . Its years I enjoyed myself so much .A. after B. before C. when D. since45. A fridge is a machine is used for

    5、 keeping food fresh . A. that B. who C. what D. 三. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分)There are some things about myself that I really like . First of all , I always 46 to do my best . I never give up halfway 47 trying my best . For example , I 48 the piano for more than twelve years . And now I am learning English e

    6、very day .Secondly , Im good at 49 people laugh . I feel 50 when people smile at the things I do . I make friends with anyone 51 and now I have a lot of friends .Of course , I also have my 52 points . I sometimes feel that Im a bit selfish or 53 . I want to overcome these faults 54 Ill make progress

    7、 and people will love me 55 .46. A. want a go B. make an effortC. wait upD. keep on 47. A. ofB. onC. withD. without48. A. had practisedB. have practisedC. practisedD. will practise49. A. makingB. lettingC. havingD. seeing50. A. happyB. strongC. sadD. proud51. A. friendlyB. easilyC. hardlyD. widely52

    8、. A. badB. strongC. weakD. good53. A. homelessB. hopelessC. uselessD. careless54. A. even if B. so thatC. unlessD. because55. A. muchB. wellC. betterD. less四. 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D选项中选出一个最佳选项。AMarco Polo was a boy of about seventeen . Once his father and his uncle had just returned

    9、 to their family in Venice after a long journey . They talked about the strange and beautiful lands in the East . They brought back gold and jewels .Shortly after , the Polo brothers asked him to take a trip with them to the East . So it was how Marco Polos journey began . During three years of trav

    10、eling to the Far East , he saw sights that were almost unbelievable to a boy from Italy . He met people who had strange ways of living . Some spoke languages that he did not even understand . At last they reached China . This was in the year 1275 . The emperor made a great feast in honor of the Polo

    11、s and asked Marco to live in his court(朝廷、庭院). Marco Polo learned to read , write and speak new languages .Once the emperor sent him to distant western and southern part of his empire . Marco Polo was given many soldiers and servants for his journey .Marco saw paper made by the Chinese . People in C

    12、hina had also discovered how to print on paper ; they had many books and even used paper money ! They burned little black rocks for heat .After three years , he wrote a book about his travels , which most people in Europe did not believe . But many years later the world knew that this man discovered

    13、 a great Eastern country .56. Marco Polos hometown was .A. in the Far EastB. in a strange and beautiful lands in the East C. in Venice Italy D. we cant find the answer in the passage 57. Marco Polos father and uncle seemed to reach .A. ChinaB. IndiaC. some islands in the EastD. several lands in the

    14、East58. The “black rock” in the fourth paragraph means .A. a kind of rock which is blackB. a kind of black rocks but in fact its brownC. a kind of charcoal(木炭)not rock in factD. a kind of mineral which we call coal today59. In this passage we seem to know that .A. Marco Polo was a great inventor in

    15、Italy and he loved ChinaB. People in Venice all liked to travel to the East those daysC. the West fell behind the East those daysD. Marco Polo found the Far East first in Italy60. The best title of the passage is .A. Marco PoloB. Marco Polo and ChinaC. Marco Polo and the EmperorD. The Polos FamilyBS

    16、usan was trying on a black dress her husband had bought her on the morning of the earthquake . It fitted very well . As she was taking it off , the fifth floor room shook greatly . Susan took her daughter Amy and ran to the door . As she open the door , the floor opened under their feet and the nine

    17、-storey building fell down . The two of them fell into the lowest part of the building .As the days passed , Amy began to ask for something to drink . Susan had no water and she was afraid her daughter would die of thirst . Then she remembered a TV programme about a man who was saved by drinking his

    18、 friends flood . She found a piece of broken glass , cut her finger and give her daughter her blood . Because of the bitter cold , Susan felt no pain .On December 14th , the eighth day of the earthquake , a small hole was opened near them . Mother and daughter were airlifted to a hospital sixty mile

    19、s away . 61. The earthquake happened .A. sixty miles away from Susans houseB. when Susan was to leave the house aloneC. on the morning of December the seventhD. when Amy wanted to drink some water62. What was Susan doing when the earthquake suddenly took place ?A. She was taking her daughter to the

    20、door .B. She was putting on a new black dress .C. She was feeding Amy on some water .D. She was taking off a new black dress .63. Amy was saved by .A. cutting her own fingersB. drinking water from a holeC. drinking her mothers bloodD. drinking her friends blood64. From the story we know that Susan a

    21、nd her family probably lived .A. in the fifth floor roomsB. outside the nine-storey buildingC. on the top floor of the buildingD. in the lowest part of the building65. This story doesnt tell us .A. how Susan and Amy were sent to a hospitalB. how many people were killed in the earthquakeC. why Susan

    22、cut her finger with a piece of glassD. when people found the two of them under the ground第II卷(非选择题 共45分)五. 完成句子(共10小题,每小题1分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一个词。 6667. 老师想让学生保持安静。 The teacher wants to the students . 6869. 据说这些岛上盛产石油。It is said that these islands are oil . 7071. 爱迪生总是试验一些新想法,直到他发明了他想要的为止。 Edison kep

    23、t some new ideas until he invented what he wanted . 7273. 他没有时间休息,更不用说打篮球了。He had no time to have a rest , play basketball . 7475. 到底是谁跟你说的?Who told you that ?六. 补全对话(共5小题;根据对话内容,在每个小题的空白处写出一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整正确。A:Hi , Lin Tao . Ive got some good news for you .B: 76 ?I hear some foreigners will come to

    24、our English class .Really ? 77 ?Tomorrow morning . 78 ?Canada . Theyll give us a talk after class .Thats great . 79 ?They are going to talk about the schools in Canada .Good . Shall we go to the library to read something about Canada ? 80 .七. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Passage 1Banana Milkshake(

    25、Enough for two big glasses of milkshake) Two bananas Two spoons(150g)of ice cream 125ml of fresh milk Chocolate , cream and fruit Dont ask your mother for help with this one ! Its very easy and it takes two minutes to make . Put the bananas in the blender(搅拌机)with the ice-cream and the milk . Blend

    26、for about 10 seconds . Pour it into a glass . Put some cream , chocolate and fruit on top . Its nice and cold with that ice cream in itso drink it quickly . Enjoy it !Passage 2Smokers-please read this carefully .Next Monday is No Smoking Day . Every year in Britain 100,000 smokers stop smoking on No

    27、 Smoking Day .Do you want to feel good ? look good ? smell good ? save money ?You know that smoking is bad for you . It is bad for your heart and your lungs . It can give you cancer . It also costs a lot of money . It is not cool . How many top football players smoke ?(Answernone .)So write it in your day plan .Monday is a big day for youits the day you stop !Passa


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