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    1、. for2. H ost to l to riv r, ut _ ft, h hs no riv lins. on. in. out3. Ths oxs r vry hvy so you h ttr rry only on _. t tims. t tim. ll tim . in tim4. Th oys lzinss _ his filur in th xms. rsult from. rought in. rsult in. l into5. Our ompnys visitors i to sty in our ity for _ two ys s thy wnt to hv loo

    2、k roun. othr. th othr. nothr. othrs6. H rqust tht th Prmir _ him n intrviw. gr . grnt . mit . rrng7. If only I _ s prtty s sh is!. ing. m. wr8. H _ th ir ut miss. im t . sw t . osrv t . kill9. Nik sk th thr qustion, n th thr _ him to hptr 2. rfrr . l. tol. tught10. lln is looking forwr to _ th tr fi

    3、r. mt. mting. hving mt11. I m fri I nt fin my purs._Whih of th following is wrong?. luk. ont worry. Wht pity!t mntion it12. _ in th univrsity for 3 yrs, h knows th pl vry wll. Stui . Hving stui. ing stui. Stuying13. I fl its grt honor for m _ to this prty. to invit. invit. hving invit14. Thy h tlk o

    4、nly for fw minuts _ thy foun thy wr of iffrnt opinions. unlss. whil15. Th ompny _ h mntion ws not th on _ I on work. whih; whr whih. whr; whih 16. Th ntrl srvis of tht rosting ompny to som xtnt _ th rgionl sttions. f off. f out . f up. f in17. Th mssg _ Mr. lk ws lt hirmn of th ommitt rriv just in t

    5、im. whih. wht. tht. how18. -I lik to hol prty. Will Stury o?-_. Its n plsur . Fin . o it . Your wlom19. H forgot out _ him to ttn my wifs irthy prty. I sking. my sking. m to sk. min to sk20. Th nw rug will not put on th mrkt _ it hs prov sf on humns. if. until. sin. whn21. Jk ll th irlin to _ his fl

    6、ight to ijing this morning. improv. liv. onfirm. insur22. _ is rport in th nwspprs tht th tlks twn th two ompnis hv not m ny progrss. Tht. Wht. It. s23. H ws own with th flu; _, oulnt om to th prty. howvr. nvrthlss . n. furthrmor24. Why th xplosion ourr ws _ th lortory ttnnt h n rlss. us. owing to.

    7、u to25. Whn nws m hr _ h woul th prsint, vryon oulnt pt. whr 26. My I _ on poun of orng jui? rtinly. hv . rry. fth. ring27. _ it ws on y him is vry lr. Whih. Whr28. Wlth, ution n ouption vry grtly _ mmrs of th mil lss. insi29. Stunts r xpt to py th lon k _ thy r rning nough. so fr s. now tht. vn if.

    8、 s soon s30. Thr is no out _ h is goo mploy. who 1 40 1. ool is wor with mny mnings. Its tritionl mning is us to _31_ tmprtur tht is firly ol. s th worl hs _32_, howvr, th wor hs xpn to _33_mny iffrnt mnings. n us to xprss flings of _34_in lmost nything.Whn you s rn-nm r in th strt, my you nt hlp_35

    9、_, Its ool. You might think, Hs so ool, whn you s your_36_footllr.W ll nlrg th mning of . You n us it _37_mny wors suh s nw or mzing. Hrs n intrsting story w n s _38_illustrt th usg of th wor: thr sk hr stunts to_39_th wtrfll thy h visit. On on stunts ppr ws just th on_40_, s so ool. _41_ h thought

    10、it ws_42_to sri_43_h sw n flt._44_th story lso provs th shortg of wors n xprssions. _45_ ool, som popl hv no wors to xprss th sm mning. So it is_46_to improv our wor strngth to mintin som _47_.s populr wor, stns for kin of spil _48_tht popl n pt sily. xpting n you think of mny wors tht_49_your lif s

    11、 olorful? I n. n I think thy r lso vry_50_.1). . fin. tk . show. mk sur2). . hng. n vlop. n ln . inform3). . turn out. tk on . tk in. om into4). . stisftion. intrst. sns. intrsting5). . to sy. tlling . shout. sying6). . fmous. out of t. fvorit. morn7). . in st of. in pl of. to tk pl of. xhng8). . is

    12、 us to. showing . us to. xplining9). . writ for. opy own. writ out. sy somthing10). . phrs. wor. story. sntn11). . Howvr . My . s fr s. Prhps12). . Th just thing. th vry mn. som mthos. th st wy13). . th mns. whrvr14). . If. So. ut15). . Without. Using . Not ing us. With16). . importnt. nssry . impos

