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    1、 r sho 话 说 多 , 不 如 少 。wi q shw nng qio 惟 其 是 , 勿 佞 巧 。【释义】讲话不可太多,言多必失。话要讲得恰当,要实事求是,不可花言巧语。【英文】To talk just a little better than to chatter non-stop all day long. Stick to the facts and speak briefly; dont use cunning or flowery words.x45jin qio y hu w c奸 巧 语 , 秽 污 词 。 A glib tongue,An unfaithful one

    2、. jng q qi ji zh 市 井 气 , 切 戒 之 。The worldly dust,Evade you must.【释义】尖酸刻薄的话,下流的脏话,阿谀奉承之类小市民习气都要避免去沾染。【英文】Harsh words and vulgar expressions,cheap talk and words that are cruel, Jargon,slang and swearing; all talk such as this we avoid.46jin wi zhn w qng y 见 未 真 , 勿 轻 言 。What is untrue You dont do.zh

    3、wi d qng chu 知 未 的 , 勿 轻 传 。Whats wrongly said You dont spread.【释义】所见未真切时,不得轻易说出,所知未确实时,也不能轻易传扬出去。【英文】If you havent seen something quite clearly, dont pretend that you know. If youre not sure what actually happened, dont spread the story around.47sh fi y qng nu事 非 宜 , 勿 轻 诺 。What is amissYou shouldn

    4、t promise. gu qng nu jn tu cu苟 轻 诺 , 进 退 错 。If you do,Youll soon rue.【释义】不适宜的事不能轻易允诺别人,假如不经考虑允诺了别人,会使自己进退两难。【英文】When you know that a matter is wrong, dont carelessly take part. If you just go along with the crowd, then you are certain to make a mistake.48n do z zhng qi sh 凡 道 字 , 重 且 舒 。 jj m hu 勿 急

    5、 疾 , 勿 模 糊 。【释义】在讲话的时候,咬字要清楚,态度要自然,不可以讲得太快太紧张,也不可以讲得含糊不清。【英文】When you speak,say the words clearly. Distinctly and smoothly they flow. If you talk too fast, no one will heed you. The same if you mumble too slow.49b shu ch c shu dun 彼 说 长 ,此 说 短 。Lo,that chatter;Hark, that clatter. gun j m xin gun 不 关

    6、 己 ,莫 闲 管 。 From such nonceGo at once.【释义】不要说东家长、西家短的话,与自己无关的不要去管他。【英文】Some like to talk about good points, others enjoy finding faults. If something is none of your business, simply pay no attention at all.50n rn sh s q 见 人 善 , 即 思 齐 。Seeingsomeone good, Discard whats crude.zng q yun y jin j 纵 去 远

    7、, 以 渐 跻 。Though hes afar, Hes your star.【释义】看见别人的善行,要想到自己也应该努力做到。虽然差距很远,但经过自己努力,也会慢慢地与别人一样。【英文】When a persons good virtues inspire you to cultivate many good deeds. Dont fear that you wont be his equal. Just do good! You will surely succeed.51n ni xng见 人 恶 即 内 省Seeing someone mean,You should ween.yu

    8、 z giw ji jng有 则 改 无 加 警Undo whats misdone;Improvewhas won.【释义】看见别人的恶习,要即刻自我检讨。如果发现自己也有这个毛病,就要即刻改掉;如果没有,要时刻警惕,不能染上这种恶习。【英文】When you notice a persons bad habits, look for the fault in yourself. Correct it at once if you find it, and work harder still if you dont.52i d xu wi ci y唯 德 学 , 唯 才 艺 。For hig

    9、her grade,Forbetter trade, rndng z l 不 如 人 , 当 自 砺 。You learn well,Never to fail.【释义】如果自己品德、学问、才能、技艺,如果不如别人,应当努力争取尽力赶上。【英文】If your virtue and learning and talents dont measure up to your friends, then spur yourself on to try harder, accept nothing less than your best.53ru y f ru yn sh若 衣 服 , 若 饮 食 。

    10、 To wear fine,Or to dine, shng q 不 如 人 , 勿 生 戚 。Dont you care,And worry neer.【释义】如果自己的衣服、饮食不如别人的,不要难过。【英文】If your clothes are seldom in fashion, and your home is quite simple and plain, while your friends have the newest and finest, dont worry and never complain.54n gu nn y l 闻 过 怒 , 闻 誉 乐 。Angry wh

    11、en abased;Happy when praised.sn yu li y yu qu 损 友 来 , 益 友 却 。ve no friend.Thats the end!【释义】听见别人说自己的过失就发怒,而听见别人恭维自己就欢喜,这样就会招来坏朋友,而好朋友就会离我们而去。【英文】If hearing your faults makes you angry, if you like it when praise comes your way; harmful friends will draw near you, and wholesome friends will stay away

    12、.55 kng xn闻 誉 恐 , 闻 过 欣 。Abashed when praised;Glad when abased.zh ling sh jin xing qn直 谅 士 , 渐 相 亲 。Your good friendComes to depend!【释义】听见恭维话就感到不安,听见别人指责自己过错便欣然接受。这样,良师益友渐渐就和我们亲近了。【英文】If compliments make you uneasy, and hearing your faults makes you glad, forgiving and straight forward friends will

    13、gradually come to your side.56 xn fi mng wi cu 无 心 非 , 名 为 错 。Acareless makeIs a mistake.yu xn fii 有 心 非 , 名 为 恶 。Withenoughheed,Itsa misdeed.【释义】如果是无意中做了坏事,这叫做过错。如果是存心做坏事,这就叫做罪恶。【英文】When an error is not made on purpose, we call it a simple mistake. But evil is what we consider wrong that is purpose

    14、fully done.57gu nng gi gu y w 过 能 改 ,归 于 无 。If feeling shame,ve no blame. tng yn sh zng y g 倘 掩 饰 ,增 一 辜 。Tryingtohide,respurnedaside.【释义】如果犯了过错,能够改过,就跟没有犯过错误一样。如果犯了错误还要去掩饰,那就是错上加错了。【英文】If you can reform your offenses, your faults by themselves disappear. But trying to cover them over, make offenses more severe.


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