    13、sil. nturl17). . tru. lif. rihnss18). . hit. ultur. lngug. njoymnt19). . put. hng . ttr. mk20). . ool. sy . iffiult 3 1. RokwthTh st lu on rth If you r young prson n intrst in gology() thn Rokwth is th lu for you. Whn You Join Nw mmrships riv Rokwth Rox fil h. This hs th informtion n top tips you wi

    14、ll n to strt njoying gology. Its sign to srv s your own fil notook s wll. In it you will fin yourmmrship r full olor mini-mp thums up gui ft rs Rokwth Mgzin Our livly mgzin is mil to mmrs thr tims yr. Thy n r rports n nws from roun th worln rtils on vrything from imons to inosurs(rthquks to rosion()

    15、 . Rokwth vnts With h mgzin you will riv Rokwth vnts lnr. Roky tivitis suitl for fmilis r list n inlu ro shows n gui wlks. Th Rokwth Rok rtist r you n rtist, or photogrphr? This is your hn to om Rokwth Rok rtist of th Yr n win mzing prizs in Our nnul omptition. Spil Offr Rokwth mmrs n hv spilly isou

    16、nt Willif Wth mmrship. Wth is th iggst nvironmntl tion lu for young poplwith 100 groups ross th ountry. You n join oth lus togthr in th mmrship form. 1). Nw Rokwth Rox lu mmrs will otin spil fil whn thy_. . o fil work . join th lu . uy fil notook . strt stuying gology 2). Rokwth is mgzin tlling out

    17、things rlt to_. . gology . griultur. politis . onomis 3). Wht tivitis r spilly rrng for Rokwth mmrs intrst in photogrphy?. Gui wlks. . Roky tivitis. . Yrly omptitions. . mi workshops. 4). Whn pplying for Willif Wth mmrship, Rokwth mmr n njoy_. . fr mmrship . spil isount . Rok rtist priz . gui ro sho

    18、ws 5). You my join oth Rokwth n Willif Wth lus y_. . lling th two lus . proviing rfrns . pplying sprtly . filling in on form2. Woul you py lots of mony to fll off 120-foot high pltform , hlp only y n lsti or ()roun your wist or nkls? It my soun rzy, ut lots of popl o it .It is ll ung Jumping. ung ju

    19、mping strt in Nw Zln, proly in th 1970s.Popl ti thik lsti ors, ll ungs, to thir ois. Thn thy jump off rigs or uilings ,flling fst through th ir until th or ught thm ,n thn oun() k up n own fw tims until oming to stop . Morn ung jumping is usully on in prking lot() n popl jump from pltform t th top o

    20、f rn() .You n hv ungs ti to your wist or nkls .Thr is lrg ir ushion()t th ottom tht is suppos to th you if th ungs rk or if somthing gos vry wrong .Popl who ung jump sy th thrill is lik xprining th th-fying() thrill .On oupl vn n thir wing night y ung jumping togthr in tlnti ity .Th groom si, Whn Im

    21、 flying through th ir holing my wif in my rms n knowing sh trusts m 100 prnt, tht is lov ll out.1). Whih of th following sttmnts is NOT tru oring to th pssg?. lthough ung jumping is xpnsiv n ngrous, popl still lik to try it. Popl who ung jump think it is mor thrilling thn othr gms, lik th rollr ostr

    22、. Nooy vr i in th ung jumping. ll ustomrs r not stisfi with ung jumping.2). ung jumping strt _. in th US in th 19th ntury . in Nw Zln in th 19th ntury. in n in th 20th ntury . in Nw Zln in th 20th ntury 3). Whn ung jumping, _. you shoulnt hv your wist or nk ti to th or. you nnt worry out your sfty.

    23、you will go rzy. you will fin it mor thrilling thn ny othr gms.4). Wht os th wor groom in th lst prgrph mn?. Sportsmn. Nwly Cmrri oupl. rigroom . ri5). ftr th ung jumping, th groom thought _. h woul nvr o tht gin. his wif int lov him ny mor. it ws xiting n h h flt th tru lov. it ws so ngrous tht h h

    24、 lmost kill himslf.3. out six yrs go I ws ting lunh in rsturnt in Nw York ity whn womn n young oy st own t th nxt tl, I oulnt hlp ovrhring prts of thir onvrstion. t on point th womn sk: So, how hv you n? n th oywho oul not hv n mor thn svn or ight yrs ol rpli. Frnkly, Iv n fling littl prss ltly.This

    25、 inint stuk in my min us it onfirm my growing lif tht hilrn r hnging. s fr s I n rmmr, my frins n I int fin out w wr prss until w wr in high shool. Th vin of hng in hilrn hs inrs stily in rnt yrs. hilrn ont sm hillik nymor. hilrn spk mor lik ults, rss mor lik ults n hv mor lik ults thn thy us to. Whthr this is goo or is iffiult to sy, ut it rtinly is iffrnt. hilho


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